Mullet's PPV Diary 153: SuperBrawl VIII
The art of the big money rematch has been part of the wrestling business forever, but it definitely feels like it comes from a bygone era with weekly, prime-time TV and monthly premium events. Back in the day, once you built up a big bout, you would squeeze the rest of the money off of the hopefully successful battle by running it back in a similarly large affair and then hitting the house show circuit for local markets.
Hulk Hogan was the poster boy for these back in the 1980s and it’s interesting to see that playbook used here in the modern era. Funny enough, it wasn’t until this project that I realized that the first big rematch from the much-maligned Starrcade 1997 main event was actually on Nitro THE VERY NEXT EVENING. Unable to settle the controversy, SuperBrawl (which has been positioned as a show directly behind Starrcade in terms of importance over the past few years) was the show to try and right the ship and keep bringing in the dough.
Nowadays, sequels are met with big sighs and eye rolls in the cinema world. How about the wrestling world in the midst of all-out war?
Written on 6/26/23
THE OPENING HYPE: A black-and-white, almost WWF styled intro talks about Hogan versus Sting. The voice sounds like Zordon (we had a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers challenge already, but it was just around the Rangers themselves; we’ll focus on the aliens and other characters instead). This also reminds me of A Current Affair. There’s an epically big set and pyro/fire. It looks and feels like last year’s show because we are still in the Cow Palace. Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan are on the call and I’m just realizing that we won’t have Dusty on the headsets ever again in both a happy and sad moment. Macho Man is at the crux of all the stories at the moment. Tony is still living on hyperbole island calling the main event “the biggest rematch ever with the two biggest stars.” Oh boy…
MATCH NUMBER ONE: TV TITLE MATCH- Booker T vs Rick Martel (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Booker T gets a great initial pop and there are so many roofs raised. He seems like a massive star on his way out for the first of two possible matches. Martel gets big boos and he has a bootleg Model theme and a more arrogant gait. So, that turn is bemused about has happened.
MVP/LVP ALERT: Everything Booker does is precise and explosive and makes the crowd go nuts. He gets the match started hot.
OUTSIDE THE RING: The commentators don’t notice Saturn and Raven leading the Flock to their ringside seats, but ultimately do.
HOW GOES IT: When Booker’s on defense, the match drags. Martel is still good hitting impactful powerslams and spinebusters.
THE GO HOME: Booker hits all of his trademark stuff, but misses a key crossbody. Martel misses just a little bit bigger and supposedly suffers a career ending injury, but I don’t see anything to suggest it. It apparently happened earlier and Martel toughed it out like a badass.
WINNER: Booker T wins the title in 10:33 with a catching side kick.
FINAL WORD: That was a great way for Martel to ride off into the sunset and put Booker over huge. A perfect start.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: TV TITLE MATCH- Saturn vs Booker T (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Saturn bolts right in and starts to beat Booker up to the announcer’s confusion. Martel is thrown to the outside.
MVP/LVP ALERT: This is such a star making spot for Booker playing the face in peril and fighting off everything including the initial Rings of Saturn and flash pin in Perry’s all-out assault right away.
OUTSIDE THE RING: Tenay lets us know Martel tore his MCL
HOW GOES IT: Things definitely get messy because they are calling this on the fly, but Saturn hits some good offense including a dive and apron to floor Vader Bomb. Booker comes back with a big missile dropkick and almost badly botched a top rope move, but rebounds and covers based on his exhaustion.
THE GO HOME: The Harlem Hangover misses, a bunch of suplexes don’t, but Booker somehow survives.
WINNER: Booker T retains in 14:24 with the Harlem Side Kick
FINAL WORD: While I preferred the Martel match, this was still a great piece to a crowd pleasing start and fine pro wrestling.
THE EXTRA STUFF: Chris Jericho talks shit about Juventud Guerrera to Lee Marshall and Mark Madden.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: La Parka vs Disco Inferno
BEFORE THE BELL: Hell yeah, give me more La Parka! He dances, threatens people with his chair and does the whole schtick. Jealousy over dancing is the basis of this match. Who is the fucking face here?
MVP/LVP ALERT: La Parka might be a permanent fixture here, using the chair as a great pop to throw at Disco to start and mocking his dancing. It also doesn’t hurt that he reminds me of one of my favorite Power Rangers villains, Rito Revolto, with a hint of Goldar.
OUTSIDE THE RING: Bobby and Tony have really been bickering thus far. This is what I noticed in the midst of boring catcalls that have begun. They do find common ground humorously by putting over and making fun of Tenay’s move calling.
HOW GOES IT: Despite dives and character works from Parka, this is a little meh. It takes too long with too many powerslams on the show already and dragging chinlocks.
THE GO HOME: Disco launches a subpar comeback and the ref’s vision gets impaired. The chair is introduced, but thrown into La Parka. Disco then continues to mooch off of Steve Austin’s hard work.
WINNER: Disco Inferno wins in 11:41 with the Chartbuster (Stone Cold Stunner)
FINAL WORD: A Thunder match if I ever saw one, but a decent one despite it being totally unnecessary.
THE EXTRA STUFF: Mean Gene interviews a massively booed JJ Dillon. He announces Nick Patrick is reinstated and the controversial ref joins them. He has an over-the-top reaction and kisses Gene’s cheek. Gross all around. He cuts a promo, but finds out he’s not doing the main event and asks about back pay. He’s basically Bulk and Skull rolled into one.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Brad Armstrong vs Goldberg
BEFORE THE BELL: This is an “added contest” and Brad wears an “Armstrong curse” shirt. It sure is affecting Road Dogg. Bobby is so good when it comes to hyping up Goldberg. The place goes ballistic when his music hits. He’s still “Bill” but they have the pyro and routine down. He blinks like crazy.
MVP/LVP ALERT: I mean, you cannot argue with the total aura and impact of Goldberg. He has chants right away. Even when he’s awkward, it works because he’s a rookie.
OUTSIDE THE RING: Heenan actually mentions considering coming out of retirement to manage Goldberg if he could.
HOW GOES IT: Armstrong hits his weak ass leg sweep finish and Goldberg pops right up and hits a wild overheard pumphandle throw. So, it’s going well!
THE GO HOME: Signature, finisher, go home, scream. Love it.
WINNER: Goldberg in 2:24 with the Jackhammer
FINAL WORD: Formulas are made for a reason and this one WORKS.
BEFORE THE BELL: No filler, just killers like Juvi’s dope pink and silver attire and Jericho’s airbrushed face on his “Role Model” vest. Jericho rips a positive sign about himself right away.
MVP/LVP ALERT: Within the first couple of minutes, Jericho throws a tantrum over the chants he gets, refuses to take his belt off and tries to play possum on the floor in order to get counted out. Yeah, he’s in this range. His annoying heel hijinks are so good including jumping up and down after thinking Juvi tapped out.
OUTSIDE THE RING: The champ loves using the steel steps for a ringside springboard.
HOW GOES IT: Consider Juvi is still only 21 and Jericho is fine tuning his persona, it’s going very well. Jericho catches Juvi on a springboard dive, but the challenger nails the Juvi Driver and 450 splash for a 2.999 near fall broken up by the bottom rope.
THE GO HOME: This really picks up in the last few moments with roll ups and submission drama. Ultimately, a deep catch off a hurricanrana counter spells the end for the Juice.
WINNER: Chris Jericho retains in 13:29 with the Liontamer
FINAL WORD: I thought it would be better, which is saying something because this was still great.
THE EXTRA STUFF: More obnoxious Jericho mic work (whiny while victorious) calls Juvi “QuasiJuice.” Heenan thinks it could be Okerlund under the hood. Jericho rubs it in while Juvi emotionally talks into the camera. Chris pulls the mask away and reveals Guerrera’s face. The crowd gives him a good response out of respect.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: Steve McMichael vs British Bulldog
BEFORE THE BELL: Right when I was about to say that we don’t really have a LVP candidate yet, here comes MONGO! He reinforces that concept with a lame dog begging line entering. Davey Boy has his WWF theme, but it sounds crudely recorded off of something else. How did he get SO doughy in three months? He’s smiley and happy like he’s getting a smoothie at Ernie’s. The commentators ignore most of this and call it the calm before the WCW/nWo storm.
MVP/LVP ALERT: Holy hell is Bulldog washed up here. He sets up and applies the worst Sharpshooter ever early on. Mongo tries to hold things down, but is still rigid and sloppy.
OUTSIDE THE RING: Nothing to say here expect the fact that we are never told why this is happening.
HOW GOES IT: I’m laughing out loud at this match now. Mongo’s apron to floor axe handle and loud selling of hitting the post are the main cause. His forearm becomes Davey’s sole focus.
THE GO HOME: Bad Bulldog flip into the buckle. Bad Tombstone attempt. Bad selling. Bad finish because Mongo is too cool and tough to tap out.
WINNER: British Bulldog in 6:11 with an armbar
FINAL WORD: The NFL and WWF are far away from here.
THE EXTRA STUFF: Mongo throws the ref down and yells about not quitting while refusing help. We thankfully don’t dwell on that much more.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: US TITLE MATCH- Chris Benoit vs Diamond Dallas Page
BEFORE THE BELL: Both men are all business. Page is still rocking the jeans. This has a good fight feel and they show respect early.
MVP/LVP ALERT: Despite everything positive I’m about to say about the match, this is a collaborative effort of both men busting their ass as you’d expect. Great energy and work with chain wrestling, finisher attempts and high impact moves.
OUTSIDE THE RING: The commentators do a really good job of putting this match and both men over and don’t get distracted with other events like they can be prone to do.
CAN YOU PREDICT WHAT HAPPENS WITH CHRIS BENOIT: He locks in a long clutch-style move that lasts a little too long. His yell of “come on” makes me feel uneasy and the amount of time he spends trying to make Page sleep means you can tell.
HOW GOES IT: More slapping and brawling kicks this up a notch. A super snap suplex leaves both exhausted. The crowd is totally 50/50 after the triple Germans and the Crossface.
THE GO HOME: Out of a backslide, it comes out of nowhere like it’s prone to be.
WINNER: Diamond Dallas Page retains in 15:46 with the Diamond Cutter
FINAL WORD: Just a sick fight of a match. It was sweaty and rough in the best way.
THE EXTRA STUFF: After promoting him several times, the announcers reveal The Giant isn’t there to address his injury due to flight issues. A typical LOL WCW moment of hyping something and not delivering. We learn the Jackknife has been outlawed. Bobby wants more action, but it’s just a Giant video showing the injury many times.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: NO DQ MATCH-Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs Lex Luger
BEFORE THE BELL: Savage gets a huge response and he’s put over as more uneasy and dangerous than usual. The Steiners’ theme plays quickly before being corrected to Lex’s. He’s got overly done taped ribs. They apparently had a much-discussed conversation, but everyone’s annoyingly vague about it. Lodi is randomly shown with a sign mocking Benoit.
MVP/LVP ALERT: It looks like Lex is back to being his slow and boring self. The crowd actually chants “Luger sucks” at the start. He moves like a guy in a monster outfit after Rita made them grow.
OUTSIDE THE RING: This naturally goes all over the place.
HOW GOES IT: These two just suck in a match together. It’s slow and uninspired.
THE GO HOME: After not much of anything, Lex hits a suplex, powerslam and Rack. Liz comes in and rakes Lex’s eyes while the entire New World Order runs out. Both Savage and Luger fight them off, the bell rings, but the Rack is reapplied and he wins? Good lord, what a mess.
WINNER: Lex Luger in 7:34 with the Torture Rack
FINAL WORD: Everything nWo is off the rails and a rapidly declining Lex makes this completely wretched.
THE EXTRA STUFF: Hollywood Hogan satys he’s glad Macho Man got beat and laughs and leaves with the B-Team. After a replay, we have no time to breathe as we move on.
MATCH NUMBER NINE: WCW TAG TITLE MATCH- The Outsiders w/Dusty Rhodes vs The Steiner Brothers w/Ted DiBiase (Champs)
BEFORE THE BELL: Nash flashing West Side and trying to talk cool is the first time he’s been lame to me. Rick and Scott apparently started working together again recently. Hall does his survey and the Steiners are booed with both sets of belts. Scott is quiet and focused. Bobby almost spoils the turn by focusing on his body language and cold shoulder to ted.
MVP/LVP ALERT: There’s not enough time to properly classify anybody in this manner.
OUTSIDE THE RING: The only thing that happens outside the ring is Dusty sending Ted into the post once the real action takes place.
HOW GOES IT: It was all Rick against Hall including a scary belly-to-belly before the classic Steiner pose leads to a wink and axe handles to Rick’s back, bringing everyone to their feet. The crowd explodes on a big suplex by Scott. He gives Hall and Nash the “too sweet” and walks out of the ring.
THE GO HOME: After that epic turn, Rick still kicks out and tries to fight back. Scott chills on the apron. This was an easier night’s work than usual somehow for Nash and Hall barely gets the Dogface Gremlin up.
WINNERS: The Outsiders win the titles in 4:17 when Scott Hall pins Rick Steiner after the Outsider’s Edge
FINAL WORD: It’s a robbery for anyone who wanted an actual match, but the start of the Big Bad Booty Daddy, so I’m happy!
THE EXTRA STUFF: Scott hands the belts to his new friends and throws the ref out. BIG POPPA PUMP IS HERE! He’s awful at the Wolfpac sign, though. After an extensive replay, there’s a god awful Uncensored commercial that I think is supposed to be a parody of REM’s End of the World? You judge for yourself.
BEFORE THE BELL: As the show goes off the rails, we get Michael Buffer’s verbose ass. He’s actually not that bad this time and Hogan comes out first and takes his time. What in the fuck does the “WCW HIV+” sign mean? The Crow Sting theme is still rocking and he enters emotionless, then makes a surprising beeline for the ring with Buffer finishing his name upon bolting out of the ring.
MVP/LVP ALERT: Neither man qualify, but the energy of this match is much better than Starrcade at least. It’s still filled with chokes, back scratches and belt whipping. Someone later in the match will.
OUTSIDE THE RING: There’s a chase up the ramp and a brawl in the crowd. Of course, Sting misses the splash into the rail. I’m just glad he fired up and no sold at one point because it was alarmingly all Hogan again.
HOW GOES IT: After the Splash and Deathlock in the ring, the ref gets smooshed and Hogan lands two leg drops. Nick Patrick runs out and delivers a normal count and Sting kicks out. Well, that’s some kind of make good! Patrick stands up for himself and gets no reaction. There’s that aforementioned LVP I was referring to.
THE GO HOME: More brawling and no selling means Hogan is basically doing an opposite Hulk Up in a nice moment. Patrick gets bumped on a Death Drop and the nWo runs out and gets fought off. Savage sneaks in and lands a shot on Hogan.
WINNER: Sting wins the title in 16:33 after a spray can shot from Randy Savage
FINAL WORD: Overbooked like Borders in the early 2000s, but it should have been what the Starrcade match was.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: JJ gives Sting the belt and the new champ sprays “WCW” on Hulk’s back. The crowd is happy, but I can’t help but think it would be louder 2 months ago. Sting leaves after a howl and Hulk is still out in the ring. Strong paint can! We sign off and credits roll.
FINAL MVP of PPV: The sustained reaction and marathon in-ring work by Booker T carried the crowd for the entire show and set an awesome tone. It’s a shame they take 2 years to really capitalize on his charisma and athleticism.
FINAL LVP of PPV: It is very jarring to see British Bulldog so broken down and depleted 90 days after an almost MVP effort in Montreal. He looked rough in every way here.
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Lex Luger vs Randy Savage
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a crowd heavy show in terms of their enthusiasm and buy-in making up for some of the shortcomings, particularly in the poor booking of the primary WCW vs nWo storyline and some underdeveloped undercard stuff. Yet, the mid-card titles, commentators and emphatic developments with the future heels of the business rewarded them. SB in SF is 2 for 2 (albeit not as great as its predecessor). MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: We spoke about big money matches at the top and ECW has their own for us at Living Dangerously 1998.