
Rumble Old Men Rumble

Rumble Old Men Rumble

2025 may suck so far, but hopefully Royal Rumble pick ems will put a smile on your face! Mullet, Rip and Whidden unveil their annual exhaustive picks for the big event and try not to get put on a list while doing so.

2024 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2024 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

In this episode, Mullet and Augie welcome Sam for part two of the holiday Rumble tradition while still missing Tope, thinking about all the male wrestlers they can sleep with and being sad about Phil again.

2024 Womens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2024 Womens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

The holiday season means one thing: our annual Rumble Drinking Game podcasts! This year, Mullet is joined by Augie and you can imagine how spicy (and informative) this gets. Apologies to the ladies in advance!

Two Rumble Pick Ems for the Price of None

Two Rumble Pick Ems for the Price of None

Over the course of two days, Mullet is joined by the rest of the Squad to yell, predict and bemoan their picks for the 2024 Royal Rumble. Tope quits, Whidden is cooking, Augie is on fire, Rip is lit and Mullet isn’t ready.

The Gift of Games This Swoggle Season

The Gift of Games This Swoggle Season

The holidays can be pretty stressful, so what better to get through the end of 2023 than a mega game episode featuring the return of the Zodiac, movies, bad promos, a new classic in the Blindfold Tag and more!

The 2023 Podswoggle Draft

The 2023 Podswoggle Draft

The annual tradition is here! The Squad picks their rosters for their fantasy wrestling leagues and it’s an all-time doozy! How does Whidden make history? Who will make Rip and Mullet blow gaskets? Will Tope have anybody healthy? Does Augie remember wrestling? All this, plus a new Easter Egg!

2023 Royal Rumble Pick Ems

2023 Royal Rumble Pick Ems

There’s no better time of year than RUMBLE THEORY TIME! The Squad unveil their picks and it’s an all-timer. Mullet is shirtless, Whidden has whiskey, Rip lights up and Augie is lost and outside.

2022 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2022 Mens Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

Mullet and Tope are still making their way to this year’s Rumbles by suffering through last year’s and have arrived at the men’s bout. At least there’s the greatest spit take in podcast history and jokes to enjoy!

2022 Royal Rumble Picks

2022 Royal Rumble Picks

To close out this limited run, the Squad unveils their annual Royal Rumble picks in typical lunacy. Mullet has a game, Tope has Mullet’s picks with half the effort, Whidden has whiskey and Rich has Summer Rae in house.

WrestleMania-Like Recap

WrestleMania-Like Recap

Just like the good ole days! It’s Mullet and Rip recapping the biggest show of the year and all of its rain, surprises, blown calls, boxes, whips, drums and bunnies. Stick around after the closing song…

Whose Mania is it Anyway?

Whose Mania is it Anyway?

Podswoggle turns 11 and this podcast is dialed up to 11 with super sized picks recorded across 3 days for the two days of WrestleMania! Settle in and enjoy all of the numbers and a new epic character.

2020 Women's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

2020 Women's Rumblin Bumblin Stumblin

It’s a holiday tradition! Mullet and Tope are joined by Samantha to do that year’s Royal Rumble drinking game. First, it’s the ladies. That means the three of us are pigs and talk about bedding them. Also: KENNEDY!!!!!!