Mullet's PPV Diary 143: Badd Blodd-In Your House
I vividly remember reading the Raw Magazine article detailing the two biggest reasons why people remember this show happening concordantly and wish I could find a copy because it summarizes my opening thoughts perfectly. It’s wild how two drastically different things can occur within hours of one another that both mean so much for the future of the industry.
On one hand, we have the inception of one of the greatest match types, featuring two of the greatest performers of all time, that ultimately leads to the introduction of one of the most infamous and important characters in the history of the business.
On the other hand, one of the most controversial and dynamic performers in the industry-both currently because of his antics and previously because of his groundbreaking athleticism-tragically and suddenly dies hours before he’s booked for a match.
Everyone else really doesn’t matter and will be forgotten for the rest of time, but those two items make sure that Badd Blood 1997 lives on in the forefront of wrestling fans’ minds. Truth be told, I’ve never seen the whole show. Let’s see if there’s anything else to remember after all.
Written on 2/13/23
HOW WE START: A video package about Shawn’s arrogance, conceit, etc. and a lot of UNPROTECTED chair shots to Undertaker. Now, HBK will be stuck inside Hell in a Cell with his rival with no help from anyone because there’s no way in or out (surrrrre). Steve Blackman’s first theme is used as the theme for the show. I’m glad to see Over the Edge 1999 going on isn’t as egregious as Brian Pillman not referenced at all during the top of the show. The crowd in St. Louis is hyped, pyro is blaring and Vince growls his welcome with King and JR. This is his last time behind the desk!
MATCH NUMBER ONE: HANDICAP MATCH- Rocky Maivia, Kama Mustafa and D-Lo Brown vs The Legion of Doom
BEFORE THE BELL: During the heels’ first entrance as a team on PPV, Vince mentions Pillman in passing and claims he won’t “belabor the point.” That makes him an immediate LVP and Ross moves away quickly. Poor guy. Ken Shamrock is still out due to a Faarooq spinebuster. Chants of “Rocky sucks” are sold perfectly. It’s like night and day already. There are so many strobe flashes for LOD’s entrance. Ken apparently tried to compete, but isn’t cleared. Hawk gets mic time to explain and probably gets sued by Michael Buffer by saying “let’s get it on!”
-Hawk and D-Lo start. Vince calls Brown a big 300-pounder. Wrong. Brown busts his ass and tags out to the heatseeking Rock against Animal. He bails to milk anger. He’s got it already. He smells like Be Cool-he can do anything and make anything work very early on. MVP.
-There’s more stalling and it gives me time to notice how the match is being shot at a lower angle. I like it because it’s different. Kama and Hawk have absolutely zero chemistry. The face’s enziguiri mercifully leads to a rest hold. Rock interferes with a DDT for a cutoff. Vince oversells a Kama kick that received no response.
-Vince calls D-Lo the Lennox Lewis of the WWF right now just because he punched Animal. Has anyone cinched LVP so early? Brown is great at mocking Rock’s low blow punch to Animal. The hot tag is missed and D-Lo hits the Lo Down, but Animal still kicks out.
-Hawks tags in after a double clothesline from Animal and he’s all over the Nation. Rock is still the standout and left alone with both Road Warriors. The Doomsday Device is set up, but Faarooq runs down to provide the distraction. It’s the first time Dwayne wins with his famous move.
The Nation of Domination win in 12:19 when Rocky Maivia pins Hawk with the Rock Bottom
FINAL WORD: That was a hot opener for the crowd and a fair opener for those of us watching at home.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Sunny and Dok Hendrix are backstage on the Superstars Line (they are forgotten by Vince at first). It’s so weird hearing Blackman’s song so much. All the phone numbers are blurred and Sunny is all over the place. Vince mentions the scheduled Pillman versus Dude Love match and there’s a close up of him solemnly stating the same thing as before, providing condolences and introducing a midget match as a replacement. WOW. I’ve never seen that transition before. Just give a match more time!
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Mosaic and Tarantula vs Max Mini and Nova
BEFORE THE BELL: There’s a big sign that reads “Lawler fears Max Mini” and he’s pretty over. Nova is not Simon Dean in case that wasn’t obvious. JR has a good line about Max putting on a few pounds and listed at 88 pounds.
-Tarantula is stiff as fuck with everybody and Nova is jumpy to a fault early.
-Mosaic tries to mime cockiness to the crowd, but they can’t see his face. There’s a very convoluted and botched pop-up hurricanrana pin by Nova. This is one messy affair. Tarantula hits a top rope splash that he barely reaches.
-Tarantula press slams Max on the table in front of King and he laughs until his headset gets messed up. Boy, this has lost all of its life. Vince mentions lucha tag rules under his breath.
-Nova is an LVP by looking like Sin Cara and botching almost every spot he’s involved in. He’s acting more like Mascara in the Royaliest of Rumbles (and that means we have a newLegacy reference challenge on our hands).
-A super complicated arm drag spot leads to a botched ending. Great. It’s over.
Max Mini and Nova win in 6:42 when Max pins Tarantula with a crucifix pin
FINAL WORD: No offense, but Brian Pillman’s corpse would have put on a better match. What a total bomb compared to the last Max match.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Max dropkicks Tarantula after the bell for no reason. The French and Spanish teams are introduced and some guy holds his kid up to show his belly off with his tongue out. What the fuck is going on?!?! A classic Austin 3:16 shirt commercial, with Todd Pettengill’s voiceover still included, airs and the attendance of 21,151 is announced by Vince.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: TAG TITLE MATCH- The Godwinns w/Uncle Cletus vs The Headbangers (Champs)
BEFORE THE BELL: Sunny enters to guest announce in her very colorful outfit. I’m begging for her to do anything important, but drugs are probably stopping them. The Godwinns enter with their new relative manager, the former TL Hopper/Dirty White Boy. The Headbangers’ victory is still called an upset. Why are the Godwinns getting this shot? They never win! Ross is an MVP candidate by asking what Lou Thesz and Stan Mushnick in attendance think of both teams.
-Thrasher does a weird milking taunt after an early double bail to start. Meanwhile, Phineas and Mosh have a spit off. Mosh catches his with his mouth, so he wins? Talk about WORK RATE!
-Thrasher wraps up an apron headscissors and they DOUBLE FEATURE it! Pillman’s death is assumedly messing everyone up. A double flapjack causes a rough landing for PIG.
-Boy, this is a pile of nothing AKA a standard Godwinns match. Vince is still talking about Marilyn Manson at the VMAs. Almost every spot is close to a disaster. THERE IS A DOUBLE FEATURE TO SHOW THRASHER’S NEWLY PIERCED TONGUE.
-Lawler does a “you might be a Godwinn” bit as Thrasher starts taking the heat. Hank hits one good move in the middle of it all until a head collision leads to a double down.
-Mosh is finally tagged and hits everyone including Cletus. Phineas gets hit with a powerbomb, but catches a Stage Dive with one of his own. Really?
The Godwinns win the titles in 12:18 when Phineas Godwinn pins Mosh with a catching powerbomb
FINAL WORD: You know what will make a show better? A Godwinns title change!
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The new champs beat up the former champs after the bell with Slop Drops and a horseshoe as the crowd chants for LOD. The ref threatens to strip them of their new belts if they don’t leave and they yell at McMahon on their way out. Then, a Stone Cold package with Michael Cole narrating plays. He calls him a rattlesnake and JR, Lawler, Slaughter and ultimately Vince are all stunned. It has begun… The Vince Stunner is shown like 10 times lol. The week afterwards: Vince give Austin three options: bring a doctor’s clearance, absolve the WWF of liability to return or accept termination. Back live, Cole’s bitch ass is interrupted by Owen Hart in his own 3:16 shirt. It’s a bad, fragmented speech. He was definitely shaken by Pillman’s death.
-Jim Ross is in the ring for a St. Louis wrestling tribute. Gene Kiniski is introduced first and each man gets a video package with Kevin Kelly voiceover. Slamboree much? That said, WWF always does stuff like this better. Sunny has joined JR for no reason. Jack Brisco is next, then Dory Funk Jr dressed like a dad at his son’s t-ball game. Harley Race gets a great ovation and Ric Flair is referenced in a newspaper clipping. Vince spells respect for no reason. Terry Funk is next and seems to be in the worst shape of them all even though he’s the active wrestler. There’s VHS distortion in the video package and McMahon references ECW. Sam Mushnick and Lou Thesz are last and get a big pop. This was a very nice segment that the crowd gave true respect towards. Dok interviews the Nation before Faarooq’s Intercontinental Title match and he yells about Stone Cold. Vince gives another Pillman update: no foul play and an overdose is suspected. This is atrocious even for Vince and he claims it’s a problem in all sports. They will wait for the “toxology” report, proving he’s a fucking moron.
BEFORE THE BELL: Faarooq enters alone. Owen has his new theme with sirens and serious demeanor. He looks like he wants to be anywhere else and Vince brings up his Pillman connection. He’s somehow going to get worse. The glass shatters to interrupt the start of the match. What a megastar. He flips Sgt. Slaughter off and throws the title at the commentary team. He rings the bell himself with a wrench in a truly LOL moment.
-Stone Cold takes Vince’s headset and starts calling the match. Holy fucking shit, what an MVP. He runs his mouth a mile a minute, mentions Owen’s “cheap heat shirt” and talks trash before giving it back to Vince. The match barely starts and Austin takes Lawler’s headset.
-The match is blatantly nothing so Austin can keep his antics up. He joins the Spanish team and just agrees with everything Tito Santana says in another LOL moment. Of course, he goes to the French team next and says he’s coming to Montreal to kick ass.
-Faarooq tries an ugly second rope legdrop and misses. Jim Neidhart comes down as Faarooq hits the spinebuster for a two count. Austin hits Faarooq with the title belt behind the ref’s back to set up the finish.
Owen Hart wins the title in 7:16 after a title shot from Steve Austin
FINAL WORD: That wasn’t a match. It was just an excuse for Stone Cold to have 10 minutes of fun.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Owen is confused, then claims to have done it all by himself. Last week on Raw, the Hart Foundation beat down the Patriot and Vader and draped flags over them. Vince explains the rules of the upcoming flag match and says they’ve added pin and submission as ways to win on top of capturing the flag. Apparently both Vader and Patriot are sick and/or injured.
BEFORE THE BELL: We are still adjusting for Pillman’s match apparently. So, let’s add gang warfare and minis. Just run the Helliest of the Celliest (one more reference to go). DOA receives silence for the intro because they don’t have their bikes. This is a full-on 8-man tag. Goody.
-Jose and Skull start. What luck I have. It’s Miguel vs 8-Ball soon and it’s shocking how much worse one Harris Brother is compared to the other. Vince mentions Austin’s feelings towards Pillman and JR does a good job of steering the ship while being upset. Goldust and Marlena are mentioned as well, so I can see why some people thought this was a work at first. It’s no excuse.
-Chainz hits a nice one-arm press on Jesus. He soon takes the heat from all four Boricuas in succession. All the dominant stables at the moment are brought up and JR mentions the Truth Commission. I have to deal with that now?
-Chainz fires up after some chops and avoid a splash to tag Crush. All eight dudes brawl in the ring to wake the camera up. There’s a DDT false finish by Jesus to Crush, but it leads to Crush earning a rare win.
DOA win in 9:11 when Crush pins Jesus with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
FINAL WORD: I just caught up on some of my work emails.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Michael Cole interviews Bret Hart and British Bulldog. Bret stumbles over his words and leaves when Bulldog talks. Bulldog is abrupt as well. The commentators kill time while flag apparatuses are raised.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: FLAG MATCH- Bret Hart and British Bulldog vs The Patriot and Vader
BEFORE THE BELL: The heels enter first as Fink explains the new rules. Boy, you can just tell how unhappy Bret is with everything. Dok interviews the faces and the Patriot talks into the wrong camera. Vader calls Bret’s catchphrase bullshit and gets bleeped. Hell yeah. Patriot gets a good, but begrudging, pop. How often is he going to have the flu? Vader gets a better reaction. They brawl on their floor before the bell and Patriot uses the flag and steel steps. There’s so much flag abuse-choking, swinging, smothering. A stick is broken and there’s surprisingly no stabbing.
-The match officially starts with Patriot and Bulldog. The face is dominant and Bret experiences more of the same against Vader. The big man recently worked a match against Ken Shamrock in Japan apparently.
-Climbs for the flags are snuffed out and I hate these matches. There are tons of crotching and slow catches. The ref is inept at keeping control and Bret locks the corner Figure Four in.
-I’m not sure what’s odder: Lawler’s fervent Bret support as it relates to morals or Bret cowering from Vader shots in a weird sex position before applying a Sharpshooter on Patriot. It’s reversed into an uglier version. I thought a Tower of Doom spot was being set up, but it was just four awkward guys in the corner.
-I can’t believe I’m almost done with Vince’s “one two he got him no” call. Just breathe. Vader gets locked in the Sharpshooter and Patriot saves him. Submissions are attempted every moment seemingly.
-Vader almost lands on his FUCKING FEET missing the Vadersault. Another brawl develops and Bret low blows Patriot and hits Vader with an UNPROTECTED ring bell shot that makes a loud smack. He even slams Vader back in the ring.
-Patriot sloppily fires up and hits the Uncle Slam for two. A fan gets in the ring and Mike Chioda handles it before Bulldog can. Yeah, that will help this overlong match. A Vader Bomb is ignored because people are distracted. Out of nowhere, it just ends.
The Hart Foundation win in 21:16 when Bret Hart pins The Patriot with a roll up holding the tights
FINAL WORD: So, we are just going to leave those flags there, huh? Cool. That was sadly the best match of the night thus far.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Patriot attacks after the bell and he seems like an out of character loser. A Survivor Series commercial with all of the stables in black and white fighting for “Gang Rulz.” You will also get a free dog tag if you send in your cable bill with proof of purchase.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: HELL IN A CELL MATCH- Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker
BEFORE THE BELL: The Cell is put over huge by JR’s description. They are losing money left and right, but they built this monstrosity. Dok talks to DX backstage. The good news: the European Title is not on the line even when Shawn is sarcastic about it being a coveted possession. He very cockily and sarcastically speaks about the danger and going it alone. Triple H tries to speak and Vince cuts him off and moves to the video package. LOL yeah, he’s NOT the guy right now. The recap is more hammering home Shawn has turned to the dark side. Boy, how much are we going to belabor this? It’s obvious who Vince’s boyfriend is. He makes him go “AHHHHHH” the most (and our reference challenge is complete). Back live, Sgt Slaughter inspects under the ring and orders the cage being lowered. They are really selling the fact that this could be the end of Shawn Michaels as he walks out. Triple H is officially called Triple H now. This is an iconic walk out with HHH crotch chopping Shawn from behind. There’s thunder, the lights flicker, GONG and DX leaves during Taker’s entrance. It’s the usual great aura with lights and the cage. Shawn is already hysterically second guessing this while the cage is padlocked shut. It’s MVP level acting. You know where this is going.
-Shawn is bouncing and bumping like a madman already with boots, Irish whips and buckle shots. His feet hit the roof of the cage on a back drop and gets continually punched down. He’s thrown over the top HARD and his feet hit the cage. JR delivers his classic “they know how to fall” line.
-Michaels initially blocks the powerbomb on the floor, but gets sent into the cage twice instead. He’s bashed pillar to post into the cage. Any brief advantage Shawn gets, Taker snuffs it out.
-HBK finally takes over after knocking Taker off the apron into the cell well and a dive onto him for a smoosh. He uses the cage to assist in a flying elbow. He’s the coolest.
King claims the steps are 150 pounds when dropped onto Taker’s back. A camera guy gets in the way and leverage prevents a first piledriver attempt on the steps. The second one resoundingly lands. Plenty of curses and bleeps at the too close cameraman.
-Two chairs to the back gets a two count. Taker is tied in the ropes, but still gets his boot up and backdrops Shawn onto the camera guy at ringside. Shawn assaults him and throws him towards the door as a way to try and escape. Vince uses the same tone as Pillman’s death earlier to apologize to the cameraman’s family.
-Slaughter comes out to get the camera guy help, hence unlocking the door. Shawn hits Sweet Chin Music and Undertaker SITS RIGHT THE FUCK UP. HELL YEAH! HBK immediately escapes and they brawl on the floor, The audience is riveted. A slingshot with some serious velocity into the cage means HBK is immediately busted open. Incredible.
-Two Snake Eyes into the cage makes Shawn a bloody mess. He low blows Taker and climbs the Cell. Taker follows and it’s an amazing sight. A piledriver is blocked with a backdrop. Blood drips onto the camera in the ring from a face grind and you can hear the cameraman say “aw shit!” This is followed by a press slam on the cage.
-Michaels is punched and hangs off the side. Lawler shouts “INCOMING!” The man is close to God. As much as you have to hate him, you have to love him. JR hits the broken in half line.
-Shawn moves way faster than you’d expect. He’s thrown onto a second table and slammed onto the wreckage. This earns a multi-angle double feature and they somehow get back inside the ring and locked in. How the fuck is Shawn taking super chokeslams still?
-Taker gets a chair and gives the greatest receipt in the form of the sickest UNPROTECTED chair shot I’ve ever seen to this point. Throat slash means Tombstone, but also means LIGHTS and the epic music. People get eerily quiet and fire shoots out. Vince’s last great call: “THAT’S GOTTA BE KANE!!!” Kane rips the door off the cage and pushes Earl Hebner down and approaches a gobsmacked Taker.
-His arms bring fire and he hits a Tombstone on his brother with authority. I guess I should track these and how deadly they look, too.
-Paul Bearer wakes the ref up as they leave to a chorus of boos. Shawn can barely crawl to make the cover. The count takes like 15 seconds.
Shawn Michaels wins in 29:58 after a Kane Tombstone
FINAL WORD: I’m never one to say that the first of anything is the best. In this case, I still think this is the gold standard and one of the greatest matches of all time.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: Shawn is literally in a pool of blood. Triple H and Chyna come down to help him right away. Chyna looks at Shawn like “What the fuck?!?!” He somehow raises my hand AKA Hunter holds his arm up for him and crotch chops ad nauseum. Shawn is totally out on his feet. Taker slowly comes to and struggles to his feet as Vince signs out.
THE LAST IMAGE: The Undertaker
FINAL MVP of PPV: Bobby Heenan’s all-time record has officially been tied by Shawn Michaels and he did it with one of the greatest individual performances of all time. He got this match type over forever and showed why he’s the master athlete, storyteller and prick of this time.
FINAL LVP of PPV: Just as we had an all-time MVP record tied with this show, we do the same thing with LVPs and it’s fitting that Vince McMahon does it on his last commentary performance on PPV. He is disgustingly exploitative and bored throughout the whole event. The Kane line aside, it’s sickening work from the boss.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Max Mini and Nova vs Tarantula and Mosaic
FINAL THOUGHTS: A one match and one great story is all anyone remembers about this show and it’s for good reason. The rest of the show is distracted garbage. I have to give the benefit of the doubt to many guys due to grieving, but there’s so much botching, blah and bad. The main event will make this better overall, but just watch that and the St. Louis tribute and you’re good to go. The Badd earned its second “d”. MULLET DOES NOT RECOMMEND
NEXT TIME: We end this Flairiod with the epitome of WCW: a scintillating undercard and shoddy main event at Halloween Havoc 1997.