Mullet's Retro Diary 48: SuperBrawl II
When you hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up.
Over the course of this diary, we are going to see many lows for many different people and many different companies. I feel like the first significant one we experienced just finished and that was the notorious year of 1991 for WCW. They lost their all-time biggest star, they tried dozens of ideas that stunk and they had a revolving door of people try and steer the ship.
1992 is a much different year.
It’s not all going to be positive. It’s definitely going to get weird. *COUGH BILL WATTS* However, 1992 for Ted Turner’s boys is often regarded highly, particularly with today’s show and the next one. You have an incredible roster, a hot angle and some exciting changes. In all honesty, all of 1992 for wrestling is exciting and mostly great. This stretch is going to be very fun to document. We already had one great PPV, why not make it two in a row?
Enjoy it now before 1993 rears its head in a few weeks.
Written on 12/8/20
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: “Grainy” graphics and a recap of this solid ass card highlighted by Rick Rude kissing the audience. He’s the MVP already. I’m surprised the Light Heavyweight Championship gets mentioned. We go live in Milwaukee and the camera looks like shit. Pyro goes off while Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff sit in chairs on a podium like Siskel and Ebert. There’s loud feedback as they analyze the main event of Sting vs Lex Luger. Lex has been in seclusion getting ready AKA all of the dates on his contract were up. They keep disagreeing on the matches and switching up their heel/face allegiances. Bischoff is much worse at it than Tony. He’s an early LVP again.
-They send it to Missy Hyatt backstage. She’s going to try and get some interviews. Great.
-Back to Tony and Eric to talk about more matches we’ve already paid to see before finally sending it to Jim Ross in the ring to a big pop. He introduces his new partner who “tells it like it is”: Jesse Ventura to a bigger pop. Jesse rides a motorcycle down the ramp. I totally forgot about this. My god, this was a huge get back in the day. However, JR and him are like oil and water. He gets a cheap Milwaukee pop by mentioning local hero The Crusher and puts over WCW huge. JR asks for predictions in the main event and both Sting and Lex get some boos. Then, wrestling history happens: Jesse says Ross looks like JR Ewing and all he needs is a cowboy hat. He even points out the same initials. WOW, Vince McMahon is a hack. More time is killed by Tony and Eric while the real announcers take their seats.
-Nice, wide shot of the Mecca and the place looks packed. Flyin’ Brian enters to a great ovation. There seems to be a group in the crowd with definite boo tendencies to the pure babyfaces. Jushin Thunder Liger walks out to typical dangerous Japanese music, but he gets a good reaction as well because he’s dope.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE- Brian Pillman vs Jushin Thunder Liger (Champ)
-Great chain wrestling to begin as Jesse puts over Liger well. There’s a standoff after both try a dropkick.
-JR talks about Liger’s amateur career because he can’t help himself. Then, he takes a drink from a blue Solo cup in the foreground. Ventura is reminded of Predator with Liger’s horns.
-Jesse slides into his role quickly, calling Pillman cheap in some of his tactics. He’s MVP caliber while Liger moonsaults and handsprings and whips the crowd into a tizzy. He’s the GOAT.
-Liger keeps trying for a surfboard and Brian constantly avoids it.
-Pillman hits an amazing belly-to-back suplex that the crowd really reacts to.
-Pillman misses a knee in the corner and Liger focuses on the leg. No one gave him the memo as he slaps on the Figure Four to loud WOOOOOs. Brian fires up in it and they trade slaps.
-A “USA” chant is the first bad moment of an otherwise awesome crowd.
-JR calls an enzuigiri a “spinning martial arts kick.”
-Liger snuffs out a rally, then hits a great senton from the ring to the floor. JR calls it a moonsault. The crowd is loving this as am I.
-Air Pillman clothesline nails Liger, then a suplex from the ring to the floor. Jesse calls it the greatest aerial match he’s ever seen. Brian hits one big dive to the floor, but eats the railing on a second attempt.
-Jushin gets caught with a dropkick in mid-air. Everyone on the hard cam is standing. Pillman tries a missile dropkick, but Liger tries one as well for a unique double down.
-Another double down on dueling spinning heel kicks. It would seem like a botch, but it’s axctually good storytelling.
-Ventura calls out the “USA” chants as simple patriotism because the audience respects Liger. Two great power moves for near falls.
-Flying cross body on Liger for a great two count. A powerbomb on Brian gets another great close call. Then, the Styles Clash is almost accidentally created on a sloppy hurricanrana counter.
-Third double down as both men go for running cross bodies and they clunk heads. ANOTHER near fall after a Liger snap superplex.
-Jushin tries a diving headbutt, but misses. Pillman takes advantage.
WINNER: Brian Pillman at 17:00 to win the title with a victory roll cradle bridge.
-The two men immediately hug and celebrate after the match. We get plenty of well-earned replays.
FINAL WORD: That would not be out of place today, but it was state of the art for its time. That’s one of the most important matches of all time.
-Schiavone and Bischoff quickly recap the match, then disappoint the crowd and I by saying The Taylor Made Man is next against Marcus Alexander Bagwell. Missy interviews Taylor in a blatant rip-off of Ted DiBiase’s suit right down to the colors. He said he was going to teach Bagwell how to be a winner, now he’s going to teach him how to be a loser. Good line.
-Barry Abrams is introduced as a contest winner from Syracuse. This nerd gets boos, the camera pans out and he’s wearing fucking basketball shorts with his suit jacket. Fuck this guy. Where is Michael Cole to yell at his outfit? Speaking of shorts and nerds, here’s babyface Bagwell in white. Abrams is also wearing basketball shoes. He does have a good announcing voice as he introduces Taylor in gimmick attempt number 6,000. He’s now partnering with Greg Valentine as the U.S. Tag Champs. The crowd chants something I cannot make out.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Taylor Made Man
-Jesse and JR argue over why Bagwell won’t turn on the fans to join Taylor. Ross: “he’s too naïve to lie.” At the very least, he’d have his mom call JR to lie for him. That’s a deep cut Legends Roundtable reference AKA my reference challenge for this retro diary.
-The crowd is very into everything. This is much better than WCW two months ago. Kip Frey deserves a raise, but will instead get fired in a few months sadly.
-Speaking of raises, Taylor deserves one early for bumping all over for Marcus.
-“ROOSTER!” ROOSTER!” That is the chant I missed earlier! They did it again. Taylor legit looks mad. Yeah, this crowd can get it.
-Taylor’s right hands are great and Bagwell is still selling well.
-Why is Taylor’s gutwrench powerbomb always a transition two count? Jesse starts talking about Bagwell’s mommy. How ahead of things can he be?
-Bagwell kicks out of a top rope splash which angers the crowd a tad. His shitty, sparkled edge on his tights angers me more.
-Miscommunication on a go-behind. That is odd because it leads to the finish totally out of nowhere.
WINNER: Marcus Alexander Bagwell in 7:37 with a rollup.
-Bagwell takes a Five-Arm immediately after the bell and the beat down continues including a DDT. Jesse hilariously asks afterwards, “he’s the winner?!”
FINAL WORD: That was shockingly good until the abrupt end. In other words, it may be the greatest compliment a Marcus Bagwell match will ever receive.
-Missy is outside Lex Luger’s locker room. Harley Race walks up and does a gravelly hard sell of Luger’s condition and chances.
-Organ music for Cactus Jack and the crowd murmurs. Milwaukee is a smart bunch, huh? Jesse calls out a “Cactus Jack for President” sign and politics talk I don’t understand follows. Ron Simmons enters to a good reaction in his FSU colors. JR…for the last time, it’s not that impressive to finish ninth in Heisman Trophy voting.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Cactus Jack vs Ron Simmons
-Jack’s neck gets caught in the ropes 30 seconds in and he holds his ear after being released. Considering what happens in 1994, it’s already the dumbest thing Mick Foley has done.
-They quickly brawl on the floor, then get back in the ring as Jesse calls Ron vicious and questions Bobby Bowden’s tactics. He continues his MVP crusade.
-Junkyard Dog is shown in the crowd wearing an all-white suit. Ventura calls him a waiter. Meanwhile, Jack hits his double-arm DDT. It’s the third match in a row with a DDT.
-A sloppy slam on the floor to Ron, then a second rope elbow from the ring to the floor. It’s followed by the traditional BANG BANG!
-Randy Anderson is a very good referee. He hustles and jumps over Cactus to get in position for a pin.
-Simmons hits a dropkick, then misses a shoulder block to the ramp. Jack runs to him and eats a SICK spinebuster on the wooden ramp. His head bounces. THAT is the dumbest thing Mick Foley has done on this night.
-Jack hits a bulldog to regain the advantage, but gets caught off the second rope for another blink and you miss it finish.
WINNER: Ron Simmons in 6:34 with a catching powerslam.
FINAL WORD: Another RKO match: really good but ends out of nowhere.
-Cactus jumps Ron after the bell and Abdullah the Butcher slowly enters. His allegiances are unsure, then he wallops Simmons with his cane. JYD sloooooowly emerges from the back of the crowd, headbutts security, then finally gets in the ring to help. Abby selling for his shitty offense is hilarious. JYD takes his tuxedo shirt off, but the cummerbund is still on, so it’s a ridiculous visual. Here’s another LVP candidate as the JYD chants ring out.
-Tony and Eric briefly analyze, then no time is wasted because GMC is in the ring introducing VINNIE FUCKING VEGAS. Oz was given up on that quickly?!?! He’s wearing an oversized white tux and shirt and it’s somehow almost as ridiculous as Oz. His tag partner is Richard Morton as Jesse shits on all people named Vinnie.
-That damn Van Hammer music plays PLUS the fucking Z-Man together?!?!?! OMG this is a shoot: I immediately got up and got a beer to get me through this. It’s one of those moments Michael Hayes would light a cigar over (only one more reference to go). I thought things were going too well. There’s a shitty sign that reads “Hammer You Pound My Heart”, but it’s a drawing of a hammer and a heart. Jesse shits on the fact that there’s no money in bodybuilding and Vinnie some more, too.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Vinnie Vegas and Richard Morton vs Van Hammer and Z-Man
-The crowd is really into Hammer. He starts with Morton as JR previews the New Japan Supershow and WrestleWar. Jesse is working them all as Hammer press slams Morton. He hated taking that bump, Bubba.
-Vegas tags in and takes a shitty arm drag. These two together equal a very long lock-up spot. It’s all they can do. Finally, there’s an eye poke. Vegas tries a leapfrog (!!!) but eats a boot in the dick.
-I’ve never wanted a Z-Man tag so badly. These two lumber with punches and a clothesline knocks Vinnie down. Zenk tags in with a missile dropkick.
-Hammer keeps working the crowd up successfully before Z-Man hits a nice dive to the floor. Okay, Tom Zenk!!!! You’re trying to keep your job, it seems!
-Vegas requests Hammer again. Why?!?! He breaks a headlock with a belly-to-back suplex and doesn’t manage to kill him.
-Good teamwork by the heels. Nash is so much better as this than Oz. He hits a bulldog and a gutwrench. Like…I see the potential. He also nails a big boot, then shows some charisma on a little dance and dice roll.
-Double down on a long stretch of Hammer taking the heat before a hot tag to Zenk. He’s a house of fire with a big back drop to Morton and a second powerslam.
-We’ve hit the trifecta of abrupt go-homes.
WINNERS: The Z-Man and Van Hammer in 11:57 when Z-Man pins Richard Morton with a sunset flip
-The replay shows how stiff Vinnie’s boot to Hammer was.
FINAL WORD: I know I shat on that a lot, but it honestly wasn’t that bad at all.
-Abrupt cut to Schiavone and Bischoff previewing Rhodes and Windham vs Austin and Zbyszko. They play the Halloween Havoc attack on Barry’s hand in the car and say he’s coming back from this injury early. Bischoff stutters and stammers on his analysis, furthering his LVP case. GMC announces this as a special grudge match. Larry Zbyszko and Steve Austin enter along with Madusa. The wrong title card appears after the right one already showed. Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes enter. Barry is shaved to be a pure babyface. Ventura wanted to talk about Madusa’s look, but JR cut him off. It doesn’t deter him as he blatantly talks about her chest at the first chance he gets in the guise of the gym to ruin his MVP chances. A brawl breaks out at the bell.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: Steve Austin and Larry Zbyszko w/Madusa vs Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham
-Larry and Barry head straight to the ramp while Austin and Rhodes throw down in the ring. Austin tries a top rope attack, but eats a mid-air lariat from Dustin.
-Zbyszko gets big heat tagging in. He hits a karate kick, then tries a piledriver on the ramp. He naturally takes a back drop for his troubles. He is taking this ass whooping.
-Our fourth DDT in five matches, this one by Barry. A double back drop and Larry Zbyszko has entered the MVP conversation by bumping and eating shit so well.
-Windham is crotched on the rail to get the heat. Austin has some very explosive clotheslines.
-Barry takes a big tumble over the top and Larry punches him behind the ref’s back on the floor.
-Jesse shits on Rice College as JR mentions Austin’s dad playing in the Cotton Bowl for them. Then, Jesse makes a payola reference about Oklahoma. No wonder Ross doesn’t like him!
-If Dustin Rhodes had started wrestling in 2000 instead of 1990, he may be a GOAT. He’s so good, he was just born in the wrong period. He is a great hot tag before eating an inside out clothesline.
-Larry loudly complains to the ref and takes punches and chops. DDT number five on the show by Larry for a close two count.
-All Austin can really do are those clotheslines. It’s a law of diminishing returns, but they are pretty good nevertheless. Dustin was chasing Madusa when he took another one.
-FIFTH AUSTIN CLOTHESLINE. Too much repetition. Ventura asks why Paul E. Dangerously is banned from ringside for the U.S. Title match, but lets Madusa handle this one.
-Rhodes hits a sloppy Stun Gun on the inventor of the move. Ventura doesn’t really understand the concept of the move in the first place.
-Windham tags in, throws a ton of punches, then hits a big lariat of Larry.
-His superplex is blocked, Dustin trips Zbyszko and that gives Windham time to recover.
WINNERS: Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham at 18:20 when Barry Windham pinned Larry Zbyszko with a top rope clothesline
-The replay shows Larry selling the finish with head convulsions. So good.
FINAL WORD: A good, simple tag team war.
-Eric Bischoff is wearing a Michigan jacket and he makes it look so uncool. There’s a hat there, too. He claims the Steiners are the “Joe Montana and Jerry Rice of WCW.” They’re brothers, you nincompoop!!!
-Missy Hyatt tries to interview a ninja outside Ricky Steamboat’s dressing room. That’s the most ridiculous sentence of all time. The door opens and a fireball goes off as it appears Steamboat is meditating or something. Madusa enters and tries to talk sushi and Japanese to the ninja as she begs to see Ricky. She slaps the ninja and he chases her. His accent…isn’t great. That was a rough backstage segment.
-Boy am I amped for this! GMC announces the Steiners to a huge ovation. Scott looks so goddamn jacked already. A different song than the Dangerous Alliance theme I was hoping for plays for Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton along with Paul E. These belts have bounced around quite a bit. GMC announces a ruling from Kip Frye: Paul is barred from ringside. He throws a fit and Jesse is outraged as well. Heyman is held back by two referees as he shouts and shouts. An early “na na na na” chant breaks out and Madusa swaps out. How is that allowed?
MATCH NUMBER SIX: WCW TAG TITLE MATCH- The Steiner Brothers vs Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton w/Paul E. Dangerously (Champs)
-Jesse calls out Rick’s different boots and JR finally jokes back. Jesse doesn’t get it. Then, he jokes about Rick graduating college. They just have zero chemistry.
-Scott and Bobby start AKA Scott beats the shit out of Bobby with ground work and grappling. Eaton hits his patented neckbreaker, but gets caught with a waistlock belly-to-belly from the top.
-Arn tags in. He’s my age here. That’s a confidence boost. He wants Rick, he gets his wish and the Dogface Gremlin acts like a dog/goof. God bless him.
-Rick kicks Arn on the mat and he backtracks into crotching himself on the ring post in a funny spot.
-Weird crowd shots throughout the early parts of the match.
-JR mentions Kip Frye trying to bring in Steve Williams and Terry Gordy. Meanwhile, there’s beautiful teamwork going on between the best team of all time and the best individual tag wrestlers of all time. They are all in sync on a double arm drag, then clotheslines to the floor.
-Scott avoids a double team beautifully on the floor. Arn even tried to avoid the counter, too. Just smart wrestling and smart wrestling spots.
-Cringe city on Eaton taking a tilt-a-whirl on the ramp. Then, Scott slaps on the STEINER RECLINER in the ring!!! DO NOT TEASE ME!!!!!
-Unique Doomsday Device inside out by Steiner with Scott from the second rope. Rick tries a top rope follow-up and Eaton catches him with an Atomic Drop that goes low.
-Stereo suplexes by the Steiners as Scott helps Rick out of a double team.
-Scott hot tags in and Arn gets his ass kicked. The heels finally take over on a noggin-knocker spot.
-DDT number six, but it’s Arn Anderson dishing it out. He’s the second best in the business at this time, so I can live with it.
-Eaton hits the Rocket Launcher to the ramp on Scott. He sells like death and rolls to the floor.
-Rick finally tags in and destroys the Alliance with Steinerlines. The heels try a Doomsday, but Rick sloppily catches Eaton (barely) with a powerslam in mid-air for a two count. Another two count on a second rope bulldog.
-Arn throws powder in Rick’s face. He can’t see and accidentally suplexes the ref.
-Eaton takes a Tiger Bomb as a new ref enters. Frankensteiner, three count and I smell a Dusty finish.
-Nick Patrick comes down as all three referees discuss the end of the match as the crowd is very, very happy. They won’t be for very long.
WINNERS: Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton in 20:06 by DQ
-The replay shows the closing sequence again. Why can the head referee run down to overturn the decision based on the ref bump, but not the powder to the face? Stupid 90s shit. Jesse is good at heeling about the call as the crowd continues to boo. JR points out the wrong man was pinned as well.
FINAL WORD: On paper, this match lived up to the hype. In actuality, the ending was a mess and the wind was totally taken out of the sails.
-Missy is backstage talking about all of the commotion when the ninja returns. Steamboat exits his locker room prepared as you notice the ninja is obviously heavier and different. Tony thanks Missy for being “abreast” of the situation in a gross moment. Bischoff and Schiavone should add something in all of these segments and they don’t. Get a wrestler instead. Tony’s corny voice doesn’t help, either.
-The badass first WCW Rick Rude theme leads to the badass Rick Rude entrance. “Cut the music!” Hell yeah, I’ve missed this. He gets big heat before he even talks. He gives them time to really boo. He can barely get anything out. He is a true MVP heeling at an amazing level. Each attempt to talk, the crowd gets louder and louder. It’s deafening. Rude calls the crowd “Milwaukee meatheads” before taking his robe off. His tights are pimp as usual. Jesse’s love of Rick’s body crosses over to WCW. Ricky Steamboat enters to a big pop with his cool theme. Ricky touches the gold and celebrates before the bell. That’s probably a mistake.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: U.S. TITLE MATCH- Ricky Steamboat w/Ninja vs Rick Rude (Champ)
-Good tussling to start, then Ricky hits his patented arm drags and a raised choke.
-Rude’s arm wrestling history is pointed out and Jesse questions why Ricky is focused on Rude’s arm then. JR covers well as he points out Rude’s cheap shots. They are getting better together over the course of the show.
-Good strikes before setting into more worked holds.
-Referee Mike Atkins is very crisp, but almost too fast with his counts.
-This one is a little sluggish and disappointing early as they botch trying to cross body one another over the top rope.
-Jesse brings up a cowboy hat again to JR. He says, “I’ll think about it.”
-The pace picks up a little as Rude clotheslines Steamboat, then immediately sells with the damage done to his arm. That’s such good detail. He then uses his other hand to help on a headlock.
-Rude squashes a comeback with his bad arm again, then does his hip swivel with only one arm. GREAT attention. He keeps strengthening his MVP case.
-Gorgeous piledriver that Steamboat sells like death. He manages to kick out. Then, Dragon manages to slap on a Figure Four on a reversal.
-Great bounce sell by Steamboat on a top rope punch. More agony from Rude on posing and flexing.
-Good strength by Steamboat with an electric chair out of a clutch that Jesse naturally encouraged Rude to cheat with.
-Both men go for a leapfrog and collide in the middle of the ring.
-Steamboat’s arm only drops once on a sleeper attempt.
-Rude gets crotched on the top rope, then takes a BIG, slow superplex he somehow kicks out of. Man, WWF sure wasted both of these guys, huh?
-Ricky shows some rare personality mimicking Rude’s taunt, then hits Rude with a clothesline as he’s seated for a good two count. Then, a big flapjack and a karate chop from the top rope.
-Steamboat goes to the top again, but the ninja gets on the apron with a giant phone. He hits Ricky with two sloppy shots before Rude crawls into the cover.
WINNER: Rick Rude at 20:01 to retain the title after phone shots to the head by the ninja
-The replay shows Paul take care of Steamboat on the phone shots. JR has a great line about the ninja waddling to the back like a woman, so it must be Paul E.
FINAL WORD: Classic heel tactics and classic performers mean a classic match.
-Tony and Eric break down the action as Bischoff makes a shitty point about snakes before taking it to Missy. She goes into Rude’s dressing room and Dangerously is exposed as the ninja. Hyatt is so obnoxious and over the top on the reveal as the heels scramble to cover.
-Jesse and JR talk about Lex Luger’s seclusion and training before the main event. Ventura puts Dangerousy over as well.
-Stairs appear at the top of the ramp. Sting’s music hits and doors open to reveal the Stinger walking up. No wonder Undertaker doesn’t want to work him! That’s basically his schtick. He gets a big pop, but the music cuts off early. There’s so much pyro. Jesse asks about Paul E. and I can’t tell if he doesn’t know that Lex is managed by Harley Race.
-Speaking of Harley Race, he accompanies Lex to the ring without fanfare to his cool theme for the last time. JR calls out his arrogance as a cheap “LEX LUGER” cutout shows on the curtain. JR with the loaded question of the century: “how does a guy bulk up like that in 30 days, Jesse?” Luger’s cockiness appears to also be partial boredom. His demeanor definitely earns him the “Heatseeker” moniker (and my reference challenge is done before the main event.)
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: WCW TITLE MATCH- Sting vs Lex Luger w/Harley Race (Champ)
-The bell rings and Sting shows “patience” AKA nothing happens up jaw-jacking. They are just having a conversation in the middle of the ring. What a main event.
-We are approaching 90 full seconds of inaudible talking. The crowd is still chanting somehow. “You gonna do something, Lex?” “FINE!” They push each other and lock up at 2:03.
-They go into the corner with a clean break and Lex complains to the ref about it.
-Good spot finally: Stinger Splash hit early, but Lex barrels out of it with a big clothesline. That was great. He hits a powerslam and goes for the rack. Sting counters with a rare German suplex before putting Lex in the rack himself.
-Sting hits DDT number seven on the night. At least it’s a leaping version. Race helps Lex as he begs off and sells.
-Scorpion Death Lock cinched in, but Lex gets to the ropes almost immediately.
-Lex takes over with some bland offense as Harley keeps calling for the piledriver.
-Sloppy gorilla slam by Lex that makes Sting land on his side. Lex is taunting the crowd a lot. He finally hits the Attitude Adjustment. Jesse says he didn’t get all of it because he doesn’t understand that is just Lex’s sloppy version. Sting kicks out and the crowd didn’t buy it anyway. Race yells “you could have counted to ten!” Yeah, but he kicked out at two!
-Sting randomly comes back with punches after selling groggily.
-Sting rakes Lex’s back as Jesse name drops Mad Dog Vachon when he should have mentioned Hulk Hogan.
-Missed crossbody by Sting and he flies over the top rope. Race tries a piledriver on the floor, but eats a backdrop instead.
-Sting races to the top as we get another incredibly abrupt match finish.
WINNER: Sting in 13:02 to win the title with a top rope cross body.
-Lex just walks around the ring after the bell as JR calls it a dominating win. That kind of buries Lex on the way out.
FINAL WORD: Like you’ve been edged by the hottest girl in the world and she walks away at the very end: a big pop for a disappointing affair.
-Sting’s music stops again as he celebrates. Are they only allowed to legally play it for 75 seconds or something? He screams out to the crowd as they continue to roar. The commentators recap the main event as Sting bows in preparation for the New Japan show. Jesse says his next challenger may be the former champ. Nah, he’s going to try that bodybuilding thing that doesn’t make any money, remember?
-The fans call Sting back to ringside as he tries to leave and JR signs off with Jesse as Sting walks down the ramp to celebrate with some pyro. Roll credits!
THE LAST IMAGE: Sting in a wide shot of the arena
FINAL MVP of PPV: In a crowded feel, Rick Rude again shines as a true heel with a brilliant mind for riling up the crowd and making the most of everything he has.
FINAL LVP of PPV: The only sore spot on this show was the meaningless analysis and poor delivery of Eric Bischoff.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Brian Pillman vs Jushin Thunder Liger
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Van Hammer and the Z-Man vs Richard Morton and Vinnie Vegas
FINAL THOUGHTS: THIS is the WCW I want. Holy hell, what an amazing show from top to bottom. There was some redundancy at times, but we also had a hot crowd, a heel faction on fire, amazing ring work and new energy on commentary. There wasn’t a true stinker in the bunch. 1992 is a good fucking year, baby. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: I cannot believe we’ve reached the third recap. It’s time to see who is the best and the worst in the third Flairiod.