Mullet's Retro Diary 68: Starrcade 1993
In the history of the wrestling business, there’s perhaps no greater gimmick to get butts in the seats and a buyrate to pop than wrestlers putting their careers on the line or coming out of retirement. It’s definitely a more modern tactic, but we are reaching the more modern era as the battle between WCW and WWF is soon going to get really serious.
I don’t remember the threat of a legendary career ending being used in this particular manner before or since. Essentially, this was an “in case of emergency, break glass” case because the original main event of this show was the coronation of Sid Vicious. Instead, he tried to make paper dolls out of Arn Anderson and changed the course of wrestling history.
28 years later, the thought of Ric Flair potentially retiring doesn’t hit at all because we’ve seen it too many times. Hell, we are going to cover it before this current Flairiod is over among other occurrences. On this occasion, however, it feels fresh. It feels exciting. It feels REAL.
Being live for what was supposed to be Ric Flair’s legitimate retirement in 2008 was an experience I’ll never forget. Tears streamed down my face because I had never known my life without Ric Flair being a wrestler. Did he fuck it up by going to TNA for the money? Yes. Have those dreaded stories emerged that paint the Dirtiest Player in the Game as one of the dirtiest wrestlers in the business? Yes. That’s something that I feel people are sadly getting accustomed to and I hate to say that I am one of them. Like I mentioned for WrestleMania VI, it’s necessary sometimes to turn off your present brain and put on your past brain to enjoy things without the shit-tinted glasses that we have to realistically wear nowadays.
While you read this, think about being in the year 1993 and the prospect of losing the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Then you will understand how I feel writing this introduction and how I wish I felt when I think about so many of my heroes and legends harming their legacy.
Speaking of legacies, can this show fix the ever-shrinking legacy of the first wrestling supershow?
Written on 6/10/21
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: Ric Flair as a baby!!! It’s like he’s died already. Some of his promos are the narration and pictures from his entire life and career are shown. I wonder who is in charge at the moment? Then…VADER EATING PEOPLE ALIVE. This intro rules. He breaks a back before pyro goes off in Charlotte and Tony Schiavone calls the show “the granddaddy of them all!” I’ve always loved that name. Even Jesse Ventura is in a suit for tonight! The crowd is very loud at every mention of Flair. Earlier today, Vader and Harley Race arrived at the building in a shitty rental car. The champ exits the vehicle wearing a Ribera jacket and saying it’s going to be a party tonight. I love this. He’s already an MVP by working out with an elastic band in the ring and shadowboxing at the camera. This is some amazing presentation. The challenger hasn’t arrived yet, but…
-Mean Gene is at Ric Flair’s house as he says good-bye to little Charlotte, littler Reid and teenage David. It’s very sweet until my wife thinks that Reid is dead because of the bad sweater he’s wearing. THAT WAS HER SAYING IT, NOT ME. If you don’t know the truth of Flair’s history, this is a very believable and genuine moment. Reid says “shut the door, I’m freezing” as Ric and Gene leave. They are authentic and realistic walking to the limo with a Christmas tree in the background. There’s palpable emotion even from the unflappable Okerlund. Flair is subdued and focused. They shake hands and take off.
-Everybody, here comes Too Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell still in their Halloween gear. Teddy Long is still accompanying them and Scorpio has added a do-rag. That fucking dance hasn’t been updated. Long is presented with the Manager of the Year award referenced at Battlebowl. He’s barely done anything! It’s presented by Gary Juster and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Jim Cornette curse him in a shoot interview. Fuck, that’s our reference challenge: Jim Cornette shoot targets. The Pauls (Roma and Orndorff) enter with the Assassin. None of their gear matches. They bolt to the ring to get started.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Too Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell w/Teddy Long vs Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma w/The Assassin
-Interesting spot where Bagwell takes Scorpio’s foot and catapult flips him into Orndorff with a backflip kick.
-No official bell rings as Bagwell and Roma start while Jesse wonders what happens if Flair gets in an accident on the way.
-Roma turned on Erik Watts 16 days ago because I guess Arn Anderson is finally out. Marcus hits a nice crossbody and scoop slam in a good offensive burst.
-Mr. Wonderful comes in and the Paula chants are overwhelming. Scorpio is so effortlessly agile. Meanwhile, Nick Patrick is an LVP by fucking up a pin on a headscissors by thinking it’s a submission. I continue to insist that he’s trash.
-Tony finally points out that Bagwell was a rookie two years ago and Jesse says time flies when you’re having fun. More like when you are on the way out of the company. The faces work really well together.
-Out of nowhere, Bagwell begins to get beaten up. Orndorff almost invents the Tour of the Islands on a bodyslam botch.
-More taking the heat and more momentum killing by Patrick. Roma does a big oversell on a missed Swan Dive. Too Cold gets the hot tag and sends Roma to the floor before hitting a flying punch from the top. A brawl on the floor distracts the ref.
-Assassin trips getting up to the apron and takes a punch. He recovers quickly and nobody does a wide-eyed dead face better than Scorpio.
WINNERS: Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma in 11:28 when Orndorff pins Too Cold Scorpio after a loaded headbutt by the Assassin.
FINAL WORD: Another solid opener for the Ebony and Ivory Connection. Oh hey, there’s a name for them just in time for them to split up.
-Gene and Flair ride in the limo. I thought they were holding hands at first. Ric is getting the gravity of the situation finally. He loves the sport and will see if he’s the player he thinks he is by trying to become the 11-time champ. It feels like a turn is being set up as it’s laid on thick that Gene is one of Flair’s best friends. He wants to end things upbeat, but Mean Gene is being realistic. Again, these are great and different. Flair has to be the MVP when he talks about a man asking him “who is going to WOO” if he retires and Flair responded with “nobody ever but him because he’s not going anywhere.”
-Here come these fat fucks called The Kongs again. Their music is just as atrocious as their existence. Awesome Kong is wrestling. Speaking of atrocious, here comes the Shockmaster! That construction helmet is way too big. The heels jump him at the bell because of course they do. The clumsy one takes a double clothesline, pancake in the corner and a running splash all before the match really starts.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: King Kong w/Awesome Kong vs The Shockmaster
-The commentators point out that King is in the ring instead of Awesome based on his tights. There’s no bell again.
-This naturally plods until Shockmaster hits a big boot and a running body press.
-Well, it’s kept short! Has anyone lost to a more rudimentary move before and THEN get accidentally splashed by his partner?
WINNER: The Shockmaster in 1:05 with a body slam
FINAL WORD: The Kongs have to be an all-time shittiest team and that’s an all-time shitty Starrcade match.
-The commentators talk about Terry Taylor beating the Equalizer on the preshow and The Boss replacing Davey Boy Smith against Rick Rude for the World Title later. Fuck all that, however, because Flair’s limo has arrived with its police escort. Ventura makes some Bill Clinton jokes as Flair exits the vehicle and the crowd WOOOOOOs seeing him. Gene finally bids him adieu and the challenger enters the building with his police and security posse.
-GMC is back to tackling TV Title introductions. We are saving Michael Buffer for the biggest ones then? Ricky Steamboat enters to a great ovation and shakes GMC’s hand. Lord Steven Regal and Sir William walk to the ring to big heat. Jesse rattles off some bad Boxing Day jokes and Tony actually tries to explain the holiday as a “day of sports.” It ends up being their usual good rapport with some Princess DI and Fergie jokes making Schiavone frustrated.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: TV TITLE MATCH- Ricky Steamboat vs Lord Steven Regal w/Sir William (Champ)
-Hey, an opening bell! I dig Ricky’s red pants and hate Nick Patrick not being subtle or out of the way breaking up so many lock ups in the ropes and corner. He does it THREE TIMES. LVP.
-Steamboat’s arm is possibly legit hurt because it takes 90 seconds to start wrestling again and he stumbles at one point.
-The crowd is mostly down for the good chain wrestling thus far. Tony explains how Steve came over pretending to be a commoner. Maybe he was just boring and the pivot was needed?
-Dragon hits an awesome sunset flip pin out of a leapfrog duck. Jesse keeps bringing up this commercial about a gecko or something running on water. There’s no way that was Geico all the way back then, right?
-Five minutes are announced left at 8:15. Oh, WCW time management is back! William keeps yelling at fans as a USA chant starts.
-Three minutes left and we are finally out of mat wrestling. Big uppercuts and chops to kick this up a notch. An umbrella shot is caught and the face chases the manager until he eats a sneaky Regal dropkick on the floor.
-Regal doesn’t keep a headlock cinched in with two minutes left and Jesse rightfully criticizes him. The back and forth in ring feels odd and rushed. A botch bridge out of a pin before Ricky hits a butterfly suplex for two.
-Another brawl on the floor with 45 seconds left. Ricky counters William and sends his head into his charge’s. Steamboat climbs to the top and brings the crowd to their feet, but he misses his finish. It’s deflating. A German Suplex is hit as the bell sounds.
WINNER: Time Limit Draw in 13:10 (announced as 15:00)
FINAL WORD: The time limit draw trope for the TV Title feels old two matches into Regal’s run, but I’m never truly mad at a Ricky Steamboat match.
-No time to breathe here as we talk about Flair some more and Tony is concerned about Flair’s demeanor. Jesse puts over his own retirement and says it could be a win/win for the Nature Boy. This is decent analysis and way better than anything schmucks like Sam Roberts or Peter Rosenberg do nowadays. Michael Jordan going out on top is mentioned as well.
-Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce walk out. Pierce has a new, red mask. Nobody still cares. Schiavone points out their middling record, but they’ve been on a hot streak lately. Cactus Jack enters to a good pop and I won’t give his partner, Maxx Payne, any credit for it. A kid on his dad’s shoulders looks on in hilarious awe.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Tex Slazenger and Shanghai Pierce vs Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne
-The commentators talk about ogling a Hooters girl at ringside as Shanghai and Maxx start. The big boys do big boy things as Tex keeps yelling at people to shut up. Payne is finally knocked down as Jesse wonders what’s on Maxx’s shirt.
-Tex and Cactus are in the ring now. It’s Mankind versus the future Mankind impersonator. Jack’s injury is still being discussed by Schiavone and Ventura even helped him out at the time. Tex is incredibly sloppy and currently Nick Patrick’s sole hope for LVP. He just talks about Texas and bumps weird.
-Uncoordinated double teaming on the heels until Maxx misses a splash in the corner to start taking the heat. It’s not for long because he hits a sunset flip and a belly-to-back.
-Cactus gets the cold tag and headbutts a man in a mask. I was thinking that would be Mick Foley’s dumbest thing until his partner backdrops him over the top rope onto Shanghai and he naturally almost eats total shit.
-More sloppiness as Maxx locks in his submission finisher and Tex dangerously kicks him in the face to interrupt.
-Another weak tag to Cactus before some heel miscommunication leads to a merciful end.
WINNERS: Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne in 7:50 when Cactus pins Shanghai Pierce with a double-arm DDT
FINAL WORD: This match should send King Kong and the Shockmaster a Christmas card so it isn’t the worst on this show.
-Mean Gene pimps the hotline for the first time on PPV. The survey is about whether all championship matches should be two out of three falls like the upcoming US Title match. Get that money, you shill! Then, Kyle Petty with some Yanni vibes gets interviews. Only Charlotte, NC could give the driver of the Mello Yello NASCAR such a good reaction. He talks about his dad’s recent retirement and isn’t half bad talking about the situation. Then, it gets too long and he stammers. The segment wraps up as I think about how 1994 that man looks.
-GMC announces a 30-minute time limit for the two out of three falls US Title match with 30 seconds rest period. I hate it all. Steve Austin enters with Col. Parker to good heat, still doing the Hollywood Blondes taunt. Dustin Rhodes enters to a good reaction as GMC reiterates the rules. He is so good at what he does. Jesse makes a “Natural” joke about the Hooters girl. Tony’s voice cracks and the issue is pushed. Schiavone has a good line about being able to get away with anything after what Mean Gene pulled at Battlebowl. Isn’t that the truth?
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: US TITLE TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS MATCH- Steve Austin w/Col. Robert Parker vs Dustin Rhodes (Champ)
-Two out of three falls is debated as chain wrestling begins this bout. There’s already a much better energy and pace than their Halloween Havoc affair. Dustin hits a great elbow and Austin bumps great off of it.
-Ventura is veering off course by discussing Rush Limbaugh and the politics of smoking. The match has settled into the typical constant bailing of the heel after a close call.
-Austin takes one HELLACIOUS bump into the crowd off an Irish whip over the rail. He clears it and lands on the concrete like a Slip N Slide. He asks for a time out and I think it should be granted. He also asks for a handshake and eats a taped fist. What a great heel.
-Schiavone says that these two men will dominate WCW for the next decade. They both will be gone in 18 months.
-To be honest, these two really don’t have any chemistry together. Dustin throws an odd dropkick and Steve bumps oddly off of it. Parker helps break up the pin.
-Double down after a collision before both men get back up and throw nothing but punches for a while. There’s an awkward nearfall on a slam counter because NICK PATRICK’S COUNTS SUCK.
-Rhodes has a bloody nose and fires up with a big lariat and powerslam. Parker gets on the apron and Dustin whips his adversary into his manager. Of course, he goes over the top rope and the bell rings.
Steve Austin wins the first fall in 13:27 by DQ after being thrown over the top rope
-Austin doesn’t get the rest he’s supposed to because he’s thrown into the ring post and Parker gets helped to the back.
-The rest period finally starts and Steve comes up bloody as fuck. It’s a good story after Dustin has been busted open the past two months.
-THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!! FUCKING WCW 1993 ONE MORE TIME!!!!! Thankfully, a spotlight is prepared, but barely. What the fuck are you doing, Bischoff? Dustin keeps the crowd into it by beating Steve’s ass and getting blood all over the place.
-Out of nowhere, Austin slams Dustin on his side out of the corner and horribly holds his tights. Dustin’s shoulder is almost up the entire time. Oh well.
WINNER: Steve Austin in 16:17 2-0 to win the title after a spinebuster and holding the tights.
FINAL WORD: They are not their best dance partners, but they get the job done by the end of it. There’s a lot of heels winning tonight, huh?
-Davey Boy Smith is thrown under the bus again. Nothing says World Title like going on sixth. Rick Rude’s big time moments are highlighted before the totally random tag title match is finally mentioned.
-HOLLA IF YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?! Sigh…no. It’s just the worst goddamn cop song for The Boss. He’s wearing a black outfit instead of a blue one in an attempt to not get sued. Michael Buffer is handling this one. Rude enters to big boos and gets mic time to call himself the “undisputed world champion” as the Hooters girls are shown booing. No typical promo? Buffer reads his notecard. Just being “The Boss” is amazing. They should have brought in Bruce Springsteen.
-The Boss screams incredulous nonsense in Rude’s face at the bell. He even throws some obscenities in that are mostly covered up.
-A tussle in the corner leads to Boss spitting on Rude. Gross. That spot is repeated. Nobody can milk their match time like Rick Rude in 1993. Kevin Nash may have five moves including the hair flip, but Rude isn’t much better nowadays (and we have one more Cornette reference to go).
-HIGH elevation on a back drop by Boss and he hits a nice boot as well. Rude is just getting the crap kick out of him as Tony mentions WCW getting a commissioner soon.
-Rude is slammed on the floor and is starting to get sympathy from me with his selling. He is suplexed and hangs upside down onto the ropes from the floor in a unique spot. Boss slides back out to attack and kicks the cameraman.
-After a sit up, Rude is apparently working babyface because he takes shots to the face before getting locked into a bearhug. He even gets a hope spot, but gets hit off the top rope.
-All it takes is one miss of a rope attack? That was almost botched, but it’s still clean as a whistle.
WINNER: Rick Rude in 9:07 to retain the title with a sunset flip
FINAL WORD: Nothing says World Title like a nine-minute filler contest with the heel champ getting crushed for nine minutes and winning somehow in the other seven seconds.
-It’s Double Thundercage LIVE at SuperBrawl IV. Tony tells Jesse he’s a good-looking man. Okay!
-Man, this is what Sting is doing at Starrcade? He gets a HUGE pop alongside Road Warrior Hawk. There are some cool foam Sting heads in the crowd. The Nasty Boys enter and Missy Hyatt is WEARING A FUCKING OUTFIT. It’s pink with her underwear blatantly underneath. She’s also carrying a whip. Knobbs wishes Schiavone a sarcastic Happy New Year while Buffer rushes through the intros. The champs are billed from “somewhere in or around New York City?”
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: WCW TAG TITLE MATCH- Sting and Hawk vs The Nasty Boys w/Missy Hyatt (Champs)
-Missy flaunts the belts as some very ugly man with a mullet, gold chain and bowling shirt holds a dollar bill out to her in the crowd. There is a TON of stalling by the heels as they yell at the crowd and give FU motions after the bell has already rung.
-Sting and Knobbs square up, but continue to stall. They finally lock up at 2:26.
-Big clothesline and punches by Sting that makes the Boys bail. Hawk picks Sting up and press slams him over the top onto them. Sting’s pants read “Stinger” in what can only best be described as cum.
-Hawk enters to a big ovation. Animal is at home cashing checks. He growls and scares Sags before a lock up, clotheslines and more powdering.
-A flurry for Hawk featuring a dropkick, fist drop and enziguiri before Sting is tagged back in. After Knobbs is hurt for several minutes, Hawk hits the post and falls to the floor. Sags nails him in the shoulder hard with a classroom chair while Nick Patrick has to pretend like it’s okay and halfheartedly questioning Hyatt. She hauls off and slaps the shit out of Hawk soon afterwards.
-Hawk’s arm is worked over before Jesse calls out a sloppy slam by Knobbs. Why are we 13 minutes into another Nasty Boys match? Keep these short!
-The hot tag is missed, but Hawk throws sloppy punches to knock his rivals down. Sting enters with good momentum and even more awkward looking strikes. There’s so much miscommunication both as characters and as actual people. The champs try to leave, but the faces chase them and make them return.
-The timer is 25 seconds BEHIND at the halfway point in this match. WHY?!?!?! Knobbs gets his knees up on a Sting splash attempt. Another collision is fucked up when Knobbs tries a second rope leg drop and Sting sorta rolls away, but still gets hit.
-Best moment of the match so far: Missy whips Sting twice on the floor and he fires up only to get clobbered by a Sags clothesline to keep him on the defense.
-Hawk works the crowd up heavily as the heels cheat in an abdominal stretch, utilizing blind tags, etc. Sting is really grinded in chinlocks and pumphandles.
-Let’s cut Regal and Steamboat short, but let the Nasty Boys go long with Sting in restholds, huh? A wide shot makes the building look small.
-Five minutes are left and Sags looks totally gassed. Knobbs hits one of the worst second rope splashes of all time. Think a five-year old trying not to hurt their friend. Sting gets his boot up on the second attempt.
-Hawk breaks up the attempted finisher and finally tags in. Knobbs is doing everything including getting dumped on his head in a powerslam. I think Sags is legit hurt.
-Stinger Splash and Scorpion Deathlock attempted, but Missy interrupts and takes a forcible kiss on the apron. Knobbs hits her on accident and he gets rolled up for an incredible two count.
-The painted warriors hit a Doomsday that makes Knobbs land right on the back of his neck. Missy climbs in and flails on top of Sting in the middle of the pin. She comes out of her top partially before running out of the ring. The faces stare at her and the ref calls for the bell.
WINNERS: Sting and Hawk in 29:10 by DQ
-Jesse openly complains about the finish as Missy looks disheveled yet badass on her way to the back. I believe this is her final appearance? Buffer rushes the official word as well.
FINAL WORD: You mean to tell me that we sat through 30 MINUTES of a Nasty Boys match and that’s your finish? This main event needs to be a miracle.
-Gene compliments Jesse’s suit, then fake spits. He delivers another hotline promo and says he’s happy to be a part of his first Starrcade before sending it back to ringside to set the tone. Tony says he’s going to be quiet which means that Jesse keeps talking.
-Vader enters in a black mask while Harley Race holds the title. I’m glad they found it. Maybe he’s too much of a fat piece of shit, right Shawn? Heard you found God, but fuck you (and the Cornette challenge is complete). The champ shouts at the announcers as 2001 makes the crowd swoon right away. The Man appears to big pyro, a dope purple robe and no Fifi. There are so many banners, signs and tapestries for Ric. The noise is deafening. There’s a 45 minute time limit and this is where Buffer shines. Pee Wee Anderson is thankfully the ref. Great credentials are rattled off for the champion, simply called Vader now. You can’t even hear the introduction of Flair. He has tears in his eyes throughout and it really feels like this could be it. Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
-Posing versus Wooing as Tony recaps Flair’s career all the way back from the crash. Rabid “Flair” chants. This atmosphere is incredible.
-Vader throws Flair away three times and the challenger forces a chase. Punches, slaps and wristlocks make Flair scream in agony. Retaliation chops are completely no sold. Vader holds him in a press slam for a while. This is already hard to watch. Another one is performed onto the rail.
-Vader misses a splash and hits the rail. Flair and the crowd explode. Vader gets posted, but Race attacks from behind the ref’s back.
-Suplexes and corner flop to the ramp has the crowd eating out of Flair’s hand. Vader is no slouch either by dishing pointed punches and powerful clotheslines.
-A second rope attack hits Flair legit in the jaw and he’s already busted. He seems legit pissed, but it works in the context of the story. He avoids a second rope splash.
-Flair comes off the top rope THREE TIMES with axe handles and they are all successful! He’s over .500 lifetime! The crowd WOOs and Tony can’t believe it.
-Nothing is really having an effect and Vader keeps punishing the legend with a second rope suplex and the same low elbow from Battlebowl.
-Ric avoid a splash, hits the ropes and immediately gets knocked back down with a body block. I’ll reiterate that he is the greatest comedy wrestler ever and such an underrated face. In other words, MVP.
-Race gets some stomps in on the floor. Tony is telling the Starrcade revenge story well.
-Flair keeps slugging. There’s such passion in his face as he brings Vader to his knees, then the mat. The crowd explodes and Vader’s mask is off. His leg is slammed into the post. Flair takes Jesse’s chair and hits the leg behind the ref’s back. Vader is taking some slugs to the face and the crowd is on cloud nine. One more chair to the head UNPROTECTED for the champ.
-People are standing everywhere while Flair resorts to biting. He teases the Figure Four and the audience busts a nut. Instead, he does more damage and struts. He finally tries to apply it and gets kicked off.
-Vader Bomb missed and this might be Schiavone’s best call ever. The Figure Four is on and Race gets on the apron and tries to get in the ring. The ref warns him as Vader reaches the ropes. The crowd deserves so many props here. Vader gets a big boot in the corner and another low elbow to get back on top.
-VADERSAULT misses and Flair pins him. Race tries a top rope headbutt, but hits Vader on accident. The ref forces him out and everyone is rapturous. Another body block by the monster, but he’s too hurt to capitalize. Flair is not.
-There may have been 80,000+ in Wembley for the British Bulldog, but this might be just as loud.
WINNER: Ric Flair in 21:10 to win the title with a roll up
FINAL WORD: I’ve seen this match so many times and I’m still teary eyed. Fuck, this even made Hulk Hogan cry. It’s a masterclass.
-Buffer is drowned out again and Flair is in tears as champ again. Pyro blasts as the commentators let the moment sit for a moment. Confetti falls and the new champ makes his way up the ramp. The crowd is just as loud as when the fall happened. More pyro and Flair’s exit is timed perfectly to the crescendo of his theme. The replay shows Race protecting his head on the dive for once and Vader selling his leg and hitting his head on the roll up fall.
-The commentators are covered in confetti and recap the match. Nobody has left because they want an encore. Eric Bischoff is backstage with an IRATE Vader, destroying lockers covered in tarps for a celebration. He messes up the power to the shot, so we go back live to Flair returning to bow and thank the audience. Mean Gene is backstage with the Flair family and eventually Ric. David looks so fucking bored and lost. Reid looks at his dad in amazement and that makes sense because he’s missing teeth and has a bloody nose.
-Flair gets emotional about having his family on TV. His wife, Beth, is very stoic and bored with all of her words. Sting comes in to offer congrats as does Ricky Steamboat. This is getting minorly masturbatory, but it was THAT good. Flair’s final thoughts: “I’ve been a very fortunate man.” Gene tells him that he loves him and says he’s a fortunate man, too. He signs off as Flair looks around the locker room before Star Wars credits roll.
FINAL MVP of PPV: I mean…come on! I didn’t think Ric Flair could top his 1992 Royal Rumble performance, but this is somehow on par. Anybody wants to make a GOAT argument for someone else needs to be directed to this event.
FINAL LVP of PPV: I finally got you, motherfucker! Nobody impeded more matches with their awful, Southern style of officiating than Nick Patrick. Be invisible, not an annoyance.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Ric Flair vs Vader
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: The Shockmaster vs King Kong
FINAL THOUGHTS: Can one match really force me to recommend an entire show? I’ve debated it in the past, but this specific case might finally be the right time to do it. The story, build and execution are possibly the best ever at this point in time and it delivers in every way. The rest of the show is total bunk, disposable in every way. That said, a crappy meal can be worth it if the service and dessert are worth it. Honestly, I’m just happy to get a Starrcade without a gimmick as well. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: We finally reach 1994 and the tone is set in many different ways with the Royal Rumble. Now excuse me, I’m going to watch Ric Flair versus Vader again.