Mullet's Retro Diary 97: World War 3 1995
As we start this new Flairiod and approach another important benchmark, it’s time for another dedication. This time, this one is going to go out to another Swoggle Squad member, best friend and brother. This one is going to go out to Tope Adebanjo.
Over 10 years ago, at the infancy of Podswoggle, we had an episode where we crafted our all-time wrestling dream cards. Rich and I both had some pretty wild ideas, but Tope trumped both of us with an all-decade tag team battle royal in World War 3. The following quote still makes me smile from ear to ear when I think about it.
“So I gotta get three rings for that…”
I could hear Eric Bischoff say the same thing in 1995 itself. It’s such a wild idea and it fits Tope so perfectly. Since then, I wrote an old Podswoggle Fantasy Match with that very idea of Tope’s and naturally made the Steiner Brothers win it. We did the Royal Rumble Drinking Game to this inaugural 60-man brawl and it damn near killed us. We are forever attached to one another through one of the more infamous matches in the Monday Night War era of wrestling.
It’s appropriate in a way. Tope is one of my favorite people and World War 3 has always been a favorite since I first saw it because it catches your eye, you can’t look away and it’s a wonder. That sounds like Tope to me.
This one is for you, brother. You still owe me the 1997 and 1998 drinking games.
Written on 12/31/21
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: “WCW DECLARES WAR!!!” In other words, it’s the same commercial for the show that aired on Halloween Havoc. The international focus is nice. Sadly, Sabu is shown a botch and he’s already gone. We go live in Norfolk and man, look at those three rings! Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan welcome us and mention how many commentators will have to work this show later. Bobby asks for a pick and Tony says Hulk Hogan. Heenan says Randy Savage, then The Giant. The nice undercard is previewed right down to Tony mispronouncing “Kensuke Sasaki” as always and Chris Benoit being back (and for good now).
-Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan, Sting and Randy Savage. The Hulkster is still in the black, but more outgoing. The moustache is still missing. He rips the shirt to reveal the red and yellow. He has a piece of paper in his hand. A bucket explodes with fire when he puts the black clothes in it. He claims Macho and Stinger will always be his friends. Savage calls Sting “the coolest dude in the world.” Sting is legitimately (and hilariously) concerned about the fire and takes some water to partially extinguish. Hogan says “observe this” while referring to the rag sheet in his hand with wrong predictions for the winner and Savage being injured. Man, does shitting on Dave Meltzer makes Hulk an MVP or an LVP right away?
-The DDP and Johnny B Badd feud is recapped. Kimberly finally walks away from Page, then puts herself up as a prize in a separate interview? It’s done by her to prove a point, but it’s still misguided. Her promo is a little wooden, but DDP is great as usual. Back live, Kim enters with HUGE hair and Diamond being her, shooting off a Badd Blaster he either inherited or stole. Badd is out next with pyro shooting from his hands and robe.
-Realistic looking lock ups, brawling and action early. This feels more intense while being sloppy in a decent way.
-I’ve never seen the commentators drink water before. Each has a giant bottle they sip. I’ve also never noticed the unique crowd set up/guardrail system either. A Badd plancha focuses me again.
-Doll is used as a shield, then thrown into the champ to turn the tide.
-Page keeps acting surprised when he hits big moves and asks for a 10 after the Pancake. Kim won’t do it. I just realized Tye Dillinger is more of a hack than I realized before.
-Good discourse between Bobby and Tony on the advantage of your match going on first versus working twice in one night. Kim gives Johnny a 10 on a KO punch. She thankfully didn’t give him a 10 on a rough looking sitout powerbomb.
-The Badd Mood is block after a good back and forth. Undertaker probably hated DDP because he kicked out of a Tombstone right now.
-Is this the first time I’ve seen both part of the Badd Mood hit?
WINNER: Johnny B Badd in 12:34 to retain the title with the Badd Mood slingshot leg drop
-Kim is shocked after the result. Heenan is our first MVP talking about her future and noting that Badd didn’t hold the ropes open for her. She finally hugs her new man and he gives her the 10. They have anti-chemistry.
FINAL WORD: If I had a sign, it would get a 6.5. In other words, that was solid.
-Gene literally talks about “the next step in the WWF steroid scandal” to promote the hotline! Vince brought this guy back?!?! Badd and Kimberly are interviewed. He will let her make her own decision on the opportunity to manage him and gives her time to decide as well. Kimberly is the first LVP with another stilted response.
-Time for a special Taped Fist Challenge! Pin or KO is the only way to win. Big Bubba Rogers is back on PPV and looks like Amish Roadkill. Jim Duggan runs up on him with a cheap shot and has his 2X4 strapped to his neck. Great, something else to drag him down. The bell never rings.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: TAPED FIST MATCH- Big Bubba Rogers vs Jim Duggan
-This stupid gimmick came from Duggan tracing his roots back to Ireland. He threatens Bubba with the board, but actually isn’t a dummy for once.
-They brawl into another ring for a good pop. They just let the match switch from one ring to another. Bubba’s head gets squeezed into posts, then takes a back bump to the floor!
-Stiff miss with Hacksaw’s midsection crashing into the rail to change the momentum.
-Duggan gets sweat on the camera while getting punched. They transition to the third ring and Rogers hits a nice enziguri. He’s got his working shoes on. He might be an MVP.
-After a big, ugly collision, Bubba keeps adding tape to his hands and focuses on Jim’s ribs. Duggan is taped to the top rope (an idea Bobby had earlier). He runs right into a big, goofy outstretched fist. Hacksaw is let loose by the ref and backdrops Bubba over the top, landing roughly on the apron.
-Big slam and three-point stance clothesline by the face. VK Wallstreet slinks down with a chain and takes the board to the stomach. Man, is this the most random WWF to WCW turn ever? Bubba gets the chain and uppercuts Duggan. With a little cut on his head, the heel manages to reach his feet.
WINNER: Big Bubba Rogers in 9:25 by KO
-Bubba tries to roll out on the commentary table and Bobby says “no no no.” Rogers tells Bobby how great he is and then falls down. That confirms him as an MVP.
FINAL WORD: It was still too long, but actually okay despite everything I was expecting.
-The crowd stirs as Tony previews the rest of the show and talks about CompuServe live! Boy, the early days of trying to get online! Between this and Karate Fighters, I’m getting way too excited about old sponsors and brand names. Let’s try a reference challenge with those old names that were attached to wrestling. The crowd was stirring because Gene interviews Ric Flair. He’s VERY over in his neck of the woods. He recycles some typical Nature Boy lines, but who cares? He yells about ruling WCW one more time and struts off. Did he take Stacker 2 right before that promo (and the challenge has begun)?
-Cutie Suzuki and Mayumi Ozaki enter. This is WCW answering for that rushed WWF AJPW tag match at Survivor Series. I’m scared of how Bobby will handle this, but it should be okay because Mike Tenay joins them. I loved when he’d join as a kid because you knew it was about to get good. Sonny Onoo leads Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto out to a good response. Heenan claims “the missus is here” on Akira’s entrance gear. The legendary status of both and the cross promotional battle of JPW and AJPW is referenced. Also referenced is the current business dealings of Heenan and Onoo.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Cutie Suzuki and Mayumi Ozaki vs Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto w/Sonny Onoo
-The heels jump the faces at the bell as their experience is put over by Tenay. A big hair toss gets gasps. Heenan is all jokes about shopping. You’re better than that.
-Akira teases the faces to tage with a hand hold, then bites the hand. Bull does the same thing. Bobby gets me by claiming Okerlund went over and tried to apply to be a Joshi wrestler. Tenay is great providing the background, but doesn’t sell any jokes.
-Mayumi’s flurry of strikes is no sold before she’s murdered by a clothesline. Bobby thinks Akira is named “Hirohito.” A DDT finally gets Cutie tagged in. Cornette would hate her.
-I LOVE respectful Southern WCW crowds. They always appreciated good action and pop hard for a double crab spot by the faces.
-Tenay talks about Hokuto and Kensuke getting engaged on their first date. Bull hits a powerbomb before missing a MOONSAULT. Fuck yes. The faces trade top rope double stomps for two counts. Bobby calling it the “Hiroshima Heimlich” immediately removes hm from MVP consideration.
-Double suplex by Bull! Double cross body from the top by Hokuto! Double headscissors by the faces. Double top rope clotheslines! Doublemint Gum! That’s not part of the reference challenge.
-HIGH angle German concerns Bobby. Akira hits a top rope flipping senton onto both faces on the floor. She’s an awesome MVP. I almost throw up from the way Mayumi lands off a Doomsday Device. This is mercifully over soon afterwards.
WINNERS: Bull Nakano and Akira Hokuto at 9:18 when Bull pins Mayumi Ozaki with a guillotine leg drop from the top
FINAL WORD: Take that, WWF. And in less time!
-Bobby earns some credit back for putting it over as the greatest women’s match he’s ever seen on the replay. Gene shills the hotline and welcomes Jimmy Hart and Lex Luger for an interview. It’s good to see heel Jimmy again. Boy, is Luger gassed to the gills here. WWF’s testing had to be legit. He looks for a high five from Hart and gets left hanging. What a fucking dunce. He looks down at something the entire time he cuts his promo and still messes words up like crazy. That’s an instant LVP promo. Holy shit. How does he continue to outdo himself?
-Chris Benout enters with the theme we all know and love. He’s already a Horseman. Boy, look at how generic he is. Bobby gets distracted by a Hooters girl and asks if Hootie is in attendance. Kensuke Sasaki enters with his name misspelled. He won the US Title in Japan just 10 days prior.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: US TITLE MATCH- Chris Benoit vs Kensuke Sasaki w/Sonny Onoo
-How the fuck did Bobby sell 50% of WCW to Onoo? He got overruled, so never mind. Chops are exchanged early.
-Our tracking of “can you see it coming” is back and better than ever with Benoit with this quote from Heenan: “Look at his face. He never smiles. He just stares at you with those blue eyes.” Listen to the Brain.
-Heenan points out the importance of the World Title purse for World War 3 compared to the usual battle royal. This has been a very mat-based affair so far with little spurts of power by Sasaki.
-The crowd is basically silent for this, even after a press slam by the champ. They come up a little bit for the Benoit dive.
-Sonny gets on the headset and talks about compensation coming from a Starrcade deal after the Heenan stuff. He thankfully says Kensuke’s name right, but it’s with a very stereotypical accent. Benoit holds on when dishing out Germans and hits a nice leaping Tombstone. God, that headbutt is so beautiful. And tragic.
-Bobby points out a woman yawning, but just hopes it’s because she has a big mouth. A one-armed powerbomb, lariat and Al Snow’s finisher takes it down. Clean over a new Horseman. Classic.
WINNER: Kensuke Sasaki in 10:01 to retain the title with the brainbuster Snow Plow
FINAL WORD: Heel vs heel matches are always rough (particularly with unknowns) and the live crowd struggled as much as I did despite some good moves.
Bobby “translates” Kensuke’s words into the camera before Gene interview Jimmy Hart, Taskmaster and Giant. Okerlund claims that Giant’s father would be ashamed. Sullivan cuts the same shitty promo while Giant makes funny faces. Gene tries to stir up shit with the Dungeon members all wanting to win the title. Hilarious line: “you don’t think Humorous wants to win the title?” Giant cuts a rhyming promo about Kalamazoo. Let’s skip the promos for the rest of the night, huh?
-Tony promotes Starrcade on Wednesday, December 27th and the graphic says Sunday. Typical WCW. Bobby claims Hulk will need more than Scope in the Scope after the main event. What about some IcoPro or Stridex? One more reference to go. The Macho Man and Total Package story is recapped and focused on mistrust. Savage got 2 out of the 3 future Dungeon members right. Their Nitro match with Giant interfering to help Luger win is shown, then the official turn at Halloween Havoc. A Nitro attack of Macho’s arm wraps it up. I love these animated match graphics.
-Gene interviews Savage and he has the line of the century: “I’m always jittery!!!” He claims to be “one million percent” despite the arm being all taped up. This transitions right into his theme and entrance. Why did they still need to come through the curtain if they were interviewing on the little stage in front of the crowd? I guess for the pyro effect? Bobby claims he needs this job because he’s supporting an orphanage in Guam. Lex enters to big pyro as well and Jimmy has his megaphone again. Goody.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: Randy Savage vs Lex Luger w/Jimmy Hart
-Randy is all over Lex at the bell. The yelling has already begun.
-Heenan questions the arm being wrapped up as Lex gets no elevation on holding the rope and being pulled off.
-I must reiterate Lex as an LVP with his bloodcurdling scream on the floor from a simple kick. The flying elbow drop hits and Hart distracts the ref. Bobby thinks the count on the floor is 20.
-Savage is thrown into the ring apron and applies the Torture Rack on the floor. Man, this match is odd as fuck. Randy sells death on the outside.
-Back inside the ring, Lex applies a different submission and the Macho Man is passed out. From what?!?!?
WINNER: Lex Luger in 5:28 by KO with an arm lock
-Luger won’t relinquish the hold. Sting comes out and talks to him until he lets it go.
FINAL WORD: That was more off than a haunted house’s light switch. The match graphic was more animated.
-One grudge match down and time to recap the next one. How far back can we go? We just start at Fall Brawl. We see all of the times Sting declined and the threat of leaving Flair for dead if he’s betrayed. Sting actually left Flair alone till the end of one Nitro to test him and Flair doing the same before turning catches us up. They actually already wrestled an interactive match on Nitro. The Scorpion was locked in and Sting refused to let go, but Lex had to pull him off. Good storytelling. Ric Flair enters to much fanfare. Sting does the same as Schiavone recaps their history.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: Ric Flair vs Sting
-After a face-to-face, Sting hits one punch and Flair bails to another ring and WOOs/runs the ropes. He gets followed and beaten up there, too.
-A thumb to the eye and loud chops before Ric thrusts at someone in the front row. The crowd is blistering hot for all of this. They end up in the third ring as well. Col. Parker and Sister Sherri walk down the aisle. They kiss as punches and chops are traded in the ring. Repeated no sells and kip ups by Sting causes Ric to powder again.
-Flair is stopped from using a chair by the ref on the floor. A Sting choke is thwarted by a low blow. Nick Patrick is as oblivious as ever. The lovebirds are sitting watching the match on the interview stage.
-Methodical focus on the legs by Ric on the floor, in the ring and in every way possible. The Figure Four is eventually applied mid-ring and Sting is slapped in the face for good measure. That wakes him up and he reverses the hold. When will the Nature Boy ever learn?
-Flair randomly pushes Patrick after kicking out of a backslide and he gets pushed down. Ric hilariously taunts and begs before bailing to the other ring. His antics are pushing him to the front of the MVP pack. More press slams by the Stiner, but another eye poke slows him down.
-Ric goes to the top, but is CAUGHT and thrown off. He gets clotheslined after the patented corner flip. Then, a BIG superplex leads right into the superior submission finisher.
WINNER: Sting in 14:30 with the Scorpion Deathlock
-The finish gets a huge ovation and it’s well deserved as usual.
FINAL WORD: That’s probably their last good one-on-one match. The formula just works.
-After another expert replay call by Heenan, it’s time to prepare for World War 3. Brain thinks a fresh man will win. The match preview is one of my favorites. Hart’s turn is shown and the fine print of the contract playing out on the following Nitro leads to Giant being the champ. That’s until a WCW official steps in to alter the decision and makes the title vacant for the 3-ring battle royal. There’s a giant in each ring: The Yeti, The Giant and Hulk Hogan. In other words, it’s a loose definition. He’s called “the one true giant in wrestling.” Oh, got it. It’s a power play.
-Mean Gene interview Hogan AGAIN. He looks very bloated. “Fe Fi Fo FUm” and I immediately settle on LVP from my earlier debate on him. He rips his shirt now as opposed to his entrance. He basically says nothing of importance the whole time. He’s almost turning the crowd by going so long and saying the same old shit. Tony and Bobby have the Big Gold Belt and explain there’s three teams for three rings. Ring two is Eric Bischoff and Dusty Rhodes in a red leather jacket, baby. EB says it will be nothing but chaos. Then don’t book it! Dusty says this will go down in “infany” and it’s good to have him back on the headset. Ring three is Larry Zbyszko and CHRIS CRUISE?!?! This motherfucker looks like he would still use 1-800-COLLECT (and the reference challenge is done). It’s time for Dave Penzer to do the heavy lifting and announce all the participants. I’ll put any funny comments or observations in bold parentheses.
The combatants are Arn Anderson, Alex Wright, Brian Knobbs, Barrio Brother Ricky, Dave Taylor, Scott Armstrong, Sting, Joey Maggs, Pistol Pez Whatley, Disco Inferno (obnoxious immediately), Meng, Stevie Ray, Mark Starr, Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker, Lt. James Earl (the State Patrol members pushing each other as they walk out), Lex Luger, Eddie Guerrero, Cobra, The Giant, Mr. Wonderful, Chris Kanyon, Bobby Walker, Earl Robert Eaton, Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit, Randy Savage, Marcus Bagwell, The Yeti (somehow almost worse looking as a fucking NINJA now), Kurasawa, Hugh Morrus, Zodiac (just making stupid noises), VK Wallstreet, DDP, Scott Norton, Sgt. Craig Pittman, One Man Gang (laughing like an idiot), Super Assassin #1 (The Barbarian getting chance number 450), JL, Bunkhouse Buck, Kensuke Sasaki, Mike Winner, Shark, Steve Armstrong, Hawk, Dave Sullivan (waves at the fucking camera), Scotty Riggs, Johnny B Badd, Big Train Bart (called the janitor by Bobby Heenan), Lord Steven Regal (absolutely terrified of everything going on), Dick Slater, Maxx Muscle, Super Assassin #2 (The Warlord somehow not exploding), Barrio Brother Fidel (making some kind of signal with his nose), The Taskmaster, Jerry Sags, Jim Duggan, Booker T, Big Bubba Rogers, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan (almost surprised by the reaction he gets). Woof, give Dave Penzer a raise.
-Michael Buffer is a fucking LVP for taking over now. There’s huge pyro and fire shooting from the posts which is brilliant because there’s 60 dudes standing in the midst of it. Never mind that shit, here’s the legendary reaction of Regal standing in the midst of all of this.
-Don’t expect every elimination or a lot of details here. That said, the Yeti is already out in 16 seconds from like 15 dudes at once. The three-ring camera set up is iconic to me, but foolish in actuality. Yeti just keeps hitting dudes on the floor and on the apron. Mike Winner is also out and gets beat up by the Yeti. We’ve lost an Armstrong already, too.
-The Horsemen are beating Sting up on the floor and Hulk comes over to help. The crowd is very hot. There are so many guys on the floor, but they are still legal. Macho and Badd are among them. Cruise can’t hear his cue to take over.
-Regals dumps Evad. Bischoff claims Lex was out, but the ref missed it. He probably legitimately fucked up. Eaton is constantly in trouble in ring three. He manages to stand out in the middle of 60 guys!
-Once rings one and three get down to 10 men, they will merge with ring two. What makes that ring so special? Oh, Hulk Hogan, that’s right. Starr is KO’ed out by Knobbs. Cobra and the State Patrol all tumble out together. Cruise and Larry get less time and that sounds like it’s for the best. Buck is out as Lex and Orndorff fight on the floor.
-Disco goes to Pity City and Hulk fights off a gang up. Pillman is mugging for the camera.
-Kanyon takes a back bump from the apron to the floor on his elimination. Apparently, Bagwell is already out, too. He definitely screwed up. Big Train Bart is out in a shocker. Arn gets backdropped on the floor by Luger. We just lost a Super Assassin and Maxx as well.
-Fidel is gone, but Tony is unbothered because Hulk is in trouble from three guys. The other Armstrong is gone and looks dead on the ground. Bubba is still an MVP by selling Hulk’s boots and beating. Barrio Brother Ricky is dropkicked out by Guerrero. So long to JL, Knobbs, Wright and Whatley. A stretcher is coming for someone to sell this mess.
-Ring one is down to ten guys and Disco excitedly leaves. Joey Maggs cannot believe he made the merge and points at himself in a cute way. EB and Dusty are done before Cruise and Larry. Schiavone insinuates Slater just quit.
-Eaton is eliminated by Savage and Wallstreet follows him. Cruise is an LVP threat with misplaced energy like “Norton is OUT, NORTON IS OUT!!!” That ring is merging as well. Good to see an early Savage and DDP battle on the floor.
-Ring two has it all now. Two fucking cameras focus on Page selling on the floor before we finally get one hard cam again. The Dungeon chokes Hulk and says a bunch of weird shit.
-Gang stalks Regal on the floor. Kurasawa and Morrus are paired off for some reason. Pittman puts the Code Red on a screaming Maggs and gets rid of him. Look at Pillman and Hogan fighting. This is fascinating in a way.
-Lex and Savage sloppily fight on the floor because Lex is still uncoordinated. Bubba and Duggan eliminate each other. Scott Armstrong is wheeled out as Maggs writhes on the floor. They are selling the danger well. Hawk eliminated Disco to a noted pop. He’s so hated already.
-Pittman eliminated Taylor while Guerrero stands on the top rope behind Sting. Push him! Hogan gets rid of Sags and Booker before throwing out Taskmaster as well. There’s a Luger and Savage match happening in another ring now.
-Anderson dumps Regal and Heenan says “this is great.” Tony says it’s pandemonium. The TV Title match gets rid of each other. Pittman goes flying off one side of the TV basically on his own.
-Get the focus and you’re gone: Benoit out from Kurasawa, Kurasawa out from Meng, Meng out from OMG. Just like modern Rumbles. The Dungeon pilfering continues as Morrus throws Zodiac out and then Morrus is gone from Sasaki.
-Hawk gets rid of Pillman and tries to save Kensuke as he’s his partner in Japan. He looks for whomever is supposed to eliminate him before finally just yelling for Terry. Hulk finally comes over and gets both Power Warriors out.
-We are down to ten and Guerrero gets stuck behind the Giant on a Stinger Splash. He bends in a gross way. Wonderful is backdropped to the floor by Hulk and lands by leaning on the railing.
-Eddie hits a standout missile dropkick on Arn and takes the Figure Four. He pleads to get out, then gets killed with a spinebuster. Is he making a late MVP run? Nope, he’s finally dished by Arn.
-Both Horsemen get splashed while the commentators point out Luger’s smarts. WTF OMG One Man Gang I thought he was dead LOL. Is Randy Anderson seriously the only referee handling all of this?
-Flair goes to the top and gets CAUGHT with a slingshot and hits the floor thanks to Sting. Hulk clotheslines Arn over the top. Ric ballistically runs to the other ring.
-Sting and Lex double team The Giant and get him reeling. Hulk comes over and dumps all three of them over. Savage manages to get the Gang out in the foreground while Hogan is pulled under the bottom rope by Giant. The ref doesn’t see it. As Tony says: “guess what?” Buffer makes the announcement while The Giant is slammed on the floor. The bell rings and Hogan goes “WHAT?!”
WINNER: Randy Savage at 29:35
FINAL WORD: That was ridiculous, but oddly watchable. It’s the old car crash analogy.
-Hulk bitches and moans as Macho tries to celebrate. He gets mostly booed pleading his case to the crowd. Typically overshadowing Randy’s big moment eight years running! Gene tries to give the ref his glasses sticking up for Hulk. Macho is announced again and Hulk chuckles like a dick. Savage is also admittedly booed here. Hulk yells at Gene and keeps sliding under the bottom to try and prove a point. Savage says he lives by “it is what it is.” He said it earlier in a good call back. Randy plays this very well and wants to see the film. Hulk eventually congratulates his friend, but will talk turkey later. They shake hands and hug. The crowd is flat at this convoluted ending. Two “OH YEAHs” and Gene pimps Nitro for the resolution. Heenan shits on Hogan and congratulates Savage along with Tony. Brain leaves for champagne, so Schiavone signs off.
THE LAST IMAGE: Tony Schiavone
FINAL MVP of PPV: The old man still has it. Akira Hokuto is a close second, but Ric Flair has such a connection with the crowd in everything he does. His heel antics were tops on this night.
FINAL LVP of PPV: Lex Luger hit the trifecta on this night: he was lazy, uncoordinated and terrible at speaking.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Sting vs Ric Flair
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Lex Luger vs Randy Savage
FINAL THOUGHTS: What an enjoyable show with focus and stellar in-ring action. The promos were weak as fuck, but the crowd stayed excited and the spectacle of the show was palpable. The stories being told on the undercard partnered with the bonkers battle royal makes for a good formula as the Royal Rumble events have shown us. This first edition of World War 3 was no different. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: The WWF’s final outing for 1995 is the fifth installment of In Your House. I’m very tired of numbers at this point.