Mullet's Retro Diary 27: Starrcade 1989
It took some time, but here we are…
In the midst of a global pandemic, I had more time on my hands while being off from work for a few days, then working from home and just generally being stuck in the house instead of being out of the house. That gave me time to get creative again, As I mentioned in an earlier entry, I found all of my old diaries on a hard drive and my notebooks in a drawer and caught up to everything I had already watched and taken notes for.
Now I am all caught up with that and we are in uncharted territory.
I felt bad where I left off because I had never seen the PPV in question today and it’s important one as the last PPV of the 1980s. Plus, it’s another crazy concept that the NWA tries in an attempt for attention and competition.
A couple quick notes: I have no idea how much differently these are going to go in this new era compared to 6 years ago. The last few entries were transcribed from my older notes, so I tried throwing in some more modern references, but it wasn’t anything like this. Any stale jokes or out of place material from now on will strictly be attributed to me being unfunny or wrong as opposed to copying what 2014 Mullet was thinking and saying.
Also: I think I got most of the reoccurring bits down (chair shots, Flair from the top rope, trifecta references), but there may be others I’ve forgotten about or missed. I’m sorry, I love you. That is also the reason why I cut the dearly departed and Hall of Famers section as I did back in the day because that will always change (and is much more depressing that it used to be).
Without further ado, let’s see how the future can shock me. Speaking of which…
Written on 5/1/2020
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: 1989 computer technology!!! Some bootleg Robocop music plays (which is probable foreshadowing for next year) and we go live to the Omni in Atlanta, GA. GMC (Gary Michael Cappetta in case I haven’t made that clear lately) is wearing a tight white suit and introduces the National Anthem as it is crudely played over the P.A. system. We couldn’t get some washed up R&B star to sing this? Marines with flags stand in the ring and I can’t believe I’m finally watching this show.
-Jim Ross introduces Future Shock- a round robin tournament with the four best singles wrestlers and four best tag teams in the world. Terry Funk is with JR, already retired and probably unretired by the end of the show. Jim Cornette is also there and it is a slap in the face that the Midnight Express isn’t in the tournament. Pins and submissions are worth 20 points, countouts 15, DQs 10 (why is there a difference?) and a draw is worth 5. Cornette looks pissed.
-GMC introduces all of the teams on the stage. Doom is accompanied by NITRON? Hello, WrestleCrap!
The stage set up is cool.
The Big Kahuna seems thinner alongside the “Wild Samoans” instead of the Swat Team.
-Rick Steiner is wearing his tag title belt backwards because of course he is.
-Oh yeah, and the Road Warriors are there.
-The never appropriately jazzy Doom theme plays as GMC goes over the rules and points again. Doom is still in their masks and what appear to be ponchos.
-JR says the Skyscrapers are not there as weird rock music leads the Steiners to the ring. Apparently, Sid was injured at the last minute due to a punctured lung. That could be caused by sneezing or a line drive for him. Kahuna maneuvered the Samoans into that last slot. So, what’s Cornette’s fucking excuse??? At least him on commentary should be good
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Doom w/Woman and Nitron vs The Steiner Brothers
-Masks on Doom mean they are still referred to as #1 and #2 like Dark Order members. Scott and Ron Simmons start and you best BELIEVE that first powerslam makes Scott Steiner the early MVP.
-The hard cam is showing WAY TOO MANY empty seats.
-Rick Steiner looks like Eugene’s uncle. Cornette goes over the points AGAIN as Rick gyrates towards Woman and I bleach my eyes.
-Doom is bumping their asses off and JR miscalls a belly to belly suplex and a body slam. What is wrong with him lately?
-Cornette keeps pushing how innovative and spectacular this concept is. JR explains that some people are arrive late and so many people are stuck in the lobby waiting to get in. Surrrrrre.
-I think a PTA meeting bought the entire front row on the hard cam. There are a LOT of middle aged bittys.
-After an atomic drop, Scott misses a clothesline and gets sent to the floor. Nitron lays in some punches behind the ref’s back as Doom takes over six minutes into the match.
-Ron Simmons hits a better powerslam than Scott Steiner, but he’s not the MVP because I’m petty.
-The points are recapped AGAIN! WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Five minutes left announced when my watch has it at seven. This clock will be fun tonight.
-Okay, Ron’s spinebuster gets him on my MVP radar. Now there are four minutes left not even 30 seconds later. Try to be legit, please?
-Rick gets the hot tag and the crowd barks as he is a house of fire with his own powerslam and Steinerlines. My god, the Steinerlines. Even Nitron gets one after he trips Rick off the ropes.
-The ref’s shirt is untucked. And then…the bell rings?
WINNERS: The Steiner Brothers in 12:25 by countout, receiving 15 points
-I think Doom threw Rick Steiner back into the ring? That’s how the finish went. I’m gritting my teeth.
FINAL WORD: A good match with a shitty ending = I’m back to watching 80s NWA PPVs!
GMC introduces the singles competitors all behind some big ass drapes. The Great Muta gets a light response. Sting, announced as the “most popular wrestler of the year” gets a pop equal to the award. Lex Luger, in a sweet robe, is mostly booed. Ric Flair gets a good reaction while wearing a sweeter robe than Lex Luger.
-Surfer Sting theme! Badass Luger 80s theme! This is nirvana. Luger’s hair looks majestic.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Sting vs Lex Luger
-JR and Funk debate who will control wrestling in the 1990s. Both men are in their 20s and I’m pretty sure that’s bullshit. Still…what a time.
-Some crowd work early and Lex is livid at the response he’s receiving. He starts to leave and Sting follows him, nailing him on the aisle.
-Funk claims Muta is undefeated. Let’s remember that.
-Funk keeps pushing the 15-minute time limit hard and recommends frequent pin attempts.
-Once again in the infancy of this diary is Sting an MVP candidate because he is ON FIRE. He had such speed and explosiveness. He hits a nice over the top skin the cat counter and an awesome slingshot splash.
-At 2:22, GMC announces five minutes have gone by. When Sting and Lex brawl on the floor, we see GMC just sitting there with no headset, watch or clock at all. Bad form. LVP for GMC.
-Sting hits some crossbodies and wrenches on an arm hold, still in control.
-Lex impressively catches Sting in mid-air off another cross body attempt and hits an atomic drop followed by 2 more. The five minute warning happens at 6:27.
-Lex jiggles his titties. I have no follow up joke.
-Bill Apter is on the floor taking pictures. I always thought he was a try hard. Three minutes are left at 8:50. This is going to drive me insane.
-Sting starts no selling Lex’s shots after countering the torture rack. Then, he hits a weird spot where Sting runs off the ropes only to get Lex into a choke against the ropes.
-One minute left at 10:57. Funk rightly claims that Lex is gunning for a draw at this point.
-JR just calls out the end of the match…or not because what he called out wasn’t awkward as fuck.
WINNER: Lex Luger in 11:30 when both men tumble over the top rope from the outside apron and Luger falls on top of Sting and uses the rope for leverage in the pin.
-The replay blatantly shows Sting kicking out twice. It doesn’t matter apparently. Luger demands his belt after the match.
FINAL WORD: That’s probably as good of a match as you can expect with these two versus each other.
-We have a simple white board with numbers and names taped or Velcroed keeping track of the points.
-Doom is back out because of some shitty random draw that makes zero sense. Woman changed outfits! LOD enter without music.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Doom w/Nitron and Woman vs The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
-Corny tells a bad joke about the scorecard girl getting called “baby” by JR.
-Animal is sloppy early and Hawk just keeps running into both members of Doom with tackles.
-Five minutes have gone by at 2:50.
-Man, that lobby must still be packed because that upper level looks bare AF.
-The formula for this match has been the same as the first one except with worse workers.
-Cornette gets his shot in on Bill Apter’s red sweatshirt at ringside and some other writer I didn’t get.
-How does Woman holding Doom’s feet in a headlock help with leverage? That’s some hokey shit.
-I never speak ill of the dead, but Woman is the current LVP of the PPV for her lame words on the floor. She’s just recapping what’s happening. “How do you like it, Road Warriors, against my team, Doom” is a real quote out of her mouth. Really?
-Five minutes left at 7 minutes. I should stop.
-Smart move by Hawk as he catches Reed in a pin counter, but he breaks it to get the hot tag to Animal. Instead.
-Reed setting up a piledriver. NO NO okay thank goodness.
WINNERS: The Road Warriors in 8:30 when Animal pins Butch Reed after a top rope clotheslines from Hawk.
-So much for any drama with Doom down 0-2 already.
FINAL WORD: That was as acceptably messy as four BIG SWEATY MEN SLAPPING MEAT can get.
-Why does every manager “present” their wrestler? Great Muta enters with Gary Hart as Norman the Lunatic hands out treats on the floor dressed like Santa Claus. Ric Flair enters to some weird Horsemen interlude before 2001 plays. Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Ole Anderson’s suspenders accompany him. It’s very weird to hear Funk kissing Flair’s ass here. Flair is rocking some pink gear that I dig.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: The Great Muta w/Gary Hart vs Ric Flair w/The Andersons
-Muta is incredibly rapid to start, hitting the handspring and some other elbows.
-The commentators are good talking about Flair being at a disadvantage with the matches being a 15-minute time limit because that’s normally just when he is getting started.
-Flair answers that by accelerating the action quickly. He has already slapped the Figure Four on. Overbooked chaos ensues as Buzz Sawyer and Dragon Master, whoever that is, try to interfere as the Andersons thwart them.
-Moonsault blocked and that’s how his first loss happens???
FINAL WORD: Ric Flair in 1:54 with a small package
FINAL WORD: Despite the interference and the bullshit way to end Muta’s streak, that may be the best match under two minutes of all time.
-The Steiners are back out and so are LOD. Oh man. Scott Steiner changed his gear, too! Everyone watched the Waterboy apparently because they all SLAP HANDS SLAP HANDS before the bell (and now 2 to go!)
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: The Steiner Brothers vs The Road Warriors w/Paui Ellering
-Good line by Cornette calling this the Irresistible Force versus the Illiterate Object.
-Hawk with a fucking enziguri! Scott with a dragon whip counter!!! What can’t cocaine do?!?!?!
-Hawk turns Rick inside out on a clothesline.
-Even when it gets awkward on a belly to belly suplex, it looks real. The crowd is mostly quiet because they are torn.
-Hawk military presses Scott and hits a STIFF big boot. Hawk is entering the MVP race after a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
-Did Big Kahuna have to do some Tommy Rich favors to get the Samoans into this good spot?
-Scott almost brains Hawk on a second rope belly to belly.
-I’ve seen more powerslams in five matches than every Randy Orton match ever.
-Why does it always have to be convoluted?
WINNERS: The Steiner Bros. in 7:26 after a modified Doomsday Device and Scott Steiner gets his shoulder up on an Animal bridge.
-Cornette makes a big deal out of the Road Warriors getting pinned. The scorecard girl struggles updating the board properly.
FINAL WORD: That would have been the best match of the night with more time and a better ending.
-Muta and Sting are brought out very quickly. Good lord, this pace is crazy.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: The Great Muta w/Gary Hart vs Sting
-Muta starts with a full nelson which is countered by a Sting full nelson.
-An interesting mule kick counter by Muta.
-Muta is sent into the rafters on a monkey flip in a great sequence as Sting reclaims his MVP status.
-Gary Hart is massaging and rubbing Muta’s stomach on the floor in a REALLY uncomfortable fashion.
-Great Muta with fucking CATTLE MUTILATION. WHAT? He is the best.
-Funk is ragging on Hart two months after he was managed by him in a world title match.
-Hart is very smart, giving Muta hand signals as the ref counts, then admonishing the referee for not doing the same. It’s the little things.
-Sting moves out of the moonsault, but Muta is ready and lands on his feet, hitting a spin kick.
-I feel like old school Gabe in ROH because I’m shouting DANGEROUSSSSS!
WINNER: Sting in 8:40 with a superplex.
-Funk talks over the replay like Foghorn Leghorn and that suplex wasn’t as bad as I first thought it was. Sting is putting in work.
FINAL WORD: Sting and Muta are the Gale from Breaking Bad of wrestling: never gets enough time despite their solid chemistry.
-Halfway home and JR breaks down the show with Cornette, Funk and Funk’s earring. There is more talk of the ridiculous advantage the Samoans had that was supposed to set the Skyscrapers up nicely. Cornette has a Santa racket. Amazing.
-The Samoans are already in the ring and Oliver Humperdink is name dropped as the Big Kahuna. The graphic officially calls them the New Wild Samoans. Make up your mind! Doom enters with Woman in her third outfit. A heel vs heel match should be pretty rough at this point.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: The New Wild Samoans w/Big Kahuna vs Doom w/Woman and Nitron
-Tama as the Samoan Savage looks exactly like Umaga here. Fatu looks slim. Samu isn’t missed.
-There is so much to unpack with Cornette: he claims the Samoans don’t know much English, makes some bad hairdresser joke and then gets offended when JR says Fatu’s name.
-A long lock up is followed by boring action. Fatu and Reed have no chemistry.
-There is no pop on a powerslam and a headbutt than Savage no sells, hitting a superkick. Woman reacts by smiling, solidifying her LVP standing.
-Ron says “Come on, island boy” before a neckbreaker. Is that Ekmo? I’m sure that insult is said in 50 First Dates or Blended or whatever Adam Sandler vacation movie I’ve missed. I’m counting that as number two.
-Five minutes have gone by at 5:34. WHY IS THIS MATCH GETTING THE CORRECT TIME?!?!?!?
-The floor is either filthy or a woman’s water broke in the front row.
-The Samoans are playing babyface to the crowd’s apathy.
-Fatu gets the lukewarm tag, but his agility and inpact gets a little response. Another tag match breaks down at the end.
WINNERS: The New Wild Samoans in 8:20 when Fatu and Butch Reed’s heads collide and Big Kahuna pushes Fatu on top of Reed behind the ref’s back.
-What is worst: Fatu selling the heads colliding after all the work put into the lineage of Samoan craniums or the facial expressions Woman makes after the bell.
FINAL WORD: To quote myself about a best friend’s former girlfriend: AWFUL.
-Why is there so much gear changing? Lex is now wearing blue instead of bright green. He still gets music and pyro for his second match. I imagine he insisted. The commentary team hype this match big even though this is like the fourth time I’ve seen it and I know it won’t be the last. Flair doesn’t bother changing his gear.
-What the fuck??? Some butler in the front row hold up a sign that reads “Today and Everyday Flair and NWA Inprove Some Way.” On the other side of the front row, some lady is holding one in the same style that says “This 80s Decade Flair Does Prove Best.” Maybe that Wrestling Secrets show from NBC was right and they give signs out before the fans enter the building. Meanwhile, the ring girl holds the U.S. Title upside down.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: Ric Flair vs Lex Luger
-The match starts with JR saying he’s proud of nobody more than Terry Funk in 1989. Did he cure AIDS since Halloween Havoc??!?!
-One minute in and these two haven’t touched. Nothing but crowd work, WOOing, yelling, flexing and a “Luger Sucks” chant. Two minutes have passed now and I’m waiting for the five minute warning.
-A headlock is finally worked three minutes in.
-Six or eight GUNSHOT chops to Lex. WALTER has nothing on Flair in 1989. The crowd is electric.
-Luger is still yelling “shut up” to fans while in a wristlock.
-I just spotted George Napolitano ringside. I imagine he gets into a sissy fight with Bill Apter later.
-Lex’s offense has only been hair pulls and eye rakes.
-Flair tries three different pin combos, each getting a two count and then a big chop. JR calls him cohesive. I call him an MVP candidate.
-It looks like the lady in the front row bought the seat next to her just for her purse.
-What genius said “Let’s have Lex Luger wrestle three matches in one night?” He is drowning in sweat.
-Five minutes are left at 12 minutes. Time was told better in Inception.
-I can’t tell what the next announcement of time is over the crowd noise thanks to a good near fall on a backslide.
-Flair off the top rope: SUCCESS…BUT…he is caught with a clothesline mid-air. I had to check a previous case of this, but it counts. He successfully leapt, doesn’t matter if the move wasn’t successful. All time record: 5 for 13.
-We are past 15 minutes now. Another good near fall off of a sunset flip.
-Giveth and taketh away! Flair tries the top rope again, but is caught this time and slammed to the mat. All time record: 5 for 14.
-Less than one minute left and they are going full board. Belly to back and Figure Four and the crowd is going BALLISTIC.
-The countdown is on! A Figure 4 pin attempt! 1! 2! Great spot!
WINNER: Time Limit Draw in 17:12
-Each man gets five points and the crowd doesn’t even care.
FINAL WORD: Man, that ruled. It was a slow start, but the last ten minutes made me think that Lex Luger should be superglued to Ric Flair’s body for the rest of his career.
-Late tribal music for the Samoans and now they get their full entrance. I can’t tell if it’s dubbed or not. Scott Steiner is wearing his third singlet and Rick Steiner almost trips down the makeshift ramp. Scott Steiner KIDNAPS A CHILD, puts him ringside with his tag title belt. Man, I hope he knows that kid! Another kid is brought out to hold Rick’s title.
-Both teams are on all fours before the bell. These are four crazy assholes. Rick mocks the Samoans pre-match chant and ritual and the shenanigans continue even past the opening bell.
MATCH NUMBER NINE: The New Wild Samoans w/The Big Kahuna vs The Steiner Brothers
-The ref calls for the bell 30 seconds after it already rang, by the way.
-Rick knocks a braid out of Savage’s head on a Steinerline.
-The Samoans powder up the ramp and they get RIGHT INTO THE FACE of some shouting yuppie weirdo in the crowd. Police step in just in case they don’t want to clean up a murder.
-JR claims someone spiked Rick’s Alpo because he has a glazed look in his eye. Huh?
-Cornette tries to explain off the Midnight Express’ absence by claiming fear of injuries and being able to pick up the scraps afterwards.
-Cornette wants the fans hooked up to a lie detector so it can blow a fuse? Only if they’ve been to The Gold Club in Atlanta like Eric Bischoff.
-The Samoans start arguing and punching one another about their struggles before hugging it out to crowd heat. Soon after, Scott is crotched on the guardrail for the Samoans to take over.
-Oliver Humperdink is a hard man to look at.
-A loooooooooooong bearhug spot grinds this match to a halt.
-Scott has taken 3 or 4 low blows in this match. That will be less pump for Poppa.
-BACK to the bearhug and eventually our 433rd powerslam by Savage.
-One minute left, so the match naturally breaks down even with Rick coming in without a tag. I noticed that better than the ref noticed the end of this match.
WINNERS: The New Wild Samoans in 14:04 by DQ when Scott Steiner threw Fatu over the top rope.
-The ref didn’t even see this happen. He tried to turn his head in enough time to catch it, but largely failed. The replay shows that he even confirmed with Kahuna if his man was thrown over the top rope. Such BS especially when they show Scott thrown over the top rope twice basically in front of the ref earlier.
FINAL WORD: Bleccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccch.
-Muta is back out with his paint all fucked up. This is another odd spot for a heel vs heel match after the previous shitty ending. Lex is out in red now, limping a little too much to sell the leg from the last match.
MATCH NUMBER TEN: The Great Muta w/Gary Hart vs Lex Luger
-Lance Russell is calling the show on the 900 hotline. How does that fucking work?
-Lex goes a good job selling the leg on a leapfrog and Muta attacks it right away.
-Nick Patrick is more audible than Peyton Manning asking Lex if he wants to stop the match 10 times.
-Why couldn’t this match be a two minute DQ and Flair pins Muta in a longer match? This is a nothing burger so far.
-The announcers point out the crowd doesn’t care for this match. I notice the coolest kid in the audience with a 1989 Batman sweatshirt. Consider him Miles Davis (and I’m done!)
-The crowd wakes up for Muta teasing an inverted Indian Death Lock and then pops when he cinches it in.
-Four minutes are left after 8:30. Hello, I’m a broken record!
-They trade shots until Lex gets control with a back drop and ugly hip toss.
-I miss these spots: the ref kicks Lex’s hands off of the top rope as he holds on from a Muta sunset flip attempt.
-Lex calls for the rack, Gary Hart distracts and it’s all over but the cleaning of the face.
WINNER: Lex Luger in 11:52 by DQ when Great Muta sprays the poison mist into his face.
-The replay shows a spray that HHH would be jealous of.
FINAL WORD: The styles matched to a level that I like to call “Eh….”
-It’s obvious that the Skyscrapers vs LOD was supposed to be this upcoming final match for all of the marbles because the New Wild Samoans aren’t even halfway to the ring before Hawk and Animal are on their way with Iron Man finally blaring.
MATCH NUMBER ELEVEN: The New Wild Samoans w/Big Kahuna vs The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering
-A tie would result in a wrestle off? Cornette breaks the scenarios down and it’s the exact same as the singles tournament. Well, that’s lazy.
-JR can’t help but mention that the Samoans look alike.
-Animal no sells a fucking piledriver by Fatu. You’re not Jeff Cobb!
-A chop fest breaks out and some sloppy takedowns between Hawk and Savage.
-Some guy in the crowd is walking back to his seat with 4 TIERS OF FUCKING SNACKS. It’s the semi-main event!!!
-A real clusterfuck of a spot when Fatu has no power to backdrop Animal and they just crumble.
-Things settle with a headlock and some biting. Fatu misses a Vader Bomb and Hawk gets the hot tag.
-ANOTHER end of tag match breakdown. Jesus. Another bad botch makes Animal a late LVP candidate as he blows a clothesline Savage is supposed to duck. He doesn’t duck the next one.
WINNERS: The Road Warriors in 5:46 to win the tournament when Hawk hits a top rope clothesline on Samoan Savage
-The Steiners come out to congratulate the winners because babyfaces!
FINAL WORD: A tournament running the whole show ends with a sub six-minute match filled with botches. Got it!
-Another must win match is our main event as Sting enters with some retouched face paint. For almost the sixth time tonight, Flair is announced as a six time champ. A draw is Luger’s only chance to win the whole thing.
-The two men shake hands to start and Flair powders and WOOs shortly thereafter. Sting does his trademark yell to a big reaction.
-It starts slow like Flair’s match with Luger and picks up sooner with a dropdown, leapfrog, press slam and shoves.
-Flair takes a long time blocking a backslide and the timer is 100 percent accurate. Well, that only took 150 minutes!
-Sting gets lulled into an attack as Flair feigns injury and takes over on the floor, sending Sting into the rail. The crowd is so loud that you can barely hear Funk and JR. They aren’t cheering, per se. Just yelling nonsense really.
-Flair hits a nice delayed vertical suplex and an abdominal stretch pin.
-I just realized that this match is basically for my MVP as well as the tournament win.
-Sting starts no selling chops on the floor and Flair begs off. A sunset flip attempt is countered by a straight right hand to the face.
-Sting’s body language and attitude to no selling the chops clinches MVP for me. He just has IT. He would have been the biggest star ever if Vince got him right here.
-Stinger Splash and Scorpion Death Lock has the crowd standing and Flair gets under the ropes immediately. Flair gets up quick and puts on the Figure Four and Sting breaks quickly, too.
-Flair asks for the time and it’s announced as two minutes left soon after.
-Knee drop to the leg, bridge up and another backslide for a close 2.
-One minute left and more leg work as this passes 15 minutes on my watch. Flair is in no rush and he probably should have been
WINNER: Sting in 15:54 to win the tournament when he pins Ric Flair with a small package.
-The crowd pops HUGE and pyro goes off. Flair is right in Sting’s face and the Andersons are out immediately. Flair raises Sting’s hand and the Andersons do the same.
FINAL WORD: That was just as good as Flair’s match with Luger. Turns out Sting and Flair can have a good match, huh?
-The Road Warriors are with Gordon Solie. Hawk points out the obvious: they came out to Iron Man, so how could they not be the Iron Man winners? Animal just pimps the city of Atlanta as they wait for Sting. Suddenly, the credits roll! Animal is talking over the credits about football and now Ric Flair is talking about being humble in defeat. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we are done! No Sting promo. Time is a big old bitch on this show.
THE LAST IMAGE: The crowd leaving and an empty ring.
FINAL MVP OF PPV: He was the big man at the end of the night and he earned every bit of it. It’s the man called Sting once again.
FINAL LVP OF PPV: Some guys were sloppy or underwhelming. Woman had three chances to impress me and the only thing I noticed were her costume changes and lack of managerial expertise.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Ric Flair vs Lex Luger
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: The Road Warriors vs The New Wild Samoans
FINAL THOUGHTS: The 12 men on this show sure did try their best, but a limiting concept and lazy booking is too much for a couple good matches to overcome. No shock this doesn’t come back in the future. MULLET DOESN’T RECOMMEND
NEXT TIME: It’s a new decade and Vince books almost 4 times as many wrestlers in one show as this one with the third annual Royal Rumble. See you in the 90s!