Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2024 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2024 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

In this episode, Mullet and Augie welcome Sam for part two of the holiday Rumble tradition while still missing Tope, thinking about all the male wrestlers they can sleep with and being sad about Phil again.

2022 Womens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2022 Womens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

It is Rumble season and you know what that means! Tope and Mullet get in the mood by tackling last year’s matches. Sadly, last year was 2022. They discuss failing to learn, Trump support and missing Samantha.

2021 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2021 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

Mullet and Tope are feeling it, but press on to discuss the Rumble match that felt like it was 15 years ago. They discuss tropes they hate, peeing sitting down, Trump support, defections and BOB BACKLUND. Enjoy!

2021 Womens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2021 Womens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

It’s an annual tradition! Tope and Mullet sit down around the holidays and rewatch the last Royal Rumbles while playing the traditional drinking game. This week: Samantha joins them and talk about the ladies.

2020 Men's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2020 Men's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

Is this the greatest Rumble ever? Does Brock Lesnar top Ric Flair’s effort in 1992? Did Sammy Guevara personally offend Tope at some point in his life? Can you tell Mullet threw up later this night? Listen now!

2020 Women's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2020 Women's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

It’s a holiday tradition! Mullet and Tope are joined by Samantha to do that year’s Royal Rumble drinking game. First, it’s the ladies. That means the three of us are pigs and talk about bedding them. Also: KENNEDY!!!!!!

Podswoggle 485: Another War to Rattle Our Core

Podswoggle 485: Another War to Rattle Our Core

In this episode, Mullet and Tope are still downing drinks and watching wrestling! This week: its the unfortunate return of WCW’s 3 ring circus! Alex Wright and Lex Luger piss them off and random questions are asked.

Podswoggle 484: The First Ever Round Rumble

Podswoggle 484: The First Ever Round Rumble

In this episode, it’s Christmastime…so Mullet and Tope are back in the lab coming up with new ways to watch wrestling and get drunk! They watch the 94 Rumble and have a new way to play the classic drinking game.

Podswoggle 481: Not So Quiet Battle Riot

Podswoggle 481: Not So Quiet Battle Riot

In this episode, we travel back to the holidays and the very long and intoxicated night of Mullet and Tope. How did they end that evening? MLW’s second annual Battle Riot! Listen as Mullet is a mess and Tope wants beef.

Podswoggle 474: 2019 Men's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

Podswoggle 474: 2019 Men's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

In this episode of Podswoggle, Mullet and Tope are still downing the beers (and some Fireball) as they talk about (or over) this year’s Royal Rumble. It’s got Jarrett analysis and racial implications.

Podswoggle 473: 2019 Women's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

Podswoggle 473: 2019 Women's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

In this episode, it’s the holiday season aka TOPE AND MULLET’S RUMBLE DRINKING GAME TIME! This week: Sam joins them with the ladies match. Who sleeps with who? Whose fave is changing? Who gets screwed?

Podswoggle 471: The Fourth Ever Candy Rumble

Podswoggle 471: The Fourth Ever Candy Rumble

In this episode, Mullet is on the couch with his wife, Samantha, to eat their daughter’s Halloween candy, drink beer and watch a Rumble from ROH in 2016. What number is higher: Sam’s shots or guys gone from ROH?

Podswoggle 467: Never Rumble Alone 8

Podswoggle 467: Never Rumble Alone 8

In this episode, Whidden is left to his own devices several months ago, so he takes the opportunity to rewatch the 2000 Rumble and drink along. His head won’t hurt as bad as Taka’s once this is over.

Podswoggle 459: The Third Ever Candy Rumble

Podswoggle 459: The Third Ever Candy Rumble

In this episode, Mullet is back with his wife to ruin their insides with alcohol and candy. This time: the wrestling is just as toxic as we watch IPW with a bunch of dudes Mullet makes fun of and Sam doesn’t want in bed.

Podswoggle 452: Wild Card Rumble 2

Podswoggle 452: Wild Card Rumble 2

In this episode, the damage from last week continues with the Casino Battle Royal from Double or Nothing. What does Sam think of AEW? How many Kit Kats can Mullet consume? This gets very silly. Enjoy!

Podswoggle 448: The Second Ever Candy Rumble

Podswoggle 448: The Second Ever Candy Rumble

In this episode, Mullet and his wife, Sam, are back to once again to drink beer, eat way too much candy and enjoy wrestling. This time, it’s MSG, ROH and NJPW. Sam knows her stuff while Mullet has a rough time.

Podswoggle 436: X Division Gon' Give It to Ya

Podswoggle 436: X Division Gon' Give It to Ya

In this episode, Tope and Mullet hit a screeching halt in their Quest for the Quad of the Quad with 2004 NWA-TNA X Division drinking game nonsense. You will hear the end of this journey after WrestleMania.

Podswoggle 435: The Long Con

Podswoggle 435: The Long Con

In this episode, it’s Christmastime again and Mullet and Tope are drinking again! This time, they watch the absolutely batty Rumble from 2017’s WrestleCon Supershow. Man…legends and indy wrestling, huh?