Podswoggle 489: Marcho Madness 2020 Picks

Podswoggle 489: Marcho Madness 2020 Picks
Arcade Audio

In this episode, the Squad is surviving the pandemic by completing their brackets for Marcho Madness 2020. Plenty of jokes here: bad ones by Whidden and Mullet, good ones by Rich and offensive ones by Augie.

MARCHO MADNESS IS THIS SUNDAY!!! Fill out the bracket NOW! The tournament will start at 12 EST, so make sure you are subscribed to our Twitch! First place: $50 gift card to a wrestling store of your choice! Second place: 3 month of a wrestling network of your choice! Second place: wrestling grab bag! Last place: something! Come hang out and support this incredibly fun live event!

Support the Arcade Audio family at Patreon.com/arcadeaudio (and get all of the HOT BONUS CONTENT Podswoggle is bringing you!)

Follow Podswoggle on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube (where you can watch all of our past Marcho Madness tournaments as well as this year’s play-in round)!

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