Mullet's Retro Diary 128: Spring Stampede 1997
I could talk about a lot of different things to open up today’s show. I could mention how I’m watching the event in a hotel room in my second home of Stuart, FL on a work trip. I could mention how this show is pretty infamous for its lack of star power and card subject to change moments. I could mention how everyone really knows this show because of Booker T’s infamous Hulk Hogan promo gaffe. I could mention how this is the final show in the eighth Flairiod and we will be recapping once again next week. I could mention how I’m putting this all together with Hurricane Ian looming over the house.
Well, I could and I just did. Let’s do it already!
Written on 9/28/22
HOW WE START: The entire show gets an opening hype video and the highlights including DDP calling Liz a bimbo, the Steiners wanting revenge on the Outsiders, multiple titles on the line and a 4 Corners match that is treated like the main event. We go live in Tupelo, MS with a DOPE saloon set and the theme is rightfully country and cool. Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes (wearing a baseball cap) welcome us and talk about the two main matches before pivoting to the tag title scene. Scott Hall isn’t in the building and he’s been MIA for 3 weeks (drugs are bad). Thus, Kevin Nash has to defend the tag belts by himself. Early “Weasel” chant while the commentators break down what Nash’s demands could be.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Ultimo Dragon vs Rey Mysterio Jr
BEFORE THE BELL: Dragon opening the show again, but he’s without Sonny Onoo. I have to reiterate how much I love the entrance set up. I’m always fine running this match-up back. Rey gets a great pop. Mark Curtis is the ref and Mike Tenay is on the headset. Hell yeah!
-Tenay mentions this being the rubber match and Bobby brings up the wild Jennifer Aniston rumor in the National Enquirer that she’s dating Rey. They don’t dispel it and that’s awesome. Some stalemate chain wrestling gets good applause.
-Dragon is our first MVP for turning on the power and impact to get heel heat. Even when he’s locking in a submission, he comes back with a sick tilt-a-whirl or catapult powerbomb.
-Sonny’s absence is debated, but FUCK THAT what a Liger Bomb by Ultimo. This might be another wire-to-wire case for him. A tombstone supports that cause.
-A surfboard, death locks and stiff kicks keep Rey down. Mysterio finally stops a chain of sleepers with one of his own. A dive fake out kicks the camera before hitting the actual dive.
-Lee Marshall is backstage and knocks on the New World Order’s door. Syxx answers and unintelligibly answers. What a worthless interruption of a great match. Rey is dropkicked backwards off the top and sent into the post and the floor.
-An Asai moonsault in-ring is met with a Dragon dropkick in mid-air IN THE DICK. Then, he hits a giant swing and falls down dizzy. MVP MVP MVP. Awesome nearfall on a top rope Dragonrana and Rey gets his feet barely on the ropes.
-A great series of reversals ends up with the babyface keeping the heel down.
Rey Mysterio Jr wins in 14:56 with a springboard hurricanrana
FINAL WORD: That was somehow their best match of the three on PPV.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Backstage with Lee Marshall again and he really wants to talk to the New World Order. Syxx answers again and the Steiners interrupt. Scott is particularly heated and Nash wants Nick Patrick to ref the match later. He spits at Scotty, who goes berserk and then FUCKING MACED like crazy. He’s held down and cuffed while screaming bloody murder. He’s crazy enough to actually take it for real.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: WOMENS TITLE MATCH- Madusa vs Akira Hokuto w/Sonny Onoo (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Madusa gets minorly catcalled by Dusty and Bobby on her entrance. The champ is next and she’s rocking a more traditional geisha look. Lee Marshall joins the team and reiterates the Scott Steiner scene. Sonny’s big ass camera is offensive in several different ways. The tag match fiasco is the total focus here.
-Chants of “USA” to start and the heel hits some vicious hair whips. Madusa hits some jabs that makes Shane McMahon look like Little Mac in Punch Out (how about an original NES reference challenge?)
-Madusa has just lost a step with those fake cans. Part of her top comes off and she whips it around before her offensive comeback. She’s an LVP threat.
-The ref’s back is turned and Onoo hits Madusa in the head repeatedly! He also pulls her hair and chokes before getting kicked off twice. Madusa’s throw of the WWF Women’s Title is mentioned even though it was like 18 months ago.
-The bell rings on a German suplex false finish. Sonny takes a big kick to the head and a powerbomb is set up, but Luna Vachon runs out and chop blocks her archrival behind the ref’s back. This is a total mess of a finish.
Akira Hokuto retains in 5:14 with a roll up off a Luna Vachon chop block
FINAL WORD: Just stop this whole division already. It’s only been two matches and it’s dying a slow death.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The replay shows a fucking gross asshole trying to squeeze Akira’s boob upon exiting. Thank goodness it wasn’t Madusa for multiple reasons.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: TV TITLE MATCH- Lord Steven Regal vs Prince Iaukea (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: Different royal music that isn’t as cool as his old music for Regal. His arrogance is what’s attributed to losing the title originally. The underdog champ enters to an actually decent response. He still does too much tribal shit in the ring.
-Prince apparently wrestled Macho Man recently and didn’t lose the title; he just got beaten down by the nWo. How absurd. Almost as absurd as Regal stalling and jawing at fans for over a minute to begin.
-Even more heel schtick when Regal yells at fans on the floor after just one bump. Tony announces that Scott has been arrested, so the tag title match is now a singles match. Stupid.
-Instead of talking about this boring ass match, Tony mentions that a clip of Dennis Rodman’s new movie with JCVD, Double Team, will be shown on Nitro the next night.
-Regal’s expressions and cheating naturally earn him MVP consideration. It’s a shame the rest of the match is a total snoozefest. Full disclosure: I look away for a few seconds and the freaking thing ended.
Prince Iaukea retains in 10:00 with a reversal cradle
FINAL WORD: Duller than a knife after 24 hours of straight use.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Regal attacjs the champ post-match. He tries to fight back, but ends up in the Regal Stretch a couple of times before it just ends. Mean Gene is by the entranceway and promotes the hotline before introducing Ric Flair to fanfare. His big news is his return coming right around the corner. He puts over the other Horsemen and mentions Arn Anderson’s surgery this week and claims he’ll be back better than ever (ouch). He mentions Roddy Piper and talks about Kevin Greene getting a release to wrestle from the Carolina Panthers. It seems to be a done deal for them teaming up at Slamboree. Then, he wants Hollywood Hogan, then the whole group and finishes with Bischoff with his hands tied behind his back. Good, but unspectacular, promo.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Public Enemy vs Jeff Jarrett and Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael
BEFORE THE BELL: Public Enemy after the Nature Boy is a hell of a transition. Their entrance is long and very babyface in the hands they slap. The Horsemen and Debra enter and Mongo seems shoot pissed, then repeats a line from P. E’s theme into the camera.
-Rocco and McMichael start. They push and slap without much else in the first 90 seconds. Rock keeps avoiding tackles, but both members eventually take them and double bail. Mongo STRUTS WITH JARRETT. I don’t care, I’m giving him an MVP shout.
-Jarrett and Grunge are technically better until Mongo gets involved and telegraphs an atomic drop collision. He always does one or two odd things.
-Boy, this has so much awkwardness to it. A long, missed pin by the ref. An ugly ass tilt-a-whirl by Mongo. Rocco calling Debra a bitch and Grunge getting slapped for it. It breaks down into a split screen brawl. Rocco is thrown into the wagon onstage.
-Debra ends up on the table set up and Jarrett saves her with a chair shot. Rocco is thrown into the fake bull and Grunge goes through the table missing a dive.
-Boy is Mongo BLOWN UP, so I have to rescind the MVP nonsense. Jarrett gets a good hot tag and brings the crowd up with good dropkicks. The Halliburton that Debra placed on the apron is grabbed and used while Jarrett has the Figure Four locked in.
Public Enemy wins in 10:41 when Johnny Grunge pins Jeff Jarrett after a Halliburton shot to the back by Rocco Rock off the second rope
FINAL WORD: If you blow in this match like an old cartridge, it works sometimes, but it’s a pain in the ass (one more reference to go). It’s part of the fun, though.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Mean Gene interviews Sister Sherri and Harlem Heat. HERE WE GO. This is the biggest promo of their life because their match is for a shot at the WCW Title. Sherri sets the tone. Book crushes until he says it, but the Network DUBS OVER IT WITH SUCKA INSTEAD. Oh, come on, just leave it! It’s history! He actually says “sucka” a few moments later. Stevie presses on and it’s not that big of a deal. Booker closes it out and it’s still a good promo. Fuck it. MVP. It’s all anyone remembers about this.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: US TITLE MATCH- Chris Benoit w/Woman vs Dean Malenko (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: I always love that Woman stares a hole in the camera while entering with her man. Dean is still very over. Dusty does a good job at selling the tone of the match and makes it seem like a big deal.
-Sting becomes part of the conversation for no reason as the action is crisp and counter heavy. It’s getting chippy early.
-Long, extended grappling with test of strength and counters aplenty. Woman’s shrieking over everything has the opposite effect of her stare I mentioned earlier.
-The first bump of the match is a belly-to-back suplex about seven minutes in! It’s been all ground work and submissions. LOUD chops by Benoit with sweat flying off the chest of Malenko kicks things up.
-Benoit’s hand is bleeding somehow and he locks in a Camel Clutch. Woman’s screaming forces me to put her on the LVP list. There aren’t many moves, but they are high impact and the crowd stays with them.
-The pace might just be a bit too deliberate. The highs are highs: chops and a great reverse suplex by Benoit.
-Jacquelyn runs out and starts brawling with Woman. Jimmy Hart runs out while Benoit hits the flying headbutt. Eddie Guerrero is next down and stops Jimmy from stealing the poor US Title again.
-Malenko suplexes the Crippler from the apron and the ugly bump on the floor is enough for me to count it on predicting what ultimately happens to him. Arn Anderson comes down and hits Dean from behind and rolls him back in the ring. Kevin Sullivan is next and this is ridiculous now. He blasts Benoit in the back of the head with an UNPROTECTED kendo stick shot and the ref finally calls for the bell.
No Contest at 17:56
FINAL WORD: That went from zero to nine million in terms of booking and wasn’t a fan of it before or after.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Sullivan and the other Dungeon associates try to give Eddie the belt after the bell. This damn thing is taken every month. Dean helps Chris up and they respectfully share words. The commentators just keep saying something is up with all of this. The replay shows the ref called for the bell seeing Sullivan’s interference specifically, but it’s a draw. Eddie fights receiving the title the whole way back.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: TAG TITLE MATCH- Rick Steiner vs Kevin Nash w/Syxx and Ted DiBiase (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: The nWo music finally hitting brings the crowd to their feet. Nash obviously got a fresh dye job. Nick Patrick still looks like a stupid punk with his earring and taped fists. Rick’s collar looks like it’s actually choking him on his entrance.
-Rick is gung-ho, but cut off early. Nash’s hair is blacker than his soul. Rick eventually hits a Steinerline and scary belly-to-belly suplex that Kevin almost took overhead.
-Syxx drops Rick on the rope and beats him up to Nick’s indifferent distraction. Ted gets a shot in, too and Nash unceremoniously Jackknifes Steiner. He kicks out and it doesn’t get the reaction he should. It’s probably because the match is a total slog. Rick hits a defiant low blow in front of Patrick. Why doesn’t he call for the DQ then?
-Rick lands the top rope bulldog and Nick’s count is shitty and Nash kicks out late. Syxx hits a kick and gets clotheslined and that lets Nash take advantage again. Syxx struggles to take the turnbuckle off and DiBiase has to help him. Steiner takes Snake Eyes into the exposed post twice (once UNPROTECTED). The commentators want the match stopped.
-Nick tries to show sympathy and it comes off wrong. Ted gets on the apron and does the same, trying to talk Nash out of continuing. Snake Eyes lands a third time and Ted walks out. A fourth time UNPROTECTED gets the tone serious. Attempted vehicular manslaughter is okay, but this is too far? Patrick doesn’t even want to count the finish and gets forced into it.
Kevin Nash retains in 10:21 with a Jackknife
FINAL WORD: I get they are trying to progess the story, but it totally flopped because the attack wasn’t that bad AND everyone was cheating up until the last moment. More overbooking with totally fine action.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Mean Gene interviews Lex Luger and The Giant prior to the Four Corners match. Giant cuts a good promo about their friendship and Hogan’s plan. He also says he’ll rip Harlem Heat’s heads off if necessary. Lex’s promo is meticulous and confident. He’s been on a big roll lately and carries a permanent MVP presence.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: 4 CORNERS MATCH FOR #1 CONTENDER TO WCW TITLE- Stevie Ray vs Booker T w/Sister Sherri vs Lex Luger vs The Giant
BEFORE THE BELL: After Harlem Heat’s entrance, the babyfaces follow with pinwheel pyro. Lex does a full lap running around ringside and high fiving everyone.
-Lex and Booker start. Early press slam and flexing keeps Lex strong. Boy, when Stevie enters, things get messy right away. They botch clotheslines and ducks. The Giant tags in and gets rocked by Ray until a counter squash in the corner. A BIG press slam on Booker causes a powder.
-Lex and Giant get tagged in together. Luger tries a slam, but Giant falls on him for a two count. Then, they tag the brothers in together to a big ovation. They push, shimmy and lock up. After a series of reversals, they stand off and celebrate and tag out. They even screw this up.
-Teamwork by Book and Stevie to beat down Giant is followed by random action without any real flow or story. The Total Package takes both men on eventually and Giant doesn’t bother to help. Booker does show off MVP athleticism and telling Giant he sucks before an elbow drop.
-The match grinds to a halt with repetitive chinlocks to Luger. Stevie is really putting in an LVP effort and lacks general coordination. He totally fucks up the hot tag cut off to Giant. The big man calls for the chokeslam, but tags his friend instead. It’s a cool moment, but it’s pretty silly.
Lex Luger wins in 18:22 with the Torture Rack on Stevie Ray
FINAL WORD: One day, a three or four way in WCW will be good. At least the crowd was happy with it.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: After the replay, the commentators put over Giant’s sacrifice. A Slamboree commercial has Bobby Heenan, Larry Zbyszko and Dusty Rhodes…just talking about the product. Not sure why that’s a commercial.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: NO DQ MATCH- Randy Savage w/Elizabeth vs Diamond Dallas Page w/Kimberly
BEFORE THE BELL: The nWo music begins and Macho and Liz are shown walking backstage talking about Slim Jims for everyone and multiple women later on. He also can’t find the way to the ring in a hilarious moment. They make their way out and Michael Buffer is the announcer, but you can’t hear him over the entrance theme and commentators talking. Macho flexes in a kid’s face and it’s awesome heel shit. Mean Gene interviews the Pages backstage. Dallas cuts a good, short promo, but Kim finishes it and ruins it. She sucks all the energy out of the show at the moment. They enter to a big pop and Kim lamely holding up the Diamond Cutter sign. DDP is all business and charismatic as hell. Buffer awkwardly stands on the apron to deliver “let’s get ready to rumble!”
-Savage taunts on the mic to start and Dusty does a great job putting over Dallas as an underdog who has had to overcome all the odds to get here. After Hogan levels of stalling, the brawl begins on the floor.
-In the ring, there’s a miscommunication on a headlock pick-up that looks odd and the Cutter is blocked. The fight goes into the crowd and this feels like a little bit of a Austin/Bret knockoff. Savage takes two UNPROTECTED trash can shots to the head, but they are partially telegraphed.
-Randy uses Kim as a shield and he takes back over. Page is thrown into the rail and steel steps. Buffer is threatened to give up his chair and it slams against Dallas’ back. Curtis removes the chair, so Randy goes back out and slaps David Penzer and stomps on him to take his chair. It ends up tossed in his face and punched by Page for another UNPROTECTED shot.
-You can feel Randy working his ass off to get DDP over. It’s an MVP effort and he’s laying shit in like a big clothesline for a two count.
-Spin lariat causes a double down. Macho hits three slam, beats up Penzer some more and grabs the ring bell. Kim takes it from him, but he still goes up top and eats both of DDP’s feet. He pops up like the dog in Duck Hunt (and we are done).
-A backslide low blow counters the Diamond Cutter. Savage slaps, kicks and DESTROYS Curtis with a piledriver. He’s definitely MVP now. He whips poor Mark with his own belt and the crowd chants for Sting. He hits the flying elbow, but there’s no ref to count the cocky pin.
-Nick Patrick runs out and hugs Savage. Nash looks on smiling from the entranceway. Out of nowhere, BANG! Patrick looks conflicted at first, but he gets down and does the deed.
Diamond Dallas Page wins in 15:38 with the Diamond Cutter
FINAL WORD: It wasn’t so much of a starmaking match as it was a star reaffirmation and a legend returning to form.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: Nash goes right after Patrick while the whole nWo pack that’s there come down (even bogus Sting). Bischoff points out Patrick and the crowd still chants for Sting. Nash hits a vicious Jackknife on Nick. DDP is sent to the floor and Randy grabs Kim. Bischoff tries to talk him out of doing anything and stops a slap. They are really trying to sell this dissension and shades of grey. Eric is thrown down and they trade punches. The group splits them up. The commentators analyze on camera instead of focusing on the action and drama in the ring. Bobby is so red faced. They mention it being the first turmoil of the group. Tony wraps it up and a quick pan out just ends it with the in-ring stuff dissipating.
THE LAST IMAGE: Wide shot of the arena
FINAL MVP of PPV: Playing the part of Jake Roberts in 1992 to perfection is Jake’s rival at that time: Randy Savage. He’s reinvigorated in ring and he’s still insane in the right way.
FINAL LVP of PPV: It’s always good when I finally get a bad performer I’ve been trying to nail down for some time and Stevie Ray is the most recent example. His brother has been propping him up, but he’s just rough too much with this higher profile match.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Rey Mysterio Jr vs Ultimo Dragon
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Prince Iaukea vs Lord Steven Regal
FINAL THOUGHTS: Blah blah blah blah blah. Some of the story driven shows have had bad action. Some of the action driven shows have had bad stories. This was just a lot of blah stories and blah action. It feels lethargic besides the opening and closing and so many high-profile stars being out of action makes this seem incredibly throwaway. MULLET DOESN’T RECOMMEND.
NEXT TIME: It’s the 8th (believe it or not) Flairiod AKA recap. Then, the next batch begins with the first ECW PPV, Barely Legal. It’s a great big beautiful tomorrow.