UTK 03 - Oh Sh*t, The Picts! (feat. Jillian Mannion)
Did the Picts have it all figured out? Where did Hadrian learn to build walls? When will Nat reference another Doctor Who episode? We're exploring all this and more (mostly more) on this week's episode about The Picts with special guest, award-winning Screenwriter, Jillian Mannion.
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More on Jillian:
Jillian Mannion is a screenwriter with over 20 hours of broadcast television for BBC. She studied English and History at university before winning a Donald Dewar Arts Award for Creative Writing and going on to Vancouver Film School where she studied Writing for Film and TV, receiving awards in Academics, Professionalism and Script Analysis. She is currently a mentee on Women in Film and Television UK's 4 Nations Mentoring programm where she is being mentored by British screenwriter Sally Wainwright. Since her time at university she has continued to study and have a major interest in Scottish history.
Link to Jillian’s short film, Young Offender, on YouTube
Rhynie - Archaeological Investigation (video)
Tribes of Scotland c. 150 per Ptolemy’s map
Artist’s depiction of St. Columba converting the Picts
Pictish bull carving
Pictish stone
Pictish warrior with drinking horn carving
Pictish depiction of battle of Dun Nechtain
Kin Kenneth MacAlpin (Kenneth I)
Hadrian’s Wall
Still from “Eaters Of Light” - Doctor Who episode Nat references
“BBC - Scotland’s History - Kenneth MacAlpin (Cináed Mac AilpÃn).” BBC, 11 Dec. 2009, www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/articles/kenneth_macalpin.
“BBC - Scotland’s History - The Kingdom of the Picts.” BBC, 11 Dec. 2009, www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/articles/kingdom_of_the_picts.
By The Newsroom. “Who Were the Nine Tribes of Ancient Scotland?” The Scotsman, 25 Oct. 2016, www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/who-were-nine-tribes-ancient-scotland-865992.
Clarkson, Tim. The Makers of Scotland: Picts, Romans, Gaels and Vikings. Reprint, Birlinn, 2013.
Henderson, George, and Isabel Henderson. The Art of the Picts: Sculpture and Metalwork in Early Medieval Scotland. Reprint, Thames & Hudson, 2011.
Johnston, By Ian. “The Truth about the Picts.” The Independent, 23 Oct. 2011, www.independent.co.uk/news/science/truth-about-picts-886098.html.
Laing, Lloyd. The Picts and the Scots. New Ed, Wren Publishers, 1998.
Mackay, Neil. “The Picts: Who Really Were Our Mythical Ancestors?” HeraldScotland, 26 Apr. 2020, www.heraldscotland.com/news/18406153.picts-really-mythical-ancestors.
Mark, Joshua. “Picts.” World History Encyclopedia, 2 Aug. 2021, www.worldhistory.org/picts.
McHardy, Stuart. A New History of the Picts. 1st ed., Luath Press Ltd, 2011.
---. Pagan Symbols of the Picts. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam University Press, 2020.
---. Tales of the Picts (Luath Storyteller). 2nd edition, Luath Press Ltd, 2016.
Melisende. “Pictish Women.” Women of History, 4 Aug. 2021, womenofhistory.blogspot.com/2008/10/pictish-women.html.
“The Northern Picts Project | School of Geosciences | The University of Aberdeen.” The University of Aberdeen, 2020, www.abdn.ac.uk/geosciences/departments/archaeology/the-northern-picts-project-259.php.
Ross, Shân. “One in Ten Scots Men Descended from Picts.” The Scotsman, 25 Mar. 2013, www.scotsman.com/arts-and-culture/one-ten-scots-men-descended-picts-1583551.
Sutherland, Elizabeth. In Search Of The Picts: A Celtic Dark Age People (Celtic Interest). Trade Paperback Later Printing, Constable, 1995.
University of Bradford. “Coastal Picts Did Not Eat Fish, Research Shows.” University of Bradford, 6 May 2020, www.bradford.ac.uk/news/archive/2020/coastal-picts-did-not-eat-fish-research-shows.php.
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Original Theme: Tyler Collins aka “Two Metre Man”
Additional Music: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz
Producer: Kathleen Mueller Mason
SPONSORS: Direct sponsorship inquiries and other questions to underthekiltpod@gmail.com