Mullet's Retro Diary 50: WrestleWar 92
I mentioned in the most recent Flairiod that this diary is really going to change in this next section because the PPV model is about to get thrown on its head. Soon, shows will be every month and there’s a definitive ebb and flow between one company and the other to try and one-up each other.
What you are about to read in the next three weeks will be an oddity for quite some time: a company will run interrupted on PPV for three straight shows.
Of course, it’s an extremely WCW thing to do and the background behind it is extremely WCW. In the midst of these three shows, a new VP will take over operations. Sure, we just had one of the greatest shows ever and this show is also widely regarded historically for its main event and the conclusion of a classic storyline. That doesn’t mean we can’t switch shit up, huh?
In my narrative, I feel like this is WCW’s chance. WWF will be rebuilding for a little while now that Hulk Hogan has “retired” and things are getting a little silly. WCW is presenting themselves as cutting edge athleticism and a burgeoning product. Three straight shows for me to analyze and interpret without interruption from the competitors. What could go wrong?
Written on 1/8/2021
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: Sting’s Squadron vs the Dangerous Alliance! It’s just names and words with a voiceover. It’s simple, but effective. We go live in Jacksonville with two rings and a hot crowd. Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff onstage AGAIN breaking down the show. Oh joy. They preview the end of the Dangerous Alliance story and Sting has a broken rib; this is his first match since April. God, stay healthy! Tony and Eric say nothing like usual before sending it to Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura at ringside. Jesse talks about going to war in 1969 and compliments JR’s tie. The first match is for the United States Tag Titles and Jesse naturally picks the heels.
-Badstreet USA plays for the awfully babyface Freebirds. I mean it. They clap like goofs and get silly pyro. Michael Hayes thrusting on the second rope gives him another early LVP. Stock music like Eye of the Tiger brings out The Taylor Made Man and Greg Valentine holding onto whatever he’s been given here. The belts are nice. They remind me of the North American Title in NXT. Both Birds yell nonsense into the camera. Bill Alfonso rings the bell, daddy.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: US TAG TITLE MATCH- The Fabulous Freebirds vs The Taylor Made Man and Greg Valentine (Champs)
-Hayes and Taylor start. In other words, it’s prancing. After 30 seconds, they lock up! That may be a new record for Michael Hayes!
-Very weird double drop down by Hayes and Valentine that Taylor has to jump over leading to the heels colliding.
-Jesse is calling more moves and feels more comfortable talking about Valentine. Hayes is dishing out offense. What’s in the JAX water?
-Good first wrestling sequence between Greg and Garvin. You can tell the WCW ring is smaller as guys sometimes struggle because they hit the opposite rope quicker than they’d expect.
-Birds tag back and forth like eight times just to switch on a wristlock. It’s a ridiculous, but admittedly funny, bit.
-Alfonso counts VERY fast. Greg almost kills himself on a double axe from the apron to the floor on Garvin.
-Garvin keeps countering Valentine, but can’t get the hot tag or the permanent advantage.
-Hayes finally tags in and does a silly dance before starting to punch. He sets up the DDT and Taylor hits the Five Arm. Greg covers and it’s only a two count. Poor Taylor can’t even win with his finish.
-Fuck it, I like reinvigorated WCW Greg Valentine. He’s an early MVP. His shit is crisp. Meanwhile, Taylor hits his gutwrench powerbomb and Hayes is still kicking out.
-Figure Four and Garvin breaks it up immediately. Hayes gets a big punch and hot tags Garvin. The heels bump around for him like crazy. It’s just Jimmy Garvin, not a Road Warrior!
-All four guys are in and Garvin avoid Greg’s interruption with a backdrop. Hayes punches him to hold him off some more as Garvin hits his shitty version to A FUCKING BIG ASS POP HOLY HELL.
WINNERS: The Fabulous Freebirds in 16:01 to win the titles when Jimmy Garvin pins the Taylor Made Man with a DDT
FINAL WORD: Jacksonville is ready to rock and roll. It’s the best Freebirds contest by far, but I’m still giving the heels credit.
-Tony and Eric analyze the last match and it’s pointless. Johnny B. Badd vs Tracy Smothers is next. These take the wind out of the audience at home for what’s next. Bischoff’s bridesmaids comment about Badd SUCKED and goes nowhere. Is this going to be another LVP for him? That statement was so bad, I’m not even sure which end it came out of. That’s the start of a Bridesmaids reference challenge off of a bridesmaids joke.
-Is he only called Young Pistol Tracy now? He enters and his tag experience is discussed. Jesse says Badd probably enjoys being called a bridesmaid. He enters to a VERY good reaction. He’s one of those guys that’s just too good to boo. It’s him and Undertaker for VERY different reasons. He yells, rhymes and prances on ramp. He puts a lips sticker on a woman in the front row. He’s like an effeminate Bret Hart.
-He TAKES MONEY from an audience member into his boot like an exotic dancer. That’s Bagwell’s off camera gimmick! He sets off the Badd Blaster in the ring and let’s start already.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Young Pistol Tracy vs Johnny B. Badd
-JR calls them great light heavyweights. That division is a nomenclature mess. Tracy is already complaining about his tights being pulled.
-Ali shuffle before every armdrag by Badd. Jesse points that out and is getting looser with his comments about his moves. JR just no sells it. Sigh…
-Tracy hits a great leaping superkick to take over. He also hits a top rope back elbow and he never fails to impress. As soon as I write that, he hits a sloppy moonsault-like cross body.
-I can’t wait for kicks to no longer be “martial arts” kicks.
-A very loose headlock and very weak selling/crowd encouragement starts to bore me. Johnny hits a high knee later to pick it back up.
-Good near fall on a top rope sunset flip.
-Jesse really goes hard on this illegal punch.
WINNER: Johnny B. Badd in 7:02 with the Kiss That Don’t Miss
FINAL WORD: Undercard gonna undercard.
-Missy Hyatt is with the Freebirds and some random woman. She talks! Who is she? Garvin calls her “Squee-Gee”?!?! They really need a manager. Hayes dedicates their win to Ronnie Van Zant and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Gross. Hayes can talk, that’s for sure. They are ready for the NWA Tag Title tournament. Back to Schiavone and Bischoff who explain that was Precious. It looked nothing like her. Eric drips with insincerity on his “behind every great man” line. He’s definitely the LVP leader as they preview the next match.
-Marcus Alexander Bagwell enters with some gold ass long tights. More generic rock music plays for Palm Beach’s Scotty Flamingo. He has a LOOK: weird hat, ripped jeans and a Pauly Shore-like ambiance. He dances, thrusts and does everything NOT Raven. I do think he already has a necklace with the Raven symbol around his neck, though. Interesting.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs Scotty Flamingo
-JR calls them two more light heavyweights. WHO ISN’T A LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT?!?!?
-They work a lock up for a minute before Scotty shoot slaps Marcus and they trade slaps three times. It devolves into a brawl with more slaps again. It’s just been slaps and lock ups so far.
-Weak kick out of a belly-to-back by Scotty. His own version later isn’t great. Careful, Scotty. Don’t get into LVP territory.
-Jesse almost spoils his Beach Blast announcement as this one settles into headlock city and bores me.
-Cross body takes both men over the top and it’s No DQ because the ref makes a judgment call. BS.
-Jesse rakes Bagwell over the coals for looking towards the crowd for approval after everything. Flamingo is in the ropes with Bagwell’s finish.
-That’s the most exaggerated tights pull ever.
WINNER: Scotty Flamingo in 7:09 with a roll up holding the tights.
FINAL WORD: The best part was Jesse covering replays again.
-A Beach Blast commercial steals a line from Jaws and has more 90s words and tones than a MTV commercial.
-JR and Jesse preview Ron Simmons and JYD vs Mr. Hughes and Cactus Jack. This match must be important because Tony and Eric don’t cover it. They argue over JYD’s SuperBrawl interference, then show the clip. Back live as Hughes and Cactus enter. Abdullah must have finally bailed. Hughes is nicknamed “The Bodyguard.” Is this before or after Whitney? Cactus goes backstage again instead of the ring. Simmons and JYD enter. Cactus jumps Dog on the ramp, but the face gets the advantage until he gets thrown stomach first into the ramp. Then, he hits the elbow to the concrete. Ron makes the save and makes Jack take a backdrop on the ramp. It’s a toss up on stupidest thing already. The officials help JYD, who is selling like agony. Anything to keep him from wrestling is fine by me. Jesse steals Gorilla’s Pearl Harbor line as Cactus gloats and JYD is taken to the back. Jack squeals “Ron Simmons” and terrifyingly laughs. Ron is back out and angrily fights both heels with a big double clothesline. More Cactus squealing up close and he relies on that too much. Cactus stays on the floor and the announcers explain away the match change.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Mr. Hughes w/Cactus Jack vs Ron Simmons
-JR gives their college backgrounds and Jesse calls out no info for Cactus Jack. He set it up to make fun of Oklahoma again, then disses Bill Watts. Welcome to the MVP hunt, Body!
-Hughes is on offense and my attention is wandering.
-The “chief of officials” made the call to make this one on one and Ventura calls it out beautifully. Simmons hits a sunset flip for two as Hughes lumbers on.
-JR is getting really annoyed by his partner questioning the heels’ attempted tags and the decision of who was picked to wrestle. Ron elevates Hughes, who takes the back drop horribly.
-Spinebuster, Jack in to eat a punch and man does the Bodyguard suck. What an LVP level bump and sell to end this one.
WINNER: Ron Simmons in 5:28 with a football tackle
-After the bell, the heels continue to look like buffoons as Ron beats up Cactus and gets no comeuppance.
FINAL WORD: Three straight matches of diminishing returns.
-Tony and Eric talk about how lethal Cactus Jack is and JYD’s status. Next up is Super Invader vs Todd Champion. Like…why does this need to be analyzed? Even for 30 seconds! Todd enters in all white. It’s May, so he’s good on the Labor Day front. Next: from Bangkok, complete with his own generic rock music, it’s the Super Invader! In other words, it’s Hercules trying to get one last run with his shitty, bloated body under a hood. What a bad look. True story: I once referenced the Super Invader in a homemade birthday for Andrew Zangre, but I couldn’t find a photo of him, so I drew it. I think my picture was better.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: Todd Champion vs Super Invader w/Harley Race
-Invader tries to seem martial artsy and JR calls him an expert. That’s hilarious if you know it’s Herc. The commentators talk about spending time in Thailand. Tell me more.
-Why does Champion have Olympic rings on his gear?
-Plodding offense as Jesse questions why wrestlers wear masks. He claims to know the Invader is ugly and calls him no Gregory Peck. He does claim to know a few women who should wear a mask.
-A few boring cat calls and a restless crowd begins to take over as a chinlock reaches almost 90 seconds.
-More Beach Blast promotion as Jesse teases his role and Todd tries to wake the crowd up by bumping into the rail. It looked hokey instead.
-Badd’s confetti is still on the floor and now it’s all over Champion after he was slammed on the floor.
-Invader is caught with a foot off the top, then the face launches into an abysmal and sloppy comeback. He gets cut off and the last match of the match is the only decent on.
WINNER: Super Invader in 5:26 with a powerbomb
FINAL WORD: Why are we pushing Hercules in a mask in 1992? Where is Firebreaker Chip? Who cares? Why? How? When was this a good idea?
-The powerbomb was shown twice on the replay and JR mentions that he may team with Vader soon. No thanks.
-JR and Jesse talk War Games and Sting’s injury at the hands of Vader. Ventura won’t reveal his Beach Blast gig besides the hint “chest measurements.” Yuck.
-Rock N Roll Express music for Richard Morton. God, how long is this undercard? It is pretty long as Big Josh enters. Isn’t he Doink yet? Another light heavyweight, albeit against a bigger guy this time. A drawn-out bit about Josh smelling hurts Jesse’s MVP standing.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: Richard Morton vs Big Josh
-Morton gets up and down very quickly to sell for Josh. He takes a log roll and I bet he hated taking that…Bubba.
-More ragging on the clothes and stench of Josh by Jesse. He did have a rep as being smelly, but this is overkill. Morton rips the back of his shirt and Jesse focuses on it even more.
-Like…where the fuck is Robert Gibson? Just keep them together as a team maybe?
-The crowd is interested in something else briefly, but get back in time for a Josh hope spot before Morton takes back over.
-JR promotes the top three matches and they can come on already as I’ve started picking my toes instead of watching this.
-Nice belly-to-belly by Josh as well as a butterfly suplex.
-Morton gets caught with a bearhug, then Josh’s finish and nobody tell Alfonso it was the end because he pulls his three count, but calls it anyway.
WINNER: Big Josh in 7:32 with Northern Exposure
FINAL WORD: My little toe feels a lot better.
-Tony and Eric preview Brian Pillman vs Z-Man. Tony cannot believe it’s happening. Eric Bischoff is SO BAD at this. I’m thinking of Joey Styles ripping on him at ECW One Night Stand. They play a promo during WCW Saturday Night of Zenk showing actual anger about JT Southern and Scotty Flamingo. He claims he’ll defend the title against them, but Brian takes offense. Zenk says sorry, he’s his best friend, etc. It finally breaks down into a real argument, but stops before a fight.
-Z-Man enters and gets scared of his own pyro. Fucking idiot. Every time I give him a compliment, I swear! Flyin’ Brian enters to a bigger pop and batch of pyro. The commentators debate their friendship as the bell rings.
-They shake hands as Ventura says it’s inevitable someone cheats.
-Formulaic “they know each other” double dropkick finish spot.
-More college football jokes and an interesting “knowing each other” spot with a double arm drag attempt.
-Ross points out Zenk is bigger and yeah, again, the light heavyweight limits are nonsense.
-Almost too much counter wrestling to start. It’s unrealistic.
-The ring is either too loud or the crowd is too quiet. They wake up on a LOUD trademark Pillman chop to the chest.
-Tom gets control on a senton counter. He bores me to death as he missed a Vader Bomb and eats knees to the stomach.
-Pillman talks trash and shows all of the personality in the match.
-Brian takes a page from Flair and locks in the Figure Four and slaps his opponent. Zenk slaps back and they trade them locked in the move as they roll over. The crowd wakes up more.
-Pillman can CHOP. Nice slingshot into a powerslam counter by the challenger for a believable two. Zenk cannot chop.
-I’ve never seen someone turned inside out on a top rope cross body before. Pillman just did it.
-Brian is an MVP candidate. He’s great at timing his kick outs. He sells great and bumps like crazy on a BIG flapjack, almost taking a header.
-Another great sell as Zenk catches Pillman in mid-air with a karate kick, but Pillman’s hand is under the rope.
-Zenk misses a dropkick from the top. That’s always how he loses.
WINNER: Brian Pillman in 15:28 with a victory roll
FINAL WORD: A great final five minutes that even Z-Man couldn’t ruin. Brian Pillman is on a roll.
-Another Beach Blast commercial and Ross says they will finalize the card this weekend. Those were the days. The Steiners are up next, baby! They are taking on a Japanese team for the #1 contenders to the IWGP Tag Titles. Jesse calls them gluttons. GMC announces a 45-minute time limit and the crowd boos the foreigners. Go Jacksonville. Takayuki Iizuka wearing pink and Tatsumi Fujinami with a beard enter. The Brothers get a big pop as they walk to the ring with the WCW Tag Titles. Scott taunts in the wrong ring. God bless him.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: #1 Contenders IWGP Tag Titles Match- Takayuki Iizuka and Tatsumi Fujinami vs The Steiner Brothers
-Scott and Fuji start. Jesse has to lean on Michigan being a big three carmaker against Nissan and Toyota in his comments. JR says Jesse is editorializing and asks that they receive respect.
-FUCKING HELL! Scott almost breaks his neck trying that moonsault fallaway slam move on Fujinami. It’s 1992 and that move was JUST figured out by Bandido like last year. He hits it effortlessly on Iizuka.
-Takayuki hits an impressive senton from the top and Jesse is baffled by his moves and physique being better than a usual Japanese wrestler. He’s out of the MVP hunt, I think.
-Scott powers back with an awesome Tiger Bomb, then tags Rick in for an over the shoulder backbreaker/elbow drop combo. What a team. The crowd is HOT.
-Rick PLANTS Fuji with a dangerous German on the back of his head. Strong Style!
-The single leg Boston Crab is popular tonight. Iizuka is apparently bleeding.
-Rick catchs Takayuki in mid-air with a powerslam from the Doomsday position on Fuji’s shoulders. Someone please don’t die in this! Jesse calls him “Izuky” as we see his bloody nose.
-It’s 1992, so I’m very dubious about pronunciations. If this was CMLL or AAA, I’m sure it’d sound like Annie and Helen’s toast duel en las escuelas (and we have one more to go).
-Poor Iizuka, man. He has a puffy face and just took a HARD Oklahoma Stampede by Rick. Is he a Young Boy? He’s taking all the hard shots. Now, a pumphandle by Scott!
-Fuji and Rick start really brawling and the crowd digs it. Fuji is great at understanding they are heel proxies. It’s odd because the Steiners have had the advantage most of the time.
-Rick forearms Tatsumi like all hell and shoot wrestling tackles Iizuka something fierce. I feel so bad for this guy.
-Scott back flips out of a double team into a double Japanese arm drag, then his brother hits a double top rope Steinerline by Rick who lands on his feet. Pimp.
-Scott takes a random spike piledriver and Jesse points out it’s been a while since he’s seen that. Dragon Sleeper by the master and Scott gets to the ropes. Double down, then a double tag.
-Suplexes galore including the final badass one.
WINNERS: The Steiner Brothers in 18:16 when Rick Steiner pins Takayuki Iizuka with a top rope overhead belly to belly suplex.
-The finish gets a great pop for a great, brutal tag match. The replay shows the big bump for the final spot.
FINAL WORD: I sure hope they gave Takayuki Iizuka a few more dollars at the end of this. He’s in the MVP race.
-JR and Jesse promote the War Games and the Match Beyond one more time. Jesse doesn’t even know the time periods or surrender rule. Eric and Tony chime in again. Eric says it’s going to be too close to call and questions Nikita Koloff’s allegiances. Oh yeah, he’s back. He makes one last shitty point about survival instincts as Tony kills the suspense by bringing up the drama inside the Dangerous Alliance. GMC announces the five most deadly words in wrestling: “Let the War Games begin!” Weak incoming pyro before more on the top of the cage as it is slowly lowered. GMC reads the rules as they are shown on the screen. It’s very redundant and overly detailed. How much more analysis and stalling do we need before we just fucking start?
-The Dangerous Alliance theme (I think) plays for the heels entering. Madusa almost trips out of the curtain. Steve Austin has a haircut and looks RIPPED. Sting’s theme plays and the Squadron gets a big ovation. Dustin is wearing a souped-up Ribera jacket? Jesse says he has the biggest disadvantage as the most inexperienced. The heels huddle and we overhear Paul E. telling Austin he’s starting. He enter with Barry Windham, the new TV Champ.
MATCH NUMBER NINE: WAR GAMES- The Dangerous Alliance w/Paul E. Dangerously and Madusa vs Sting’s Squadron
-Slugging to start and Jessie is stupid asking why Barry’s hand is taped up. It’s fucking War Games!
-Barry’s feet clip the top of the cage on a backdrop. Paul is shown waxing strategy again. Austin blocks a cage attack and then takes a DDT.
-“Paulie sucks” chant while Austin hits an awesome clothesline, flying over both rings. That’s the most athletic thing he’s ever done. Then, he hangs and swings off the top, but gets caught and finally gets thrown into the cage. He protects himself.
-Classic face rake in the cage and Steve is already bleeding four minutes in. The timer is mostly on point. Windham brings Austin into the cam and says “postcard for Mama, boy!” He bites his bloody head. That’s so gross, but badass.
-Coin toss time and Sting naturally loses. Rick Rude enters next and he goes back and forth with the face as Austin recovers. The crowd breaks into a loud “BARRY” chant, but he ultimately gets double teamed.
-Steve Austin is an early MVP in this one as he’s a mess, but still energized with a second rope clothesline.
-Ricky Steamboat has to be held back before entering the ring and the crowd explodes upon his entrance. He’s a house of fire with some DDTs and OMG, this is one of the loudest crowds I’ve ever heard. Amazing moment here.
-Austin tries to roll through an attack on Ricky in the corner. I’ve never seen that before. He misses and eats a hurricanrana. Barry is now bleeding, too.
-Arn Anderson enters next and immediately DDTs Windham and spinebusters Ricky. He’s the GOAT War Games guy. Then, he helps Rude put a double crab on Steamboat. Arn is another MVP threat.
-Rude piledrives Steamboat as JR sells the intensity very well. Steamboat clears both rings on a throw. Dustin Rhodes is in next and beats up Arn just like his dad.
-Austin catches his head on the ceiling in an atomic drop and sells it so well. Then, he takes an electric chair. Arn’s head gets trapped in between the two rings by Barry as the crowd continues to go apeshit. Great wide shot as well as the Ricks trade Figure Fours.
-Larry Zbyszko comes in next and there’s a cloud over him apparently. He comes in and gets waylayed by Dustin. Madusa climbs to the top of the cage to drop Paul’s phone to the heels. Sting climbs up to chase her and she backs down as the heels batter the faces with the phone inside.
-Steamboat screams bloody murder as Rude attacks his injured nose. Dustin is now a mess, too. These guys are lucky they are already off of a white carpet. LOOK AWAY (and the reference challenge is done).
-Sting is in next and he’s the man. He press slams Rude into the top of the cage four times. Shout out to everyone smartly protecting their faces into the cage. I write that and Arn is now bloody and Austin takes a wicked backdrop into the side of the cage. He’s definitely the MVP of this match.
-Rude’s head gets stuck in the middle and he’s wish boned.
-Bobby Eaton is last for the Alliance as Dangerously yells “Now” over and over again. Dustin is profusely gushing. There’s so much Hep C happening. Meanwhile, Eaton is too nice and calm for this.
-The Alliance loosens the turnbuckle and the ropes are like spaghetti now.
-Nikita Koloff is the last man in and the Match Beyond starts. There’s no questions who he’s with as he decks Arn and helps Sting up after a long gaze. Sting is minorly bleeding. Nikita pushes Sting out of the way of an attack, then double teams the heels and high fives the captain, hugging him for a deafening pop.
-Rude is still working on the corner as Arn is locked into the Scorpion Deathlock. Eaton helps and the buckle is finally broken off as the war wages on.
-Nikita bashes Austin’s head into the other ring’s corner and blood is left on the pad like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It’s bloody grim.
-The yellow tights in this match are smeared like crazy.
-Bobby and Larry set up a double team on Sting with the heavy steel bar. Sting moves as Larry hits Eaton, who is sadly an LVP in this one, in the shoulder. An armbar is locked in and that’s how it ends? The last guy in the match, the guy without any real juice, without the main face’s finish?
WINNERS: Sting’s Squadron in 23:26 when Sting makes Bobby Eaton submit with an arm bar
-Paul yells at Zbyszko like crazy immediately. Everyone is on his case and he says “I didn’t know” over and over. The faces walk out victorious but damaged.
FINAL WORD: An amazing spectacle that you can only do as the blow off to a big angle or a great feud. The final spot was weak, but everything else was epic.
-The finish is replayed and Eric and Tony get one more chance to talk. Eric cinches his award by seeming disingenuous again by claiming he’s never seen anything like this before. The heels leave to boos in the background. Tony and Eric shake hands like goofballs for enjoying working with one another.
-JR and Jesse recap the whole show and Ventura calls it the most brutal PPV he’s ever been involved in. JR tells him one last time to tell us his Beach Blast role and he repeats the chest measurement line as they sign off with pyro and credits.
THE LAST IMAGE: A wide shot of the arena
FINAL MVP of PPV: I don’t always go for the best part of the best match, but in this case, I will. Steve Austin bled buckets, was impactful and sold like a champ. This is the moment where I feel like it really begins for him.
FINAL LVP of PPV: We’ve found the El Gigante of broadcasters and his name is Eric Bischoff. Stop giving him so much time!
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Super Invader vs Todd Champion
FINAL THOUGHTS: Man, I can’t help but feel let down. Sure, the main event was the best War Games ever. The other two top matches delivered as well. The undercard did NOT. It was 1991 levels of bad, but it was 1990 levels of random, worthless and drawn out. The crowd was blistering for the whole thing, though. This is a close one for me. By the skin of its teeth and for history’s sake, MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: WCW gets their second straight crack at impressing me with Bill Watts’ debut effort: Beach Blast. While Jesse measures chests, I will measure the quality of wrestling.