Podswoggle 437: 2019 Marcho Madness Predictions Show

Podswoggle 437: 2019 Marcho Madness Prediction Show
Arcade Audio

In this episode, the whole Squad reveals their brackets for the biggest tournament of the year while they reveal their loves, their hates and their absolutely horrific puns. IT’S MARCHO MADNESS BAYBAY!

Marcho Madness is THIS SATURDAY at 11 AM EST LIVE on Twitch! The 2019 Marcho Madness bracket IS AVAILABLE NOW! Submit yours for a chance to win network subscriptions, merchandise gift cards and more! The deadline is 10 AM EST on Saturday.

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New episodes of the P1 Pinnacle will be airing every Monday night at 9 PM EST on our YouTube channel! The finale of the P1 Pinnacle will be airing LIVE on Twitch April 10th at 8:30 EST.

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