Ever wonder why housework has fallen on the female of the species for so damn long? Well, Anna Beyerle, writer and host of the Made For Women podcast is joining…
Cass finally gets to talk about the Midwest - of Guatemala - as she recounts some ancient Mayan mythos. Nat keeps it consistent by talking about the American Midwest…
Catcallers beware, we're bringing back the historic Anti-Flirt Clubs of the 1920s and the first rule about Anti-Flirt Club is it's okay to fart at Anti-Flirt Club…
On this Thanksgiving episode, Cass tells us about the Confederates. No. Not those Confederates. We head back to pre-colonial Amercia to talk about the Iroquois Confederacy…
It's the pilot! Cass and Nat go colonial and then modern as they learn about two amazing women from American history: Sybil Luddington and Wilma Mankiller.