Mullet's Retro Diary 109: King of the Ring 1996
Famous moments in history are often remembered by where you were and what you were doing when they happened. As a lifelong wrestling fan, I think I have more of those type stories than I do for real significant moments in time. Next week, I will have a whole spiel because it was the most seminal moment in my fandom at that time.
Today’s show/moment is just as significant (some could argue more because it came from the winning side ultimately), yet I have no recollection of it whatsoever. Honestly, I think I missed this show live due to my parents being on their honeymoon. I was staying with my grandmother and she didn’t even have cable let alone pay-per-view. I probably watched this show from a Blockbuster VHS after the fact, so it was a rare one I didn’t actually own or watch a ton. Because of that, the launching point for the greatest superstar in the history of the business doesn’t have any retroactive nostalgia for me.
That is incredibly fitting because the company itself didn’t even really know what it had on their hands anyway.
Written on 4/5/22
HOW WE START: After the standard title sequence, it’s a big preview of the whole show with one of those serious Titan Sports songs setting the tone for “the greatest card in King of the Ring history.” Ultimate Warrior is doing Ultimate Warrior things like threatening to kick Jerry Lawler’s ass in a baseball hat before getting hit in the back of the head UNPROTECTED by a picture frame. Mankind has been going absolutely nuts on the Undertaker. All of the titles are on the line and Mr. Perfect is refereeing the main event. We go live in Milwaukee with Owen Hart entering in a suit and holding his Slammy. He joins Vince McMahon and Jim Ross on commentary, immediately berating them to begin.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: KING OF THE RING SEMIFINAL MATCH- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Marc Mero w/Sable
BEFORE THE BELL: I’ve always loved the double door entrance and attendants. Austin already gets a surprisingly strong pop for his entrance. He beat Bob Holly with the Million Dollar Dream to qualify and unveil the STUNNER in his quarterfinal win over Savio Vega. It’s fitting he’s the first victim. There is a BIG ASS crown over the ring. Owen is the first MVP for sounding so natural and Vince is the first LVP for asking where Mero is when his entrance hasn’t even started yet. Speaking of natural, hey Sable! The Wildman defeated Skip and Owen to advance and the former is naturally great by calling him a cheater and “slipping” off the apron after the match to hit Mero with his cast.
-It’s crazy how different these guys look just two years apart from their last PPV match in WCW. The crowd is already chanting for Sable as the match takes its time. It picks up soon afterwards.
-Hart is naturally awesome and fresh on the headset. He claims Jake Roberts is 51 or 61 years old very naturally when JR says his real age. Steve and Marc keep trading headlocks.
-Stone Cold is already an MVP threat with a vicious Thesz Press, then exploding with elbow drops and some taunting. THEN, he takes a sick back drop and asks for a time out right away on the floor. He’s just so damn good.
-I’m shocked at how positively the crowd is reacting to Austin already. It might be because Mero is lame. The “heel” press slams Mero face first on the concrete floor and taunts in ring. It’s his night. He’s going wire to wire.
-JR points out the deliberate offense of multiple Boston Crabs. A smart camera guy catches Sable close up and bouncing while banging on the apron. Austin takes a famously errant boot to the mouth on the same cradle that beat Owen. He’s bleeding from the mouth. It just helps the story.
-Mero takes over and hits a somersault plancha and a follow up dive when Stone Cold tries to leave. Austin kicks out of the hurricanrana that beat Skip. Great storytelling here. A powerbomb set up is turned into the Stun Gun, but it still doesn’t get the win.
-There’s no boot beforehand, but Wildman sells it like death in his first WWF defeat. It’s funny: he was the first victim of the hold back in 1994 from freaking Jimmy Garvin and he’s the first PPV victim of the master.
Stone Cold Steve Austin wins in 16:50 with the Stone Cold Stunner
FINAL WORD: That was a great opener. No jokes here.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The classic image of Austin walking out with his messy lip seems to cause Vince to stumble over the word “reputation.” Dok Hendrix interviews Jake Roberts. He cuts a religious promo that still has good material around it.
BEFORE THE BELL: VADER TIME always changes the mood. He beat Ahmed Johnson with Owen’s help to advance and then got a bye. Jake enters to a great pop and he’s more amped on the exterior than usual. The snake sends Vader out. Roberts beat Triple H (ha!) and Justin Hawk Bradshaw (double ha!) to get here.
-This is another odd WCW sight. Only four years ago at this time, these two were buddies against Sting. The Mastodon demolishes Jake with two body blocks early as well as a splash.
-They are a little anticipatory on some of their spots. Both are trying not to hurt one another. All three announcers do a great job of telling Jake’s story: he’s got his family back together, he’s never won a title in WWF, he was away for three years, etc. Owen is naturally being a jerk and promoting Vader.
-Jake hits the DDT, but Vader pushes the ref on his way down. That causes the bell to ring.
Jake Roberts wins by DQ at 3:28
FINAL WORD: This was all about the post-match set up and too short to amount of anything.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Vader splashes Jake in the corner twice while Cornette isolates the ref. Then, the Vader Bomb and refs finally come out to break it up. Vader is wild as usual, even pushing Cornette. It’s still tamer than WCW. The replay shows the push during the DDT more clearly. A Coliseum Video exclusive shows Cornette and Vader still mad in the dressing room. “NO ONE EVER BEAT ME!!!”
MATCH NUMBER THREE: WWF TAG TITLE MATCH- The Godwinns w/Hillbilly Jim vs The Smokin Gunns w/Sunny (Champs)
BEFORE THE BELL: The Godwinns enter with critters and their dubbed theme sadly. The title change during the Free for All last month is shown. Boy, these three are obnoxious (particularly LVP Phineas with his dancing). Dok interviews the Gunns and Sunny (fought a joke there) about Kloudy, the Bodydonnas’ new manager. Ouch. I hated this then and I hate it even more now. You know what’s not worse? Sunny in that top. Billy earns his Bitchcake status with his first sentence by trying to sound smitten, but stumbling over his words instead. LVP for him, too. They all enter and JR does a good breakdown of Sunny constantly turning and the Gunns not signing autographs anymore. Owen supports that in a very funny manner. I want to be in the universe where this is the commentary team of the future instead of Jerry Lawler. He’d probably be hanging out with T’Challa Star-Lord instead (yep, that’s a Marvel What If…reference challenge). Billy gets some heel mic work to taunt and goad Phineas.
-Billy continues his LVP campaign with silly heel fire and even sillier selling. He somehow lost a cowboy boot amidst PIG’s anger. Kloudy gets an inset promo and apparently won a contest to get this role. Can I award an LVP just from three lines? At least they are called a she? Or is that bad? I’m so confused. Here’s a picture of Sunny from earlier just to clear my head.
-Henry vs Bart is hard hitting. Again, valets banging on the apron is a trope I can get behind. JR is REALLY mad about the heel antics of the champs.
-The first Billy Gunn Famasser! It looked more natural. HOG takes the heat until Billy does another stupid corner sell after a miss and Bart misses a top rope legdrop leading to the Phineas hot tag.
-All four men are in the ring and all Phineas can do is punch. In the mess, you can barely make out the blindside shot to end it.
The Smokin Gunns retain in 10:10 when Billy Gunn pins Phineas Godwinn after a boot shot from Bart Gunn
FINAL WORD: Fitting the Godwinns were in this because it was a bit sloppy. Get it?
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The Godwinns beat up the Gunns after the bell until they retreat. Sunny gets chants and the boot shot is replayed. Dok interviews Clarence Mason, Jim Cornette and British Bulldog. It’s a typically great promo for Corny. Mr. Perfect enters in the foreground while Bulldog yells about joining some Triple Header club he created. Hennig keeps smirking while walking in and out of frame.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Jerry Lawler vs Ultimate Warrior
BEFORE THE BELL: Lawler walks onto the stage with the throne and there’s an RF Video sign behind him in the grossest combination of things in wrestling history. He does some mic work while walking to the ring. He insults the Brewers and runs down individual members of the crowd with roast jokes. He tells a kid that his face looks like his neck threw up and calls women mailboxes and strippers. He also tells a woman her face turn men into Goldust. WOOF. He is a HEEL and he’s eating all the time that the match won’t go. The portrait attack is shown again while he keeps talking. The Warrior’s music finally hits and his stupid logo and pyro go off in-ring as Vince calls him “reckless” as a compliment. He runs down and takes five scepter shots from behind.
-Nothing but chokes with the scepter and jacket on the floor thus far. “Burger King” chants start. Now, he’s choking with some tape. Is Lawler this universe’s Nailz? That’s less fun than Infinity Ultron (one more reference to go).
-A foreign object shot is followed up with more tape choking and a picture perfect piledriver. It is IMMEDIATELY NO SOLD! Sigh…
-Three clotheslines and the King can’t even get beat by the regular finisher. He probably refused the press slam bump.
Ultimate Warrior wins in 3:50 with a shoulder tackle
FINAL WORD: I’m so glad this is the end of the Ultimate Warrior on WWF PPVs. Any more would drive me crazy.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Warrior celebrates like a bozo and picks up the crown upon exiting for some reason. Dok interviews Gorilla Monsoon as Jake is tended to. He’s going to let him continue later on, but keep a close eye. Owen analyzes on camera and stumbles a little bit.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: Mankind vs The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer
BEFORE THE BELL: Mankind’s interference at Beware of Dog and Raw costing Taker a match against Bulldog is recapped. Mrs. Foley’s baby boy has made it to the WWF! The ambiance of the character mixed with Ross putting him over is awesome. GONG and the slow walk in purple haze is just Paul Bearer confused. Undertaker is on the top rope behind Mankind and hits a clothesline. Hot start.
-Taker is RAINING DOWN SHOTS. Look at the Dead Man invested! This is an MVP start with him, dominating and hitting Old School. A slam and short clothesline turn the tide.
-An elbow off the apron and squealing keeps Mankind in control until he gets a chair kicked right into his face UNPROTECTED. Then, he gets backdropped onto the floor and chair. I hope that’s the stupidest thing he does because that’s tame for him. He avoids the Tombstone and hits a neckbreaker.
-A long nerve hold gives the crowd time to chant and the announcers time to focus on the importance of the urn/Mankind’s dominance. Taker fires back with more awesome rapid strikes.
-Running knee into Taker’s head against the steel steps means Mankind naturally takes a lot of the damage, too. After a slam on the floor/chair, Foley tries a bigger elbow from the apron, but Taker holds the chair up to block. It’s followed with an absolutely VICIOUS chair shot to the head that leaves a headprint. THAT’S the clubhouse leader for dumbest thing now.
-The back and forth continues including a great nearfall after a Mankind piledriver. Cactus freaks out, pulls hair out and beats himself up in a fit. He gets the urn, but Bearer steals it back.
-The Mandible Claw is applied, but Taker gets his hand on the throat. Paul accidentally hits his charge with the urn and now the hold is REALLY in place.
Mankind wins in 18:19 with the Mandible Claw
FINAL WORD: That was exactly what Undertaker needed and exactly what Mick Foley deserves.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Bearer is in shambles and forced to the back with Mankind chasing with a chair. The piano outro is so good. Taker struggles to his feet and can barely make it down the aisle. Dok interviews Perfect and accuses him of collusion. HBK interrupts and taunts him to call it down the middle. He claims he will.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: IC TITLE MATCH-Ahmed Johnson vs Goldust w/Marlena (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Goldust’s theme gets a big reaction/groan. His mouth to mouth is shown again. It’s odd hearing Owen be a retroactive face by claiming there’s nothing wrong with this. After some preening, Ahmed EXPLODES out of the entrance and knocks the attendants over, bowling over Goldust to start. He’s like Black Strowman.
-After an inside out clothesline, Ahmed takes a scary header on a missile-like dive over the top. He’s an MVP/LVP threat once more. After a whip into the steps, Ahmed tries to throw them at Goldust.
-VLADIMIR!!! He gets screen time when Goldust takes over on the floor by throwing the steps at Ahmed’s back. Is Vladimir wrestling’s version of The Watcher? Reference challenge complete!
-Goldust gets his outfit unzipped a little bit while wearing the challenger down and evading counters.
-Ahmed’s butt gets rubbed before a rest hold is applied. It’s not very snug and Ahmed powers up on the ref check. Bad punches and bad kickouts by both men. It’s starting to fall apart.
-Goldust crawls into a sensuous cover following a rough looking piledriver. You can see how taped Goldust’s knee is under his outfit. He rubs Johnson’s head, cradles his body and kisses the top of his head.
-Sleeper AKA more stalling leads to the champ relinquishing the hold before the final arm drop. He slaps Ahmed in the face, licks his finger and gives him mouth to mouth once more. That wakes him up and causes Johnson to go crazy. I hate the overtones here. Even Owen does blame him at this point and that stinks.
-Spinebuster, taunt, fin. BIG POP.
Ahmed Johnson wins the title at 15:34 with the Pearl River Plunge
FINAL WORD: It mostly focused on the strength of each man and they got through it well enough.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Even Fink is standing and applauding the title win. The gold version of the IC Title looks good on him. The In Your House alien commercial has been repurposed for International Incident next month. A Coliseum exclusive shows the babyface locker room spraying Ahmed with champagne. Shawn Michaels comes in for a hug. The Bushwhackers are still around? We go back live and HOLY SHIT I FORGOT THIS! BRIAN PILLMAN! He walks out on crutches like an escaped mental patient. He threatens people and JR interviews him. He doesn’t care about his family, the crowd and sympathizes with Jeffrey Dahmer. He calls Ross a stupid son of a bitch and absolutely destroys this promo. He’s an MVP for making us feel his pain, his passion and his anger. I think that’s the first time “rape” has been mentioned in a wrestling promo?
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: KING OF THE RING FINALS-Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Jake Roberts
BEFORE THE BELL: Austin enters and some of the crowd recognizes the moment between him and Pillman crossing paths in the aisle. McMahon says Austin went to the ER for stitches in between matches. Jake enters holding his ribs and dragging the snake bag. It’s crazy that they keep harping on his age when Sheamus is currently three years older.
-Stone Cold is all over Roberts right away and yelling like crazy. A slap in the face causes Jake to fight back.
-The tape is ripped off and Gorilla enters to boos because he’s looking to call it off. The Snake insists on going forward.
-Jake fires up with punches, but the DDT is blocked into a corner. The ribs are battered with Austin’s shoulder. He doesn’t waste any more time. The smart people pop a little.
Stone Cold Steve Austin wins in 4:37 with the Stone Cold Stunner
FINAL WORD: They kept it short and they told a good story. Cheers to that (but not you, Jake)!
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The refs check on Jake and Austin jaws at him. He goes to the stage with Dok and you know the rest. Get that piece of crap out of my ring, ain’t got what it takes anymore, thump Bible, etc. I never realized what a good pop “Austin 3:16 says I just whupped your ass” gets. I love the way he mocks the phrase “WWF Superstars.” Vince tries to cut the promo off, but Stone Cold isn’t done. He tells the crowd to piss off and that’s the bottom line. MVP MVP MVP MVP MVP MVP MVP
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: WWF TITLE MATCH WITH MR. PERFECT AS SPECIAL GUEST REF-British Bulldog w/Jim Cornette and Diana Smith vs Shawn Michaels w/Jose Lothario (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Owen reiterates he will stay impartial at ringside when Mr. Perfect enters. The Beware of Dog controversy is shown again from all angles. Bulldog enters with his wife and manager. Owen stands on the table to cheer them on. Davey is really yelling at someone in the front row. Michaels enters with all the girls shrieking and even more pyro. He delivers his full routine before the match. Gorilla comes back out and has Fink (who is more tan than usual) announce that Perfect will only be the outside official. Earl Hebner will handle the match inside. Hennig almost corpses looking at Shawn. Owen calls Jose a “dirty, old Mexican” and Bulldog brings a Union Jack into the ring courtesy of a fan.
-Quick chain wrestling to start and Michaels gets the better of Bulldog with a headscissors out of the ring from skinning the cat, a hurricanrana off the apron and a racquet shot to Cornette’s butt.
-I legit LOL’ed when Owen calls Diana beautiful and says most of his family is good looking, “but a couple of brothers are really ugly” very matter of fact.
-After more quick action, Bulldog loses his place and Shawn calls for a press slam. Surprised he didn’t freak out. He bounces back with a rest hold and keeps control on every attempt to get out.
-Stop showing Diana’s stupid face! Davey counters the sleeper and starts his own rest hold. Finally, Bulldog backwards press slams the champ over the top rope to the floor. Vince freaks out and asks for a DQ. Both men are now covered in gold dust.
-Shawn’s corner flip and bumps have crazy velocity. Davey applies an impressive surfboard as is his follow up offense. Each cutoff is very good and picks the crowd up before settling again.
-Sweet sequence of both finishers scouted and a double down clothesline. Bulldog tries a flying headbutt and comes up short, but Shawn still moves. A BIG superplex and another double down clothesline follows.
-A hurricanrana is countered into a great sitout powerbomb. The replays have greatly focused on the impact of the moves.
-Shawn kips up, but knocks the ref down attempting a slam. He hits the flying elbow, tunes the band up and nails his finish. Perfect slides in and counts along with Earl. Owen pulls Perfect out at two, but Earl keeps counting.
Shawn Michaels retains at 26:24 with Sweet Chin Music
FINAL WORD: HBK doesn’t miss two times in a row and Bulldog plays his part to perfection once again in these big moments.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: Owen comes in and gets beaten up in a suit. Michaels somehow applies a Figure Four and small package at the same time on his rivals. He finally gets cut down with a spin kick and that brings Ahmed Johnson down to make the save. The place is ballistic and Vader makes it 3-2. Cornette hits Jose with the racket at ringside and the crowd chants for Warrior. The bell is being rung like crazy. Shawn is set up for the Vader Bomb and that’s when Warrior runs down to make the save. He gets an absolutely ABSURD pop. He clears the ring of Camp Cornette. What a threesome (foursome if you count Jose).
-Vince announces the IYH main event between these six guys right away before another Coliseum exclusive with JR interviewing Camp Cornette. Jimmy and Owen are great- big surprise, right- and Bulldog calls Vader the “Big Van” variety. Ross’ jowls are made fun of by Cornette. Their rapport is great. The whole show is recapped and it plays like the video opening, but with the clips added. They don’t show any of Austin’s promo, but they show Pillman’s rape line once more. That tells you what plans they had right then and there.
THE LAST IMAGE: Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson and Ultimate Warrior
FINAL MVP of PPV: Stone Cold Steve Austin. Come on.
FINAL LVP of PPV: I got him on a weak case, but I’ll take it when I can! Billy Gunn had some bad mic work and ludicrous selling and that’s enough on this night.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Shawn Michaels vs British Bulldog
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Ultimate Warrior vs Jerry Lawler
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a step in the right direction of where the company needs to go. Between Austin, Pillman, Mankind, the focus on athleticism and…ahem, attitude…this is close to the 1993 edition as the best King of the Ring. The tourney was sadly not the focus and there are still kinks to be worked out, but the whole show was hot and entertained. WCW may be in the lead, but shows like this have the WWF trying their darndest. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: Bash at the Beach 1996. It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for.