In this episode, the Squad concludes their deep dive into everything that made wrestling in 2019 so crazy. The results will be announced in 2 weeks…unless you don’t give a fuck about no bullshit Swoggie Awards.
In this episode, the Squad has compiled the best, worst, weirdest and funniest of 2019 and picks their nominees for their annual awards YOU will vote on. Augie will sneak, Tope’s takes are hot and more!
In this episode of Podswoggle, Mullet and Tope are still downing the beers (and some Fireball) as they talk about (or over) this year’s Royal Rumble. It’s got Jarrett analysis and racial implications.
In this episode, it’s the holiday season aka TOPE AND MULLET’S RUMBLE DRINKING GAME TIME! This week: Sam joins them with the ladies match. Who sleeps with who? Whose fave is changing? Who gets screwed?
In this episode, Mullet has a last minute game to get everyone excited for the Royal Rumble and its unpredictable nature. The Squad responds with some of the worst answers in game history.
In this episode, Mullet is on the couch with his wife, Samantha, to eat their daughter’s Halloween candy, drink beer and watch a Rumble from ROH in 2016. What number is higher: Sam’s shots or guys gone from ROH?
In this episode, the Squad has a lot to cover. Saudi Arabia travel issues, the Jordan Myles controversy, AEW’s hot start and NEVER MIND THAT SHIT CM PUNK IS BACK AND MULLET WANTS TIME TO TALK.
In this episode, Mullet quizzes the Squad on the lives of Hall of Famers after their enter the hallowed Hall. This becomes one of the most stressful and impressive game episodes of all time. Who survives with the win?
In this episode, Mullet takes a concept tried on Augie and brings it to the rest of the boys: doing pick ems for 3 PPVs in the past. It’s agonizing and funny and leads to a new gimmick. Sorry…New Gimmick Barry Windham.
In this episode, Whidden is left to his own devices several months ago, so he takes the opportunity to rewatch the 2000 Rumble and drink along. His head won’t hurt as bad as Taka’s once this is over.
In this episode, Mullet has booked another zany video game SuperCard that will stream LIVE on Twitch this Sunday. Tope, Rip and Spencer share their impossible picks before touching on some brief news.
In this episode, the Squad Tyson Furiously recaps the busiest week in wrestling in a very long time! Fiend woes, cucks, MMA fighters, tame Dynamite and Tope’s Randy Orton take. Mama Pajama! This is gold!
In this episode, the craziest podcast of the year is here! 16 podcasters from all of the shows of PodSlam 2019 (and some surprises) compete in a mostly non-wrestling related battle! Plus, Rich and Mullet’s thank yous.
In this episode, the Squad is LIVE at PodSlam in Chicago raising money for Connor’s Cure by drafting the best and the worst and the most random wrestling topics ever. This show was so much fun, we hope you enjoy!
In this episode, the Squad is all in Chicago before the big event to promote all of the shows and unveil all of the items you can win and buy at PodSlam.
In this episode, Mullet begrudgingly uses Big Dave’s awards to quiz the Squad on the bad, the worst and everything in between for the wrestling world since the early 80s. Can Rich’s game streak roll on?
In this episode, the Squad discusses one great weekend of wrestling between All Out, NXT UK and Royal Quest, analyzes the pending Wednesday war and WHO CARES CHRIS JERICHO AND LONGHORN OMG LOL
In this episode, Mullet is back with his wife to ruin their insides with alcohol and candy. This time: the wrestling is just as toxic as we watch IPW with a bunch of dudes Mullet makes fun of and Sam doesn’t want in bed.
It’s that time once again! Our traditionally classic episode of selecting our own wrestling companies is here complete with hilarious technical difficulties and every Squad member (especially Augie) bringing the heat!
In this episode, Mullet takes inspiration from a listener and creates a new game concept combining golf and Wikipedia. The first edition pits bitter rivals Spencer and Rich against one another. Who will prevail?