Mullet's Retro Diary 58: SuperBrawl III
The potential dark days of this diary begin. No, that’s not a reference to the first WCW show in the infamous year of 1993. It’s a reference to the move of the WWE Network to Peacock and the fact that all PPVs are currently not available on that service.
When I started this project many years ago, it was my intent to watch every show as a way to see the history of wrestling exactly the way the winners wanted me to. It’s been interesting, but mostly unsurprising. Now, in the wake of news that controversial content is being edited, I’m worried that we are going to get a story that’s not necessarily as authentic as I’d like. Nevertheless, I moved forward and keep that in the back of my mind.
How do I move forward at the moment? Well, thankfully, I have friends that are great at finding stuff online. Thanks, Tope!
This is definitely a weird one because I received a VHS version of the show that came from the old WWE 24/7 service. It was before a lot of music rights were figured out, so there’s so epically bad dubbing and edits. It also didn’t include the opening video package. Thankfully, my Network subscription had enough life left in it to allow me to watch those few moments before the actual show began and I picked it up from there.
That may happen a lot in this phase until the PPVs are added back sometime in the summer. I’m going to do my best to keep rocking and rolling with one show every week. I enjoy this way too much to stop now and I hope whomever is reading this feels the same way.
At the end of it all, we will have my narrative and that’s the only one that really counts. All of that aside, let’s go to the White Castle of Fear!
Written on 3/29/2021
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: Vader whipping Sting as Barry Windham holds him against the ropes. Then… a hanging! Good lord! That will probably get edited out considering how vicious it looked. Vader says it’s personal now and whips some jobbers as Sting boards the helicopter to the White Castle of Fear! We go live in Asheville, NC with Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt. Once again, there’s injury news to report as Ron Simmons is out and Maxx Payne is his replacement in the US Title match against Dustin Rhodes. That’s “thanks to his team of negotiators.” That guy has negotiators? Missy’s agenda is to pull off…the coup of the evening and she won’t tell us who or what that is. She’s used to pulling other stuff off. Eric welcomes Johnny B. Badd and he enters looking like a stripper on the Love Boat. He has his Slam Jam theme and Badd Blaster, so I’m happy. There’s a lot of open space and unnecessary guardrails at the entrance.
-Badd takes his time to get to the podium and shoot his Blaster before rhyming a few times and previews the NWA Title match and the debut of Davey Boy Smith. He seems like a bad Eddie Murphy character to me here and he earns the first LVP. They take it to Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone, who was promoted because JR didn’t want to take a demotion. Tony explains that the White Castle of Fear is just a strap match. The United States title situation is addressed again and Maxx Payne is bringing “Norma Jean” with him. That’s his guitar and he plays the National Anthem on it. There’s a lot of him early. What a look. If he’s legit playing, he makes Elias look like an asshole. A lot of trashy Asheville residents are shown being happy and he gets a great pop as pyro goes off. This may be his career highlight.
-As the intro said, there’s a lot of bad dubbing here and it’s taken away the dope Hollywood Blondes theme and GMC’s voice. That said, here are Steve Austin and Brian Pillman as a team for the first time! Also, as a consolation prize, Marcus Alexander Bagwell and Erik Watts enter to the AMERICAN MALES THEME. OMG please give me that gimmick with Erik Watts instead of Scotty Riggs. Boy, this is jarring. As a rule, every time the American Males theme is on PPV, I will be putting the video in the article.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Steve Austin and Brian Pillman vs Marcus Alexander Bagwell and Erik Watts
-The Blondes already have their matching tights as Jesse puts them over strong as the uncrowned champs. Big Austin chants and he seems surprised as he starts the match with Bagwell.
-Bagwell wins the chain wrestling battle and you can just hear the difference with Jesse and Tony together. It’s not legitimately antagonistic at all as Tony sells Jesse’s first joke about being drunk at the bar. Austin oversells a terrible Bagwell punch to the floor.
-Watts tags in to big boos and the faces double team back drop and clothesline Austin. Brian enters and starts slapping and chopping Watts and he responds with an arm drag that was decent and a dropkick that didn’t totally blow. He still gets “Erik Sucks” chants.
-Bagwell throws the bad dropkick this time and Steve Austin is the MVP for making Bagwell, the current LVP look as decent as possible.
-The faces trade abdominal stretches as Ventura encourages cheating.
-Why is he Marcus Alexander Bagwell.? That’s such a ridiculously long and obnoxious name. He should be a spoiled, rich character.
-Jesse points out the boos getting louder for Watts every time he tags in and Tony asks if it’s “boooo…or WOOOO.” OUCH, that’s the shits.
-Pillman gets a big pop kicking Watts in the face in the middle of a Boston Crab.
-I can’t believe I’m going to compliment an Erik Watts STF counter. He caught Brian’s boot and got him around into the submission…gasp…beautifully.
-Ten plus minutes of the heels eating shit capped off with Pillman hitting the rail after an apron jump. The Blondes finally hit a double team back elbow to send Erik over the top to put them in control.
-Another loud Austin chant as he slams Erik on the floor, then needs help countering a sunset flip.
-Steve cockily stands on Watts’ back and then Pillman takes knees to the stomach on a Rocket Launcher attempt. The hot tag gets cut off with an Austin belly to back.
-The future Stone Cold amazingly crotches himself in the middle ropes and bounces in a way I’ve never seen before. I wish his body held up. Bagwell gets the hot tag and the heels make him look amazing. He does the ten punch spot on Pillman and Austin eats one in the middle of it, too.
-Marcus hits his fisherman’s suplex, but the ref is distracted by removing Watts and the heels take advantage.
WINNERS: The Hollywood Blondes in 16:34 when Brian Pillman pins Marcus Alexander Bagwell after a second rope elbow drop by Steve Austin.
-Our first camera roll after the bell. This is going to be a fun, but short, ride.
FINAL WORD: How are they so cool already? They basically wrestled themselves and it was great.
-Sting is in a helicopter in the mountains and Vader talks destiny quickly before going back live and I get to hear the tail end of the Blondes’ theme. EB and Badd are back and Bischoff just announces the return of Ric Flair to the live crowd to a big pop. So much for that build! Missy is shown backstage at a limo trying to get an interview. A policewoman frisks her and Doug Dellinger takes her mic away before being removed. Flair finally emerges with an entourage as Missy huffs and puffs. He should have stayed with Vince. This was so strange.
-The commentators discuss his return as the “WE WANT FLAIR” chant rings out again. Ventura points out that they are finally in the same place together. Then, it happens…the PPV debut of CHRIS BENOIT. He’s wearing a leather jacket and has the charisma of Magikarp (it’s Pokemon reference challenge time!) I’ve been thinking about what to do here. I need to do something. So, every show, I’m going to answer one simple question: can I or anyone on the show itself see what eventually comes? We finally hear GMC and, more importantly, we finally hear EVERYBODY HERE COMES 2 COLD SCORPIO. He gets a big pop and enough charisma and energy for both men. He does a great flip into the ring and dances. Tony is raked over the coals over claiming to be a dancer more like Fred Astaire.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Chris Benoit vs 2 Cold Scorpio
-Benoit is wearing zebra print tights and hits a vicious elbow as Jesse says he has a “killer instinct.” Yep, that didn’t take long! We are 1 for 1 on predicting what will come. Ventura puts over Stu Hart’s “Chamber of Horrors” as Benoit’s training environment.
-Great snap suplex by Chris, then Scorpio hits an awesome high flying press and a spin kick in response.
-You gotta love flawless chain wrestling that gets applause. Jesse still calls them rednecks and he may create Jeff Foxworthy’s whole career. How much did he know in advance? He’s on the MVP scene even though he keeps calling him “the Cold Man.”
-I want to go back in time and rid the world of drugs so we can see Scorpio be the legend he should have been. He does some amazing flips and has such a unique crispness to his dropdowns and leapfrogs.
-Dope monkey flip reversals on a bridging counter. This is my JAM.
-Scorpio hits a sweet superkick and ground Benoit after another good series. Schiavone praises Ventura for counting and bragging about his money before losing his train of thought arguing about wrestlers vs athletes.
-Benoit takes over with clotheslines and tires to jaw and taunt the fans. The commentators are reaching Gorilla/Bobby levels of bickering, but not as funny.
-Benoit is overusing the brow wipe onto the crowd.
-The future Crippler hits a great spinebuster and invents the Liontamer for Chris Jericho. Five minutes are announced as remaining at 13:20. Every era of WCW, the timekeeping stays the same.
-Throat slit before a high angle belly to back from the top rope by the heel. He sells the head on impact and I have a bad feeling in my stomach. By the time he covers, it only gets a two count.
-Man, I hate Nick Patrick as a ref. There’s no impact on his counts and it always hurts the momentum as it did with a near fall on a Benoit powerbomb. Here’s an LVP for you.
-Cold tries and fails to invent the Code Red as they land in the ropes. He rebounds by missing some spin kicks, but hitting a great clothesline.
-Nice 360 splash in the corner as the crowd senses a draw with 60 seconds left. It’s not the 450, but it’s a smooth version of Twisted Bliss that’s still only two.
-A victory roll is blocked and Benoit hits a second rope leg drop with 15 seconds left. Scorpio gets a quick small package for two and now there’s 10 seconds left.
-Boy, do I love this closing sequence and concept.
WINNER: 2 Cold Scorpio in 18:20 (19:59 announced time) with a victory roll
-The splash and final sequence leading to the pin are replayed as Jesse sounds like me complaining about time.
FINAL WORD: That’s about as modern as you get in 1993. That wouldn’t look out of place in a PWG highlight video.
-EB pimps the hotline as Gordon Solie and Michael Hayes interview Dustin Rhodes backstage. Maxx Payne gets interview time and has his lawyers and managers discussed again before interrupting and wanting time to talk. He has a smooth delivery and presence until he randomly says “mother” and looks to the sky. Then, he plays TAPS on the guitar as a means of intimidation. Bischoff says we get the point. We do?
-More dubbed business for Wild Bill Irwin in the most random return ever. That moves less needles than watching Requiem for a Dream. Man, this dubbing sucks announcer-wise. The pop and theme is still great for Davey Boy Smith, however. It’s his WCW debut and Jesse mentions Wembley Stadium and Schiavone says they’ll be over in the UK soon. They aren’t filling Wembley.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Wild Bill Irwin vs Davey Boy Smith
-Bulldog naturally gets the power advantage as Jesse asks why Tony doesn’t have cornrows.
-Davey doesn’t know the top rope rules with a clothesline over the top rope.
-Irwin is another great heel seller, staggering out of the ring after a press slam and complaining about his hair getting pulled constantly. This allows Ventura to bring up “Rastafarians” and he says that funny.
-Irwin randomly gets the advantage and Davey gets some strong kickouts after every pin attempt.
-There’s a lackluster slugfest before a delayed vertical and the crowd barks like Rick Steiner. A weird miscommunication makes Smith push Irwin in the corner hard.
-Jesse seems to slam JR about preparedness before the finish.
WINNER: Davey Boy Smith in 5:49 with the running powerslam
FINAL WORD: It’s odd that an enhancement match should be two minutes shorter, but that’s the case here.
-Another White Castle clip for ten seconds that’s basically just Vader’s helmet in the lair. Tony interviews Davey ringside. As usual, he talks and it all goes DOWNHILL. He calls the company “the WCW” and his future partner “The Sting”. Then, he messes up the championship name and telegraphs the result of the main event by focusing on Vader. In other words, it’s an LVP promo.
-Badd and Hyatt talk about the overseas tour, or rather Badd talks over Missy complaining about travel before taking it to Eric with Paul Orndorff before his Falls Count Anywhere match with Cactus Jack. He gets five words out before a shovel clang is heard and Jack backs him up through the curtain down the aisle. We are underway!
-What crazy times it is that Paul is now in WCW and Jack is now a babyface. The crowd loves him as Paul kicks him in the head to disarm him.
-UNPROTECTED throw of Cactus’ head into the rail. That was disgusting and unnecessary and awesome.
-The mat gets lifted and Orndorff gets slammed on the concrete. It’s like Bill Watts never left. Then, Jack hits an elbow drop for a two count.
-Jack does that second rope sunset flip and goes SPLAT on the concrete that Tony rightfully calls out as ridiculously bad for him. It’s a near fall and Foley is feeling that one immediately.
-They finally get in the ring as Paul grounds his opponent and throws him hard onto the floor.
-The brawl continues up the aisle and then the most amazing Irish Whip of all time happens. It’s mesmerizing and the dumbest thing Mick Foley has done thus far.
-Schiavone gives background on their feud stemming from the Thunderdome Cage match at the last Clash of the Champions. Then, Cactus trumps himself by taking a suplex onto one of the railings and he bends in the grossest way. So many dumb things.
-Foley’s face is rammed twice UNPROTECTED into the rail. He has got to be the MVP right now for doing all of this shit.
-Where the fuck has Orndorff been? He’s such a good, solid heel. He goes after Jack’s weak knee and almost disembowels him on the post with a suplex.
-Mr. Wonderful locks in the Figure Four and Schiavone shouts about Flair. Is Paul using Metronome? That’s Pokemon reference two!
-Cactus’ knee gets slammed on the concrete several times.
-STOP IT. Jack takes an UNPROTECTED shot to the face with some foreign object, then bumps to the floor from the apron with such force. THEN, there are three chair shots to the knee and a crude push with the side of the chair near the face. Man, is he taking punishment or what?
-The piledriver is called for and the heel hubris costs him the win, but not his future brain functions because he got his hands up.
WINNER: Cactus Jack in 12:20 with a shovel shot to the face
-This is Cactus Jack’s first PPV win in his three year history as we enjoy Mr. Bang Bang for the first time during the replay.
FINAL WORD: This was the first really hard Cactus Jack match to watch because you see how hard he’s trying to make it. It sure was different and great for its time.
-Bischofff, Badd and Hyatt preview the rest of the show and talk about Ric Flair’s appearance later in the show. No shit. Badd talks about the United States title match and calls Payne ugly. There’s an abrupt cut before the fucking Heavenly Bodies and Jim Cornette walk out. What the hell is going on? Did we randomly jump ahead a few months and switch companies? Bobby Eaton is with them and Stan Lane is Dr. Tom’s partner instead of Jimmy Del Ray. Cornette in WCW again is legitimately shocking. I feel bad for Eaton living in the past here. Different music cuts Stan off before he talks and it’s the Rock N Roll Express to a better reaction than their last run. WCW got a chance at the Smokey Mountain basically, right? Another ref comes out and instructs Eaton to return to the back.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: The Heavenly Bodies w/Jim Cornette vs The Rock N Roll Express
-Prichard and Robert Gibson start and you can already tell Bobby has lost a step. Morton comes in quickly and looks as good as he’s ever been.
-Lane looks a little rougher than before. His body is off, but that might be the haircut or the trunks.
-A lot of Southern tag hijinks to start. It feels very old hat with a double bail to the floor for the heels.
-There’s a bad gay joke about Cornette being eligible for the military with the President’s changes. That’ll hurt Ventura’s MVP chances as another heel collision happens.
-Apparently, the Wrecking Crew were the original opponents for the Heavenly Bodies. I don’t know who they are. Here’s a picture. I hope it helps you and me.
-A criss-cross spot leads to Cornette getting in the ring and smacking into Lane. This jokey shit would piss Jim off so much nowadays.
-The jokes end with a racket shot to Morton’s throat and the crowd is very loud with a “RNR” chant. That’s Asheville for you!
-Tom’s doctor status is questioned by Jesse and gynecology is brought up. Tony claims it’s for disaster and Body hilariously deadpans “so he has a PhD in disaster?”
-There’s apparently a closed circuit broadcast next door for all of the people who couldn’t get tickets. Yeah, I’m sure that’s a lot of people. I’m more interested in the minutiae of the show than the actual action. The heels hit a weird slingshot clothesline/suplex combo.
-How long can Morton be called a young man? Tom hits a nice gutwrench powerbomb and, just like Terry Taylor, it doesn’t get the job done.
-Ricky hits a double DDT and hot tags Gibson in for some minimal offense. All four guys come in before the patented double dropkick. Cornette gets slung in as the ref is distracted and Tom hits a bulldog for two.
-OMG this ref has been distracted for like an hour. Eaton runs out and Morton moves. Boy, they make him look like a giant goof.
WINNERS: The Rock N Roll Express in 12:52 when Robert Gibson pins Tom Prichard after an errant top rope fist drop by Bobby Eaton
-Eaton and Prichard fight after the bell and Cornette and Lane have to separate them as the replay goes on.
FINAL WORD: It’s crazy how dated and stale this felt to me after being awesome three calendar years ago.
Sting is at the White Castle of Feat with two ladies and it’s over again in five seconds. Tony and Jesse recap the show thus far and compare Ron Simmons’ WCW Title win situation to what could happen with Maxx Payne tonight. More bad dubbing for the aforementioned Payne. He’s billed from “the state of euphoria.” Jesse likes his coat. Then, more Slam Jam debuts, but not the good kind because Dustin Rhodes is “the son of a son!” The new champ enters with girls screaming. Schiavone explains that he won the number one contender’s tournament that ended up being for the vacant title. The ref is barely audible giving instructions on the mic. Maxx’s gear is very basic compared to his entrance attire.
Yeah, I don’t get it either. RIP Blade Braxton.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: US TITLE MATCH- Maxx Payne vs Dustin Rhodes (Champ)
-This is contested under WCW rules. As opposed to…? Apparently, a prone knee from the top rope is a DQ. Dustin hits some big punches and a lariat to start.
-Payne looks like the dad of GCW’s Jimmy Lloyd.
-The crowd gets quiet as the arm is worked. A very overcomplicated arm drag counter ends with both men in the ropes as Payne’s hometown and jitters are discussed.
-Lot of arm work as some boring catcalls hit and Maxx hits a back elbow to try and take over. He whips Dustin, but cuts it off on the arm to set up his armbar finish called the Painkiller.
-This one really slogs. Is that the right word for it? It sounds right.
-There’s an odd collision mid-ring and they just try the spot again. It was a caught cross body, but the heel misses a follow up elbow soon after.
-Dustin hits a good lariat and suplex as he builds momentum again by locking in an abdominal stretch. Payne grabs the ref and throws him into the wrestlers. The bell rings.
WINNER: Dustin Rhodes in 11:27 by DQ
-Payne hits a shoulder breaker on the floor and throws him into the post, but Rhodes battles back quickly. Refs come out to stop it before it’s interrupted by the next White Castle of Fear blip.
FINAL WORD: Man…that blew. There was no energy and the ending was a real head scratcher.
-Sting: “there’s something very familiar about this” as Vader yells and a mirror shatters. I wish Dusty Rhodes got the chance to make his version of The Room.
-Bischoff and the group talk for a brief moment before GMC announces THE MAN. Ric Flair enters to an expectedly great pop and it’s awesome to hear 2001 again. He walks out with his entourage and the reaction just gets louder. He’s home and I miss him in WWF already. Schiavone welcomes him back and Flair says he’s ready to rock and roll. He points out that he never lost the title that’s about to be on the line. It’s the wrong name, but the right belt.
-Barry Windham enters to a very positive reaction and a jacket found on a fake reservation. Flair is on commentary for this and it’s WILD to hear him interact with Ventura. They point that out as the Great Muta enters with the Big Gold Belt. Thank goodness there’s no Chono here. Muta won it at the January 4th Dome show before it was called Wrestle Kingdom. Hiro Matsuda accompanies him and his theme isn’t offensive, but something offensive might have been more appropriate if that makes sense because it’s just basic highlight music. Referee Randy Anderson gives the NWA instructions on mic as the crowd loudly chants “WE WANT FLAIR.” Poor Barry Windham. Every time he gets a world title shot, Flair’s name gets chanted.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: NWA TITLE MATCH- Barry Windham vs Great Muta (Champion) w/ Hiro Matsuda
-A feeling out process to start as Jesse calls Flair the “60-minute man” and Tony says he likes them big. Huh? Flair is nice to hear on the headset.
-Muta spin kicks Barry after a leapfrog and applies a headlock again as Flair eeks into MVP consideration by putting over Windham’s credentials and the history of the event.
-Muta is shockingly unpopular here. His insistence on ground work isn’t helping even though he throws a couple random dropkicks.
-Ten minutes have passed three minutes early. I’ll never give this fight up.
-Power drive elbow, suplex and back to the side headlock as the face is still in control.
-There’s no real flow to this one oddly after these two had great chemistry at Starrcade. A random DDT lets Barry take over.
-Belly-to-back on the floor as Ventura asks Ric why he has security guards instead of girls.
-A Windham sleeper gets a random pop and it lasts long enough for him to cheat with his feet on the ropes. Flair says he’s finally starting to think. That’s a great line.
-Schiavone doesn’t know any attractive women as he lets the two legends dump all over him. The heel hits a gutwrench and continues his assault.
-My wife is catching up on Riverdale right now and it’s almost more interesting than this action.
-The champ’s paint is totally off as her avoid a piledriver, but keeps getting beat up.
-Flair has stopped talking on commentary. He might be asleep or using his new creative power to bump up winning the title. Imagine if he was Hulk Hogan before Hogan at the next PPV.
-Muta blocks the superplex and hits a flying chop and a backspring elbow. The boo birds are out as he sets the moonsault up. Barry moves.
-Muta hits a belly-to-back and some sloppy backbreakers before trying the moonsault again and eating double knees to the stomach.
-You sandbagging son of a bitch. There’s gotta be a story here because Muta didn’t want to take this loss.
WINNER: Barry Windham in 24:10 to win the title with an elevated DDT
-The victory gets a big pop and Barry looks relieved to finally win the big one.
-Flair enters the ring and puts the belt around the winner’s waist, but it’s refused. They face off and the moment gets a big ovation before Flair coolly struts away.
FINAL WORD: Length and skill doesn’t always equal an enjoyable match.
-One second of Cheatum before Vader asks for the strap. Sting grabs it and there’s an explosion. That’s all we get before EB and the gang preview the main event. Missy’s analysis is Vader is big and he’s scary. Okay, she’s probably the LVP at this point. I’m seriously mad that more of the epically bad mini-movie makes the PPV. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
-It’s time for the “Lights Out Leather Strap Match.” What the fuck is this Fat Albert junkyard band song for the fucking CHAMP? Vader is wearing a dope ass white fur cape as he enters with Harley Race by his side. It’s a testament that he’s so ominous that the song still works somehow. Tony offhand mentions that this is a non-title match. WHAT THE HELL?!?! Huge pyro from The Man Called Sting both in song and performer. It’s deafening for him as he walks to the ring in his classic blue and yellow. WHY IS THIS NON-TITLE?!?! Schiavone is great recapping their one-year story as a graphic reminds us that this is not sanctioned by WCW. That might explain the non-title aspect. The rivals get strapped up and the bell rings.
-Vader tugs Sting down twice and poses like a boss. They go nose-to-nose on the third tug and the big man eventually clotheslines him and drop a very low elbow.
-A second rope splash after a couple of mild lashes and this is all the champ…until Sting pops up and crotches Vader with the strap a few times. Punches knock it down and Sting hits a unique jump kick. Man, this crowd LOVES Sting.
-Great elevation with two top rope splashes by the Stinger. Some worked strap shots to Vader’s back makes Race get on the apron and he takes one shot, too.
-Sting pulls Vader into the post twice and he’s showing big welts on his back despite those shots being worked. Sting touches the post on the floor and that’s different. Vader cuts him off after two by pulling him headfirst into the rail.
Vader’s back is GROSS, even more so than usual. Just lay down and rest like the Snorlax that you are (and the challenge is done).
-Sting avoids the powerbomb, but misses a third splash and takes one from Vader. Then, the Vader Bomb as Jesse insinuates that his partner whips his kids and is promptly told to shut up.
-Huge second rope Samoan Drop by Vader. He’s so damn great. He may edge out this MVP. He pulls Sting and gets two corners before getting stopped.
-The champ misses a second Vader Bomb as Sting has to roll inside because of the strap. The heel still has the advantage, but gets crotched on the top rope and then pulled down.
-Vader wins a slugfest and hits a superplex. He screams that it’s over and hits three buckles before Sting wraps his legs around the bottom rope and kicks Vader to break the attempt.
-The face is now bleeding as he eats clubbing blows and body blocks before managing a forward rolling kick. His German on Vader will never not be impressive and he adds a DDT to boot.
-Vader gets punched down in the corner and picked up to touch the corners. His foot hits the ref for a bump. Sting trips over the prone ref as he’s about to touch the fourth buckle.
-Sting is drug by his feet for the first three buckles. He holds the bottom rope as Vader reaches. Race tries to hit him off, Sting kicks his archnemesis off, but Vader keeps his wits and hits the fourth buckle.
WINNER: Big Van Vader in 20:57
-The air is sucked out of the building as Vader is shown a bloody mess. People immediately head to the exit as Sting whips Vader like crazy after the bell.
FINAL WORD: These two are always good together, but the finish and gimmick hurt them overall to a minimal extent.
-Easy E, Badd and Missy recap the main event AKA the feminine ones say they need to touch up their makeup before the afterparty. Windham appears for an interview and says Muta’s name needs to come off his belt and he’s ready for all challengers and all the championships.
-Tony and Jesse get the final word as the Body claims to not have much of a voice left. They sign off and the credits rolls. I’m glad this version is over because the music and dubbing has worn out its welcome with me.
THE LAST IMAGE: Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone (and Eric Bischoff listed as Executive Producer for the first time)
FINAL MVP of PPV: Austin and Vader bookended the show with strong showings and Flair was great to have back, but nobody puts everything on the line like Cactus Jack. I’m hoping he knows the impact he’s had retroactively so that he can stop doing what he’s doing.
FINAL LVP of PPV: I’ve been saying it a lot, but Missy Hyatt adds absolutely nothing but an obnoxious presence and way too much focus/reliance to be cute or funny.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: 2 Cold Scorpio vs Chris Benoit
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Dustin Rhodes vs Maxx Payne
FINAL THOUGHTS: Ignoring the specific version issues I had aside, SuperBrawl continues to be the true best show on WCW’s calendar. Take away the odd little things and a boring stretch in the middle and you have a very good show with several top tier bouts and silly shit like the White Castle of Fear. You see how things can go well for WCW in the immediate future. They won’t, but nevertheless MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: Is there a shorter or actually good version of WrestleMania IX on Peacock? I don’t think so.