In this episode, the Squad revisits another podcast from 10 years ago with their ultimate wrestling dream cards. The original trio try and outdo their previous efforts, Spencer is a natural and Augie’s is a literal fantasy.
In this episode, we go back to our fifth ever show to see how much Augie remembers and now knows about wrestling catchphrases. He doesn’t disappoint by disappointing. Enjoy this podcast 10 years in the making!
In this episode, the Squad still have wrestling news to talk about before we wrap the show up because wrestling is ESSENTIAL. Topics include releases, rooftop ladder matches, NOT that NXT news and CATS.
In this episode, Whidden noticed that the now defunct XFL featured some funny player names. He also noticed that the NXT name generator was still active. The rest of the Squad is in for it. Plus, jobbers and feet!
In this episode, we start with an incredibly important announcement on the road to PODSWOGGLE 500 before a fan requested sequel: Retro Picks Barry Windham! Three shows, three shitshows coming up!
In this episode, the Squad stays up late to recap the two insane nights of WrestleMania with no crowd. Whidden has questions, Tope has emotions and WHO CARES WE TALK ABOUT THOSE TWO MATCHES.
In this episode, the Squad celebrates their TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY with their annual picks for WrestleMania. It’s two nights, it’s prerecorded and the whole world is sick. In other words, this is an all time great show.
In this episode, the Squad is surviving the pandemic by completing their brackets for Marcho Madness 2020. Plenty of jokes here: bad ones by Whidden and Mullet, good ones by Rich and offensive ones by Augie.
In this episode, Mullet was sour losing the first rendition of this game, so he made his own version to gamemaster. Get ready for more long ass dings and crazy connections. A third version is coming soon!
In this episode, the world (and wrestling) is crazy! The Squad picks the PIT, catches up on the winding road to WrestleMania (maybe?) and some headscratching decisions around burials, tattoos and spiders.
In this episode, the Prime Squad painstakingly breaks down the past year before choosing the participants in the TENTH ANNUAL tournament while trying to remember what actually happened. Bracket coming soon!
In this episode, Mullet and Tope are still downing drinks and watching wrestling! This week: its the unfortunate return of WCW’s 3 ring circus! Alex Wright and Lex Luger piss them off and random questions are asked.
In this episode, it’s Christmastime…so Mullet and Tope are back in the lab coming up with new ways to watch wrestling and get drunk! They watch the 94 Rumble and have a new way to play the classic drinking game.
In this episode, one of our faithful listeners provides a linguistically challenging game for Whidden to hose and for the rest of the Squad to torture him with by changing the rules, complaining and yelling candy.
In this episode, the whole Squad gathers to recap all of the news from all of the wrestling companies. The highlights include Augie’s Chuck impression, Tope’s boy coming back, Rich’s song puns (finally) and JOKES.
In this episode, we travel back to the holidays and the very long and intoxicated night of Mullet and Tope. How did they end that evening? MLW’s second annual Battle Riot! Listen as Mullet is a mess and Tope wants beef.
In this episode, it’s the craziest podcast of the year! The Squad unveils their lengthy 2020 Rumble picks. Spencer and Mullet fight over last, Tope is nervous, Whidden drinks A LOT of moonshine and Rich isn’t funny.
In this episode, the results have been tabulated and the Squad unveils YOUR picks for the 2019 Swoggie Awards! Plus, Wrestle Kingdom 14 thoughts, the rumors on the road to the Rumble and ice cream!
In this episode, Mullet and the Chicago boys continue their tradition of poor picks for New Japan’s biggest show of the year. This time: it’s double the fun! That’s a reference to the number of shows and new characters.