038 - Vuhlez-Vuh Cathay Avec Moi

038 - Vuhlez-Vuh Cathay Avec Moi
Arcade Audio

Cass finally gets to talk about the Midwest - of Guatemala - as she recounts some ancient Mayan mythos. Nat keeps it consistent by talking about the American Midwest in Missouri where soldier, William Cathay, reveals a stunning secret. Tune in to find out!

UPDATE: Shared History has moved - get more info and make sure you don’t miss an episode, visit sharedhistorypodcast.com

Popol Vuh manuscript c. 1701
Maya Hero Twins
Painting of “William Cathay”
William Cathay U.S. Army Pension Records


Popol Vuh Story: Ancient History Encyclopedia, Living Maya Time, Wiki

William Cathay / Cathay Williams Story: Wounded Warrior Project, National Park Service, Wiki

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Original Theme: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz

About this podcast:

Shared History, is a comedy podcast and history podcast in one. Hosted by Chicago comedians, each episode focuses on obscure, overlooked and underrepresented historical events and people.

SPONSORS: This episode was sponsored by RAYGUN, Cape Horn Illustration & ECBG Cake Studio (all promocodes mentioned in episode are one word, no spaces)

Direct sponsorship inquiries here.