Mullet's Retro Diary 122: Royal Rumble 1997
Life really sucks when you preplan sometimes. I had the past week off from work because of a bachelor party, my daughter starting kindergarten, some housework I wanted to get done on the new place and a trip to Miami for a special birthday. In the middle of all that, I was going to watch one of my favorite PPVs from my childhood-the 1997 Royal Rumble.
I had the opening all planned. It was such a fond childhood memory: I didn’t watch this show live. I had to order the replay because it took place the day after my birthday. We were in Columbus, OH visiting my sister and I had an amazing weekend. I got so many cool presents (I vividly remember a WWF Magazine with Sycho Sid on the cover and green lettering) and dope food. Coming home and getting a treat of a mid-week PPV out of necessity after turning 10 just seemed like the sweetest thing. This was going to be the story.
Then, I got COVID.
Yep, it took 2.5 years, but it finally happened. Everything came crashing down. All things considered, I feel perfectly fine after the first day. I’m isolating in the master bedroom and my girls are taking fantastic care of me from afar. This means I have plenty of time to watch this show and maybe a couple others as well.
It almost helps my story, though. Just like when I watched this for the first time, I was being coddled by a woman who loved me and I have this childhood innocence and lack of responsibility. I’m cuddled up in bed and ready to feel better with wrestling.
It also doesn’t hurt that I’m just like my favorite wrestler here: surly and ill.
Written on 8/10/22
HOW WE START: Whimsical music about Shawn Michaels and his journey and dream being shattered at Survivor Series. “The Boy Toy grew up” when Jose was attacked. Yeah…right. “Innocence lost” is more like it. The favorite son returns home a man. Starburst Fruit Twists are the sponsor and the Alamodome looks cool as hell. JR has the cowboy hat finally alongside Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler. The Spanish team is introduced as well as the French team with Ray Rougeau and his dad.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: IC TITLE MATCH- Goldust w/Marlena vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Mr. Hughes
BEFORE THE BELL: Goldust gets a good face pop coming out first. Vladimir is already clapping at ringside. Vince mentions his new fan favorite status and JR says he was just misunderstood this whole time. Yeah, let’s just leave it at that. A recap video focuses on Hunter’s ego and Goldust not being “queer” as Lawler asks in ring (it thankfully gets bleeped) and the cheers roar in. Fucking gross. Marlena is the champ’s desire and there are more questions than answers about her relationship with Goldust. HHH enters with fucking Mr. Hughes getting another chance. I wish I could find the clip of Trips explaining his deflated reaction to getting this new heater. Vince is an early LVP as usual for being behind the news when JR mentions Hughes’ presence. Goldust jumps Hunter in the aisle and shows great MVP fire.
-It’s all Goldust early and he seems happy being a face in Texas again. Hunter takes a cool slingshot tumble over the top to the floor, then gets the steel steps dumped on him. The ref lets it go.
-Vince sounds bored as fuck. HHH gets a big laugh doing a Flair flop onto the steps. That’s new for him. He feels like a burgeoning top star, so he’s set for my tracking all around already.
-McMahon gives an update on George and Adam getting thrown out. It’s a stupid fan sketch, so ignore that. Hunter takes over with a top rope axe handle from the ring to the floor. He knees the railing and finds himself back on defense soon. More shots with the steps to the knee.
-Marlena is getting big whistles every time she’s shown on the big screen. King is starting to be pervy with a slip of the tongue around the word “bust.”
-Still all Goldust and Ross even sympathizes with HHH considering the damage he’s taking. The flying press miss cutoff is back now that Dustin is a face again.
-Helmsley tries to hit Goldust with the director’s chair, but the ref stops him. In the middle of the match: Todd Pettengill interview country singer Collin Raye in the crowd! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Nice heel goatee for Todd. Seriously, why did this happen? Vince may have locked LVP already with his withdrawn nature.
-JR calls the match “strange” and Goldust gets the people back with a big clothesline and offense. He misses a top rope elbow. Hughes slides the title to Hunter, who kisses Marlena. He misses the belt shot and Goldust hits him with it. Hughes pulls his man out and gets nailed on the apron. The distraction creates an opportunity.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley retains in 16:50 with the Pedigree
FINAL WORD: That was a little too long, but they busted their ass and got over.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Apparently, Hughes took a cigar to the neck at some point during the end. Then, prerecorded Rumble comments! Bret Hart says he’s a marked man in his locker room and ends it with a big “it’s gonna be me” and I’m shocked that hasn’t been used with NSYNC for a Botchamania ending (how about a boy band reference challenge?) Mankind is just excited to hurt so many people.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Faarooq w/The Nation of Domination vs Ahmed Johnson
BEFORE THE BELL: The Nation enter with the full rap of PG-13. Faarooq’s all black leather look is so cool. Crush is not cool. There are so many random dudes in suits and even a random lady. The video recap features Ahmed’s “You’re Going Down” chant and Faarooq’s calls of “Uncle Tom.” Johnson’s hot 1996 (Slammy, Kuwati Cup and IC Title win) came before Faarooq’s attack. He got his retaliation and then the Nation formed. There’s a lot of unnecessary repetition of certain words. These videos are so good for their time. Ahmed enters to a decent, but disappointing, pop. He runs down and starts hot and fast AKA “to the streets” according to Ross.
-Faarooq can’t even take his pants off as he’s pummeled and errantly whipped into the buckle. Ahmed finally pulls them off and eats some kidney punches. The crowd finally gets behind the face.
-Johnson whips with a belt and JR says “like a government mule” for the first time. A N.O.D. member is used as a shield to help Faarooq take over, but it’s all sloppy. Ahmed is dropped kidney first on an open chair, then hit in the back with the chair. There’s still no DQ, so fuck the rules tonight!
-The kidney is focused on and Faarooq is good at jawing at the crowd. Ahmed powers out of a Camel Clutch with an electric chair drop and catching powerslam. The crowd is still with him. The heel also catches with a spinebuster, but gets too cocky and caught with his own spinebuster. The Nation bum rush the ring and the bell sounds.
Ahmed Johnson wins by DQ in 8:45
FINAL WORD: This will obviously continue, but it’s already nothing special because of the lack of in-ring chemistry.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Johnson handles all of them and presses one of PG-13 onto the pile on the floor. One member hits him from behind and gets stalked back to ringside and thrown into the steps. He’s eventually Pearl River Plunged through the French announce table using the steps as an assist. The mid-air turn and impact are impressive even if Ahmed slipped at the end. I always thought D-Lo was the victim of this. Vince: “Ahmed is back, but will he stay?” Huh?
-Terry Funk is interviewed and says he’s Texas fed and bred to Rumble. Todd interviews the Nation backstage. Faarooq yells at two random members (including the woman) and then gets too close and uncomfortable to the camera.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Vader vs The Undertaker
BEFORE THE BELL: Vader comes out without Jim Cornette and it’s pointed out that Undertaker Tombstoned him a couple of weeks prior on Superstars. I think that’s his write-off. “WWF” is awkwardly edited out in the audio once again. GONG and Taker enters somehow slower than usual. There’s an odd wind sound added to his theme that’s very distracting. Some stupid contraption King calls a flying saucer comes down for his ring entrance. There’s a lot of shit thrown onto the wall to see what sticks with Taker’s presentation in this era.
-Vader tries to blindside, but Taker evades. He’s no selling and popping up and turning his head with great vigor. Vader bails in frustration and gets axe handled from the apron.
-Taker easily slams Vader and his execution is so crisp. He’s an MVP threat. Vader crotches him on Old School and low blows him, creating a great noise.
-Pettengill is in the crowd with a fan from Alaska who saved money to come to the show and see Shawn Michaels. WHY IS THIS STILL A THING?!?! She’s not even an exciting interview. Lawler rightfully shits on it all.
-Undertaker explodes with punches out of a headlock and belly-to-back suplex. Another catching powerslam is answered by a Vader powerbomb. It’s an easy kick out. Poor Vader.
-Old School connects and Paul Bearer waddles down. Taker hits the chokeslam, but Paul’s presence distracts him. He finally lands on a punch on his former manager and throws him into the ring. He hilariously scampers around and Vader interrupts it. A sloppy clothesline sends them both over the top and they brawl by the French table. Taker propels himself with the steps and gets “impaled” on the railing.
-Bearer hits Taker from behind with the urn and takes a scary tumble doing so. Back in the ring, Vader capitalizes.
Vader wins in 13:19 with the Vader Bomb
FINAL WORD: Decent big man match considering it’s a bit of a dream bout and the finish was surprising.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Vader leaves arm and arm with Bearer. Taker is angry at the ref for what happened, so he chokeslams poor Jack Doan. More shades of grey pre-Attitude Era stuff. He rips up ringside and yells at Vince. It feels a little forced. Like NKOTB trying Hanging Tough (one more reference to go). Stone Cold gets a backstage Rumble promo and he tells the camera following him to stick it. Then, the infamous British Bulldog all denim entrance promo! He’s going to win because HE’S BIZARRE!
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Jerry Estrada, Fuerza Guerrera and Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo, El Canek and Hector Garza
BEFORE THE BELL: AAA cross promotion time! Team 1 features Juvi’s dad, a leopard man and someone resembling Gerardo. Team 2 has a bad Southern dub for music. The team is the only masked wrestler, someone we will see soon in WCW and an elder stateman. Their entrance is interrupted just to show the audience outside before the show.
-Garza and Metal start. JR is no Mike Tenay. There are bored, old white people in the front row.
-Perro versus Estrada now and it’s just the old man getting chopped a bunch. Aguayo is an LVP for being aggressively over the hill. His son (RIP) wrestled on the pre-show.
-There’s no energy in the crowd for Canek vs Fuerza. There’s not much energy with their work either. JR explaining the masks is embarrassing. Guerrera does this weird crane kick flipping senton that misses.
-The best stretch is Metal and Garza despite some choppiness. They expect applause, but get indifference.
-Every interaction with Perro seems messed up despite Fuerza’s energy. He keeps faking a dive. This has portions of total SILENCE. Give Bischoff credit: he’s infinitely better at presenting other wrestling cultures. These guys are all old or boring for the most part.
-Aguayo finally does his “dive” and it’s just walking out to the apron and badly falling. Vince might be in LVP jeopardy. Garza’s Sky Twister Press gets golf claps.
-Perro hits his double stomp from the top in a glancing blow, so he adds one more hit to end it. The biggest pop is the crowd realizing it’s over.
Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza and El Canek win in 10:59 when Aguayo pins Heavy Metal with an elbow drop
FINAL WORD: On all counts, that was a total failure.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Fuerza leaves all happy. Way to sell the loss, dude. Vince calls them “all-time matadors.” He’s so bad. The announcers discuss the main event and wonder what Sid’s preemptive apology is for. The Fink announces the attendance as 60,477, then the wide shot shows a lot of sprinkled empty seats.
BEFORE THE BELL: It’s the second year in a row the Rumble match isn’t the main event. There’s pre-match pyro and N.O.D. means CRUSH is ENTRANT #1. Under this new format, I’m not sure how detailing the Rumble is going to go, but we’ll give it a shot. Naturally, AHMED JOHNSON is ENTRANT #2 to a diminishing pop.
-Not a hot start: Vince boils the strategy down to “just get him out” and these two badly grapple/brawl while Clarence Mason yells at the commentators.
-The timer and music don’t work and it’s appropriate because FAKE RAZOR RAMON is ENTRANT #3. He lands bad punches, then takes a couple and FAKE RAZOR RAMON is eliminated at 2:15 by Ahmed.
-AHMED JOHNSON eliminates himself at 2:54 like a goon because he sees Faarooq in the aisle. PHINEAS GODWINN is ENTRANT #4 and the music is finally working, but no clock. Crush and PIG alone in a Rumble makes COVID seem not that bad anymore.
-Crush is an LVP contender with bad takedowns and action. Thankfully, the glass shatters and STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN is ENTRANT #5. The crowd slowly comes alive for him and he is amazingly bumping for Phineas right away.
-A miscommunication with the heels leads to CRUSH eliminated at 6:13 by Godwinn. He turns into a Stunner and gets some classic in-your-face jaw jacking before PHINEAS GODWINN is eliminated at 6:27 by the new MVP.
-BART GUNN is ENTRANT #6 and he badly botches a Rocker Dropper. It doesn’t matter because BART GUNN is eliminated at 7:11 by a clothesline. Austin does push-ups. Did I say MVP already? He checks an imaginary watch just as the timer starts working.
-JAKE ROBERTS is ENTRANT #7 and he currently holds the record for most Rumble match appearances. His snake is left in the middle of the ring for too long as the crowd chants for DDT. The ref finally retrieves it.
-JAKE ROBERTS is eliminated at 9:32 by a Stone Cold backdrop on the entrance screen as BRITISH BULLDOG is ENTRANT #8. Their vendetta continues Davey is essentially a tweener at this stage. He hits the powerslam and Austin is so giving and abused already.
-PIERROTH is ENTRANT #9 and gets crickets. Dok Hendrix chose him as one of his top 10. So, he picked a third of the match to win? Pierroth eats shit on a spinebuster. He’s trying to wrestling a normal match and tries pins and headlocks.
-THE SULTAN is ENTRANT #10. It’s Fatu on his third or fourth chance. Iron Sheik accompanies him. Austin is almost dumped by Bulldog. Boy, that Sultan look is shit.
-MIL MASCARAS is ENTRANT #11. He has a jazzy ass theme and eventually gets a respectful response. He lights up Sultan and hits a cool forearm. By all accounts, he’s a dick, but he’s the best of the AAA wrestlers so far.
-The heels are tied into a knot in the corner. HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY is ENTRANT #12 and he limps a little on his run to sell his earlier match. THE SULTAN is eliminated at 16:19 by a Bulldog clothesline following a patented Fatu inside out sell.
-OWEN HART is ENTRANT #13 and the face announcers are really negative to him with King trying to defend him. Bulldog helps Owen right away and tries to get Austin out. BRITISH BULLDOG is eliminated at 17:50 by Owen. Davey immediately yells “YOU IDIOT!”
-GOLDUST is ENTRANT #14 and he’s still popular and gets shots on Austin. The replay shows how blatantly Owen dumped Bulldog out. Mascaras is pure leather and Lawler claims he really remembers the Alamo.
-CIBERNETICO is ENTRANT #15 and I love listening to Vince say his name and pretend that he knows anything about him. He’s got a hell of a look and he’s only 21. Look at Mascaras barely sell anything.
-MARC MERO is ENTRANT #16. Then a flurry of events: CIBERNETICO is eliminated at 21:26 and PIERROTH is eliminated at 21:42 by Mil. To avoid jobbing to anyone, MIL MASCARAS eliminates himself at 21:53 with a dive to the floor. TRIPLE H is eliminated at 22:21 by a revenge-filled Goldust.
-LATIN LOVER is ENTRANT #17 and he gets in the ring and kicks Goldust DIRECTLY IN THE BUTT LOUDLY. Good for him. He’s making some solid connection on his kicks. Mero and Sable have apparently been having problems lately.
-GOLDUST is eliminated at 24:15 out of nowhere by Owen. FAAROOQ is ENTRANT #18 and Vince says he’s going to win even with 12 people left. He doesn’t think before talking. LATIN LOVER is eliminated at 25:00 by Faarooq.
-Austin and Simmons go HAM on each other before Ahmed Johnson runs out with a 2X4. FAAROOQ is eliminated at 25:21 by Ahmed amidst a big pop. Off camera, MARC MERO and OWEN HART are eliminated by Stone Cold and he’s the only one left in the ring.
-SAVIO VEGA is ENTRANT #19 and he goes right after his archnemesis. Shout out to Augie for thinking he was going to win this match. Of course, SAVIO VEGA is eliminated at 26:55 after getting some good offense in. The crowd is really starting to get it. Austin asks for more while selling on the mat. Ahem…MVP.
-JESSE JAMES is ENTRANT #20. It’s the Roadie taking Jarrett’s dumbass shit. King says “he’s a promising young singer; I wish he’s promise he’d stop singing.” James does a lame collar pop dance and strut. Naturally, JESSE JAMES is eliminated at 28:12 by an Austin elbow.
-Austin gets the crowd an “FU” salute and tries to catch his breath. He sits on the top rope and gives us one epic image for all time because BRET HART is ENTRANT #21.
-Austin doesn’t back down and they trade slugs and Bret gets the advantage. As Bret applies the Sharpshooter, JERRY LAWLER is ENTRANT #22 from the commentary table. He says “it takes a king” and gets into the ring. After one uppercut and a hilarious yell, JERRY LAWLER is eliminated at 31:05 AKA four seconds. He returns to the booth and says “to know a kind, McMahon! I told you!” This is MVP schtick. Vince is still LVP despite the good line “you were in their long enough to complete a sentence.”
-FAKE DIESEL is ENTRANT #23 and he still has the look down. It’s crazy how 1997 is going to turn out for him.
-TERRY FUNK is ENTRANT #24 and he jumps the gun on the horn. He’s feuding with Austin, too! Vince apologizes for Funk’s language on Shotgun the previous evening. He’s already had a good fakeout elimination.
-ROCKY MAIVIA is ENTRANT #25 and Vince cuts both partners off to put him over in the most energy he’s had the whole show. He’s making big motions on every punch to Austin (hmm…) and Diesel. He has no idea what he’s doing and will fade to the back for the rest of the match. In other words, he smells like The Mummy Returns.
-Lawler hilariously doesn’t remember being in the match. MANKIND is ENTRANT #26 and he changes the mood in a cool way. Then, he sits down on the mat for like two seconds upon entering. It turns out to (thankfully) be the only dumb thing he does. He proceeds to go right after Funk.
-FLASH FUNK is ENTRANT #27. He’s got a sweet blue outfit. Bret hits Steve with a big piledriver. Flash cross bodies Diesel and Terry. JR points out the lack of relation between the two Funks.
-VADER is ENTRANT #28 and he pummels Bret and Flash right away. Mankind is constantly having close calls. Austin is still taking big shots from everyone.
-HENRY GODWINN is ENTRANT #29 and McMahon calls Hillbilly Jim “the brains.” A big clothesline knocks Vader down and JR creams himself. Bickering with Ross and Lawler show their potential future as a team.
-UNDERTAKER is ENTRANT #30 and Vince calls out another winner. JR asks if WrestleMania 13 will be his lucky number. He picks up where he left off with Vader and chokeslams him and Austin.
-FLASH FUNK is eliminated at 44:44 by an awesome fallaway slam by Vader. Shout out to the guy with the “Wild Wacky Fun” sign against the hard cam. Rocky almost eliminated Bret. Terry and Austin loudly trade chops.
-After a big choke and toss by Undertaker, HENRY GODWINN is eliminated at 47:48. The replay shows he takes a final tumble into the side of a table. ROCKY MAIVIA is eliminated at 48:26 getting caught off the second rope with a Mandible Claw by Mankind in a rookie mistake.
-Terry and Mankind have fun mauling each other and hold onto the top rope in unison on a clothesline spot. TERRY FUNK is eliminated at 49:14 by a Mankind suplex.
-MANKIND is eliminated at 49:30 by an Undertaker boot. His brawl with the Funker distracts the refs and they miss Bret Hart throwing Stone Cold over the top rope on the other side to a big pop. He slides back in undetected like a badass. UNDERTAKER and VADER are eliminated at 50:17 by the returning iron man. FAKE DIESEL is eliminated at 50:23 by Bret and he thinks he’s won. NOPE!
Stone Cold Steve Austin wins in 50:30 by last eliminating Bret Hart
FINAL WORD: One of my favorite Rumbles ever because of the masterful Steve Austin performance, rapidness and other stories being effortlessly progressed.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Bret gets back in the ring and yells at the refs, grabbing them in a fury. Austin walks back triumphantly. Hart grabs Vince and yells “are you gonna do something about it? I threw him out of the goddamn ring!” King wants a lifetime suspension. The replay shows the elimination and eventual return to get rid of the Hitman.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: WWF TITLE MATCH- Shawn Michaels w/Jose Lothario vs Sycho Sid (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: The hype video shows Jose’s attack again. The Alamodome announcement was made one day after Survivor Series, so why not stack the fucking deck? HBK claims 71,000 people will be there, so they overshot it. Sid powerbombs Jose’s 19-year-old kid on a table that doesn’t break. Earlier in the day, JR interviews a rough looking, flu-ridden Shawn. You can tell he is not feeling well. Just looking at him makes my COVID look worse. Backstage, we see the walk to the ring as Shawn rocks a cowboy hat and mirror gear. He looks like an extra in 98 Degrees’ Una Noche video (and the challenge is done). He gets a hero’s welcome and slaps hands with everyone, surely passing the flu to them all. The commentators wisely shut up and let the moment sit. They should do that more. Sid takes the same walk from backstage and receives big boos. He still fist bumps people on his way out.
-Two big pushes by the champ and Shawn laughs them off. The crowd is on fire for their boy bashing Sid’s head into the mat. They should have called an audible and ended this suddenly. Instead, Sid is knocked to the floor and starfish sells like death.
-A press slam on the floor is blocked. Jose’s son is front row. Sid grounds Shawn with a Camel Clutch. A long Camel Clutch. HBK blocks an attack, but gets whipped hard into the buckle and to the floor.
-Sid keeps cutting off HBK in good, decisive ways. Then, he settles with dragging holds like a bearhug. Shawn’s parents are shown concerned in the front. More boring rest holds by the champ.
-Michaels fires up and slams Sycho, hitting the flying forearm and elbow drop. Sweet Chin Music is caught and he’s dumped to the floor and powerbombed. In WCW, that’s your career!
-Sid grabs both Lotharios and it gives HBK time to get up and save them. The ref is bumped back in the ring. Sycho hits the chokeslam, but there’s no count. A second ref runs down, but it’s only two. Sid punches the second ref.
-The hometown son steals a camera and bashes Sid in the back and chest. He covers Sid, but the ref takes forever to count and he kicks out. Good false finish.
-The band is tuned up and of course this is where Sid bumps like shit. After a long count, there’s an EXPLOSION.
Shawn Michaels wins the title in 13:49 with Sweet Chin Music
FINAL WORD: That was nowhere near as good as their Survivor Series match, but the crowd elevated it a notch or two.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: Shawn celebrates and hugs Jose. He bows to each side of the stadium. Funny: he does a little cross on his chest and he’s still a heathen. So many signs have the wrong version of “you’re.” He seems totally wiped, but tries to soak it all in. He hugs his parents and JR claims he has a lot of class. He hugs more family behind the commentators. Vince tries to get out of the way and eventually gets tapped/headlocked from behind. That’s probably why he sounded so down this show: he also has the flu from whatever shenanigans these two got into before the show. The ending is finally replayed. Vladimir and a friend seem to try and kiss Shawn on the mouth?!?! Thankfully, a full recap video cuts this off with that big, important song they will use off and on. The AAA match is totally edited out. The music stops so we can enjoy Sexy Boy one last time.
THE LAST IMAGE: Shawn Michaels
FINAL MVP of PPV: As good as Shawn Michaels is in Royal Rumble matches, Steve Austin may be his equal or even a little better for different reasons. He’s a sensational badass, bumper, chickenshit heel, conniving villain and burgeoning antihero all at once.
FINAL LVP of PPV: For 85% of this show, it felt like Vince McMahon wanted to be anywhere else. Some of the stuff leaving his mouth makes absolutely zero sense.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: The Royal Rumble Match
FINAL THOUGHTS: As I detailed at the beginning, this is one of those shows that etched into my brain so much that it’s hard to be anything but biased. On paper, it’s a fine event. Having a big stadium for the Rumble, my favorite guy getting the big hometown moment and the biggest star ever having his next launching pad puts it over the top as a really good show. So much is put into motion. You can see the Attitude Era coming together. The magnitude helped the decent in-ring action translate to a solid Rumble. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: I’m still sick and there’s a good chance nWo Souled Out makes me feel worse.