053 - Tippin & Choppin
Let's talk about sex[uality], baby! This week we're making sweet, sweet music with jazz musician, Billy Tipton, and Polish virtuoso, Frédéric François Chopin. But it isn't all about the music, it's about gender expression, sexuality...and music.
UPDATE: Shared History has moved - get more info and make sure you don’t miss an episode, visit sharedhistorypodcast.com
Billy Tipton on the Keys
Billy Tipton Trio
Billy Tipton Plays Hi-Fi on Piano Record, 1957
Billy Tipton Performing Sweet Georgia Brown
Frédéric François Chopin
Portrait of Frédéric Chopin & George Sand by Eugène Delacroix
Chopin’s boyhood friend Tytus Woyciechowski
Billy Tipton Story:
Wiki, Legacy Project Chicago, NY Times: “One False Note in a Musician’s Life…” by Dinitia Smith, Stanford Today Online, Hyperallergic.com: “A Portrait of Trans Masculinity in the Story of a Jazz Musician” by Caden Mark Gardner, Making Queer History.com
“Death discloses Billy Tipton’s strange secret: He was a she” - Chin, P., and N. Gallo. “Death Discloses Billy Tipton’s Strange Secret: He Was a She.” People, vol. 31, no. 7, Feb. 1989, p. 95. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f6h&AN=8903200913&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Chopin Story:
Wiki, CNN, Independent
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Original Theme: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz
About this podcast:
Shared History, is a comedy podcast and history podcast in one. Hosted by Chicago comedians, each episode focuses on obscure, overlooked and underrepresented historical events and people.
SPONSORS: This season of Shared History is sponsored by RAYGUN, ECBG Cake Studio & The Banditry Co.