Mullet's Retro Diary 81: Royal Rumble 1995
I just turned eight years old. I didn’t know it yet, but it would be the last time I spoke to my biological father for 26 years. I’m laying in my bed awake much later than usual.
As a child, being a wrestling fan was always difficult because shows always ended after I was supposed to be asleep. Almost every week, I would have to wait until the morning to find out what happened. I would beg and plead, but my rest and school always won out.
The 1995 Royal Rumble was a particularly difficult battle because I was really starting to feel like Shawn Michaels was my favorite wrestler. I don’t think it was a common occurrence to have a bad guy as your guy as a kid, but I was a trendsetter even back then. I don’t remember exactly when I was told forced up the stairs, but I know I saw him enter the ring as number one. The story that was playing out seemed to indicate that he would win, but how would that happen?
I’ll never forget holding my ear as far out as possible to try and make out the sounds of the TV from afar and my little soul crushing when I heard that European theme. How could they be going in that direction? It ended soon afterwards and I was very confused when I heard the faint strains of Jimmy Hart’s sexy opus. I couldn’t wake up quick enough now to see what happened.
Wrestling will also hold such a special place in my heart because of the vivid memories it has burned into my memory. Anything negative from that day is far away from the front of my brain and the fact that I had picked the Royal Rumble winner as my new favorite wrestler and we were about to go on this epic journey together sticks out.
Myself as a writer and yourself as a reader are about to go on the same journey because this is the first PPV of 1995. Don’t go to sleep early.
Written on 9/7/21
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: A limo pulling up and Dink yelling to the boys, both heels and faces, as Pamela Anderson emerges accompanied by porn music. What a way to start 1995. She takes the hooting and hollering in stride. Boy, it sure is something to see Kwang clapping and acting like a horny construction worker. Seedy beach music before we go live in the Sun Dome in Tampa. Vince McMahon welcomes us along with Jerry Lawler. They point out the Spanish announce team and recap the card. King is really good at talking about the WWF Title match as a heel putting over two top faces. There’s a strong “Burger King” chant. I’m feeling good.
-PSYCHE! Here comes Jeff Jarrett and the PPV debut of the Roadie. Lawler is the first MVP with some Nashville jokes among further quality analysis. After talking about England for no real reason, Razor Ramon enters with a very good combo of colors in his gear. I think Vince is going to put over Ric Flair regarding the Figure Four, but it’s about Buddy Rogers instead.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: IC TITLE MATCH- Jeff Jarrett w/The Roadie vs Razor Ramon (Champ)
-The last Raw featured the William Shatner appearance. JJ takes some punches, fallaway slam and chokeslam early before bailing. What a hot start.
-The Roadie is almost like Damien Mizdow mimicking Jarrett’s taunts on the floor. Very funny stuff.
-Jeff starts getting the advantage with some chain wrestling and purposefully embarrassing the Bad Guy. That causes a fire-up and the champ hits a big clothesline over the top rope.
-Walter Payton’s connection to Razor segues into the first reference of Lawrence Taylor being in attendance via Diesel’s invite. Jarrett hits a good series of dropkicks.
--Good nearfalls and pace on this one. Say what you will, but Jarrett could go in 1995. Ramon crotches him on the post to a big pop.
-Razor hits an awesome second rope reverse bulldog/clothesline for two and then takes a big spill over the top. He comes up lame and Roadie chop blocks him from behind.
-Ramon is counted out at 11:47. The bell rings and Jarrett is announced as the winner. He’s livid and gets on the mic to call Razor a coward if he accepts this result. He tries to start a “chicken” chant and goads a limping Ramon back. The ref checks and double checks with him before restarting the bout.
-A couple of good roll ups for two by Razor, but no one buys them. The crowd feels like they know where this is going.
-The leg is worked over and I see the back of the guy with the gold vest on the hard cam for the first time.
-The Figure Four is applied and the crowd wills the champ to almost reverse it. After a two count, the hold is finally broken with punches.
-A second rope belly-to-back is countered and reversed into a lateral press by Razor for two. Vince’s repeated “1, 2, he got him NO” is getting to me.
-The Edge is called for, but his leg can’t support it. Jarrett capitalizes.
WINNER: Jeff Jarrett in 18:07 to win the title with a small package
-Jarrett is not very over as he celebrates with his charge after the bell.
FINAL WORD: There’s no other better way to describe that than a very good mid-card opener.
-Stephanie Wyand AKA Female Pettengill waits for Jeff Jarrett backstage. Her tone is SO BAD. Speaking of which, Todd Pettengill is in the locker room with Pam Anderson and all of the gifts she’s received by the roster. This is some real high comedy with Todd sending her flowers and chocolates. Back to Stephanie with the new IC Champ who claims he’ll be celebrating with our special guest. It’s a very funny, MVP level promo before a LVP level wrap up from Wyand.
-Jerry applauds Jeff and keeps clapping for IRS and Ted DiBiase. How is he still getting mic time?!?!? I think this is the last time I have to deal with it. From Yoko, fake Taker, Giant Gonzalez and Kamala to this tax guy. GONG and the Dead Man enters while Vince talks about him appearing at the same monster truck event as Grave Digger. YES YES YES. That’s corporate synergy that Max Caster would be proud of. In honor of his lifted suspension, today’s reference challenge will be raps from the Acclaimed. Vince is right about the incredible ambiance for this entrance. That new urn is still way too big and obnoxious.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: IRS w/Ted DiBiase vs The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer
-The bell rings and IRS stands on the apron, scared, for almost 90 seconds. Paul just yells at him until he enters and dropkicks from behind to no effect.
-King keeps bringing up a lack of DiBiase’s druids. I don’t know and don’t care. McMahon tries to claim that IRS is as technically sound as Bret Hart. He is just as sound as Larry Zbyszko at wasting time.
-IRS is tossed by the tie and hit with Old School. Ted distracts and accidentally bopped by Irwin. He gets mad and pushes his manager. That causes a call for two druids. Taker is distracted by it and still knocks IRS down. A druid shakes the rope to knock Taker down finally.
-After being clotheslined over the top rope, Taker lands on his feet and immediately chokes the druids. He’s so smooth and cool. I’ll give him an MVP chance despite this slog of a match. He’s always popular and not the problem. Finally taking the heat, IRS slaps on a stupid abdominal stretch.
-A series of clotheslines, elbows and leg drops ground Taker, but he avoids a splash attempt.
-Undertaker kicks the druids while holding IRS. This is way too long considering who is wrestling. Poor guy has had to do 20 sit ups.
-At least he didn’t need the Tombstone to get the job done.
WINNER: The Undertaker in 12:20 with a chokeslam
FINAL WORD: As I just said, it was very stupid to have this run 12+ minutes.
-The druids attack post celebration in the mood lighting. The lights come back up and Taker chokeslams one druid and kicks out the other. King Kong Bundy enters to intimidate and Taker gets right in his face. IRS jumps Bearer and steals the urn. Bundy squashes Taker in the corner and hits some really ugly elbow drops and knees and splashes to start his LVP case. Without the urn, he can’t get up. Paul uses the crowd to get his man up, but it’s rough. This is a good way to humanize and advance the character.
-Pettengill interviews a shirtless, jeans-wearing Diesel. He’s called “Deez” and annoys him into leaving pretty much right away without answering any questions. Bret Hart is a little more forthcoming, but still gets annoyed and says he has to think before the match. King is again good at putting over the feelings you have before a match like this. Even as the challenger, Bret Hart can’t main event because this match is happening now. Bret enters to a more subdued reaction than I’d expect. He gives his glasses to a kid and the gold vest man seems like he’s trying to negotiate buying them off Bret. He’s rightfully ignored. This is only his second match back since losing the title to Bob Backlund. Diesel’s new, cool theme comes with some shattering glass at the entranceway. Fuck yeah. His reaction is even less than Bret’s. He looks the part and they’ve been building up to this in the right way from what I’ve seen. He goes over and shakes LT’s hand and gets cooler pyro than Bret. They fist bump before the bell.
-Things get testy and blows are thrown within one minute. Diesel eventually clotheslines Bret over the top. Lawler picks Bret, but still hates the Hart family in a good moment. He’s in the MVP lead now.
-Bret grounds the champ and focuses on the legs, applying the Figure Four. The ropes are reached, but Bret reapplies soon afterwards. He delays relinquishing the hold both times and Earl Hebner doesn’t count for the break, hurting Kevin Nash’s case. The Hitman is trying to work a little heelish, then dives through the ropes for a big pop.
-Diesel whips Hart into the steel steps and takes over with a BIG sidewalk slam in the ring. Then, he applies an over-the-shoulder backbreaker everyone thought was going to be the Jackknife. The challenger escapes, but he eats a big boot.
-A press slam is countered into a press and kick out to send Bret to the floor. He responds by taking his wrist tape off and tying Diesel’s feet together in the corner post. He takes the chance to stomp the shit out of him even though the ref unties him quickly.
-Bret is on an MVP level of working his ass off against the inexperienced champ. A slingshot to the floor is caught and Bret is sent into the post. Nash looks exhausted, but raises his black glove to call for the finish. Lawler changes his pick.
-The powerbomb is hit and Shawn Michaels makes a fucking beeline to the ring breaking up the pin. You literally couldn’t see him at the count of one and he makes it to the center of the ring to furiously attack his old partner right on time. That’s impressive.
-There’s no bell and Fink announces that the match must continue. Boy, there’s some liberal refereeing tonight.
-Hart isolates his leg some more and applies the Figure Four for the third time. He continues to push the rules on the breaks.
-Diesel gutwrench suplexes Bret for two. He’s not as lazy as he’s made to seem.
-Hart grabs a chair and smashes Diesel’s knee against the post RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE REF WITHOUT A DQ! Vince tries to claim that he missed and the crowd boos. They cheer when the Sharpshooter is slapped on.
-Owen Hart interferes and throws Bret into an exposed buckle. Both men get beat down and the ref again insists that the match must continue. He’s just cruel at this point. Is there a Money in the Bank cash-in coming?
-Diesel is sent into the exposed buckle head first and takes a blow down to one knee and then the mat. He gets back up and fires off a series of elbows. This has a great back and forth.
-Hart is hung off the ropes and Diesel gets his own chair, but doesn’t get to use it in time. Jerry calls out Bret playing possum by holding his leg and gets proven right on a small package for an awesome two count.
-The ref gets bumped on a roll up attempt. HBK is back out as well as Owen, Bob Backlund, Jarrett and the Roadie. The crowd is going nuts and officials try to peel them off. The bell finally rings. Shawn’s speed and anger stand out. Vince calls this out as the most chaotic title match in history. Fink makes the announcement based on the ref’s inability to maintain control.
WINNER: Draw at 27:21
-The heels get back in and start the beatdown all over. Backlund applies the chicken wing and Diesel finally fights off the other four. He saves Bret to a big pop and kicks Bob out. Hart is helped up and the crowd gives both guys a rightfully awesome response on a handshake and hug. Imagine a world where Bret Hart is Kevin Nash’s best friend and he just stays good like this and becomes an in-ring legend like Undertaker.
FINAL WORD: Good chemistry? Check. Good story? Check. Good execution? Check. Can we make this year last one month?
Todd is still in Pam’s dressing room and now she’s getting changed. “Can you pass my purse,” she asks to cause Todd to almost spill stuff. The humor is overwhelming.
-Stephanie Wyand interviews The 123 Kid and Bob Holly. They are a Cinderella story replacing the Smokin Gunns in the tag tournament. Holly looks goofy in the face while making San Diego Chargers analogies. I loved the 1995 Chargers. Natrone Means 4 Life! Lawler with a “Magistrator” draws himself kissing Pam Anderson from the opening scene. It doesn’t work very well.
-Ted DiBiase is back out with Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka. Vince talking about the point spread on the Super Bowl is wild to me. The racecar song, for some reason, leads Holly and Kid out. Bart Gunn was apparently injured in a rodeo tournament, but the brothers will get the winner of this match on Raw tomorrow night. Had it been Billy, that would be an easy Bitchcake decision. Each heel has beaten each face in singles matches leading up to this.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: WWF TAG TITLE TOURNAMENT FINALS- Bam Bam Bigelow and Tatanka w/Ted DiBiase vs The 123 Kid and Bob Holly
-The faces beat Well Dunn and Heavenly Bodies to get here. So, they’ve earned nothing. Vince is good setting the scene of Kid’s past upsets and neither heel winning gold thus far in their career.
-Tatanka feeds for Holly and Bam Bam does the same, but even better. He ends up blowing through a double team with a double clothesline on faces. He then proceeds to haul Kid across the ring.
-POP UP POWERBOMB attempt countered with a Kid headscissors. This rightfully gets a double feature.
Hard whips into the post on Kid. After some hijinks, both faces are caught off the top rope and rammed into each other. Awesome roll up false finish that the crowd bought from Kid.
-Trademark beautiful dropkick by Sparky. There are so many sports references about Holly that I’m expecting a drop about the Heat being swept to an angry crowd back together for the first time (and we have one more Acclaimed reference to go).
-Rare spot of the faces making a mistake and hitting each other, but the heels do the same soon afterwards. Holly gets to the corner for the tag, but Kid is out of position dealing with Tatanka.
-Bob is so lost that he goes and tags Tatanka, who laughs at him. More punishment dished out on the “two sport superstar.”
--Double crossbody lead to a double tag. Kid is on fire with a missile dropkick directly in Bigelow’s face, a plancha to Tatanka on the floor and a crossbody for two. Bam Bam is bleeding and answers back with a press slam directly over the top rope in a big OUCH moment.
-Back inside, Bam Bam sets up the moonsault and Tatanka doesn’t notice it. He hits the ropes and that knocks Bigelow off the top. The crowd comes alive as Kid crawls over to make the cover.
WINNERS: The 123 Kid and Bob Holly in 15:46 to win the title after Kid pins Bam Bam Bigelow after a top rope fall
-The win gets a HUGE reaction and Bob freaks out. Kid has no idea where he is. Vince claims that the Chargers might have a chance after all (they didn’t). Bam Bam is left in the ring by himself.
FINAL WORD: Simple, effective and important to set up what’s about to happen.
-Bigelow is slow up and walks ringside as people jeer and laugh at him. My quick excitement at a Tony Chimel sighting is curbed when LT is shown trying to cover his face in laughter. Vince asks to stay on this. Taylor tries to shake hands, but gets pushed to the ground. BIG shock from the crowd and even Lawler gets serious. LT gets up with hate in his eyes and his manager calms him down. They edited out Lawler saying that Vince is off headset. HOT angle.
-Last year’s Rumble match is recapped, particularly Diesel’s run and Shawn Michaels’ help in eliminating him. HBK cuts a promo and he’s the coolest guy in the room. He claims to have singlehandedly eliminated his former partner and tonight will be “such an easy night.” So many good teases. The Bret Hart and Lex Luger ending is also shown. Lex’s bad luck is discussed and he cuts a promo on the year 1994 being finished and 1995 being his year. It eventually will be, but somewhere else.
-Vince sincerely apologizes to LT in another nice touch prior to the Fink announcing Pam Anderson to the ring. She’s surrounded by Patterson and Brisco (smart choices). She bounces around the ring and Vince calls her “frisky” while Jerry claims they have a date later. She takes her seat at ringside; I find it hilarious that she has to sit through this entire match. Sexy Boy hits and look who it is. SHAWN MICHAELS is NUMBER 1. TK is written on his glove and McMahon overdoes it claiming he isn’t winning. He was proud of pulling number one because he got to do his whole entrance. He is so on that MVP tip right here stripping. You knew it from the jump. THE BRITISH BULLDOG is NUMBER 2. Remember: no more random facts for each entrant. That’s especially so because this will be so fast. Weird pyro for Davey Boy.
-Michaels jumps him at the bell and takes so many fast, high-risk bumps so quickly that Vince can’t get his words out. Seriously, in 35 seconds, HBK does four huge spots.
-Entrants enter every 60 seconds because there’s no star power. Right on cue, ELI BLU is NUMBER 3 to mass confusion from the crowd. Vince is so bad at calling Rumble matches. He was the LVP last time and he’s not in danger because he’s been good until now. It just stands to note.
-DUKE DROESE is NUMBER 4 and he doesn’t get any shit in because he’s greeted by a big ass boot to the face from Eli. I think that PWI 500 story about the Dumpster is true.
-JIMMY DEL RAY is NUMBER 5 to total silence. Shawn oversells magnificently on an Eli punch. Lawler like Del Ray, but not enough to win. He keeps changing his pick to win and will tell us the final one later. HBK has MVP company.
-After the first real danger spot of elimination, SIONNE is NUMBER 6. HBK backflips onto the fucking apron.
-Jimmy Del Ray is eliminated at 4:30 by a Bulldog clothesline. The tag monsters face off before TOM PRICHARD is NUMBER 7. Lawler doesn’t like him that much, either. Good rapport between Shawn and Sionne on a Samoan headbutt spot and press slam tease.
-King calls Shawn smarter than everyone else combined and Duke a “mental midget.” Right on cue, there’s Dink because DOINK is NUMBER 8.
-Standard action before KWANG is NUMBER 9. This is his first PPV appearance since the last Rumble. This is just too fucking fast. Vince is just saying names willy nilly without anything else attached to it.
-RICK MARTEL is NUMBER 10 to sad apathy. His veteran status in Rumbles is pointed out and he does hold the appearances record at this moment. Jerry is really great at putting Shawn’s smarts over.
-OWEN HART is NUMBER 11 and gets jumped by Bret to some actual rumbling in the audience. He pummels him in the aisle. Busy night for the officials. Bret is ushered to the back while TIMOTHY WELL is NUMBER 12. The place goes nuts for him, but it’s because Owen Hart is eliminated at 10:11 by British Bulldog immediately.
-Bear with me: between 10:20 and 10:40, Duke Droese is eliminated by Shawn Michaels onto Earl Hebner, Timothy Well is eliminated by British Bulldog, Rick Martel is eliminated by Sionne and Tom Prichard is eliminated by HBK. Whew.
-Doink is eliminated at 11:00 by Kwang and LUKE is NUMBER 13. In the span of 10 seconds, Kwang is eliminated by British Bulldog and Eli Blu and Sionne eliminated themselves. Give them credit for efficiency.
-Jerry points out that the first two guys are still in right as Luke is eliminated at 11:23 by HBK like it was nothing. Lawler apparently has a Mickey Mouse stopwatch tracking the times in the ring.
-JACOB BLU is NUMBER 14 and obliterates Shawn with a clothesline. After a shoulder dip, Jacob Blu is eliminated at 12:22 by Michaels. People in the crowd probably thought that it was the same guy.
-Michaels is like a fucking octopus wrapping his arms around the post to save himself. He reinvents this match with what you can do to survive.
-KING KONG BUNDY is NUMBER 15 to groans of feat and a double feature showing Bulldog eliminating Owen earlier.
-MO is NUMBER 16 and Mo is eliminated at 14:08 instantly from Bundy. Lawler laughs and consults his watch. Bundy is hilariously bad at getting whipped into the corner by Davey.
-Shawn takes a break and lets Bundy work on Bulldog. MABEL is NUMBER 17 to a surprising reaction. The big men face off and this is some god awful selling and jiggling. Mabel bends him over the top very slowly.
-BUTCH is NUMBER 18 and why are the Bushwhackers even back? “Let me get my stopwatch ready” and King Kong Bundy is eliminated at 16:18 very sloppily and in an LVP way by Mabel. Lawler’s earlier comment is prophetic because Butch is eliminated at 16:32 by Shawn.
-HBK is in trouble from both faces again and LEX LUGER is NUMBER 19. Mabel’s convulsions are so bad as he’s punched. Mabel is eliminated at 17:16 very easily by Luger. Lawler predicts Lex, who notably doesn’t touch Bulldog.
-MANTAUR is NUMBER 20 and the crowd isn’t having it. I LOVED ME SOME MANTAUR. He hits an abysmal hip toss on Smith.
-ALDO MONTOYA is NUMBER 21 and the “hits” just keep on coming. The fringe Kliq member goes right after HBK.
-HENRY GODWINN is NUMBER 22 no longer Shanghai Pierce in WCW. Funny moment when King claims he’s more popular in Arkansas than Bill Clinton and Vince goes to correct him, but lets him have it.
-Pam is shown confused and bored. BILLY GUNN is NUMBER 23 and he hits the ring so quick and impressively. This is his chance!
-Lawler calls out Lex holding back a punch on Davey. BART GUNN is NUMBER 24 and he has his own bitchcake moment by entering and looking around before getting a double axe handle by Mantaur.
-BOB BACKLUND is NUMBER 25 to the biggest boos of the night. He gets on the apron, but Bret Hart attacks him before he can get in. He can’t be pulled off.
-STEVEN DUNN is NUMBER 26 and I love that they timed these two to enter for each Bret spot to not divert the attention. Dunn runs like a goof and gets in way before Bob Backlund is eliminated at 24:27 by a Lex Luger clothesline. Backlund and Bret go at it in the aisleway on the way out. Bob locks on the chicken wing for a half second before officials get them to the back.
-DICK MURDOCH is NUMBER 27 to more confusion. He is all over the place right away.
-ADAM BOMB is NUMBER 28 and McMahon claims he’s going to win it. He is surprisingly popular. HBK is so sweaty, but still dishing out punches.
-FATU is NUMBER 29 with Capt. Lou and Afa. He goes nuts on Billy with back-and-forth punches. Mantaur is eliminated at 27:41 via bouncing by Luger. Both hooves hit the floor.
-Close up of Shawn post-Bomb beatdown before CRUSH is NUMBER 30 in a random return. The Smokin Gunns are eliminated at 28:27 by Dick and Crush as they tussled with one another. He was so close, but Billy earns his bitchcake status by fighting with his tag partner and BROTHER randomly to get eliminated.
-Steven Dunn is eliminated at 28:37 by Aldo. Dunn is DUNN (shout out to Dave Johnson). How is HBK snapping so quickly on headbutt bumps so quickly still?
-Montoya puts the boots to Lex. That sums up his run. Then, he stupidly punches Dock while he was trying to eliminated Shawn. Jerry is all over it.
-Murdoch and Fatu do the JYD headbutt spot to a nice response. After a future Kronik fight, Adam Bomb is eliminated at 31:49 by Crush. Aldo Montoya is eliminated at 32:24 by Shawn Michaels, who then gets saved again by Lex.
-Fatu is eliminated at 32:52 by Crush. He is on fire. This is a random final six. Murdoch throws a dropkick and starts an airplane spin that hits Shawn in the face. Dick Murdoch is eliminated at 33:31 by Henry Godwinn countering the spin.
-Stand off and Shawn is still bursting with energy as the first one to act. I love him so much.
-Henry Godwinn is eliminated at 34:35 by Lex. Crush and HBK double team Luger and isolate Bulldog. Luger fights out but stupidly leaves his feet for corner punches. Lex Luger is eliminated at 36:00 by both heels. He’s a dipshit as always.
-Numbers one, two and 30 are left. The heels make a deal, but Crush backstabs. On a press slam attempt, Shawn rakes the eyes. Crush is eliminated at 37:14 by a Bulldog clothesline. The crowd reacts HUGE to the first two being the last two. Man, these first-time moments just work.
-Michaels bounces from kicks on the top rope, then gets crotched from a press slam. He’s been busting his ass for 38 minutes! A big clothesline and he holds on, but Davey’s music hits. The camera focuses on him, but NOPE.
WINNER: Shawn Michaels at 38:43 by last eliminating British Bulldog
-Shawn is so jacked that you can’t even raise his arm in victory. Fink announces that “only one of Shawn Michaels’ feet hit the floor!”
FINAL WORD: After Ric Flair in 1992, this might be the single best Rumble performance ever despite it being a subpar match itself.
-Shawn continues to be intense prior to a slow-mo angle of Shawn’s one foot classic. Vince is good at being goofy sometimes. Pamela in the ring with Shawn doesn’t seem like she wants to be there. She makes a funny face as he poses in front of her and then she bails. Is she an LVP? The TK on the hand is kissed. Better than blood on the hand of Governor Cuomo (had to squeeze in this last reference). Vince signs out by saying “the first man in…and the last man standing!”
THE LAST IMAGE: Shawn Michaels
FINAL MVP of PPV: Like I said at the very beginning, this event confirmed that Shawn Michaels was my guy and it holds up. Nobody was working battle royals like this beforehand and everyone does now. He changed the business forever.
FINAL LVP of PPV: There’s no point in bringing back King Kong Bundy if he’s just going to be this slow and bad.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Bret Hart vs Diesel
FINAL THOUGHTS: 1995 as a year has been foreboding for awhile and I’ll get into that more next week, but this show has none of it. Sure, the Rumble is filled with bad characters, but the undercard slaps and great stories are being told. WrestleMania is set up nicely, but will fail. From this show, the year shapes up to be a good one. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: It’s the epic clash between Hulk Hogan and Vader at SuperBrawl V. In other words, it’s the start of all that 1995 shit I’ve been warning you about.