035 - History Uncorked (feat. Patrick Serrano)

035 - History Uncorked (feat. Patrick Serrano)
Arcade Audio

Set the DVR because this episode's got it all: heartache, tears, drama, light misogyny and Lacey Chabert. That's right, TV Movie Expert Patrick Serrano from the Lifetime Uncorked podcast and YouTube channel joins us to share the history of the Made For TV Movie.

UPDATE: Shared History has moved - get more info and make sure you don’t miss an episode, visit sharedhistorypodcast.com

Our Guest Patrick Serrano!
A gallery of stills and cover-art from some of the TV movies mentioned
The Pied Piper of Hamelin - 1957 (Full Movie - Youtube)
Kates Secret (w/ Meredith Baxter - Full Movie - Youtube)
Sybil’s personalities clip - 1977 - (w/ Sally Field - Clip - Youtube)

More on Patrick:
Follow/subscribe to Lifetime Uncorked: Twitter, Insta, YouTube
Lifetime Uncorked podcast
Lifetime Uncorked website
Follow him on Twitter & Instagram


Buzzfeed News, AE Networks, The Atlantic, Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Uncorked

MERCH: Snag some Shared History merch and get stylin’!

SOCIALS: Follow Shared History on Twitter & Instagram and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!

SUPPORT: DYK you can support us on Patreon? Just become a patron of Arcade Audio and let ‘em know you love us.


Original Theme: Garreth Spinn
Original Art: Sarah Cruz

About this podcast:

Shared History, is a comedy podcast and history podcast in one. Hosted by Chicago comedians, each episode focuses on obscure, overlooked and underrepresented historical events and people.

SPONSORS: This episode was sponsored by RAYGUN & ECBG Cake Studio (all promocodes mentioned in episode are one word, no spaces)

Direct sponsorship inquiries here.