051 - Zen and the Art of Motorbike Medicine
Climb in the the Shared History sidecar as we go on a journey of the "discovery" and definition of what is now known as ADHD, then zip over to Flanders field WWI for the story of Mairi Chisholm and Elsie Knocker aka the Angels of Pervyse [Pervice].
UPDATE: Shared History has moved - get more info and make sure you don’t miss an episode, visit sharedhistorypodcast.com
Sir Alexander Crichton
Sir George Frederic Still
Fidgety Phil in action
The Story of Fidgety Philip by Heinrich Hoffman (video)
Elsie Knocker & Mairi Chisholm in nurses uniform
Elsie & Mairi with Dr. Munro in the sidecar (of Munro’s flying ambulance corps)
Mairi & Elsie at their station
Locations of Mairi & Elsie’s bases in relation to Belgian front line
Elsie & Mairi in trenches
Elsie with her motorbike
Mairi with her motorbike
Elsie & her 2nd Hubs, the Baron
ADHD Story: US National Library of Medicine, healthline.com, attitude magazine
Mairi & Elsie story:
- Wikipedia, Sheroes of History, The Vintagent, VisitFlanders.com, BBC News
MERCH: Snag some Shared History merch and get stylin’!
SOCIALS: Follow Shared History at @SharedPod on Twitter & Instagram
SUPPORT: Our network, Arcade Audio, is on Patreon. Support them and gain access to loads of bonus content from Shared History and other Arcade podcasts: patreon.com/arcadeaudio
Original Theme: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz
About this podcast:
Shared History, is a comedy podcast and history podcast in one. Hosted by Chicago comedians, each episode focuses on obscure, overlooked and underrepresented historical events and people.
SPONSORS: This season of Shared History is sponsored by RAYGUN, ECBG Cake Studio & The Banditry Co.