Mullet's Retro Diary 92: Fall Brawl 1995
There have been several times when I’ve dedicated entries to other people and this show will join that lineage. This time, I have to give a shout out to the Podfather, my hetero life mate and former contributor to this very diary, Rip Camillucci.
Back in the days of, this crazy bastard did a deep dive on the infamous Dungeon of Doom that would make the boys over at WrestleCrap jealous. Ever since then, he’s been quite the apologist for what most people consider to be the worst wrestling stable of all time. I’ve gone on record many times in this project as being a person who thrives on being entertained by bad entertainment, but I’ve never been able to make that leap in this case.
Rip sure has.
This PPV is the first one to truly go full board on the nuttiness of the Dungeon, so I’m prepared to be left feeling not hot by this show (just like the water in the Dungeon itself). That said, I’ll be thinking of my best friend throughout it because I’m sure he’d watch it with a big, goofy smile on his face the whole time.
Etched in stone, brother. Etched in stone.
(I just realized by reading this back that it seems like he’s dead. He’s not. There’s just no way to connect thoughts about close male friendship and the Dungeon of Doom without seeming like a tragedy has taken place.)
Written on 11/30/21
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: Some quick match card graphics for every match, but the focus is really on the two main events. It’s Ric Flair vs Arn Anderson for the first time. Then, Hulk Hogan ruins War Games. Lex Luger has returned “from enemy lines.” So much has changed in such little time. Meng is in the freaking Dungeon of Doom! John Tenta is a shark! God, this company. Asheville, NC awaits and Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan welcomes us. War was declared last month and The Giant has his name! He ran over Hogan’s motorcycle on the Main Event before the PPV. Sigh…
-Boys Have More Fun is equal to the American Males. In other words, Flyin’ Brian enters for the last normal time. Michael Buffer is handling this match? Johnny B Badd is back on PPV after a random, unnecessary hiatus. He gets a better pop. His Badd Blaster, Frisbee and Curry Man trim helps. He BOTCHES the Frisbee toss into the crowd. It hits the ropes, so he plays to the crowd like crazy prior to the intros. This is a mandatory U.S. Title challenger Eliminator match? Alrighty then. Pillman is full blown booed now.
-A bad arm drag at the start. Tony says the title match is scheduled for the end of the month on Saturday Night. Nitro is now a thing, right? The war is on, but it’s not the full focus yet.
-Nice back and forth stand off as Tony mentions Brian’s demeanor being off so far. More stalemate action and Bobby talks about trying to get Flair and Arn out of their match. He gives good analysis on Flair’s recent attitude and earns the first MVP award once again.
-Heenan makes fun of a fan with a sign saying he should be president as Pillman kicks the pace up with a headscissors and roll up. Badd got accidentally busted open somewhere in that.
-Nitro is promoted for the first time on commentary. Tilt-a-whirl backbreakers are traded and Brian has a little more attitude. Badd applies a nice surfboard stretch.
-Things start to break down and Badd refuses a handshake per the crowd’s advice. They are still into it heavily for Johnny.
-Both men go for a leapfrog at the same time after each successfully doing a couplen each. Nice spot. There’s five minutes left in the time limit. A suplex over the top and a slingshot dive by Badd keeps it going.
-What a dropkick out of mid-air! Awesome stuff here. Sitout powerbomb and tombstone both for two!
-I never like rest holds with one or two minutes left. The Tutti Frutti KO punch lands, but Pillman lands by the ropes. Air Pillman connects, but still gets kicked out of. The time expires and the commentators wonder what happens now.
-Nick Patrick has been authorized to do sudden death overtime per the board of directors. Buffer actually has to put some work in explaining all of this. Pillman jumps right on Badd with chops and whips into the rail.
-Missile dropkick meeting a regular dropkick by both men for another double down. Dueling sleepers can’t do it either. A top rope sunset flip gets a really close two count. Brian hits a follow up Frankensteiner.
-The Badd Day is a top rope hurricanrana and it has a SNAP to it. The crowd seems to be getting tired just like these two guys. A tornado DDT can’t get the victory. Good lord.
-Pillman is rocket launched from the ropes to the rail. Then, the Badd Mood hits AKA a somersault dive to the floor.
-Brian hits a dive through the ropes over the steps and looks a little rough. God damn, this thing won’t end. A springboard dropkick attempt ends with a crotching.
-Both guys hit the ropes very hard a couple of times before colliding in mid-air. One man lands on the other.
WINNER: Johnny B Badd in 29:59 with a double cross body
-Badd celebrates by loving his mom and Bobby makes fun of him for it.
FINAL WORD: That was very good, but overkill at a certain point. Combine that with an odd finish and I’m left underwhelmed.
-Tony recaps the rest of the show and the Horsemen battle is discussed again. Heenan randomly yells at a kid offscreen before Gene interviews Ric Flair. He holds up the four fingers and talks about the symbol of excellence. It’s a great promo talking about the bond, their early life struggles and the love they have for one another. It’s an MVP promo as you’d expect.
-Shitty morse code beeping means Cobra is entering. Look at this jabrone. He was part of the CIA Special Forces blah blah blah. This is the future nWo Sting and former Thunder and/or Lightning. Craig Pittman’s theme plays, but there’s no Pitbull. Instead, a private (played by the future Prince Iaukea) walks down. An odd camera angle unveils Pittman rappelling from the ceiling. He gets a good pop. This is a weird babyface/heel dynamic. He crawls across the ring and chokes Cobra with his bullets.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Cobra vs Sgt. Craig Pittman
-Pittman throws some really bad strikes and earns an LVP case with forces intensity.
-Coba throws Craig into the post and misses a top rope attack. Did Pillman and Badd go long on purpose to spare us?
WINNER: Sgt. Craig Pittman in 1:22 with the Code Red armbar
-“Another good day for the Corps” straight from the throat. Ugh.
FINAL WORD: Some grudge match.
-The TV Title match is soon, but first Tony discusses the recent bad luck of Paul Orndorff. Oh man, is this what I think it is? YEP! It’s the Gary Spivey vignette! Paul’s freak out is wonderful (pun intended) before he calls out the Psychic Companion Network. Is Ms. Cleo on that too? I guess we are going with a commercial/informercial reference challenge. This fucking man looks absurd with his Brilo pad afro and shirt covered in what I can only describe as dried cum. My wife is disgusted by this. Spivey is an LVP on general principle. This is way too long. I love shit, but even I have standard. Orndorff kisses himself in the mirror to end it. Heenan wants Spivey’s help, too.
-Good golly, Kimberly Page! The crowd loves her, but hates DDP with his pink trim. This is purely from the Macho Man/Liz playbook. They are notably only using the first ring for each match. Schiavone talks about high school girls dating jerks and Bobby isn’t able to relate. The Renegade enters with Jimmy Hart trying his best to get people excited for him. Page jumps at the bell because the champ turned his back like an idiot.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: TV TITLE MATCH- Diamond Dallas Page w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle vs The Renegade w/Jimmy Hart (Champ)
-Dallas bounces out of the ring, into the post and into the crowd. LOL. He takes a stiff headbutt and earns MVP already by being better than Arn Anderson and Paul Orndorff at working with this goof.
-They smartly work a headlock for a bit before a dive is ducked and Renegade goes sprawling on the ropes. He can’t help by sell his neck goofily after getting draped on the top rope.
-Why does DDP have a little diamond on his tights where his butthole would be?!?!?!
-Renegade starts coming back and Page is still bumping his ass off. The champ hits a HANDSPRING ELBOW that isn’t bad at all! A top rope axe handle gets a two count.
-Awesome DDT counter off a hip toss attempt for a rare heel induced double down.
-Maxx and Page collide. Hart argues with Maxx and Renegade dives onto him. His leg is held on the way back in and that means he gets caught. Kimberly can’t believe it and the reign of terror is over.
WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page in 8:06 to win the title with the Diamond Cutter
FINAL WORD: All humanitarian things he’s done aside, there’s nothing more impressive in DDP’s legacy than carrying Renegade to a half decent match.
-Col. Parker and Sister Sherri are apparently seeing eye-to-eye on their romance now. Heenan discusses their kids and Tony finds it all ridiculous. It’s tag title time with a 45-minute time limit. Yikes! Harlem Heat enter with pyro, but no titles. Sherri is all smiles. Both guys talk about neck bones on their entrance. The Stud Stable are champs now for some ungodly reason and enter looking like rodeo veterans. They could also be customers (one more to go). Bunkhouse Buck mugs too much.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: TAG TITLE MATCH- Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri vs The Stud Stable w/Col. Parker (Champs)
-Booker T and Dick Slater start. Dick ends up getting beat up by both brothers. Heenan puts Heat over not as thugs, but great conditioned athletes in a cool moment.
-Stevie Ray clotheslines Buck in the stomach. Sherri pays more attention to the flowers in her cleavage.
-Man, this is a slog. Heat is over as faces, but the action just isn’t exciting at all. Stevie and Dick are particularly rough together.
-Parker is all a flutter over Sherri across the ring as Booker is thrown over the top rope behind the ref’s back, slowly landing on the steel steps.
-Another over the top throw after a bad Slater piledriver. Book is trying his damndest as always, almost landing on his neck from a missed corner attack.
-Buck fucks up a cutoff and almost drops Booker on his head again. God damn.
-Stevie is finally tagged in after a scissors kick. He hits some slow slams. Dick wiggles on the top rope like someone avoiding elimination in a battle royal, but no one is around him.
-All four men enter to brawl while the lovebirds get into the other ring. Sherri crawls to her man, Parker leaps over the top rope. They kiss and the Nasty Boys come in to knock Slater out. Parker is covered and lipstick and could care less.
WINNERS: Harlem Heat in 16:50 to win the titles when Stevie Ray pins Dick Slater after a boot shot from the Nasty Boys
-Both teams are mad at their manager’s lack of focus/care prior to the replay of the kiss and eventual shot of the UNPROTECTED boot right across Slater’s jaw. That lip lock should be accompanied by some steel drums a la Girls Gone Wild (and this reference challenge is done early)
FINAL WORD: That was difficult to get through. I’d rather watch the make out session for that long instead of the match.
-Mean Gene interviews Buck and Parker. Slater eventually joins and the former champs are basically shooed off. This is another thing that gets too much time. Parker’s usefulness has passed. There’s an odd edit after his promo into Halloween Havoc and more redundant War Games talk.
-Mean Gene interview Arn Anderson before the biggest match of his career. A video recaps their history as of late. Vader is shown beating both of them and being the catalyst for the feud despite being gone. Hogan’s influence on Flair’s descent is mentioned. Arn won’t help Ric cheat against Alex Wright. His wife is shown at one point and Arn explodes over the situation when his family is brought up. I forgot that they are technically kayfabe cousins. I’m so glad this gets this much focus. Back to Arn’s promo and it’s BALLER. He says he’s a nervous wreck and loves Flair more than God. He will give all he’s got and will respect himself before getting respect at the end of it all. It’s an MVP promo as well.
-David Penzer handles the intro instead of Buffer. Weak. Double A gets a big pop. This one appears to take place in the second ring finally. Ric Flair enters with much ballyhoo. The commentators put over the wrestlers watching from the crowd. The American Males, Brian Pillman, Col. Parker and Big Bubba are shown. Alex Wright is talking to Eddie Guerrero in his PPV debut!
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: Arn Anderson vs Ric Flair
-The crowd is amped at the bell and stand-off. Flair struts, gets taken down and hair tussled. Arn mockingly WOOs, but like Sting.
-Anderson shoves and slaps and rocks Flair. Good shit.
-AA focuses on the arm repeatedly while the camera focuses on the wrestlers watching. Heenan makes a great point about the Enforcer never getting a title shot from the Nature Boy.
-One big chop downs Arn and the leg is begun to be worked on. These two together highlight Arn’s crispness and Flair’s awkwardness sometimes. That puts AA in the MVP lead.
-Great spot: Flair does the corner flip and lures Arn in to pull the rope down on the follow up. Then, Flair comes off the top from the ring to the floor in a big SUCCESS. The chops are getting louder. Let’s goooo!
-Lots more chops and slugging. Flair takes a back drop on the floor and Anderson takes a suplex on the floor.
-Ric is caught in the tree of woe, getting kicked and choked before holding onto the ropes to avoid the DDT. He comes off the top and gets CAUGHT. Arn is also caught off the second rope with a clothesline.
-The Figure Four is temporarily blocked by his arm before getting locked in it. Flair punches Arn’s leg while in the hold. He sits up and spits at Ric. The move is reversed for a big pop.
-Great two count on a small package counter. AA’s leg is weak on a whip, so Brian Pillman gets up on the apron. He punches Ric and gets punched back. With the ref’s back turned, Brian lands a kick to the back of the head and it’s all over.
WINNER: Arn Anderson in 23:04 with the DDT
-The Males chase Pillman away as Parker celebrates for his former charge. Flair is sorta bleeding at the temple and Arn limps away. The finish is replayed and Heenan fakes emotion while calling the replay, wiping the corner of his eye.
FINAL WORD: I’m not sure if it totally lived up to the hype, but I couldn’t help but dig the shit out of it.
-It’s time for war AKA “HOGAN” being shouted by Kevin Sullivan in a voiceover video package. It’s so grating and bad. He becomes an LVP by being the epitome of what people thing is bad about WCW 1995. Some bad, spin-heavy evil graphics swirl as Sullivan cuts a nonsensical, BS promo with dead flowers and an action figure. He’s a total asshat.
-The monster truck destruction from the pre-show is shown again. Heenan is mad that Tony didn’t want him to talk before ANOTHER video package. Hogan is shown being attacked in the Dungeon and choked by the Giant. Hulk talks about Andre the Giant and we get Chris Jericho’s future heel theme for all of this. Vader is called AWOL, so Lex is filing in for his return. His allegiance is doubted as the Hulkamaniacs are shown preparing like they are at Hollywood Studios’ old Backlot tour.
-Hulkamaniacs promo time! Hulk says they drank Agent Orange, so I’m hopeful they die soon. Their camo paint is great. It’s crazy how different Luger looks in WCW already. It’s still the same guy, though, because he fucks up his promo twice. Hulk has to get more words in. Randy Savage is the first person to introduce “DTA” apparently. Even Jimmy Hart is painted up, wearing no sleeves and flexing! Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
-Buffer handles the introductions while the cage is lowered amidst pyro. Gene still covers the rules in a pre-tape with text explanation. There will be a five-minute time period of Hulk Hogan versus the Taskmaster in the cage if the Dungeon loses. The heels enter. God, Zodiac blows. All of this blows. He’s the man from “Ying and Yang.” Meng paints his face now and is specifically called “Meng the Face of Terror” repeatedly. The Taskmaster yells into the camera saying Hulk won’t get his hands on him. The War Games theme plays for all of the entrances. The faces walk out individually. Sting’s whole hands are taped. It’s crazy how normal Lex is already. The Hulkster enters with some noticeable boo birds and definitely a smaller pop than Sting’s. Speaking of which, the Stinger starts with Shark. Good choices.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: WAR GAMES- The Dungeon of Doom w/The Taskmaster vs The Hulkamaniacs w/Jimmy Hart
-Poor John Tenta with this stupid get up, changed tattoo and nothing changed about his moveset except the expectation to chew more.
-Bad camera work misses Sting’s double ring dive, but it catches his early slam.
-A bearhug is already locked in. Sting responds with biting. Shark tries a double ring dive and gets stuck between the ropes, so he gets kicked a bunch.
-Sting is caught on an attack. Shark poses crotched on the top rope like a dolt, so he gets kicked and actually crotched.
-The Scorpion Deathlock is applied as the coin toss happens off screen. The heels win and Zodiac runs in. He’s kicked with help from the cage repeatedly. The double team eventually takes place.
-Why does Jimmy Hart wave the U.S. flag so much during this? Is the Dungeon of Doom in another country?
-Macho Man is next in and gets all over the heels. He tries to suplex Shark like it’s a shoot, but obviously can’t. Submissions are repeatedly tried even though the match can’t end.
-The heels keep pulls the faces’ arms and legs from under the cage, clawing at whatever they can touch. Nothing kills the gimmick more than an unenforced cage.
-Kamala is next in and it’s more of the same. This is just boring shit.
-Lex Luger is next and it sucks watching the heels in another ring wait for him to get in. Nice double clothesline by the Total Package though. Hulk yells “YES NO” in the camera at the foreground.
-The cage has barely been used. There’s a couple throws by the faces. Lex accidentally hits Savage and they start fighting as Meng enters and clears house. Luger’s overexaggerated selling puts him on the LVP list upon his return.
-The faces are getting creamed, so here’s Hulk Hogan with powder to turn the tide. He punches Zodiac and he bounces between the ropes. Hulk is exerting minimal effort here.
-Nothing but rakes to Zodiac and Kamala before some protected cage throws. Tony has the nerve to say the word “cohesion” in this mess.
-Beefcake is pummeled some more and Sheiky Baby gets namedropped. YES NO YES NO. What a silly bitch.
WINNERS: The Hulkamaniacs in 18:48 when Hulk Hogan makes Zodiac surrender with the Camel Clutch
FINAL WORD: That was the worst War Games by a country mile.
-Taskmaster tries to leave, but security stops him. What sense does it make to have the demonic leader being this afraid?!?! Sting grabs him and pushes him into the cage. He begs off and gets choked and thrown into the cage over and over. He escapes out the door, but still beat up on the floor. The rest of the teams have left. There’s no bell, so this is unofficial. This fucker still won’t bump even for Hulk fucking Hogan.
-The Giant walks out angry, grabbing the ref and terrifying him by the opposite door left open. He shows his agility by getting into the rings. His choke is broken, but Hulk’s punches have no effect. The champ is forced to one knee and gets his neck twisted. The faces FINALLY come back to help. Savage is a crazy person as usual. The Giant screeches and Hogan’s out cold. Buffer asks for paramedics. A doctor enters the ring while Heenan laughs and we sign off.
THE LAST IMAGE: Hulk Hogan, Sting, Randy Savage, Lex Luger and Jimmy Hart
FINAL MVP of PPV: The promo, the passion in-ring and the crowd’s support means Arn Anderson gets the edge by standing above his usual shadow, a game Bobby Heenan and the best outing thus far for DDP.
FINAL LVP of PPV: The Taskmaster bothers me so much with his outlandish antics, being more comedic than foreboding and distracting versus being ominous. Oh yeah, and he’s a selfish worker.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Arn Anderson vs Ric Flair
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Harlem Heat vs The Stud Stable
FINAL THOUGHTS: A Dungeon of Doom-centered show is bound to be poor, but I had higher hopes nevertheless with two marquee matches on paper. They sadly weren’t enough and neither really lived up to their hype. The rest of the show was 1995 dregs you hear about and fear. MULLET DOESN’T RECOMMEND
NEXT TIME: In Your House is back with its third installment centered around all of the championships. There’s no dedication there because it’s a pretty random ass show.