Mullet's Retro Diary 108: Great American Bash 1996
Our last show featured an actual storm interfering with the proceedings, but today’s show is a case of the calm before the actual storm. It will be the first instance of what will be known as the nWo appearing on PPV to set up the REAL jumping off point.
I feel like that’s incredibly unfair to this show because it deserves to be remembered just as much as the next PPV. Sometimes, the calm before the storm has plenty of rain and thunder to shake the house.
Written on 3/18/22
HOW WE START: Bobby Heenan cutting a promo as Ric Flair and Arn Anderson’s coach. Macho Man is the coach for Kevin Greene and Mongo. Flair is unintelligible in his promo. Lex Luger is TV and Tag Champ and wants to add a third title, but The Giant chokes himself to say that he won’t. Massive pyro in Baltimore and the national anthem is played over the PA while Craig Pittman holds the flag in uniform onstage. Boy, Baltimore has some weird looking people. They probably all say “iron” like Edna Turnblad (and we already have a Hairspray reference challenge). It’s just Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes on commentary because Bobby is preoccupied. They both treat things nice and seriously…because we are deciding on going to war later tonight. Plus, they honor the recently departed Dick Murdoch.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: MUST BE A WINNER- Fire and Ice vs The Steiner Brothers
BEFORE THE BELL: Man, I’m about to get way too much Ice Train in my life. That’s okay because I have the Steiners back. HOLY MUSCLES, SCOTT!
-Dusty mentions mortal combat about Fire and Ice coming together as opponents and I doubt he even knows that’s a video game. Train and Scott get us off to a good start until a double bail by Ice and lard ass LVP Scott Norton.
-Rick ragdolls for Norton a couple of times, but responds with an overhead belly-to-belly that scares me. Thanks, Ridge Holland.
-Train is holding his own and Scott is throwing him around easily. I wish I could say the same for Flash because he sandbags like crazy and lands on his shoulder. I’ll reiterate the LVP claim. Dusty is right behind him with blubbering nonsense about wanting to hit Tony’s elbow.
-Norton applies an arm lock and Rick has to kick him four times LEGIT IN THE FACE to break it. Then, Rick tags his brother’s boot and Nick Patrick allows it. More bad landings for Norton follow.
-Rick is isolated with double team moves, but keeps getting saved. Now they are tagging out of the wrong corner. There’s a couple more double teams before the worst iteration of my favorite finisher ever. It’s so bad I can’t find a GIF of it, so here’s something else.
The Steiner Brothers win in 10:29 when Scott Steiner pins Scott Norton with the Frankensteiner
FINAL WORD: Big men throwing meat (even if the meat didn’t want to be thrown)!
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Mean Gene calls Jimmy Hart a Nathan Lane wannabe before discussing with The Taskmaster his Falls Count Anywhere match with Chris Benoitatch later. He calls Brian Pillman out and cuts his typically bad promo while staring at some place off camera. Why does that keep happening?
BEFORE THE BELL: Cabo San Lucas resident El Gato enters. It’s Pat Tanaka in a bad cat mask! He has the most Create-a-Wrestler generic look and jungle music. Konnan has the US and Mexican Title and a Mexican flag “shirt”. His entrance gear is so bad, I never put a picture up to spare you. You aren’t so lucky with El Gato.
-No Mike Tenay here? He’s desperately needed because Dusty is speaking in tongues. He’s never boring. “Leg dregs!”
-Konnan tries to wake the crowd up, but he’s too awkward to truly do it. “BORING” catcalls start, so Gato snaps off a sitout powerbomb. Rey Mysterio is coming up later, so they must be saving Tenay for then.
-The champ tries a super weird tumbling/rolling clothesline and it never looks cool. Gato misses a baseball slide and falls, so he takes a powerbomb on the floor. Yikes. One more spot (still almost botched) and it’s mercifully over.
Konnan wins at 6:03 to retain the title with an Alabama Slam
FINAL WORD: Boy, these messy Konnan matches should be anthropologic case studies.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Mean Gene interviews Sting before his random match with Lord Steven Regal later. He mocks his accent and prissiness/boys in England. He gives him credit as a tough wrestler before calling him “iffy.” It’s not Goldust levels, but still hard to stomach. Tony takes the side of Regal for once.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: LORD OF THE RING MATCH-Diamond Dallas Page vs Marcus Bagwell
BEFORE THE BELL: Page’s silver and pink gear is great. His Battlebowl ring is up for grabs and there’s no word as to why he isn’t getting his title shot. He gets mic time about “Baltimore bimbos” and “Carl Ripken.” Yeah, cool…it’s AMERICAN MALES TIME! The song sadly never gets to the lyrics because Bagwell runs down and ruins my days. He apparently flipped a coin with Riggs. He turns his back and is already getting beaten up. Never fear, a promise is a promise.
-DDP has already been knocked into the front row and has a chair around his neck. So funny.
-Things calm down with Marcus holding onto the arm, dropkicking Dallas against the ropes and hitting a DIVE. Okay, Buff! I’m still giving DDP the MVP look, thought. Meanwhile, Dusty wants people at home to crotch themselves on a clothesline and claims Tony does it. Oh yeah, Happy Father’s Day!
-Very unique abdominal stretch pumphandle belly-to-back. It took two tries, but still looked cool.
-Page’s atomic drop sell and missed punt sell are just too much. After a good back-and-forth, Bagwell can’t hit his finish. His opponent has no such problem and the crowd is really starting to dig it.
Diamond Dallas Page wins at 9:39 with the Diamond Cutter
FINAL WORD: That was a totally fine mid-card match where you can actually see the growth and ascension in each man.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart and The Giant. The straps are down and the champ looks SWOLE. Jimmy’s loyalty is questioned considering his ties to Lex. Giant is whispery, then shouts and actually has good material besides calling himself the greatest of all time already. He claims that he can’t be racked and it’s the first time I truly see the full potential. MVP.
BEFORE THE BELL: Oh baby, look at sweet baby Rey! He’s all business and that classic “mysterious” theme helps. Mike Tenay thankfully joins the team. I always got Dean and Rey’s themes confused. The champ is even more business and already popular. This is going to be slicker than Link’s hair in Tracy’s bedroom (one more reference to go)
-Chain wrestling ends with a double kip up and mild respectful applause. A beautiful arm drags gets them warmer and a springboard dropkick gets them hot.
-Mysterio has seven years of experience here at 21 years old and he’s still going today. That’s a legend no matter what. Dean hits a sweet arm kick that makes me miss Marty Scurll. You just had to be a pervert, didn’t you?
-The arm is focused, but Rey remains feisty until he’s destroyed by a clothesline on a hurricanrana counter. The arm is slammed, suplexed and stretched, but it’s all different stuff.
-The Romero Special (surfboard) gets a nice response. Tony promotes the hostile takeover later and Dusty tries to buddy up to Tenay. A key lock gets the crowd restless again, so Malenko breaks it and hits big suplexes. All are kicked out of and receive increasing support.
-Rey finally evades and hits a springboard somersault to the floor. A follow up springboard dropkick can’t get the job done. A West Coast Pop receives a big reaction, but it’s still not enough! A top rope hurricanrana is another nearfall.
-One counter and one cheat to help win leads to one standing ovation.
Dean Malenko wins in 17:50 to retain the title with a powerbomb
FINAL WORD: What a classic start to a career and a rivalry and a division.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Mean Gene interviews Lexy Two Belts and he’s taking the interview out of respect to Gene and WCW, but he’s not there mentally. He doesn’t shout and puts the Giant over before stumbling on the word “pride” and getting thrown off by it. Okerlund smirks, but Lex rebounds well enough.
BEFORE THE BELL: Big Bubba cuts some hair that Jimmy Hart holds. Dusty calls this a “super ugly heavyweight match.” Tenta enters without music and the worst haircut of all time and sadly no pop. A brawl starts on the floor.
-They couldn’t show us the “I’m not a shark, I’m a man” promo? Tony and Dusty try and explain the whole thing as Tenta uses his butt a lot.
-Bubba uses a foreign object to take over and shows good speed and ability as usual.
-Boy, this didn’t need to be on PPV. It’s heatless and ugly. Bubba hits a belly-to-back, but fails to follow up. Getting cocky means getting beat.
John Tenta wins in 5:24 with a catching powerslam
FINAL WORD: That was not a good look for anybody.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Jimmy gets grabbed by Tenta and the crowd goes wild for his hair almost getting cut. Bubba makes the save, but hits Hart on accident and gets part of his beard cut off. Mean Gene interviews Mongo, Greene and their wives backstage. Typical shouting, high energy promos by both men. Kevin loves saying “baby.” Macho Man joins them to somehow amp them up MORE. Add “daddy” to Kevin’s favorite words.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH- Chris Benoit vs The Taskmaster w/Jimmy Hart
BEFORE THE BELL: I’m glad Benoit enters to a decent reaction. Taskmaster follows, all business with a power walk and a fight waiting for him in the aisle.
-Big chops and they’re already fighting in the crowd. The stands are very happy except one old lady who looks disgusted. Dusty is VERY into this.
-They make their way to the men’s room and Sullivan slams Benoit’s head in the stall door UNPROTECTED twice. Yep, I know what’s coming later in life from that right there. Fighting in the bathroom is very funny to Rhodes.
-The fans who came to watch in the bathroom are loving this. “THERE’S A LADY IN THE MEN’S BATHROOM!” Dream is such a treasure. You can’t help but love him. Benoit gets hit with a bag of paper towels.
-Schiavone takes shots at Pillman as Taskmaster eats an UNPROTECTED trash can shot. I’m still sad they teased a swirly and we didn’t get it. The Crippler is knocked down the arena steps and thrown down more of them. We are finally back at ringside.
-Benoit’s intensity makes him an MVP candidate. Everything seems real and vicious. A table thrown at Kevin is great as is both men bouncing off the table in the corner. The table is now open and set up in the corner with Chris getting backdropped on it. They ascend it and that’s one HUGE pop and a starmaking moment.
Chris Benoit wins in 10:01 with a superplex off the top rope table
FINAL WORD: That was equally as wild and important as Malenko vs Mysterio.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The beating continues and Hart retrieves Arn Anderson to pull Benoit off. Instead, they team up in a HUGE moment. The Dungeon runs out to make the save. Here’s another moment of the crowd wanting the Horsemen pushed. Mean Gene interviews Woman and Elizabeth, then Arn, Ric, Benoit and Heenan. Of course, Double A cuts a baller MVP promo and Benoit doesn’t. Flair is still off and Heenan is back in the saddle for just one night.
BEFORE THE BELL: Between this and the grudge match, you definitely notice WCW giving every match something. Sting’s theme blows the roof off. Man, he’s a legit icon. He’s always the most popular guy no matter what he’s doing. The basis of this was a disrespectful back slap by Regal.
-Sting dominates early, but Regal recovers and slows it down amidst “USA” chants. Tony mentions an upcoming show in the MSG Theater and Bruno Sammartino joining them. Wow, they are really killing WWF already.
-Hat Guy made the trip to Maryland and jaws with Regal in his baseball cap. Sting thrusts at Regal to deny a handshake. Dusty complains about how close Tony is sitting next to him. I love wrestling!
-His Lordship is all over Sting with submissions, stiff shots and character work. There has been way too much rope leverage used tonight.
-Sting finally fires up in an arm lock, but gets cut off with an eye poke. Soon after, he explodes with dropkicks and clotheslines. Regal hits a top rope butterfly into the Regal Stretch, but relinquishes incredulously when Sting doesn’t give up.
-Another backhand awakens Sting’s fourth wind. Regal gets his knees up on a Stinger Splash attempt, but he can’t avoid the backdrop and the submission.
Sting wins in 16:30 with the Scorpion Death Lock
FINAL WORD: I’ll never be mad at a good, solid pro wrestling match.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Bash at the Beach is only three weeks away?!?! Man, there must be Hall and Nash overkill to get there. They are still claiming 100K for the last one.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: Arn Anderson and Ric Flair w/Bobby Heenan, Woman and Elizabeth vs Kevin Greene and Steve McMichael w/Randy Savage, Debra McMichael and Tara Greene
BEFORE THE BELL: Michael Buffer does the big intro for NFL vs WCW. The Horsemen are out first with much pomp and circumstance. The Head Coach gets a great response for being back at ringside. It feels important. Some bootleg Hank Williams “Are You Ready for Some Wrestling” song leads the footballers to the ring. Debra is holding that stupid ass dog. Macho Man still gets his song played because he probably insisted. He’s being reinstated tomorrow and has to attend counselling. I’d pay to see that.
-Mongo and Arn start. There’s a great “MONGO SUCKS” banner in the crowd. The Enforcer does some cocky jumping jacks and outwrestles early. Tony spoils the end by mentioning Mongo spending his last season with the Packers just for the money.
-Anderson takes the MVP lead by making Mongo look like a million bucks and getting beat up by all three faces, stumbling around wonderfully.
-It’s Greene vs Flair now and the Carolina Panther is a madman. Flair is strutting and acting like he’s not too far behind. The rookie has great explosiveness on shoulder tackles and mocking Flair’s strutting. Savage stops Flair from trying to leave. This crowd is the hottest I’ve heard for a celebrity match possibly ever.
-Can we get Greene instead of McMichael going forward? That said, Mongo’s facials and craziness are still good. This being a case of one and done would have been great for him. Flair is loudly calling spots, but he’s forgiven in this case.
-Flair goes to the top and gets CAUGHT by Mongo while Dusty doesn’t know who Jay Leno is. The heels get trapped in dueling figure fours and the place goes berserk. Mongo gets his eyes raked by Woman and all four women chatter to the back.
-Steve takes the heat and a “Weasel” chant starts. He sneaks a kick to stir shit up. Mongo makes LT looks like Nailz in all honesty. He takes his prolonged beating well.
-The hot tag to Greene is well done until he celebrates a suplex like a doofus and gets chop blocked by Arn. The Figure Four is locked in and the commentators do a great job talking about his NFL career. Savage stops the cheating and Benoit comes out to brawl with him.
-Liz and Woman reemerge with Debra in a pink dress and briefcase. Dusty is livid. The case is full of money and a Horsemen shirt. Greene reverses the hold, but his pleas from help to his partner are met with a thud.
Ric Flair and Arn Anderson win in 20:54 when Flair pins Kevin Greene after a briefcase shot by Steve McMichael
FINAL WORD: The turn is questionable, but you can’t argue against the fact the match was a rousing success.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Macho Man tries to fight, but gets overwhelmed and takes an UNPROTECTED Halliburton to the head from his former charge. The Horsemen shirt is put on and Steve McMichael is our 4th Horsemen. He shakes Bobby’s hand to seal the deal. From one bit of drama to another: Eric Bischoff is onstage to discuss the recent “interruptions” on Nitro. Without any names, Diesel and Razor Ramon walk out. I call them that because they are definitely being them here. I see why they got sued. The crowd chants “Diesel” and continue to be white hot. Dusty is ready for war. EB reveals the match at Bash at the Beach and clears up that they don’t work for WWF. Hall wants to know who the three guys are and mentions the “Huckster.” He’s the coolest guy in the world. Eric won’t reveal the three guys, so he takes a shot in the gut and a fucking JACKKNIFE off the stage. LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOO
-Hall claims “the real Big Boys just left the building” as a stretcher comes out to help and the commentators sell it really well. Dusty’s jacket is off and he’s left by himself because Schiavone goes to check on Bischoff. Dusty cuts a great promo on this situation and Mongo, too. He’s off the LVP list just for being speechless and appropriately messy at the end.
MATCH NUMBER NINE: WCW TITLE MATCH-Lex Luger vs The Giant w/Jimmy Hart (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Lex stops to check on Bischoff during his entrance. Little details like that matter. He slaps hands with both belts. The Giant enters as Tony returns to the headset. Buffer handles these formal intros as well. There’s enough of a big fight feel to this.
-Lex runs into a big boot to start. God, what an idiot. He’s sloppy as usual with attacks afterwards. He gets on Giant’s back for a sleeper and Hart gets the megaphone, but Sting prevents the interference.
-Luger sounds like Christopher Walken singing “Timeless to Me”: overexaggerated and loving big girls (and the reference challenge is done). It’s been nothing but submissions and stopping slam attempts by the heel thus far.
-Here’s the most athletic moment of the Total Package’s career: a slingshot dropkick back into the ring followed by clotheslines trying to knock the champ down. A splash in the corner is missed and some field goal kicks precede a Torture Rack attempt. He lifts him up, but gets squashed after a few seconds. The Giant fires up and that’s it.
The Giant in 9:38 to retain the title with a chokeslam
FINAL WORD: Despite the deflating ending, that was probably a best-case scenario match between these two.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: The Giant yells into the camera and the commentators quickly wrap this up. Are we close to the time limit or something?
THE LAST IMAGE: A Wide Shot of the Arena
FINAL MVP of PPV: Even as he nears the end of his career, Arn Anderson continues to shine. He was the biggest reason why that celebrity match was a success and he covered two programs effortlessly with an awesome promo.
FINAL LVP of PPV: When football players and rookies look more seasoned than your uncoordinated ass, Scott Norton, you know you’re going to wind up here.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Chris Benoit vs The Taskmaster
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: John Tenta vs Big Bubba
FINAL THOUGHTS: No beating around the bush here: that was an all-time great PPV. The matches were awesome almost across the board and the product felt modern and fresh. There was so much storyline development flowing into the angle that changed wrestling. Where has this WCW been? Oh yeah, it’s been smothered by Hulk Hogan. Well, this one goes near the top of the list. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: Before Hulk Hogan can say “New World Organization,” Stone Cold says “Austin 3:16” at the King of the Ring. What’s the wrestling equivalent of the “IT’S HAPPENING” meme?