Mullet's Retro Diary 44: Survivor Series 1991
Not to beat a dead horse, but this diary project is really the story of how times change and how things stay the same. As of the date of this transcription, I am being displaced from my job. That role was something I received earlier in 2020 after many years of effort to work my way into that position. I excelled in my new capacity and was given constant high marks and commendations. Alas, that wasn’t enough to save myself from a massive downturn amidst the pandemic and here I am celebrating by being unemployed and watching wrestling as I wait for the minutes and hours to tick by on a workday for the last time in a little while.
That’s a big change for me. I’ve been gainfully employed for a very long time and this year has been very productive for me on a personal level. This return of this diary is one of those productive things. That mentally brings me back to the launch of this diary…which began as I had just returned to full time work after almost a year’s break. I was moving from Gainesville to Orlando. I hadn’t been married a year. This diary, despite the lengthy break I took from it, has been here through a lot and here it is for me again to provide me something to keep my mind off the bad and put a smile on my face. I hope, as you read it, it does the same for you in whatever struggles you are going through in your life.
The diary, on the surface, also tracks the changes in the crazy history of professional wrestling. There may not be another better show that exemplifies that like Survivor Series 1991. It’s the WWF debut of the greatest wrestler of all time, the one-year anniversary and solidification of the greatest character of all time and the beginning stages of a wrestler in his career that could cause an argument over those last two cases.
The times, they are a-changing. What they are changing into, however, may be what we already know or have seen.
Written on 10/22/2020
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: The Survivor Series logo and we are already LIVE in the Joe Louis Arena as Gorilla Monsoon welcomes us. We get right into the Jake Roberts/Randy Savage epic moment from Superstars that previous weekend. Macho Man is tied to the rope and I love that this kicks the show off because it certifies that it is a big deal. Jake gets the bag with the scary ass cobra. The screams of the crowd mixed with Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper makes this one of the greatest angles ever. Liz runs out with medical help and Piper follows. Savage tries to fight back, but he can’t stay up as kids are horrified. Vince is so over the top, but in a good way, calling this. The crowd is now stunned and there’s a close up of a toddler bawling. Inject this shit into my veins like the poison in Savage’s arm.
-Cut to Jack Tunney announcing that Macho Man cannot compete at the Survivor Series and Jake Roberts claiming that he thought the snake was devenomized. Tunney accepts that because he’s a fucking goon. Savage is reinstated immediately and given a match with Roberts at This Tuesday in Texas. All reptiles will be banned from ringside going forward. I have to make Tunney the early LVP because he sucks. We are back live with Gorilla and Bobby Heenan, who is wearing a great tuxedo. “Weasel” chants break out as they recap the Macho/Jake beef and preview Hulk Hogan vs Undertaker in the Gravest Challenge.
-The Million Dollar Man theme leads Ted DiBiase and Sherri out. She is dressed like community theater Cleopatra. The Mountie follows with Jimmy Hart, then The Warlord with Harvey Wippleman because Slick is probably gone. Now…the team captain and a great reaction for RIC FUCKING FLAIR in the WWF. He’s accompanied by Mr. Perfect in the most 1991 workout windbreaker of all time. I’ve always loved his bootleg 2001 theme in this era for some reason. Gorilla complains about the title he wears and he “doesn’t know where he got it from.” That’s almost as funny as the big, black dot they place over the belt as it’s shown off. What a crazy situation and I’m so glad we are here for it.
-Bret Hart enters in a cool, all-pink jacket to a great reaction. It’s Poetic Devastation time as Virgil is next and the bloom has begun to fall off of the rose as he gets a so-so pop. The British Bulldog gets a slightly stronger ovation as Gorilla mentions no one can stay at ringside. Heenan’s line about Bulldog having a 10-cent brain and a Whoopi hairdo makes him a quick MVP. Roddy Piper appears to the biggest pop so far and we get an inset faceoff matchup screen. YAY! What a collection of talent surrounded by Warlord and Virgil.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: SURVIVOR SERIES ELIMINATION MATCH- Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase, The Mountie and the Warlord vs Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, Virgil and the British Bulldog
-Piper versus DiBiase to begin and Flair jumps Piper from behind, but the face is barely phased as he crotches Ted on the top rope.
-Sherri is still at ringside and Gorilla is incredulous as to why. I know why: she comes in the ring and gets on Roddy’s back and doesn’t get DQ’ed. She does get forcibly kissed by Piper. Man am I glad that trope is gone.
-All the faces get shots on Ted and get a pop tagging in doing very little. Oh, the simpler times.
-Bret misses a knee in the corner before a good fish out of water sequence between him and DiBiase. These two always have magic at Survivor Series together.
-Flair finally tags in to a big reaction. He WOOs confidently, immediately misses an elbow and gets a big laugh from the crowd. Is he secretly the greatest comedy wrestler ever?
-Piper comes in and they unload chops and punches. Roddy goes NUTS and Flair sells magnificently. We’ve had two Flair flops already. He’s in the MVP hunt by making the most of his PPV debut already. The Warlord tags in to ruin my buzz.
-More Bulldog versus Warlord nonsense. I kid, they actually have weird chemistry.
-The Mountie tags in and gets one shot on Davey Boy before Bret gets tagged in and he hilariously bails.
-It is still surreal seeing Flair and DiBiase double team together. Bulldog clears house and hits Mountie with a running powerslam. Naturally, that means his time is up. BRITISH BULLDOG is the 1st person eliminated at 10:56 when Ric Flair is SUCCESSFUL coming off the top rope in his first WWF attempt with a double axe to a prone Bulldog. To think, at this time, Virgil > British Bulldog.
-Piper is angry, but snuffed out in the heel corner quickly. Not for long, though, as Piper gets Flair in a Figure Four and Heenan sells it beautifully by saying that’s Flair’s move and put Jim Neidhart on the shelf with it.
-Mountie bumps weird for Virgil, then blindly tries to tag out, but nobody reciprocates.
-Man, watching Flair and Virgil trade blows and Virgil getting the best of the exchange is another moment in time. “Virgil” chants as he beats Ted’s ass some more. Gorilla points out that DiBiase has the Million Dollar Title back.
-Warlord puts the full nelson on Virgil as another scrum breaks out. Bret nails him with a flying fist to the back and Roddy Piper switches with Virgil without a tag and WARLORD is the 2nd person eliminated at 16:57. Heenan is rightfully upset, then puts over the pace. Gorilla agrees with him, Bobby points that out and Gorilla says “uh-oh!” So good.
-Virgil takes the heat for quite some time. The highlight is a Mountie dropkick followed by a trip to the second rope and screaming “I’M THE MOUNTIE!”
-Piper comes in and no sells Flair’s chops and gets 2 eye pokes in 30 seconds. Flair goes back to the top, but is CAUGHT this time. All-time record: 10 for 23, but 1 for 2 in WWF.
-Everyone gets in the ring and brawls while Flair is whipped into the corner in his classic spot. The brawl continues for a few seconds, then the bell rings several times and the crowd deflates. The Fink announces the ref has DQ’ed everyone but the one person not in the ring. That means RODDY PIPER, BRET HART, VIRGIL, TED DIBIASE AND THE MOUNTIE are eliminated.
WINNER: Ric Flair survives in 22:46
-Post match, Piper beats up Flair after the announcement and the heels retreat while Roddy’s music plays.
FINAL WORD: A very good elimination match that is mildly ruined by an all-encompassing protective ending.
-Heenan is so obnoxious and great celebrating as he calls Perfect to gloat while Gorilla sends it to Mean Gene introducing the reinstated Macho Man to a loud ovation and an even louder outfit. He received 97% approval for reinstatement and he speaks about being delirious and hallucinating (more than usual) after the bite and Liz’s cries being worse than what Jake did. They build to This Tuesday in Texas and I always forget what a silly idea and name that is. Savage tells Gene to ask Liz questions herself and she enters. Heenan: “most married women don’t look that good.” She thanks “anyone” who had a hand in Macho’s return and closes with an “OH YEAH”. To be honest, I expected more from this segment. Your arm was chewed, dude! Where is the Savage intensity? Gorilla talks about Texas not being on TV yet. What a strategy.
-A graphic for the next Survivor Series match appears and I have many questions. Where is Paul Roma? Where did the random alligator and Viking come from? What’s up with Tito’s hair? Slaughter is a good guy? Col. Mustafa with Gen. Adnan enter to ominous music and their dumb walk. They are followed by Berzerker looking really goofy alongside Mr. Fuji. Skinner and Hercules are also there, alone and boring. Herc looks bigger than fucking Warlord, my god. Texas Tornado’s music leads Kerry Von Erich and his boxing-like jacket in. He kisses a fan on the cheek and she looked young. I figured out what’s wrong with Tito’s hair now: he’s El Matador now. Poor guy on the way out being forced to be this dumb shit. Heenan starts with the pinata schtick as Jim Duggan enters to his music with Sgt. Slaughter waving the American flag. Bobby mentions Neidhart was bumped from the team due to injury and Gorilla talks about Slaughter earning his country back. Seriously, in two months?
MATCH NUMBER TWO: SURVIVOR SERIES ELIMINATION MATCH- Col. Mustafa, The Berzerker, Hercules and Skinner vs Jim Duggan, Texas Tornado, El Matador and Sgt. Slaughter
-Duggan gets a USA chant going as Berzerker HUSSES. Oh boy. Thankfully, Matador and Skinner start. Heenan gets a good line about strategy and communication issues with the faces because Tornado is from Texas and barely speaks English. Then, he says “Jim Louis Arena”, get corrected and asks who Joe Louis is. “Is that a good hockey player?” He’s too damn good.
-Skinner takes a big tumble on a flying forearm to the floor. Bobby goes too hard on the jalapenos and tacos shit.
-Berzerker tries a second rope double stomp. It looks sloppy as shit even when he misses it.
-Duggan and Hercules trade punches and Duggan unloads on the heels in the corner. Mustafa barely sells it or moves. Poor Sheiky.
-Bobby even needles Gorilla on spat vs spit. What a great antagonist.
-Sheik’s gut looks like me after Thanksgiving in 2019. Duggan somehow gets him up for a delayed vertical suplex. That’s the most impressed I’ve ever been with Hacksaw.
-Somewhat of a hot tag to Slaughter, but he still gets some boo birds. He tells his former partner “eff you” and COL. MUSTAFA is the 1st person eliminated at 7:57 with a Sgt. Slaughter atomic drop.
-The turnbuckle got exposed at some point and Slaughter eats it twice from Berzerker. Herc does the same and Sarge keeps kicking out while the ref is oblivious.
-Interesting spot: Sarge kicks the leg out from under Berzerker and he lands in a split like R-Truth. He then gets knocked over the top rope twice. That’s his own finish!
-The Viking is uncoordinated one second, then impressive the next.
-HERCULES is the 2nd person eliminated at 12:05 after a new finish from El Matador: an exaggerated running downward punch to the back of the head. Gorilla calls it something and Bobby thinks it was “El Paso the Salsa.”
-SKINNER is the 3rd person eliminated at 13:31 with a Sgt. Slaughter roll up on a blind tag after rolling up Tito.
-Berzerker’s head gets sent into the exposed buckle for the count of 10. Why is nobody pointing this out?!?! Duggan tags in and BERZERKER is the 4th person eliminated after a three-point stance clothesline by Jim Duggan. He jumps like an idiot on the bump and kicks out at 3.01 because NORD.
WINNERS: Jim Duggan, Sgt. Slaughter, El Matador and Texas Tornado survive at 14:20
-The replay shows Berzerker actually kicked out and Heenan is all over it.
FINAL WORD: What an exhibition of nothing careers from here on out.
Mean Gene introduces Jake Roberts and his BOMB ASS Trust Me theme. He’s oddly wearing a David Ruprecht sweater. Can I squeeze in two more Supermarket Sweep references? You bet your ass I can!
-Jake claims the snake incident was an accident: “trust me, it was.” He’s so good and devious. Gene calls him a sick man and Jake thanks him very much. He’s awesome as explaining that he’s the snake to worry about, not the one in the bag. Jake says Texas is the end of the beginning. He’s so dope. Gorilla announces cable coverage for the event.
-Recap of the Gravest Challenge and Hulk Hogan on the Funeral Parlor two weeks ago. Ric Flair distracts him and talks about how long he’s waited for this while calling him “Big Man” over and over. Flair uses Hulk’s catchphrase which causes him to rip his shirt. Pixelating Ric’s title makes it seem like he’s bottomless. Taker pops out of a coffin and hits Hogan with an urn before choking him out. Piper and Savage leave the commentary table to help. They hit each heel with a chair and Taker no sells his. What an image with these five in one shot. Taker rips the cross off and drops it onto Hogan’s body. PIMP!
-We are back live and the bell tolls. The crowd buzzes and a youngster is shown being excited, but scared. Another is shown already crying in his mom’s arms. One kid is shown rubbing his nose. One is just excited to be on camera. Oh yeah, and the Undertaker walks to the ring for the biggest match of his career. Then, Real American and a big old pop for an all-smiles Hulk Hogan. A casket covered with Hulk stickers is ringside and Hulk knocks it over. This match not being last is odd. It telegraphs the ending. Hulk is a little more bloated than usual. There’s some dopey impersonator of him in the front row, too.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: WWF TITLE MATCH- The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer vs Hulk Hogan (Champ)
-Hulk shows “quickness and agility” by moving out of the way of a Taker attack in the corner. Meanwhile, Heenan is great at selling the importance of the match by claiming the director told him nobody is in the halls or at the concession stand.
-A shoulder tackle makes Hulk bail. That’s huge.
-Choke and eye roll in the corner. Undertaker’s presence and facials are so on point one year into the character. He’s an honorary MVP right here.
-Paul Bearer exaggeratedly chokes Hulk behind the ref’s back, then mugs to the camera. The crowd is maybe 25-30 percent behind Taker, but alive for Hulk’s comebacks.
-Bobby is a little too much on the “Hulkamania’s dead” claims on a blocked slam. The Deadman follows up with a brawl on the floor and a cord around Hulkster’s throat.
-The pace is meticulous…borderline slow.
-The dude dressed like Hogan has shitty shorts on and draws attention to himself by trying to get the crowd to cheer. He’s LVP worthy.
-Hogan lazily kicks out on the third or fourth choke of the match as Heenan reclaims the MVP as his monitor goes out while cheating takes place, says a lady is on the edge of her seat because she has a 300-pound can and points out Hogan will probably cheat to keep the title.
-Hogan gets up on the third arm drop, but eventually gets cut off by an impressive flying clothesline. The crowd loudly reacts to it.
-TOMBSTONE. There’s plenty of space, but a side camera shot makes it look better than it actually was. Official decision: Hogan’s already up two seconds later behind Taker’s back. What a fuck. 2 for 3 all-time. Hogan punches Taker down to a knee and slams him as Ric Flair comes out.
-Flair takes the title and gets punched by Hulk. Hulk delivers the big boot and then gets tripped by Bearer. The ref is distracted, the chair is on the mat and there is room between that head and that chair for miles. Not only did he try and bury the man backstage, but he fucked up his finisher’s death record on this diary. 2 for 4 now.
-Man, the crowd REACTS to this.
WINNER: The Undertaker at 12:44 to win the title with a Tombstone on a chair.
-The Hulk guy in the front row is devastated. Officials check on Hulk as Heenan is over the moon and awesome in one breath putting over the demise of Hulkamania amidst the fans’ sadness. Hogan sells his neck (to convince Vince that Mark guy is dangerous) and I’m more concerned about Pat Patterson’s green suit/tennis shoe combo. Kids are hiding their eyes in tears and sucking their thumbs. You don’t get this anymore. Hogan finally slides out of the ring and gets a mixed reaction walking to the back. That’s surprising. You see a lot of Taker signs on that walk back.
FINAL WORD: That was Taker’s worst match so far, but it wasn’t his fault. No worries, he’s made forever.
-Mean Gene is incredulous backstage, shouting about the situation before calling Piper in. He calls Taker an Addams Family reject and Flair Cousin Itt. This is some stream of consciousness shit. Apparently, Hulk is already shouting for Jack Tunney backstage. Piper is so crazy; I have to rewind to make sure he compares the Taker situation as being as bad to David Duke becoming president. He did. Ouch.
-Sean Mooney is with Ric Flair and Mr. Perfect to explain themselves. Perfect kicks it off with a rhyme before Flair takes over intense as FUCK. He talks about his impact through all of these years. He’s crazy and I love it. This is an underrated all-time promo. He’s almost screeching and losing his voice. “No more little kids running wild!” This is an MVP worthy promo. OMG, too much to unpack. Seek this out and watch it STAT.
-Back to Mean Gene after a presumed intermission reiterating that Taker is the new champ and Tunney is “caucusing” with Hogan. Jimmy Hart, IRS and the Natural Disasters enter and I notice Quake has very pretty eyes as he shouts his promo. IRS’ delivery leaves a lot to be desired and he threatens to audit Tunney. Typhoon talks and that’s rare.
-Sean Mooney interviews the Big Boss Man and LOD. Animal is fire talking about odds and combos. Boss Man calls the heels big and trash a bunch. There’s no mention of Sid being an original member of this team. Hawk belts a “WELL…” and says something about sweat and slimy sweat socks. Mooney tries to interrupts Hawk’s catchphrase and gets the fear of God put into him.
-Gene is with Tunney and he’s still disgusted. Tunney claims the ref’s decision is final, but announces a rematch for This Tuesday in Texas. He will be at ringside. What charisma!!! He’s back as LVP.
-Gorilla hard sells the next PPV while Bobby complains before the action is back with the Beverly Brothers debuting on PPV. Their capes are awesome and lame at the same time. They are so 90s, they might as well be wearing solid colored sweaters with numbers on them (one more Sweep reference to go). The theme for them isn’t what I was hoping just like I was hoping to not see the Genius with them. The Nasty Boys enter with Jimmy Hart. The Bushwhackers come out and how are they still so popular?!?! The girls shriek for the Rockers and I shriek for the color scheme and fringe on their gear.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: SURVIVOR SERIES ELIMINATION MATCH- The Beverly Brothers and the Nasty Boys vs The Bushwhackers and The Rockers
-Butch and Knobbs start. In other words, the ugliest options. I look down and all four members are in the ring. Neat double double clothesline on the Nasties and the Beverlys come in and eat a battering ram. The Rockers join with double dropkicks. Marty does the Bushwhackers taunt like a dope and Shawn doesn’t bother.
-Blake (Mike Enos) wrestles Shawn Michaels now, so the workrate picks up.
-LUKE is the 1st wrestler eliminated at 5:20 when Sags distracts him and Knobbs pins him with a second rope clothesline/avalanche.
-Two idiots with their backs to the hard cam keep trying to get themselves over. In one shot, they cover the entire action in-ring with their greasy long hair and drinks. Fucking Detroit.
-The commentators talk about the WWF Title rematch more than Marty Jannetty using Sweet Chin Music and taking the heat for an extended period of time.
-The Beverly Brothers’ finish is AWESOME. It’s a 3D X-Factor called the Shaker Heights Spike. BUTCH is the 2nd wrestler eliminated at 10:12 when Beau pins him after that cool, but dangerous, double team move. The crowd ooohs for it. It’s a shame they weren’t bigger. They were former AWA champs, but get relegated to jobbers in one year’s time.
-Heenan’s rate of jokes are rapid fire, almost too many because some stop hitting.
-BEAU BEVERLY is the 3rd wrestler eliminated at 13:53 when Shawn Michaels pins him with a backslide out of nowhere. I was focused on Bobby’s comment about charging $8 a head for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
-Gorilla points out Marty’s poorly reached out arm for a tag. Good details and understanding of where that story is going.
-Michaels hits an awesome clothesline from the apron to the floor on Sags, then Sweet Chin Music on Blake. He’s so good, so early. Gorilla can’t believe he’s not tagging. He finally does and Marty gets some good offense before getting caught off. The crowd is mostly silent for the heel offense. Are they tired or down?
-Sags hits an impressive pumphandle slam. Eat your heart out, Test.
-Jannetty gets his knees up on a Knobbs splash, tags Shawn in and he’s all over the place. All five guys are in the ring and the Nasty Boys get whipped together to sandwich Blake.
-SHAWN MICHAELS is the 4th wrestler eliminated at 19:40 when Marty picks Sags up for a slam, but Sags kicks Michaels on accident and Knobbs rolls him up. Michaels is up and FURIOUS. He pushes his partner and the crowd is sad again. Heenan puts over the WWF Magazine article before Shawn finally tells Marty to get them. He leaves to boos.
-Gorilla missed Shawn getting pinned and wonders why he left. Three on one looks rough as does Marty being thrown over the top rope and taking a big bump.
-Marty does a nice job bouncing around and avoiding attacks, then superkicks and crossbodies the Nasties from the ring to the floor.
-MARTY JANNETTY is the 5th wrestler eliminated when Blake Beverly distracts the ref and Knobbs flips Sags onto him on a crossbody. Marty can’t kick out or reach the ropes on this very anticlimactic ending.
WINNERS: The Nasty Boys and Blake Beverly survive in 23:05
FINAL WORD: Good spots and prelude of the turn, but disappointing and flat like a middle school girlfriend.
-Brain says the magazine was right in that publication’s biggest moment in history. Gorilla looks goofy not knowing the story here. Another hard sell of This Tuesday in Texas and Monsoon seems lost. Hold, Gino! I don’t want you to earn LVP out of lack of choices.
-IRS and the Diasters enter the Quake’s music. IRS cuts his typical promo about tax cheats. He stinks at talking. Big Boss Man runs out to his theme before the Road Warriors Pop for LOD. This is three on three like a mini-sweep (and we’re done!)
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: SURVIVOR SERIES ELIMINATION MATCH- IRS and the Natural Disasters vs Big Boss Man and Legion of Doom
-Heenan is spitting truth on Detroit sucking while IRS and Boss start.
-Boss starts climbing to the top and I can’t tell if he fell or changed his mind mid-air, but he bounced off the top rope and the crowd laughed. He rebounds with amazing speed and punches.
-Quake versus Animal is a good back and forth with a backbreaker and flying shoulder tackle.
-Hawk press slams IRS into Typhoon’s arms, then dropkicks him down.
-Hawk has the best fist drop. Ted DiBiase is a close second.
-Boss grabs IRS’ tie to stop him from bailing, but it’s over for him. BIG BOSS MAN is the 1st man eliminated at 6:23 when IRS pins him after a briefcase shot to the face behind the ref’s back. I rewound because it appeared to be unprotected at first, but it was really in the top of the chest.
-The commentators argue over living in Detroit as Quake hits a good belly-to-belly on Animal.
-Typhoon humps Animal in the corner, but Animal comes back with a clothesline and hot tags Hawk in. Typhoon takes some good bumps for a big guy.
-The briefcase comes out again, but Hawk ducks. TYPHOON is the 2nd man eliminated at 9:38 by Hawk after an errant IRS briefcase shot. Quake is upset and threatens IRS before leaving. EARTHQUAKE is the 3rd man eliminated by countout. Gorilla missing HBK earlier hurts this. Hawk just proceeds to beat IRS up.
-IRS somehow gets offense, throwing Hawk into the steel steps and brawling on the floor.
-Animal gets the hot tag, powerslams IRS and makes him eat a double clothesline. Why is IRS getting a chance? He tries to walk out, but Boss Man greets him in the aisle. He forces IRS back in. IRS is the 4th man eliminated after a top rope clothesline from Hawk.
WINNERS: The Legion of Doom survive in 15:22
-Boss Man comes to celebrate with the tag champs as Hawk says his catchphrase into the cam.
FINAL WORD: Somewhat of a happy ending for the live crowd and somewhat of a decent elimination match despite the pace.
-Sean Mooney reiterates his conversation with Hulk Hogan in the locker room. “Brother, I’d rather do the talking in the ring This Tuesday in Texas” He said more “freaks” than the cumulative career of Lars Sullivan.
-Gorilla and Bobby are about to sign off and the copyright comes up, but wait! Mean Gene has found Paul Bearer and the Undertaker in the catacombs of the building. This has a great vibe, colors and smoke. Paul cuts a great promo about eviscerating in the embalming room. Taker gets some words in, telling Gene to look in the coffin. There’s a Tarantino shot from the coffin and the only thing left for Hulk Hogan is the burial. Oh, what a play on words. Taker closes the casket and this era of him is FIRE.
THE LAST IMAGE: The Undertaker
FINAL MVP of PPV: Bobby Heenan always contends and the Undertaker is still rocking, but the presence, promo and ring work of Ric Flair cannot be ignored in his first WWF PPV. It’s a welcomed breath of fresh air.
FINAL LVP of PPV: There weren’t many choices, so I’ll never waste an opportunity to dunk on Jack Tunney for being a breath of stale air.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Team Piper vs Team Flair
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Team Slaughter vs Team Adnan
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a story driven show that sold a new concept (a Tuesday PPV) really hard. That said, the stories that were told are classic and the work surrounding those stories were solid. It’s not spectacular, but it’s damn good. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: The WWF is back six days later with This Tuesday in Texas. Funny, I didn’t hear anything about it.