shared history podcast

064 - She Stayed The Blade (feat. Tara Egan)

064 - She Stayed The Blade (feat. Tara Egan)

Our final story this season is so good, you'll want to stay up all night enjoying it. But get your rest, we'll still be here tomorrow night to keep the story (and ourselves) alive…

060 - Saved By The Door (feat. Raymond J. Lee)

060 - Saved By The Door (feat. Raymond J. Lee)

All aboard the unsinkable Titanic for the unthinkable story of six survivors, all Chinese passengers from third class. Join Cass, Nat and special guest…

048 - Fair or Unfair (feat. Jim Vozzella)

048 - Fair or Unfair (feat. Jim Vozzella)

We're bullying Cass into doing a Chicago-centric finale, y'all! It's the 1893 Chicago World's Fair with guest Jim Vozzella…

040 - Let's Play Celts and Cowboys

040 - Let's Play Celts and Cowboys

From the first century reign of Celtic Queen Cartimandua to nineteenth century life on the range with black cowboy Nat Love…

031 - Shuffle off to Iowa (feat. Vania Boland)

031 - Shuffle off to Iowa (feat. Vania Boland)

Step back in time with National History Day State Coordinator, Vania Boland, as she tells us how Iowa got a head start on a major civil rights issue…

030 - Captain Spicy Fingers (feat. Sean Ely)

030 - Captain Spicy Fingers (feat. Sean Ely)

Grab a glass of milk because Sean Ely is serving up history en fuego with the history of hot sauce! Then, Cass cools us down with a trek on the high seas…