Mullet's Retro Diary 60: Slamboree 1993
My name is Chris Mullet and I’m a cheater.
I’m the most competitive person in the word not named Michael Jordan and Tope Adebanjo, so that statement hurts me so much. I have to say it in this case, though.
As I’ve been stating lately, the Peacock conversion has made coordinating watching these shows very difficult, particularly the WCW PPVs not available right now. A full copy of SuperBrawl was thankfully discovered, but I already felt dirty enough using a different version than intended.
Prior to going on vacation, the aforementioned Tope located a copy of today’s show, WCW Slamboree 1993. It was missing the first two matches. In the past, I’ve been fine with that if it was the WWE Network version (see Halloween Havoc 1990). This appeared to be the VHS copy, so I assumed that was the case and accepted it. I was sad I was missing my second crack at analyzing Chris Benoit and a big return, but rules are rules.
As I started watching the show, I noticed that it was basically just the matches crudely thrown together for the purpose of home video consumption. Considering that this show featured so many all-timers and the first inductions into the WCW Hall of Fame, I couldn’t abide.
I reached out to best friend and Arcade Audio Podfather Rich Camillucci and found that his WWE Network subscription still worked (and would until it ceased to be). I was relieved, but still felt like a cheat.
I would watch the VHS rip version from Tope, then use Rich’s Network version to cross reference what I was missing.
This seemed like a lot of work, particularly for a very meaningless show in the grand scheme of things. But this is what this project has done to me at this point and I would not be deterred.
Get your tracking button ready and enjoy chapters on shows again because it’s legends reunion time!
Written on 4/4/21
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: The classy Slamboree theme plays while still shots of legends like Lou Thesz, Jimmy Snuka and more pop up. I like the concept of showing these heroes of yesterday while previewing the two main event participants alongside them. Pyro goes off in the Omni as the ring is filled with legends probably complaining about the noise. According to Tony Schiavone, there are 40+ all-timers in attendance as the crowd is quiet, but respectful. Schiavone is joined by Larry Zbyszko tonight instead of Jesse Ventura. Larry puts the legends over strong and makes a weird point about them being timeless like the pyramids. I think Jesse is filming a movie or has beef with a legend and can’t make it until Tony tells us he’s in the HOSPITAL! Those damn blood clots.
-We go to Maxx Payne playing his guitar again. Yeah, that sets the tone for the night when Nick Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne are in the ring. He plays to the crowd, but he’s still a heel? I feel the urge to place the Man Mountain Rock picture here again, but that was a one-time homage. He looks different from the neck up. Then, some jacked jobbers like the future Gambler and Ice Train bring a carriage out. The Fabulous Moolah is inside. Fucking gross. She’s the Queen of Slamboree apparently. Greg Gagne goes and grabs her. Push her off the ramp! This is an awesome idea with wretched execution.
-Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt talk while the crowd gives Maxx Payne’s finale no reaction. Another card change on a WCW PPV: Scott Norton is out against Sting because he was jumped by The Prisoner. I wonder who that will be? Sarcasm. The lights go out on them! They stop talking, but the camera stays and they just start talking again anyway! The camera finally moves to a wide shot of the crowd. Bush league shit. Vader has taken Cactus Jack out and the lights are back, so we can show Missy and EB again! These two talking wrestling together is like a gerbil and Chuck Norris talking about pottery. This is a deep dive of the whole show. No wonder the VHS version leaves it off.
-The bootleg Midnight Express theme is back and it’s for Bobby Eaton and Chris Benoit. Talk about polar opposites in every way. Remember what’s at stake here: can anyone predict what happens? 2 Cold Scorpio and OH NO he has to match gear with fucking Marcus Bagwell now. How is he still Rookie of the Year? Oh my god, Bagwell’s DANCE. The camera immediately cuts to a black couple disapproving in the crowd. How is Bobby Eaton almost the coolest person in the ring?
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Chris Benoit and Bobby Eaton vs Marcus Alexander Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio
-Benoit and Scorpio start in a nice reprise of their awesome chemistry at SuperBrawl with back-and-forth reversals. Scorpio gets the advantage.
-Scorpio avoids a botch on a double team and Bagwell helps with a double dropkick to force the heels to the floor.
-There are so many old people in the crowd on the hard cam with glasses. It looks creepy as fuck with big, white eyes everywhere.
-Bagwell versus Eaton now and the heels keep getting forced out of the floor.
-Benoit hits a clubbing forearm on Marcus from behind to finally get the advantage. Eaton throws him over the top behind the ref’s back.
-Eaton hits a top rope knee but tags Benoit instead of going for the pin. The future Crippler follows up with headbutts and a clothesline.
-Larry calls Chris a “human dynamo.” Every description scares me.
-Nick Patrick misses very obvious cheating in the heel corner on a headscissors, then tries to shove his hand in between the legs to check for a choke. He’s still very bad. LVP.
-Larry says the tape of this show will be a future collector’s item. Nah, it’s more like $10 on eBay.
-Bagwell gets his knees up on Benoit’s swan dive attempt and it’s taken hard. Scorpio gets the hot tag and is a house of fire. Nice top rope inside out splash that Eaton breaks up.
-Eaton just keeps messing up against his partner and hits Benoit. That’s the least of his concern because SCORPIO JUST KILLED HIM. That explains a lot. I’m counting it. I see what’s coming coming.
WINNERS: 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Alexander Bagwell at 9:25 when Scorpio pinned Chris Benoit after an Phoenix Leg Drop ON THE FACE
-Larry is right on the money: “WHAT WAS THAT?!?!” The replay is vicious.
FINAL WORD: A good tag opener that Marcus Bagwell was present for.
-Tony talks about Col. Robert Parker debuting and wanting Van Hammer to be his charge, but changing his mind and getting attacked by Hammer anyway. This is a special added match. Hooray. Hammer enters in a boring black singlet now. This rose is not in bloom according to Seal. Is that a Batman movie soundtrack reference challenge? You damn right it is! GMC introduces Parker and his massive penis. You can just tell it’s a yard. He cockily walks out and talks like a big ole plantation owner. He calls for a gurney and that’s a faint chant for the mystery man already. There are smart fans in Atlanta. It’s the Man Who Rules the World: Sid Vicious to a massive pop. Here’s chance number three. He gets pyro and Hammer beats the gurney up.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Van Hammer vs Sid Vicious w/Col. Robert Parker
-Sid talks to Hammer as usual to see if his opponent is ready before taking a few punches.
-Then, one sloppy clothesline and one finish.
WINNER: Sid Vicious at 0:35 with a powerbomb
-The crowd goes absolutely BANANAS for this. The replay is just as long as the match itself.
FINAL WORD: One of my favorite squashes ever. You do this with Sid all the time and you’re making millions. He’s sadly not around long enough to do it. Fuck it, here’s an MVP.
-Eric interviews Red Bastien and Bugsy McGraw, who acts weird as usual. Red puts Sid over while EB hates Bugsy not cheating out to the camera and calling out his make-up. He literally rolls his eyes. He’s hating this idea already.
-Time for our first of three legends matches and it’s a six-man tag with a wise 15-minute time limit. The first team is Dick Murdoch, Don Muraco and Jimmy Snuka. That’s an odd collection. Retro highlights are shown, but there’s no real reaction to anyone. Everyone walks out to the Slamboree theme. Their opponents are Wahoo McDaniel (who gets the best reaction), Blackjack Mulligan (thinking of counterfeit the money he gets for this and Jim Brunzell (to stretch the definition of a legend.)
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Don Muraco, Dick Murdoch and Jimmy Snuka vs Jim Brunzell, Wahoo McDaniel and Blackjack Mulligan
-Boy does Mulligan look out of shape. Brunzell and Snuka start and that’s probably for the best. Larry tries to explain how everyone is retired. SURE THEY ARE. Wahoo had a match last weekend and he’s been dead for 20 years.
-The crowd like Blackjack more than Snuka. They know the truth.
-Are Don and Jimmy ECW loaners? Murdoch comes in and he looks like hell, but the spots get done better than I expected. Schiavone is trying to rattle off title histories and shit. It’s like listening to Michael Cole read his papers.
-Wahoo vs Muracho and holy guys, Batman! A big chop takes the Rock down and he bails after a couple of slams.
-It’s so odd seeing Superfly work heel in kayfabe.
-Dick gets a great reaction with a flying headscissors and shows Brunzell up. That gets an MVP for me.
-The former Killer Bee gets isolated and Don hits a good powerslam and two big leg drops.
-The commentators are having a fun challenge about stumbling talking and Larry mentions it being 2-2 thus far. Tony laughs. They are having fun and working well together so far.
-The crowd laughs as Dick stumbles climbing the top rope, but he nails a driving knee to the back.
-Snuka and Muraco keep being off and accidentally hitting one another. They jaw at one another and there’s a roll up for a very delayed two. All six men come in to brawl. They pair off and the ref waves it off. Nobody agreed to lay down, huh?
WINNERS: “No declared winner” at 9:06
-Snuka takes one of the stupidest bumps I’ve ever seen by taking a Wahoo chop off of the ropes and just flying over the top on the opposite end of the ring.
FINAL WORD: Nobody embarrassed themselves, so that’s a win!
-Missy Hyatt interviews the Assassin and Mad Dog Vachon. She almost forgets Vachon’s name. Mad Dog gets one line, she moves the mic and he’s not done and grabs it back. Damn right. These segments are such a bad trip to the past. The Assassin is so fat, all of his chins are under his mask. He lays out an open challenge to Dusty Rhodes to settle some score. Just go to Bob Evans. Last man standing wins.
-Ivan Koloff and Baron Von Raschke enter to drum up some jingoist feelings again. Thunderbolt Patteson enters to a surprising ovation considering I don’t know who he is. He’s called an Atlanta legend. He’s supposed to team with Bullet Bob Armstrong, but he’s not there. Patterson gets mic time and explains Bob had a knee operation, but he’ll kick both of their something unintelligible asses. It’s not a good look having one guy legitimately be too old to wrestle and admit he’s getting work done. Bob’s son, Brad Armstrong, enters to take his dad’s place.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Ivan Koloff and Baron Von Raschke vs Brad Armstrong and Thunderbolt Patterson
-The faces go to town on the heels as the bell rings to start. Brad is way too young and good for this. Thunderbolt is an LVP candidate for being very weird. Baron sells like a mad man and throws a chair.
-Like, what is Patterson doing? He moves the ref and has so many purposely odd jives and body shakes. Meanwhile, Baron’s body really needs to be covered by something.
-Schiavone asks Larry about Ivan beating his idol, Bruno Sammartino, for the WWWF Title. It’s a good move as the Living Legend puts it over beautifully.
-Baron gets Brad in the Claw and Bolt helps with a chop to the head.
-Fists of fire to Ivan and the heels get thrown together before the shitty, shitty, SHITTY finish.
WINNERS: Brad Armstong and Thunderbolt Patterson in 4:40 when Patterson pins Baron Von Raschke with a throat chop
FINAL WORD: If this is what you’re going to make people watch, then book other guys.
-It’s time for a Flair for the Gold. I know there’s some kind of no-compete at play here, but don’t have Ric Flair on this show while people are watching Thunderbolt Patterson and Jim Brunzell. Flair walks on set and says the legendary Four Horsemen are being reunited. He introduces Fifi AKA his future wife. Zbyszko randomly says “Hi, John!” I don’t think that’s a joke. Arn Anderson comes out as Flair’s best friend first and cuts his typical baller promo about winning the NWA Title later and claiming Barry Windham is ducking the group. He’s going to make the most of his one shot. Flair has bad news: there’s no Tully Blanchard and blames Barry. I thought this was the time to blame cocaine, but it’s actually money demands to blame. The cousin, Ole Anderson, is next and talks like a dad a lot. Flair basically buries Tully by saying forget about him. Now it’s time for the new addition: PAUL ROMA. Crickets…then weak ass boos. Flair tries and Roma looks terrified and lost. This segment instantly loses any momentum. Ric calls out the Hollywood Blonds as the symbol of excellence is thrown up as the camera pans away.
-Johnny Valentine joins the commentary team. I’ve never seen him on camera before. He talks just like his son, Greg. A Beach Blast commercial plays before the NWA vs AWA battle. Dory Funk Jr. enters with Gene Kiniski in tow. He’s from Ocala now and that makes sense by looking like him. Nick Bockwinkel enters with Verne Gagne as his second. Nick is rocking long tights, but Dory has no shame.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: Dory Funk Jr. w/Gene Kiniski vs Nick Bockwinkel w/Verne Gagne
-I have to throw Zbyszko into the MVP hunt with his conversational tone with Valentine about wrestling history as the wrestlers trade hold.
-Dory has some forearms and uppercuts to him! Eat your heart out, Cesaro and William Regal!
-The crowd and I are being respectful with the lack of action as Larry is “enthralled” by the match and history of it all. Slams are traded as the pace quickens briefly.
-Nick hits his own forearms to ground and stagger his opponent as Larry has a great line about Bockwinkel being verbose: “ask him for the time and he will tell you how to make a watch.”
-The crowd is getting loud and restless as they know what this is going to be when Bockwinkel kicks out of a belly-to-back at one.
-Johnny spoils the end by saying “neither man is going to lay down here.”
-The timer is right on point. That’s respect for these legends.
-Three minutes are left and a side headlock is still on. Finally, a suplex for a two count.
-Dory hits a piledriver and Nick gets his foot on the rope. A butterfly is attempted, but reversed into a backslide that takes forever for two.
-Dory locks in his spinning toe hold finish, but it’s countered into a small package for two. Nick applies the Figure Four and Gene runs in and stomps on the AWA great, but no bell? That was unnecessary and out of place.
-They trade blows as slams and roll ups go crazy as the countdown ends.
WINNER: Time Limit Draw at 15:00
-The crowd is really nice with a standing ovation as the seconds point fingers and argue while the combatants shake hands.
FINAL WORD: That match didn’t Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me or Kill Me (and one more reference to go.)
-Eric Bischoff interviews Lou Thesz. They shake hands and I imagine Lou breaking it immediately. He talks like such a nice guy. Bob Geigel is there as well and he says the last match was fabulous. Of course he thinks so.
-He’s Simply Ravishing OWW. You’re damn right he is and he has the United State Championship back. He also has matching blue robes with the new TV Champion, Paul Orndorff. Heel excellence on display here as Rude gets drowned out in boos reusing his “inner-city sweathogs” line instead of Atlanta asshats. The Natural song leads Dustin Rhodes and Kensuke Sasaki in a Power Warriors shirt to the ring. This Young Lion excursion is still going on, huh?
MATCH NUMBER SIX: Paul Orndorff and Rick Rude vs Dustin Rhodes and Kensuke Sasaki
-Kensuke and Rude start as a “Paula” chant begins. Dustin apparently started that trend as Rude makes fun of his opponent’s look. Kensuke looks Rude over and pushes him into the corner several times.
-I think Tony called Sasaki and Hawk’s team Power Rangers? Man, that’s a timely slip.
-Dustin versus Paul now and the heel’s arm is work as Larry respectfully talks about the language barrier the faces may experience.
-Dustin and Rude trade punches before a big back drop on the Ravishing one and trading cut offs. Dustin misses an attack and flies over the top rope.
-Rhodes is thrown into the rail and beat down by the heel as the “Paula” chants continue. Larry calls them ignorant and stupid. He picks his heel spots really well.
-Nice counter into a Tombstone by Dustin for only two. I’ve seen Rude take more Tombstones than Undertaker has given them lately.
-Roll into the tag to Kensuke and he hits a sloppy second rope elbow, but he bounces back with big clotheslines, atomic drop and hip swivel.
-Impressive press slam by Sasaki as all four men are in the ring. The heels collide and the ref follows Dustin out of the ring, but Paul sneaks back to push Kensuke off the top and into the finish.
WINNERS: Rick Rude and Paul Orndorff at 9:44 when Rude pins Kensuke Sasaki with a Rude Awakening
-Sasaki did not take that well and got right up after the fall. The replay shows he wanted to take a simple neckbreaker and fought the pin hard.
FINAL WORD: I’ll have a nothing burger of a tag match please.
-Tony and Larry introduce the Hall of Fame segment and put over Gordon Solie like a million bucks as the lights dim. Gordon talks in the ring, but the crowd is too rowdy. It seems like it’s in support of Solie and not rude. He asks to proceed and he’s honored to induct the first class before reading some names of legends passed like Andre the Giant, Buddy Rogers and Wilbur Snyder. He asks for a moment of silence and gets one almost. This honors people across all promotions and will be featured at the CNN Complex (not). The first man is Lou Thesz as newspaper clips are shown and Gordon’s recaps his accomplishments. He’s now in the ring and just listens to Solie read. He’s handed a plaque and they exchange the hug of two men unsure how to show feelings.
-Verne Gagne is next and he’s already in many Hall of Fames. His Olympic and collegiate accolades are read. JR learned from the best. He gets a better pop than Thesz. The third man is Mr. Wrestling II to the best pop of them all. I’ve never seen his face like most others. An epic story is told about Jimmy Carter inviting him to the inauguration, but he declined because they wouldn’t let him go in the mask. It gets a great pop. That’s a MAN right there.
-Lastly, Eddie Graham is represented by Mike Graham’s small ass. His love of high school and collegiate wrestling is outlined. Mike looks like one of the guys investigating the assassination of JFK. A panning shot of all four legends closes us out.
-Man, Gordon Solie sending it to Missy Hyatt just feels wrong. She’s with James Bleirs and John Tolos. Maybe we could have cut a few of these out? Tolos talks too much and Missy forgets who Bleirs is. All he does is say hello to the people of Hawaii. Missy is given a monocle and does an offensive British accent. That monocle is one hell of a target for later.
-It’s Bounty Match time and that means Sting dealing with bullshit again. He comes out to his usual great reaction. Then, to no music, it’s the Prisoner! Nailz wearing the same damn jumpsuit walks down from Green Bay AKA the place he assaulted Vince. The crowd buzzes minorly while Nailz just does his usual shit. I love that Scott Norton wouldn’t job, so they had him get taken out by a shittier wrestler in storyline. I hear faint “Boss Man” chants.
-Choking with his hands. Choking with his feet. God damn it. He must have a fetish. Another LVP case for this bastard as we’re already at one full minute of choking.
-Prisoner finally hits a back elbow, then rushes into another choke. It’s no wonder he chokes because his punches to the chest suck. His backbreaker is whatever.
-Sting moves and Nailz “absorbs” the blow. In other words, he sells them like absolute shit.
-Now there’s a choke with a cable. Give him a gallon of milk and he’ll find a way to choke you with it. Then, the second PPV attempted hanging of Steve Borden. Tony lies and calls this incredible.
-Sting manages a clothesline and backdrop. Prisoner didn’t want to fall for either. Stinger Splash and the face has to force the heel off of his feet to try and cover him.
-Prisoner grabs the ref in anger and turns back into the last shitty bump of his PPV career.
WINNER: Sting at 5:17 with a top rope clothesline
-Sting raises his arm on the ramp breathing heavy. Gotta be from all that choking!
FINAL WORD: The Prisoner honestly makes Giant Gonzalez looks like…okay, like The Great Khali. You get my point. By the way, here’s torture for you!
-Another Beach Blast commercial and it’s time to stretch while a steel cage is built. I continue to like the conversational attitude between Schiavone and Zbyszko. Bischoff interview the Crusher and Ox Baker. Crusher does his great bar bum routine and says hello to his eight grandkids while dressed like a club pro ten years too late. He keeps shitting on Ox, who waves like he’s on the Price is Right all over again. Baker cuts a damn fine promo with the simple, but amazing, line of “I loved to hurt people!” He grabs EB and almost humps him. The heels jaw at each other as this wraps up. This is my favorite interview segment so far.
-Now it’s time for Ricky Steamboat in a sombrero! GMC does the introduction like Ron Burgundy and questions everything he’s saying as the Dos Hombres walk out. Shane Douglas is still announced, but he’s already gone, so it’s Tom Zenk instead. Ricky explains that the outfits are lucky for them, but the microphone barely works and the crowd boos this bad explanation for the get-ups.
It’s also because the Hollywood Blondes are OVER. They get a great reaction as heels and they are the champs now. They have the dope Blonds theme here, too. Why is this a cage match?
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: WCW TAG TITLE STEEL CAGE MATCH- Dos Hombres vs The Hollywood Blonds (Champs)
-Supposed Hollywood agents look on in the crowd. This match still requires tags as Austin begins and I can’t tell which Hombre that is.
-It’s Steamboat based on his chops as he fights off a mask removal attempt. Larry is great at hating cages in a call back to his war with Bruno.
-I even dislike the Z-Man pretending to be Shane Douglas. Nothing says a cage match like wristlocks and ground control.
-Austin is pushed on the apron into the cage three times before a VERY BAD and potentially offensive Mexican hat dance by Zenk.
-Steve takes a sick backdrop into the ropes and the cage. He’s busting his ass as usual. Then, he takes an atomic drop into it. Larry mentions that he’s used the boot laces for 18+ years.
-A miscommunication with Pillman puts Zenk into the LVP hunt. He’s not the Prisoner, so he’ll be fine. Brian takes a press slam into the cage and the crowd is not reacting to this like I’d expect.
-Austin gets hung upside down from the top of the cage and gets film taunted. He doesn’t fall quick enough for the attempted cross body and there’s an awkward collision for the heels to take over.
-Why do you need to distract the fucking ref in a cage match? These antiquated rules and tropes bother me so much. Besides, all they are doing is choking with a towel. Did you not see the Prisoner match?!?!?
-A good dropkick ground a speedy Steve, but Zenk tries to the tag and eats a spinebuster after another LVP dance.
-Flyin’ Brian’s Rocket Launcher misses with knees in the midsection. Steamboat gets the tag and brings the intensity with his chops and throws into the cage. Austin takes an Electric Chair and Pillman gets crotched on the top rope.
-Double 10 punches in the corner as the heels keep colliding. People are bouncing off this cage like crazy.
-Steamboat takes his mask off and climbs to the top of the cage to a loud ovation. Larry is very good here selling the moment. Ricky hits both Blonds with his patented cross body, but only gets a two count on each of them. The bell rings anyway and the ref waves it off.
-The Dragon hits two DDTs for two more near falls. This went from zero to a million with the crowd.
-Leapfrog on a babyface double team attempt before “Shane” gets caught and Brian isolates Ricky with a DDT.
WINNERS: The Hollywood Blonds to retain the titles at 16:08 when Steve Austin pins Tom Zenk with a Stun Gun
FINAL WORD: The last three minutes of this were the best thing on the show thus far, but it took a little too long to get there.
-On the replay, Larry calls Steamboat’s crossbody a Captain Planet impression in some Turner synergy. Eric interviews Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II and Stu Hart. Dusty has been dying to be back on camera. It’s crazy seeing Stu here. Dusty calls the Assassin out and says his big ass is here to a great pop. EB calls him the Natural because he doesn’t pay attention. Mr. Wrestling seemingly hasn’t watched the show and makes Linda McMahon sound like Paul Heyman on the mic. I’m sad to make him an LVP. Stu is the most lucid he’s ever been and just recaps all of his children’s marriages. He wishes Davey Boy luck. I want a compilation of people impersonating him (especially after Rich and I started doing ours on the WrestleMania 37 podcast). He’s such a dumper. He’s like a Kevin James character in an Adam Sandler movie.
-It’s time for Arn Anderson’s title chance and he gets an amazing reaction. He’s wearing a cool jacket and white trunks. Is this his first true turn as a face? God, I need that Horsemen jacket so bad. Barry Windham enters as the champ with a less cool jacket. It’s still cool, I guess. Windham is the “Lone Wolf” now and has disavowed the Horsemen.
MATCH NUMBER NINE: NWA TITLE MATCH- Arn Anderson vs Barry Windham (Champ)
-Tony puts over Blackjack Mulligan as Barry’s dad and it being huge for the champ to defend the title on the same show his father competed on. Larry again sets the drama and emotional tone so well. Arn hits a good belly-to-belly early for two.
-Barry hits a huge, cracking punch on an anxious Arn. He responds with a fake punch and the DDT, but it’s still only two.
-Arn is caught off the second rope with a lariat after battling back inside the ring from the ramp.
-A slingshot into the ring is countered with a slingshot out of the ring. Neat. Barry eats the rail and comes up bleeding as Tony explains the NWA vs WCW rules poorly.
-Windham is a mess as Anderson focuses on the wound and tries several pins before locking in a chinlock.
-The throat slit signal by Double A, but Barry dropkicks him off the top rope and to the floor hard. It’s followed up by a suplex on the floor.
-Top rope clothesline by the champ, but no cover. I just realized that Baron Corbin is a sham and Barry is the real “Lone Wolf.” It’s also funny considering that we’ve done our two-word gimmick for Windham for quite some time now.
-Nice float over suplex for two by Barry, but Arn responds with a spinebuster. He can’t capitalize as Windham rolls to the floor.
-Windham grabs the NWA belt and tries to leave as Arn throws the ref aside to give chase on the ramp. Back inside over the top rope goes the champ and the ref gets thrown down by the Enforcer again and he realizes he messed up.
-He realizes it especially now that it costs him the match, but not by DQ.
WINNER: Barry Windham at 10:56 to retain the title with a belt shot to the face
FINAL WORD: A very good pro wrestling match with a big feel to it between two usual bridesmaids, but it should have been longer.
-Larry calls out Anderson’s mistake on the replay and it’s very good and natural analysis flowing into the WCW Title match. There was apparently a public workout the previous night.
-A different version of Rule, Britannia leads Davey Boy Smith to the ring. He’s still called the British Bulldog as a nickname. Cactus Jack’s injury is mentioned and Davey is going to win this match for him? He’s that level of a face already? Big Van Vader enters with that sweet WCW Title and proclaims it Vader Time. Jack dominates the conversation before Tony puts over Vader as a champ like none of the others we’ve seen tonight. Davey has more fringe and frills on him than every second of Prince’s Batdance (and we’re done).
MATCH NUMBER TEN: WCW TITLE MATCH- Davey Boy Smith vs Big Van Vader w/Harley Race (Champion)
-Vader flexes and taunts in Davey’s face at the bell. They lock up and nobody establishes the power advantage yet.
-Bulldog no sells a clothesline and Vader looks concerned. The same happens with a body splash as the challenger just shakes his head and flexes.
-Vader says fuck it and starts clubbing away with pounding punches in the corner. Race gets a punch in behind the ref’s back on the floor. Vader tries a splash, but misses and wipes out on the rail and lands in the front row.
-DELAYED VERTICAL SUPLEX HOLY SHIT. It’s been an MVP effort so far. I can’t find the exact spot, but here’s the less impressive sequel ON THE RAMP.
-The rally is snuffed out with a boot, but it’s only temporary as the face hits a powerslam and a clothesline over the top as the crowd is in a frenzy.
-It’s 1993, so there’s a “WHOOMP THERE IT IS” chant. Not in a tag team match? A crucifix is countered with a Samoan Drop and two deep elbow drops into the inner thigh/groin.
-The Vader Bomb only gets a two and the big man is mad as hell. He hits a second rope body block as his endurance is put over. Davey has a bloody nose.
-Vader is thrown off in a superplex attempt and Davey hits a Dynamite Kid headbutt. Both men struggle to their feet.
-Belly-to-back is set up, but Bulldog just drops him on his butt for two. More butt hurting for the Mastodon as he missed a drop, but it isn’t enough. He has a very strong ass.
-The champ hits a big top rope splash on Davey’s face, but his sternum is too injured to follow up. Bulldog gets to his feet first, but is kicked back down.
-Larry mentions that Stu may have to come down to throw the towel in. He won’t, but Helen might.
-The electric chair drop by Davey is equally as impressive as the delayed suplex considering that it was from a deadlift out of a Camel Clutch.
-On the next corner splash attempt, Vader gets caught in the running powerslam. Harley reaches in and pulls Bulldog out on the pin. The ref watches them brawl as Vader steals Larry’s schoolyard chair and whacks the challenger in the head with it. The angle makes it inconclusive, but the way it was bumped and sold makes me count it as UNPROTECTED.
WINNER: Davey Boy Smith in 16:19 by DQ
FINAL WORD: I feel like the Berzerker, but about good, strong wrestling because I’m over here going HOSS HOSS HOSS.
Marcus Bagwell runs down to help and eats shit. Scorpio gets elevated into the rafters as no one can stop the angry Vader as the official decision is announced. Sting runs out and hits a top rope clothesline to knock Vader down before he powerbombs Davey. Other undercard faces emerge to raise Davey’s hand as Vader retreats.
-Eric Bischoff is with Magnum TA and he’s growing his hair out. His presence always makes me sad. He cuts a good summarizing promo over the situation. I’m glad he showed up and not Tully just like he showed up to raise Tessa Blanchard instead of Tully. Wait…
-Tony and Larry are joined by Verne Gagne at ringside. Why is he the closer? He calls the show “something” and “an eye opener.” Real strong words, Verne. He puts over WCW because they are paying him. Larry repeats the pyramids line as Tony signs off and credits roll.
THE LAST IMAGE: Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko and Verne Gagne
FINAL MVP of PPV: Davey Boy Smith made a strong final push, but I was so pleasantly surprised at how great Larry Zbyszko did on commentary. He was much better than Jesse lately and much, much better than his bloated hubris self on Nitro in a few years.
FINAL LVP of PPV: I want to choke The Prisoner so fucking bad.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Davey Boy Smith vs Big Van Vader
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Sting vs The Prisoner
FINAL THOUGHTS: This show was a nice sentiment, but it just didn’t work as a whole. The crowd was weird throughout and I don’t blame them. The final three matches mostly delivered, but it was too little, too late. This company displayed their future so well in the last PPV, so they naturally resorted to the past in more ways than one. MULLET DOESN’T RECOMMEND
NEXT TIME: No multiple videos needed to watch Bret Hart get rewarded for his main event job by working three matches and earning his spot all over again while Hulk Hogan jobs to a photographer. In other words, it’s the first ever PPV version of King of the Ring!