Mullet's Retro Diary 32: Great American Bash 1990
Realistically, every wrestler is going to have ONE moment that sticks with them their entire career. That could be good or bad or the Shockmaster.
In this diary’s history, we have already seen a few of them and they almost always revolve around your first world title victory. Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior are the first two that come to mind. In the dichotomy of NWA vs WWF thus far, one definitive thing that WWF has over NWA has been their ability to create those memories.
With the NWA, Lex Luger and Nikita Koloff have been unfortunately saddled with their inability to win the big one. I’ve felt like a broken record regarding the perpetual insistence on overbooking or shoddy decisions on how to avoid create THOSE moments, especially at the biggest shows.
Today is Sting’s chance to avoid being on that list. Naturally, most of you reading know what happens, but it stands to still analyze and consider if it worked. That’s what we’ll be doing today.
Did Sting really, truly get THAT moment here? Did he get it EVER? Well, that’s going to take some time to decide *cough Starrcade 97 cough*
Written on 6/1/2020
THE FIRST THING YOU SEE: The Founding Fathers and some bad Photoshop work with The Horsemen and Sting having their heads superimposed on generals and Revolutionary dignitaries. Then, stars are placed IN stars. We are live in Baltimore with a good crowd and some bad microphone feedback. Jim Ross is ringside with FUCKING BOB CAUDLE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The audio is atrocious and it’s not just because Caudle is talking into a microphone. They hype the main event, the Rock N Roll Express gunning for their fifth tag title reign and the North American debut of Big Van Vader. Hell yeah! Let’s do it!
-GMC introduces Buddy Landell and his bootleg pink robe. He is very much from Jacksonville. No music plays for Flyin’ Brian until he’s halfway down the ramp. I’ve always loved that ramp, btw. The graphic for his name pops up without his name. There’s no opening bell. It’s a technical mess early.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Buddy Landell vs Brian Pillman
-Pillman slaps Buddy before the bell. Buddy’s body and small font on his tights is very, very bad.
-His in-ring work is much better as he delivers some good chops and bumps well for Pillman. He then talks trash on the floor to the camera and overly flexes.
-The crowd is shot perfectly here. There’s not an open seat in sight.
-Good cheating and power by Landell as he’s very dominant early. Then, he does a random moonwalk. Okay, he’s won me over and gets an early MVP.
-Every cutoff is different. Buddy holds onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick on one, then counters a hip toss with a big clothesline on another.
-These two keep chopping each other back and forth. They’re taking 75% of Flair’s offense in the main event!
-I will never shit on Brock Lesnar Guy or that fucker with the green smiley face shirt in the front row ever again because they always want to be there. These people in the front row here are old and look miserable and don’t do anything.
-Landell rolls through a cross body for a good two count. Turns out you need to go up top with that move to win!
WINNER: Brian Pillman in 9:35 with a top rope cross body.
FINAL WORD: Very reminiscent of Pillman’s match last year at the Bash with Bill Irwin. In other words, good!
-Gordon Solie is talking on a platform while the Iron Sheik and someone else walk to the ring without music. He just talks about all of the happenings on the show like JR. We go back to the ring with big heat for the Sheik. The other guy was Captain Mike Rotunda looking sad to be there. Sheik jumps him with the flag before the bell. Sheik is wearing a very unfortunate shade of peach.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: The Iron Sheik vs Mike Rotunda
-The Iron Sheik looks like he eats a Thanksgiving turkey for lunch every day.
-These two are a far, far, far way away from WrestleMania 1.
-More JR talking about nothing but Olympic and collegiate facts for both men.
-These two engage in more chop wars. Flair must be PISSED.
-Sheik locks in the worst abdominal stretch of all time.
-Man, I am NOT a fan of Mike Rotunda matches. According to the crowd, I’m not alone. LVP so far. Sheik has to beg off like praying to Allah to get any reaction for the match.
-Quiz time! What just happened in this match: A) the worst backslide attempt of all time B) no shoulders being down on the mat C) a four count to end the match or D) all of the above!
WINNER: Captain Mike Rotunda in 6:44 with a backslide
FINAL WORD: The answer was D. These matches on NWA PPVs keep killing any momentum.
-Solie is now with Harley Race. What year is it? He has dark hair gain and a very bad looking purple singlet. His promo is totally different in tone than his badass self from back in the day. Then, he picks Sting to win the main event if Flair isn’t prepared later. That was so out of character for him. Another legendary LVP performance on this show so far.
-We are back in the ring with no entrances again. Thankfully, this match will have a 15 minute time limit. Dirty Dutch Mantell is looking real ugly and Doug Furnas gets a really good reaction for some reason.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: Dutch Mantell vs Doug Furnas
-HOLY BACK HAIR DUTCH. I hope it pads the two big bumps he takes off of tackles by Doug.
-I think Furnas is just wearing old Strike Force tights.
-Furnas has been impressive with 2 BIG leap frogs and avoids Dutch’s counter of a third with an impressive delayed military press slam.
-Dutch gets three straight hard slaps to the face in the corner that the ref prevents Doug from retaliating each time. Dutch is finally cornered with punches and then Doug does a back flip off of the top rope and hits a high elevation dropkick. Okay, Doug Furnas! Here’s your MVP!
-Either something in the ring blew or there was a firework sound effect added when Furnas misses a top rope splash.
-Dutch gets some boring catcalls with a long hammerlock.
-Dutch is kicked out of a pin onto the ref, who sells it like death. Then, he’s perfectly fine a few seconds later.
-Dutch pulls the tights for leverage in a submission. That’s different.
-The end gets messy as Doug launches his comeback with three weird moments. They are trying to go home!
WINNER: Doug Furnas in 11:18 with a snap Belly to Belly suplex
-The replays don’t play the winner’s music, but some bad 90s sports highlights music.
FINAL WORD: As fine and uninspiring as both men’s careers.
-Solie is with Jim Cornette who puts over the whole show before discussing his Midnight Express’ match with the Southern Boys. We see Tommy Rich run to the ring in the background to no reaction. This is a good, standard Corny promo.
-GMC puts over the next match as one between two great, former World Champions. Which is worse: Tommy Rich’s hair or Harley Race’s gear? Race’s gear still has the crown on it like his WWF gimmick. That wins.
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Tommy Rich vs Harley Race
-Caudle and JR talk about pace and weight for the first two minutes and it’s the only note I’ve written so far. So, you know that’s horseshit.
-A piledriver by Race leads into some ramp action. Suplex on it? Yay! Phantom knee on it? Boo!
-Race’s head hits the apron when he’s clotheslined over the top rope and then takes a slam on the floor.
-JR says Race must be a Sacramento Kings fan with his gear. Race hits a Belly to Belly and you can hear a pin drop. An odd neckbreaker follows. This is like an old-timer’s match: nothing wrong with it in execution, but it’s sad and quiet.
-Both men slowly tumble over the top rope, get back in and wrap up almost exactly like the first match.
WINNER: Harley Race in 6:32 with a roll through on a cross body.
-JR and Caudle call it an upset as more cheesy replay music plays. If Harley knew that was playing, he’s kill whoever did that.
FINAL WORD: I’m almost positive Harley Race doesn’t wrestle again after this. In other words, this was a colossal waste of time.
-Solie is with Mean Mark and Paul E. Dangerously. Man, what a time capsule! Paul puts Flair over and it is good continuity for every promo to mention the main event on this show. Mark rips up a Lex Luger shirt and Paul starts yelling. Mark starts yelling. LOUD NOISES!!!!! Looks like Anchorman is my reference challenge.
-Country music starts and some flames shoot up for Steve Armstrong and Tracy Smothers: the “Wild Eyed Southern Boys”. That’s an unnecessary addition to that name. A good reaction and shoddy camera work for the Midnight Express running to the ring with some sweet, white gear. I have some major problems with those flag tights, Boys!
MATCH NUMBER FIVE: U.S. TAG TITLE MATCH- The Southern Boys vs The Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette (Champs)
-A brawl starts the match and the Boys gets the advantage with some back drops to a mixed reaction.
-Cornette calls a fan a “stupid pig faced moron.” That’s the nicest thing he’s ever said about anyone.
-Bobby Eaton and Steve Armstrong officially start the match and Steve is a house of fire with a big top rope clothesline and sending Bobby to the floor. JR puts over the Boys’ experience internationally very well.
-Tracy is in and Bobby is getting his ass handed to him. SUPERKICK!!! Tracy doing “karate” is like Ernie Ladd doing mariachi.
-Stan Lane tags in at the six-minute mark and we have a kung-fu standoff. BIG POP for Stan’s two back hands and gaining the advantage. He takes 4 back hands in retaliation, accidentally hits Bobby and the crowd is amped. I thought they just liked the Express, but the Boys have earned respect quickly. They do like the Midnight Express more, though.
-Tracy Smothers is GOODT. His offense is smooth and exciting. He hits a slingshot kick, then skins the car and does a dropkick through the ropes.
-The Boys eventually double down the Express again, try for a double pin and the crowd loves it. Why weren’t the future Young Pistols bigger?
-The Express finally get the advantage 11 minutes in when Lane throws Tracy over the top rope behind the ref’s back and throws him into the rail. Cornette gets a racket shot in, too. Smothers takes a crazy bump back first from the apron into the rail. That’s an MVP bump!
-Eaton and Lane’s double teams are perfect. The atomic drop into the backbreaker is especially gold.
-Alabama Jam but no pin! Eaton tags Lane. When will that move end people?
-Smothers hits a great double sunset flip, then immediately rolls to tag Steve.
-The Boys hits a Hart Attack dropkick from the top rope to a big ovation, but the ref is out of position for the pin. Behind the ref’s back, Armstrong is crotched on the top and hit with the Rocket Launcher. Tracy has to stall to get cut off, but Steve kicks out in an amazingly close two count. That legit got me. Nobody can believe it. The faces get a quick small package for an even better two count!
-That’s tag team wrestling, folks.
WINNERS: The Midnight Express in 18:14 to retain the titles when Bobby Eaton pins Tracy Smothers after a Stan Lane kick from behind and a small package.
FINAL WORD: Someone call the police because this show has been stolen.
-Solie is with the Freebirds in some BAD eye makeup and suspender tights. Garvin just says “yeah yeah yeah Baltimore!” Each man looks like they survived a glitter bukkake. Hayes says he can ride anything with four legs and I’m not going there.
-The stupid Z-Man song plays for the stupid Z-Man. WAIT…he is the one getting steamrolled! Hell yeah!!! The original Vader music (not the great WCW one, but the good NWA one) plays and the crowd is legit abuzz. Vader enters with that mask, the pyro and all of the size. The crowd loves it and how can you not? JR and Caudle talk about his “samurai headdress” and the pre-match ritual with the steam.
MATCH NUMBER SIX: The Z-Man vs Big Van Vader
-Tom Zenk isn’t small…and Vader’s demeanor and clubbing blows make him look small.
-Vader hits a splash in the corner and a short-arm clothesline. Vader catches Zenk running into a press slam after deadlifting him in a choke on the apron. If that doesn’t make sense, watch it. When others do so much, Vader gets MVP in two minutes just by debuting in incredible fashion.
-FUCK YES! Why are we having to wait two years for more of this shit?
WINNER: Big Van Vader in 2:15 with a running splash
FINAL WORD: Beyond Z-Man (who hasn’t been presented like a jobber at all so far) getting absolutely squashed, that was a home run. That said, Vader should probably lay low, find a safe house, because he’s probably wanted for MURDER (one reference to go).
-Solie is with the Horsemen sans Ric Flair. Barry Windham is in full Widowmaker regalia and calls Ole Anderson the boss. They are facing the odd trio of Paul Orndorff, El Gigante and the Junkyard Dog: the Dudes with Attitude! Jim Herd is name dropped by Ole while Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious don’t speak or stab one another.
-Badstreet leads the Fabulous Freebirds to the ring. They look like The Dicks…and dicks. Rock music and crowd barking for the Steiners. Rick is wearing the classic pink singlet and Scott is wearing the classic black and yellow singlet. Another heel jump before the bell as the Birds hit side slams and double clotheslines on Scott. He avoids the DDT and the ref is in no rush to get order restored. Rick battles back with Steinerlines and the heels takes a double clothesline from Scott on the floor.
MATCH NUMBER SEVEN: The Fabulous Freebirds vs The Steiner Brothers
-UGGGGGGHHHHH…a close up that isn’t edited whatsoever of the entire front row chanting “faggot” at Jimmy Garvin. Can we find those audience members and ruin their lives now please? Why not edit that out? They’ve edited a lot of stupid stuff on these PPVs and that isn’t stupid and it’s here to take me completely out of this match.
-Rick Steiner doesn’t help by sticking his butt out and blowing kisses to Michael Hayes. Then, he acts like a dog and bites Hayes in the ass.
-Weird seeing the traditional Steiners taunt but backwards with Rick on top of Scott.
-Hayes and Garvin have no idea how to take Scott’s Tiger Drivers and tilt-a-whirl slams. It’s ruining my boner.
-Now the crowd is chanting that Michael Hayes is a bitch. Can I make all of those dudes in the front row LVP?
-Rick hits stereo powerslams before the ref turns his back for about an hour so the heels can hit clotheslines and double suplexes on the floor to get the momentum.
-Please make it stop: JR says Garvin’s make up will make him popular in San Francisco and his idol is “Harvey Firestone”. I hate this. They also couldn’t even get his name right!!!!
-Garvin is really trying to get “yeah yeah yeah” over. Rick hits a leaping second rope DDT. At least that’s what I’m going to call it.
-Scott gets the hot tag and dishes out military presses and Steinerlines. Hayes takes a bad Frankensteiner and Garvin interferes with a DDT. He puts Hayes on top for the cover, but the ref recognizes the legal man for once. That spells the end for the heels’ chances in this one.
WINNERS: The Steiner Brothers in 13:40 when Scott Steiner pins Michael Hayes after a Rick Steiner Belly to Belly suplex.
FINAL WORD: I’m still debating on what was worse: the clash of styles between the two teams or the bad life decisions by ignorant people.
-JR and Caudle preview Halloween Havoc as the next PPV and El Gigante’s U.S. debut. Bob “believes” he is the biggest wrestler in the world. You think, Bob?
-Real hard rock music that I’ve never heard before leads the Horsemen to the ring. Sid is now billed from Tennessee. This sure is a trio. They look good together. Some bad early 90s poppy dance music plays for JYD, Mr. Wonderful and The Giant, who makes the other two look like ants. Where the fuck did Paul Orndorff come from? El Gigante gets a big reaction and the poor ref has to call for the opening bell like 10 times.
MATCH NUMBER EIGHT: The Horsemen vs The Dudes with Attitudes
-Orndorff and Anderson start thankfully…not. Sid tags in right away and Paul trying to be small and vulnerable is hilarious.
-All three heels are taken down by Orndorff. Sid blocks a hip toss and backslide until JYD helps. Sid is the most over guy in the match by far. I once again ask WHY!
-Sid taunts with a random shirt a fan threw to him. He always does something boneheaded.
-All of the Horsemen are sent to the floor before JYD gets his hands on Arn. Gigante gets one punch on Arn, who sells like he was punched by God himself and eyes bugged out like Steve Buscemi.
-JYD sucks. He doesn’t sell anything and it’s not even no selling. It takes a Barry Windham DDT to make him see pervious to pain. He’s rough and bad. LVP case made.
-Sid grabs the ref aggressively for seconds as Barry axe handles Paul in the middle of a piledriver attempt. “We Want Sid” chant breaks out. I DO NOT GET IT!!!!
-Paul is beaten down for a couple minutes until he gets the hot tag to JYD. Gigante has still not legally been in the match and he won’t at all this entire match.
-A quick bad breakdown and this is really all we had for the Horsemen on this show, huh?
WINNERS: The Dudes with Attitude in 8:50 by DQ when Barry Windham and Arn Anderson throw JYD over the top rope onto the ramp.
-After the bell, Gigante comes in and shoves each heel lightly and that’s it.
FINAL WORD: That’s how you avoid disaster with a blatantly green giant minus Sprout. It doesn’t change the fact that it was an abysmal match with an even shittier ending.
-Solie interviews Lex Luger who doesn’t look into the camera and cuts the promo towards the crowd. It’s a very unconvincing face promo. With Luger, it’s always two steps forward followed by one mile back. The promo is worse than Race’s earlier, so he will have to be careful in his match.
-Paul E. Dangerously and Mean Mark enter. I cannot believe we are four months away from the Undertaker here. Paul blows his nose on a shirt and throws it into the crowd. Out comes the Orton to Sting’s Cena in pink. His presentation is so good, the crowd loves him and his booking is wretched. Yet again, so are his babyface promos. JR points out his new haircut that I didn’t notice. I hate this version of the U.S. Title by the way. It looks very cheap.
MATCH NUMBER NINE: U.S. TITLE MATCH- Mean Mark w/Paul E. Dangerously vs Lex Luger (Champ)
-A “Paul E sucks” chant is followed by JR calling him the Andrew Dice Clay of the NWA as Mark and Lex trade stand up arm holds.
-This will be the last time I ever see Mark Calaway complain about a hair pull. Paul gets on his cell and complains about the hair pull. Such cheese.
-Who told these two to start the match with wrestling? Don’t listen to them!
-An incredible leapfrog by Mark and he fucks it up with a mistimed clothesline and punches to cover.
-Old School…no,it’s just School at this point.
-There are way too many distractions for attacks that aren’t even that illegal.
-Lex does a random no sell after a suplex and gets the crowd to their feet on his comeback. He puts Mark in the Torture Rack, but Mark’s legs knock the ref down. Paul gets in and hits Luger with the phone for a long two count. That was a totally believable end considering Lex’s shitty booking.
-Lex dodges the dreaded heart punch, hits Paul and then benefits from a really fast count.
WINNER: Lex Luger in 12:04 to retain the title with a clothesline.
FINAL WORD: That was about as okay of a match as you can expect with a rookie Undertaker and overrated Lex Luger.
-Solie is with Sting earlier on in the day. Apparently, the main event is no DQ and there will be babyface lumberjacks. It’s a slow, strong confident promo. Is he going to do it again?
-The Rock N Roll Express enter and JR tells us their first title reign began almost five years ago in this same building. Doom and Teddy Long enter and are billed as the first black tag team champions. In NWA? Yes. God, I love their theme so much, but it never fits Doom.
MATCH NUMBER TEN: NWA TAG TITLE MATCH- The Rock N Roll Express vs Doom w/Teddy Long (Champs)
-Ron Simmons and Robert Gibson start and JR tells us once again that Ron Simmons is Burt Reynolds’ favorite wrestler and RNR must be Lon Anderson’s favorite. Stale reference alert!
-Gibson gets the better of both members of Doom individually to start as the commentators mention that Gibson came from a deaf family. Caudle says he signs in the ring and can only mention love as an example. You’re so close, Bob! Survive!
-There is no real heat for this. The crowd is tired or just doesn’t care for these four.
-Another over the top spot behind the ref’s back on Gibon by Butch Reed.
-Ricky Morton gets the tepid tag and tries really hard to get the crowd into it. The biggest reaction is Simmons hitting him with a clothesline from behind.
-Our old friend, the incorrect clock, is back! Eight minutes have passed when it’s announced that 10 minutes have elapsed.
-I think I heard Butch Reed call a spot, but it sounded like “you want some mustard?”
-Doom is cut off from cheating by the ref so Gibson can help Morton get a backslide for a two count.
-Long and Simmons both pull Reed’s feet for leverage. The heels throw the face over the top rope again, Long gets a punch in as well as this is cheating personified.
-Morton obviously didn’t want to go up for a Reed powerslam, but he is muscled up. No bumping, bubba!
-Gibson gets the hot tag and takes both Ron and Butch down with dropkicks and punches. Naturally, all four men begin to brawl.
-A convoluted enzigiri by Gibson sends Reed flying into Long on the apron and bringing him inside the ring. The ref is with Ricky and Ron and Gibson got his lazy eye off of the prize.
WINNERS: Doom in 15:40 to retain the titles when Butch Reed pins Robert Gibson with a flying shoulder tackle.
FINAL WORD: The weakest tag match on the show shouldn’t be the highest positioned and for the biggest title.
-Solie interviews Ric Flair earlier in the empty arena. Flair is so loud and cocky talking in his $2,000 suit about having “to be the Man.” This is how you cut a promo. The main event may determine the MVP. The Dudes with Attitude including the Steiner Brothers are the only ones at ringside. I mean, that’s not totally fair. This match is kind of a big deal, huh? It smells of rich mahogany and has many leather-bound books (gotta get that out of the way before the match starts). Ole is handcuffed to El Gigante and I’m sure he’s thrilled about that.
-Rain pyro, classic Sting theme and the legendary shot of him from behind walking out in his USA garb. The crowd is in a frenzy. 2001 and some confetti promo sharts above the champ entering. Baltimore has never seen a title change apparently. Jim Herd is shown on screen as he tells Doug Dillinger to cuff Ole. El Gigante RUNS down the ramp to the shock of the universe. That could have been a national tragedy. They sit on two chairs set up on the ramp because they don’t trust Gigante to stand for that long. Face-off and we are underway.
-This match starts with tackles and screams.
-Chops like a gunshot are no sold, Sting hits a press slam and this is a Luger match so far. Flair is bumping his ass off. He takes a hip toss on the ramp and a clothesline back into the ring. Flair has edged into the MVP lead. Not to get off topic, but how many times has Ric Flair been edged in a Ramada Inn?
-Sting no sells a suplex and Flair sells more great offense. Sting hits a top rope cross body for 2. The announcers sell Sting’s knee holding up really well.
-Almost on cue, Flair takes a shot at the knee and almost locks the Figure 4 in. It gets blocked and they engage in another WOO vs yell. Sting just turns around to the crowd to do his scream and almost loses where he is.
-They are back on the ramp and Sting is selling the chops now. GMC announces that 10 minutes have gone by before the six-minute mark. Don’t fucking lie to make this more epic.
-Sting shows good fire on his comeback, but misses a dropkick and Flair continues to focus on the knee. Flair misses the knee drop and Sting puts the Figure 4 on Flair, who gets to the ropes quickly.
-On the floor, Sting is sent into the rail and no sells it again.
-Flair on the top rope and he is CAUGHT and thrown three quarters of the way across the ring. All-time record for Flair on the top rope: 9 for 20. Sting gets a backslide for two.
-More knee work and chops by Flair. He slaps Sting in the face and that wakes him up. He asks for more chops. We are approaching overkill in the no selling. Sting’s chest has popped blood vessels now.
-Flair does his corner bump and Sting catches him on the apron with a clothesline. Flair sells it like death. The crowd has quieted down. They didn’t do that for Luger!
-Stinger Splash gets the crowd standing. The Scorpion Death Lock is on and Ole stands up. Gigante stops him, the Horsemen run out and the Dudes stop them. This is thankfully the focus because Sting has the worst Death Lock on ever. Seriously, it is TNA 2012 levels of bad.
-Flair gets to the ropes and soon afterwards hits a weird slingshot splash through the ropes with his feet on the ropes, but Scott Steiner runs over and knocks his feet off.
-A very close two count on a backslide, some chops and more begging by Flair. Sting hits his knee in the buckle, but the camera misses it by showing a shot of the crowd.
-Flair tries the Figure Four, it is thwarted and then the building explodes.
WINNER: Sting in 16:07 to win the title with a small package
FINAL WORD: Poor Lex Luger. In all seriousness, this is an amazing payoff after so many overbookings and teases.
-Crazy pyro and JR and Caudle exploding on commentary as well as the replay shows the earlier missed knees and the finish. JR pumps his fist at the three count. Sting walks back up the ramp with the title by himself as more fireworks shoot off.
-A banner with Sting’s face drops with pyro on it. Solie comes over to speak with Sting. His mouth is dry and he puts over Flair amazingly and says he has big shoes to fill, but will do his best. Sting thanks the crowd and that’s it. It has bits and pieces of a great promo, but it’s awkward at times, too. It sure is better than the fucking Warrior. More fireworks and Sting gets back in the ring to celebrate. JR and Caudle recap the show and Bob says he’ll be at Halloween Havoc. Fuck. They sign off and credits roll.
THE LAST IMAGE: A wide shot of the arena
FINAL MVP OF PPV: While Sting and Ric Flair did their typical job, they had a couple weak spots. Meanwhile, Big Van Vader stood the fuck out in such an incredibly short period of time. Oh, it’s time!
FINAL LVP OF PPV: JYD behaved himself as a lumberjack and Bob Caudle wasn’t noticeable. Harley Race was noticeable for his plodding work, shoddy promo and dreadful gear.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: The Midnight Express vs The Southern Boys
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: Mike Rotunda vs The Iron Sheik
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a solid show, but it only featured two great matches. The rest of it is filler, underwhelming or flat out bad. That said, the eventful main event and development of Sting puts this as one to barely seek out. MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: It’s our second Flairiod recapping the last 16 PPVS. After that, the heat is on with a double main event at WWF SummerSlam 1990. What memories will the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan snuff out for Rick Rude and Earthquake?