048 - Fair or Unfair (feat. Jim Vozzella)
We're bullying Cass into doing a Chicago-centric finale, y'all! It's the 1893 Chicago World's Fair (aka The Columbian Exposition but it's not about that jerk)! Together with special finale guest and Chicago tourism pro Jim Vozzella, we're exploring how we got, built, enjoyed and remember the fair. As is out finale custom, all three of us are bringing you a different slice of Chicago World's Fair pie on this, our SEASON 3 FINALE!
UPDATE: Shared History has moved - get more info and make sure you don’t miss an episode, visit sharedhistorypodcast.com
More on Jim
Jim Vozzella is a Chicago-based actor, improviser and Chicago tourism professional. Presently, you can catch him streaming comedy and creativity on Twitch with the Emmy Award Winning team of Project Adventure (@projectadventurelive) or as a part of Laugh Out Loud’s mainstage ensemble. Follow Jim at @jimmyvo5959 on Instagram and @jvozzella5959 on Twitter.
Our Lovely Guest, Jim Vozzella
Map of the Chicago Fire burn zone (for ref)
Daniel Burnham
Birds Eye View of The World’s Columbian Exposition v1
Currier and Ives Lithograph birds-eye view of the fair
Souvenir Map of Fair
Another rendering of the fair
OG Ferris Wheel designed by George Washington Gale Ferris
Inside the Palace of Fine Arts during fair
Exterior Palace of Fine Arts today (aka Museum of Science and Industry)
The Woman’s Building
1893 Parliament of the World's Religions mtg
Artistic rendering of Nancy Green "Aunt Jemima" at fair
Fair ticket booth today
Mayor Carter Harrison Sr
Harrison’s assassination in the news 1 and 2
HH Holmes
Holmes’ Murder Castle (safe for work)
Photo and cross section of murder castle (sfw)
History Channel, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago Architecture Center, PBS, Wiki, chicagoworldsfair1893.weebly.com, “Remnants of the White City” Chicago Tribune, Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, worldsfairchicago1893.org, architecture.org, Choose Chicago
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Original Theme: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz
About this podcast:
Shared History, is a comedy podcast and history podcast in one. Hosted by Chicago comedians, each episode focuses on obscure, overlooked and underrepresented historical events and people.
SPONSORS: This episode was sponsored by RAYGUN, Wonder City Studio, & ECBG Cake Studio (all promocodes mentioned in episode are one word, no spaces)