Mullet's Retro Diary 86: Slamboree 1995
I wish that I planned my viewing schedule out to align with the time of the year better, but it’s inevitable that shit just doesn’t pan out that way.
As I’m transcribing this entry, Halloween is just a couple of days away. The season is changing as much as it does in sunny Orlando and I’m enjoying the brief breeze in the morning and evening. My daughter is about to turn five and I have the entire holiday season to look forward to. Times are busy, stressful and fast. They are also fun.
In the universe of the retro diary, however, it is the same old shit. We are about halfway through the notorious year of 1995 and we’ve reached a pretty uneventful show on paper and in the annals of history with the third iteration of Slamboree. Sure, it will be the last PPV appearance of one of the most legendary broadcasters in the sport’s history and the first PPV appearance of one of the greatest big men in the sport’s history. But, no one probably seeks this show out on a regular basis. A B-show from WCW in the month of May doesn’t fit with the spirit of ghosts and goblins and candy.
Alas, it is my job to make sense of it all. Perhaps the only thing I can correlate is the fact that Halloween is the time of the year of scares and surprises. I’m surely in for one of those.
Written on 10/11/21
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: Another commercial intro! Quick shots of legends and current stars are seen before we go live in St. Petersburg without much fanfare. Eric Bischoff welcomes us instead of Tony Schiavone. He’s joined by Bobby Heenan and Gene Okerlund. On the Main Event before the PPV, Road Warrior Hawk attacked Meng and they will now face off on this show. It is quickly shown before the actual PPV main event is discussed. Bobby is called out as being quiet before breaking down the return of Ric Flair.
-Time for a Harlem Heat music video? Nope, it’s just an intro to a pre-taped promo on the Nasty Boys. I’m glad they get the focus, but I’m not sure they deserve any of it yet. It’s pretty quick because Gary Michael Capetta (still employed) introduce The Nasty Boys. The curtain is messed up, but Sags blows right through it. Knobbs was apparently hurt earlier. Bischoff is bad and totally throwing Bobby off, making him the LVP already. Harlem Heat enter with some big, fiery pyro and very ugly jackets. The crowd is very dead and the show just started (well, they have seen a one-hour TV program already). A “Nasty” chant does ring out.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: WCW TAG TITLE MATCH- The Nasty Boys vs Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri (Champs)
-EB has no energy putting over Knobbs’ toughness and claiming this to be the challengers’ last chance. Sherri cuts a quick promo into the camera while Stevie Ray’s boot is untied. I guess I know what year this show is set in.
-Sags comes out hot and Booker T is the first MVP with an amazing spin off of a clothesline. Sags is right behind him on the MVP front with a double DDT and some high energy. HOLY SHIT HE JUST PUNCHED SHERRI RIGHT IN THE FACE. Bischoff doesn’t approve.
-Blatant low blows via a headbutt and elbow by the face. Sherri blatantly slaps Sags in front of the ref. Everything is blatant. The two-on-one starts to be too much.
-Eric claims that the Tampa/St. Pete area is the Boys’ home even though they are billed from NYC. I think they’ve been from PA and Chicago as well. Are they fucking nomads?
-EB mentions that Schiavone is out after neck surgery as Book hits the Harlem Hangover, but doesn’t go for the pin right away. Sags is able to kick out when he is covered. Second show in a row for his finish being shit all over.
-Nice piledriver counter by Sags and a hobbled Knobbs runs out. He’s amped and gets the tag. He’s all over the place and Bischoff claims he took out two doctors coming out.
-GOOD LORD! Knobbs catches Sherri in mid-air and spinebusters her hard. THEN, he chucks her over the top onto Stevie Ray even HARDER.
-Big pop, big hugs, big weird faces.
WINNERS: The Nasty Boys in 10:53 to win the titles when Jerry Sags pins Booker T with a top rope elbow
-Knobbs cuts a promo in the wrong camera. The Blue Bloods, complete with “British” Bobby Eaton, appear in the aisle and look on disapprovingly. The replay shows how planted and crazy all of the Sherri stuff was.
FINAL WORD: That was the typically fun mess it’s been as of late with these five.
-An abrupt cut to the Nasty Boys cutting a celebratory promo with Bischoff. Why not Gene? I just noticed Jerry’s tattoo on his arm that says “Sag” without the plural. What is the deal with Nasty Sensation being mentioned over and over?
-Mean Gene was busy interviewing Kevin Sullivan backstage before his match with the former Butcher now known as the Man with No Name. Oy vey. He keeps asking if Gene is cold as he’s told he’s ruined a lot of lives. Yeah, like mine having to watch him all over again. Is the temperature thing a prelude to the Dungeon of Doom starting up?
-It’s “special grudge match” time and The Man with No Name enters. His title card is incredible because it’s just the Slamboree logo without any words. He gets no reaction. Music that sounds like it is for Little Shitty Pump leads Kevin Sullivan out. Heenan calls him a good lunatic.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: The Man with No Name vs Kevin Sullivan
--Naturally, this starts as a brawl. Kevin takes some chokes and punches on the floor.
-More punches and shots to the buckle in the ring. The sleeper is applied, but a jawbreaker gets Kevin out.
-Knife-edge chops are no sold and it elicits zero response. Beefcake is getting the opposite of X-Pac heat here. His piledriver does a little better.
-Heenan does my job for me recapping all of the moves in the match: “scratching, crawling, biting.”
-Ed Leslie hits his dick on the buckle on a missed splash attempt. He takes a running knee while in the tree of woe and takes some boots right in the tummy to end it. What a fall from grace.
WINNER: Kevin Sullivan in 5:26 with a double stomp
-Right after the match, IT STARTS! Crusty ass King Curtis as the Master screams about Kevin’s homes and the crowd is totally confused. Kevin leaves through the crowd as he hears “come forth, my son!!!”
FINAL WORD: There’s so much to say here, but I really have to go to the bathroom. That’s more appropriate.
-Mean Gene interviews Jimmy Hart and, eventually, Macho Man and the Hulkster decked out in all of the red and yellow. Hulk talks about Randy’s dad swimming and puts over everyone so much that it feels disingenuous. Savage talks in more swimming and ocean puns. This is like the Jaws: the Revenge of promos. The original series used to be great, but now it’s just shitty and sad. Today’s reference challenge: bad movie sequels! Hulk talks about a new vein in his arm. Angelo Poffo (Randy’s dad) is talked about so much that you know what’s going to happen. Savage purposely breathes his “Slim Jim breath” in Hulk’s face and claims that THIS is the calm before the storm. I’m exhausted.
-Another abrupt cut, this time to Angelo Poffo cutting a five-second promo about the evening. He sounds just like his son, Lanny. Back live and the screen turns black and white for the legends match. That’s a nice touch. Dick Murdoch enters to a few whistles. Two Dick Murdoch matches in 1995! Bobby does a beautiful job introducing Gordon Solie. GMC interrupts to introduce Wahoo McDaniel. Solie is like fitting a glove on your hand. He’s so different and superior to Eric already.
-Bobby makes Gordon laugh by making fun of rodeos as lock ups and breaks start this one. Heenan is also good at putting Wahoo over. He might be reaching MVP level.
-I’ll live happy knowing I will always look better than these two men. BIG chop by Wahoo that Dick sells wonderfully.
-The crowd is quietly respectful at this slow, scrappy match so far. Somehow, Murdoch’s nose got busted. He tries to even the score with a top rope knee on a standing McDaniel, grinding his face into the mat.
-See, Duggan? Wahoo can take a proper back drop!
-Out of nowhere, Chief hits the ropes and that will do it.
WINNER: Wahoo McDaniel in 6:19 with a big chop
FINAL WORD: If they didn’t run it in black and white, the TV would have turned anyway because the colors would have been bored.
-Back in color, Gene interview Big Bubba Rogers. He’s still better as this heel version of himself, claiming that Sting lost faith in himself and vowing to destroy him for good. GMC then introduces an IWGP Title match??? Oh boy, that’s random. A big drum routine leads the Great Muta out. He gets so much pyro that it legitimately surprises him. The crowd is tepid, but Japanese fans are shown in a big group. The drums make me think that Sting is coming out at WrestleMania (that will be a back up reference challenge). His opponent is Paul Orndorff. Hell yeah, give me this! EB points out that they are close to Paul’s home, but is still unpopular. That version of the IWGP title looks like shit.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: IWGP TITLE MATCH- Paul Orndorff vs The Great Muta (Champ)
-Muta’s back is JACKED! Good grief! The “Paula” chants keep bothering Mr. Wonderful.
-After some mat wrestling, Muta does the throat slit. Paul tells him to kiss his ass. Nice character stuff. Muta encourages the chants with some subtle bouncing.
-A spin kick causes Orndorff to go to the floor and Eric tells Steven Seagal to eat his heart out.
-A fine, but unspectacular, back and forth mostly takes place on the ground. EB has settled a little bit and doesn’t totally bother me anymore.
-Muta is choked with a camera cord on the floor, but sits up like Undertaker in a cool moment. He’s still out of it and Paul continues on offense in-ring.
-Muta’s explosiveness, even on a cut off comeback, might be the best ever.
-There’s some miscommunication on a second rope elbow, but they’re pros and keep rolling. The piledriver is blocked. Of course, the match featuring the guy who is great at it doesn’t get to execute it.
-Handspring, backbreaker, beautiful.
WINNER: The Great Muta in 14:10 with a moonsault
FINAL WORD: That wasn’t the most exciting thing, but it was my kind of match with two guys I’m a big mark for.
-A profile of both Arn Anderson and Alex Wright set to SNES music finished off with snazzy graphic? All gravy to me, baby. Mean Gene interviews Arn, Ric Flair and Vader (holding workout bands). The TV Champ cuts a badass 30 second promo. Flair is notably not in his gear yet. The Nature Boy says all he needs is Vader and they both WOOOO. Vader calls his biceps “itsy” and “bitsy” and the python eaters. The drugs in St. Pete must be very good.
-Terry Funk cuts a quick promo doubting if he deserves to be a Hall of Famer. Michael Buffer in street clothes walks by. These are odd. Das Wunderkind music means it’s Das Wunderkind time! Alex Wright enters and slaps all of the hands. He notably doesn’t dance. EB claims the crowd is behind him and it doesn’t sound like it. Arn enters like a boss to the Horsemen music.
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: TV TITLE MATCH- Alex Wright vs Arn Anderson (Champ)
-The commentators are both good discussing Wright’s streak and what a loss would do to him.
-Alex has an answer for everything so far including a convoluted jump over and a backflip into a headlock.
-Brain mispronounces a German word and Bischoff calls him out on it, so he makes up a great excuse about it being from a different part of Germany. They are starting to have a good back and forth.
-Arn tries an enziguiri and fails about Wright hits one of his own. Good heel shit.
-Baseball slide and dive onto Anderson. Man, he’s going all out to try and make this work. Just like Willem Dafoe in Speed 2: Cruise Control (and we have one more reference to go).
-Bischoff randomly talks about Evander Holyfield’s last fight before Arn finally snaps off a spinebuster.
-The heel gets the brief advantage with some chokes, but Alex battles back quickly. He’s getting a few boos now, but also gets big air on a nice missile dropkick.
-That’s an ugly fucking bump AKA a gorgeous fucking bump to end this one.
WINNER: Arn Anderson in 11:36 to retain the title with a DDT
-God, I love the fake out punch DDT so much. The replay shows it off wonderfully.
FINAL WORD: It’s great to see Arn finally win, particularly in a solid pro wrestling match.
-The commentators talk about the main event again prior to Hawk vs Meng. It’s advertised as a special surprise bonus match. Meng walks out to some Hand and Stone spa music. Hawk gets auxiliary music, but still gets the pop of the night. GMC gives him a big intro, too. Bischoff claims this could be a main event anywhere in the world. He’s back on the LVP list.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: Meng w/Col. Robert Parker vs Hawk
-Chops, kicks and strikes to start. There’s almost as many noises from Meng as delivered punches.
-Another piledriver on this show and Hawk totally no-sells it. He answers with a neckbreaker and Meng totally no-sells it. Alright then.
-Hawk hits the post and spends some time on the floor getting hit from all sides.
-The Road Warrior comes back with a series of moves, but can’t win it. Then, he misses a big and odd-looking top rope splash.
-A woman shrieks as a brawl breaks out on the floor. The bell randomly rings.
WINNER: Double Countout at 4:41
-Some jobbers and Tex Slazenger (having not gotten his new job from his buddy yet) come to try and separate the two wild men.
FINAL WORD: Some surprises are better left that way.
-Bischoff talks about the upcoming ceremony and Heenan is legit pissed that he’s not being inducted because he’s done it all. He claims he could have still commentated and be inducted in a funny, awkward scene that puts him in the MVP lead. Gordon Solie welcomes us at the entranceway at a podium. He tries to tell some stories about Wahoo and the crowd sadly doesn’t care. There’s a little package for him while Solie talks about how good of a fisherman he is. Man, WWF got these ceremonies right in such a better way. The recipients get to say something! Wahoo, pouring with sweat, simply thanks everyone to a nice pop.
-Next is Terry Funk and Solie makes him sound so cool and elegant. Maybe Gordon is the MVP. This has such a different feel that’s so fitting. Terry comes out and says hello to his mother because he’s always wanted to do that. He almost forgets the name of one of the three ladies he wanted to thank before talking about wearing out his shoes and his body.
-Next is the Ripley’s Believe It or Not entry for most sit-ups, Angelo Poffo. Gordon famously hated his because he wasn’t an NWA/WCW guy. Poffo enters and he’s a dead ringer for his kid. He uses his time just to put over the Monster Maniacs in the main event. He’s not the talker his kids are. In fact, he’s an LVP threat.
-Antonio Inoki is next. His match with Muhammad Ali is discussed as is his return from North Korea as of late. He receives a muted response and his interpreter talks about honor in a very political message from the current senator.
-The posthumous inductee is Big John Studd, making the crowd totally silent and depressed. Solie reads a promo from Studd’s niece and his son comes out to accept on his behalf. He must be a teenager, so I won’t shit on him.
-Finally, it’s the American Dream and the crowd knows it because they wake up. Solie tells a great story about him and he enters with AMERICAN FLAG BUTTON DOWN SHIRT WEARING CODY RHODES! He mentions Dustin and his new granddaughter. He is the most naturally charismatic talker ever. It’s amazingly easy to him. He asks the current generation to lace them up for their generation.
-BUT WAIT! There’s one more thing! Gordon Solie is very confused and Mean Gene comes out and points at him. He’s adorably shook as Dusty puts Gordon over like gangbusters and says he’s the last inductee. The crowd gets up for this. I’m a little emotional myself. Solie has tears in his eyes and says something briefly before wrapping it up. What a very sweet MVP moment (if not a way to get him to leave the company).
-Mean Gene interviews Sting. He claims the Scorpion Death Lock is coming. It’s a short, intense, simple promo. GMC announces the Lights Out match (not the AEW version). Big Bubba Rogers enters sans hat. He hasn’t bought a new one yet? Sting walks down carrying a table over his head amidst big fireworks. Nick Patrick simply removes the table from the ring.
-Bubba does bad Sting yelling to taunt the crowd and waste time. Sting does the real deal. That’s one minute down.
-After a dropkick to the floor, Bubba answers back with punches and a choke with his tie. It doesn’t last long. Bischoff seems to think he can’t do that?
-More brawling on the floor and Bubba tries to use the table, but ends up eating it. Sting slams Rogers on the closed table.
-The table is opened and stood up, but Sting takes powder in the eyes. That means he’ll get thrown into it instead. Nick Patrick sets it up in the ring and moves it to the corner.
-Just make this a tables match instead of a Lights Out match! Whip into the table, but Bubba moves and Sting splashes it in the corner. The former Boss whips the Stinger with his belt.
-Big Bubba slam, but Sting kicks out. Finisher kick outs have picked up recently.
-Sting’s top rope splash can’t get it done. Rogers takes a series of punches and a double stomp under the table. Sting fulfills his earlier promo promise.
WINNER: Sting in 9:30 with the Scorpion Deathlock
FINAL WORD: The crowd is the happiest of the night so far and I think I am, too. That was a unique brawl that didn’t overstay its welcome.
-Bubba is shown celebrating after the match in a wide shot before the main event is previewed. God, this music is somehow TOO 1990s. The Monster Maniacs name SUCKS. Michael Buffer handles the intro and does his catchphrase before 2001 plays and the heels walk to the ring. Charles Robinson in a suit is shown holding a Flair banner in the front row. American Made brings the faces out along with some annoying, streaking firework sounds. There’s enough pyro for a Randy Orton/Alberto Del Rio combo entrance. In the midst of this, THE GIANT stands at the entranceway from afar, but is led back quickly. I’m impressed with how subtle that was. The faces are cornered and even worse music than Uncensored brings the Renegade out. The music seriously sounds like it’s being recorded off of a tape as we hear it. It’s sad to see Arn have to sell Renegade’s presence so much. Angelo Poffo is shown watching in the front row.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: Ric Flair and Vader w/Arn Anderson vs Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan w/Jimmy Hart and The Renegade
-Hulk and Vader start…kind of. We are at two minutes in and they’ve just locked up and broke twice. Vader finally slugs away.
-Vader gets clotheslined over the top rope, scaring the Japanese fans. He takes an axe handle from Savage, but destroys both faces in the ring with a double clothesline.
-It’s Flair vs Macho now and Ric does the corner flop to the apron only to meet a boot from Hogan. He walks up the aisle to Flair flop again. It’s good to have him back.
-There have been so many thumbs in the eyes and rakes of the eye so far.
-Weird spot alert: Hulk puts Ric in the Figure Four and Arn comes in, so Hulk puts him in a small package with the hold still applied. Meanwhile, the worthless Renegade looks on.
-The Giant in a vest and sunglasses is shown at the entrance again. Jimmy Hart screams about him and Bobby says, “if I didn’t know any better…” before shutting up.
-Hulk no sells a suplex, but gets run over by a Vader body block. Good.
-Vader throws the ref down, so Savage picks him back up just to show him that Flair is cheating and the match keeps chugging along.
-The standard Vader Bomb connects, but a top rope version doesn’t land. Macho tags in and delivers many backdrops to Flair.
-Flair tries a move from the top, but gets CAUGHT. The flying elbow by Randy connects, but Anderson pulls him out of the ring. The overbooking begins and Vader sneak attacks Savage on the floor. The Renegade is too late again and no sells a Flair kick on accident. Then, he awkwardly throws Arn down and yells. Yep, he’s the late game LVP.
-Savage’s chest is bleeding and that’s before the SICKEST VADERSAULT ever. Vader immediately checks on his victim, but he still manages to kick out.
-Sweat flies off of Macho’s chest from a chop. He’s taking an MVP beating.
-After a double down clothesline, Hogan gets the hot tag. It’s a little lukewarm at first, largely because of a weird clothesline that causes Flair to sell his throat weirdly.
-Both heels get slammed, Arn gets punched and the big boot connects. Hogan gets tripped and the Renegade gives chases AGAIN before a Vader splash for two. It’s Hulk Up time as everyone fights everywhere.
-Anderson axe handles Flair on accident and it’s the prelude to why Flair is back in the first place: to lose.
WINNERS: The Monster Maniacs at 18:56 when Hulk Hogan pins Ric Flair with the leg drop
FINAL WORD: Action wise, it was very good. Story-wise, it was a giant mess.
-The faces celebrate and Bobby begs for Hogan to be stopped. Pyro goes off and the brawling starts again. Vader grabs Hulk, Jimmy gets thrown out and Angelo tries to stop Ric and Arn’s attack. He gets held and punched out by Flair. He sells the punches and following Figure Four like total shit. Some Hall of Famer. Bischoff is rightfully disgusted and Flair leaves to big heat. The faces check on the 70-year-old man. Savage is already living, crying and losing his mind. Savage has more family issues than Liam Neeson in all the rest of the Takens (and the reference challenge is done). He yells for an ambulance as Bischoff says time is up. Hulk consoles Randy as Bobby says “at least he can’t kick” as we roll credits.
THE LAST IMAGE: Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage
FINAL MVP of PPV: I don’t want this award to become like the Oscars and we give away lifetime achievement awards, but I honestly feel like this one is earned. Gordon Solie left an indelible mark on the broadcast with his handling of the Hall of Fame ceremony, his commentary and his emotions. Farewell, Dean.
FINAL LVP of PPV: Eric Bischoff won me over by the end of the night and Renegade literally did nothing. Angelo Poffo sold poorly, acted poorly and talked poorly. He shouldn’t have even been there.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: Sting vs Big Bubba Rogers
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Kevin Sullivan vs The Man with No Name
FINAL THOUGHTS: The Slamboree “curse” of banality is over with a solid ass show. The crowd took some time to warm up, but pro wrestling in its purest form can’t be denied. It wasn’t the flashiest night and it foretold a LOT of upcoming shit, but they got on base this evening. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: Can we go on a little unexpected streak here with the return of the Great American Bash? It’s Halloween season, so I’ll keep the treats coming hopefully.