The Ninth Retro Diary Flairiod
1997 is such a pivotal year for the history of professional wrestling and watching this period over again has been a retrospective blast. I cannot believe we are almost finished with this year and it’s time to recap what we’ve experienced in our ninth Flairiod (a designated timeframe named in honor of Ric Flair and borrowing a concept from Bill Simmons and Grantland back in the day). We have three companies, a full-blown war on our hands and so much good and bad to weed through.
No more time to waste! Who were earning their precious airtime and who was robbing Vince, Eric or Paul of their money?
Here are my Top 5 Overall MVPs for the Ninth Flairiod
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin- This isn’t a rerun! The Texas Rattlesnake is making history again as the first person to three-peat as the number one overall MVP. It’s crazy to think that he isn’t even at the peak of his powers and popularity yet. He’s done this by staying original, busting his ass, becoming the legitimate toughest SOB in the game and fine tuning an already legendary character to an improbable babyface. He may set a record that will stand the test of time over the next few Flairiods. (Ranked as number 1 overall MVP in Flairiod #7 and #8, number 5 overall MVP in Flairiod #4 and number 5 disappointment in Flairiod #3)
2. Shawn Michaels- Coming back as an upfront prick instead of a behind the scenes prick only, the Heartbreak Kid is currently on a run that puts him on the top tier of all-time heels. On that same token, he takes his licks and backs up everything he says by being the legitimate best in-ring performer once again. If he had a few more appearances early on, he may have regained his top spot here. (Ranked as number 1 overall MVP in Flairiod #6, number 2 overall MVP in Flairiod #7, number 3 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #3 and number 5 disappointment in Flairiod #8)
3. Eddie Guerrero- Here is another guy on a current hot streak who may have wound up challenging for the crown if he wasn’t injured for a large block of time. Coming back as a wet, snarling heel was a pretty stark departure from before and it’s made all the difference in highlighting that the future Latino Heat is in a rare class of charisma and athleticism. (Ranked as number 1 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #7 and number 4 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #8)
4. Jim Ross- This was undoubtedly the stretch of shows that JR gained Vince’s trust and confidence in his ability and took the main announce job for the next decade plus. He can still call play-by-play like nobody else and his storytelling has come along at the right time. Plus, he doesn’t have to act like a shitty heel anymore. Boomer Sooner! (Ranked as number 1 disappointment in Flairiod #2)
5. Taz- It was only two shows, but you can just see and feel the aura that has been built around the stocky badass from Red Hook. He makes you suspend your disbelief with his intensity (both on the stick and in the ring) and the crowd has bought into him as the future. I cannot wait for more suplexes. (First Flairiod appearance)
Here are the Top 5 Overall LVPs for the Ninth Flairiod
1. Michael Buffer- It may seem like small potatoes, but it honestly means a lot to me that this overrated hack who just so happens to have a decent voice and simple ass catchphrase totally sets the wrong tone at the end of every WCW event with overwritten BS and factual errors out the wazoo. More like “let’s get ready to FUMBLE” amiright? (First Flairiod appearance)
2. Curt Hennig- This one pains me because this is a former number one overall MVP winner and he is a shell of his former self to an alarming degree. His physique is less than perfect, he has no character whatsoever and he is trying to keep up to his reputation instead of adapting and it’s glaringly obvious. I cannot believe I’m waiting for him to don a cowboy hat to save the latter part of his career. (Ranked as number 1 overall MVP in Flairiod #2)
3. Crush- It doesn’t matter if it’s in his own group or standing in line for someone else’s group. It’s crystal clear that Crush needs to be in a group because it’s insisted that he has a job despite being a bad wrestler and being on his own would be an even bigger catastrophe than what he currently is. (Ranked as number 3 uncrowned LVP in Flairiod #8 and number 4 surprise in Flairiod #5)
4. Rockabilly- This was less of a slam dunk than Michael Jordan vs Dominique Wilkins in 1988. He was somehow so bad that his appearances evaporated and meant he ends up being this low on the list just from being largely absent after his infamous debut. (First Flairiod appearance)
5. Vince McMahon- I reckon this is the boss’ last appearance in this section because his time as a commentator is thankfully over. It couldn’t happen faster because he sounds so withdrawn and stressed and fell back on all of his worst habits. It is quite a maneuver to be as bad as he’s been at the announce booth. (Ranked as number 1 overall LVP in Flairiod #8)
Here are my Top 5 Uncrowned MVPs for the Ninth Flairiod
1. Mike Tenay- The Professor has been holding class! You can literally hear him take Dusty Rhodes’ job every show. He never sounds overly prepared like JR can be with his knowledge and his value to the international talents is immeasurable. He’s almost won this a record number of times. He’ll do it for Don West before you know it. (Ranked as number 2 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #8 and number 5 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #7)
2. Wrath- I do not giving a flying fuck: Blood Runs Cold was over with me back in the day and it’s honestly held up even better than most people remember. Part of the reason for that is the heels in the equation and the former Adam Bomb takes the cake in this argument. He was cool, impactful and energized. I totally understand why he gets a single push next year. (First Flairiod appearance)
3. Taka Michinoku- In both companies, the young Japanese sensation was playing second fiddle to the Great Sasuke and outshone him easily by oozing charisma, innovating offense that brought the receptive crowds to their feet and bringing all the potential in the world. There’s a universe where he is equally as important as Rey Mysterio Jr in the United States. (First Flairiod appearance)
4. Ken Shamrock- The World’s Most Dangerous Man is currently the industry’s most up-and-coming crossover star. His intensity sets him apart from everyone else, his in-ring work is surprisingly solid and his promos, while not great, bring an odd sense of realism to the table. I’m knuckling up. (First Flairiod appearance)
5. Perry Saturn- This is another small sample size that’s about to have plenty of chances (albeit in a different company and environment), but talk about an explosive performer. In roughly 10 minutes of work across two shows, he laid his shit in and got the crowd amped. And one of those times was when he had a full fucking brace on his leg! We are welcome! (First Flairiod appearance)
Here are my Top 5 Uncrowned LVPs for the Ninth Flairiod
1. Jim Neidhart- Bret is way too good of a relative to bring back his clearly past-their-prime former partner to essentially be the fall guy for the new Hart Foundation. He refuses to bump properly, feels rigid in all of his movements and sticks out like a big, goateed thumb. (First Flairiod appearance)
2. Tye Dye Guy- It is probably petty to put a fan on this list and it’s even pettier to put him this high. That said, I cannot stand wrestling fans that try to get themselves over as their own personalities and it’s obvious that it is the mission of this fucking guy. To this day, I see him at Florida shows looking around hoping to take pictures or getting eyes on him. This was the first time I noticed him, but it sadly won’t be the last. (First Flairiod appearance)
3. Konnan- It doesn’t matter if he’s a miscast Dungeon of Doom member or a stereotypically complicated minion of the New World Order: Konnan still isn’t working in WCW. His sloppy in-ring work barely gels with anyone and he’s trying to be cool so much that it comes off as totally lame. I cannot believe I somehow miss the bad Power Rangers look. (Ranked as number 1 uncrowned LVP in Flairiod #7)
4. Phineas Godwinn- It’s 1997! Why are we still giving Dennis Knight chances? We can’t find any other partner for the consistently solid Henry Godwinn?!?! His best spot is SPITTING INTO HIS HANDS. (Ranked as number 4 uncrowned LVP in Flairiod #7)
5. Lance Storm- You cannot work in ECW on their first PPV and give out the weakest chair shots of all time and have negative character and charisma. In retrospect, I really should have spared Pitbull #2 and given to the future legend of Calgary…Alberta. (First Flairiod appearance)
Here are my Top 5 Surprises for the Ninth Flairiod
1. Mortis- Chris Kanyon will forever be underrated for his innovative work, but I didn’t think it started during his time as the Scorpion to Glacier’s Sub Zero. The look is still baller as hell, but it’s the way he moves and performs that makes him stand out. I’m legitimately sad that the company doesn’t get behind him and Wrath as a team. REVISIT THIS WHOLE ANGLE RETROSPECIVELY PLEASE. (First Flairiod appearance)
2. Goldust- A babyface Bizarre One seems like an awful idea on paper, but it was actually just the thing Dustin Rhodes needed to breathe some life into his matches and promos. Sure, he’s about to pitch getting actual breast implants, but I will always remember the way he managed to drum up actual crowd support for such an oddball character after nearly causing riots one year prior. Never forget. (Ranked as number 4 surprise in Flairiod #3, number 1 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #4 and number 2 disappointment in Flairiod #6)
3. Max Mini- I was totally ready to scoff and roll my eyes throughout his appearances, but it isn’t entirely crazy when they call him the pound-for-pound best wrestler at the moment. He is electric and has a good sense for what the company and crowd want from him. It’s too bad his time in the company will be so…sigh…short. (First Flairiod appearance)
4. Triple H- Now that he doesn’t have to pretend to be a stuck up aristocrat and has been portrayed as a capable badass that’s still supported by a woman, I can see him growing before my eyes. He’s still struggling to get over, but his feud with Mick Foley and support of new buddy HBK mean the game could be getting started sooner than I figured. (Ranked as number 2 surprise in Flairiod #6 and number 4 disappointment in Flairiod #7)
5. Ernest Miller- Look, I know it’s absolutely crazy to recognize 75% of this entire storyline and leave out the main attraction, but I cannot help it! The Cat’s kicks and work were actually impressive considering how green is he. I’m excited to see him once he has a chance to show off his character on top of the surprising in-ring action he shown. (First Flairiod appearance)
Here are my Top 5 Disappointments for the Ninth Flairiod
1. Raven- What about him? Honestly, up to this point, I have no idea! I’ve only seen him wrestle like seven minutes, ramble some words nobody really cared about and just sit around. For one of the greatest heels of all time apparently, I’ve sure seen very little reasoning why that is an argument thus far. (First Flairiod appearance)
2. Rob Van Dam- It seems like I’m ganging up on ECW in this section already, but I feel like it’s largely warranted for each. In RVD’s case, he is detrimentally sloppy and hasn’t figured out the laid back nature of his character that works and connects with people. He’s barely over. This won’t last long, but I’m waiting to see a reason why he becomes the Whole Fucking Show. (First Flairiod appearance)
3. Vader- He’s had some fleeting moments where you see the old “Big Van” version of the man, but you mostly see a guy who feels beaten and defeated both spiritually and physically. We are in the endgame with the Mastodon and this project sadly. (Ranked as number 4 overall MVP in Flairiod #4 and #6 and number 2 overall MVP in Flairiod #5)
4. Great Sasuke- I touched on it during my spiel for Taka earlier, but this disappointment largely comes from being overshadowed and overhyped. Sasuke was still good, but not the best in the world as we were made to believe. He just didn’t connect with the crowd and had some noticeable slip ups. He was probably thinking about running for public office. (First Flairiod appearance)
5. Syxx- Instead of coming in and being the workhorse of the group, the former Kid stepped down and had a couple stinkers and seemed lost in the shuffle despite his connections to Hall and Nash. I’m counting on him storming back once he is back in WWF (get it?) (Ranked as number 1 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #6 and number 3 uncrowned MVP in Flairiod #5)
Here are my Top 5 Favorite Matches during the Ninth Flairiod
1. Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker at Badd Blood: In Your House
2. Rey Mysterio Jr vs Eddie Guerrero at Halloween Havoc 1997
3. The Hart Foundation vs Steve Austin, Goldust, Ken Shamrock and the Legion of Doom at Canadian Stampede: In Your House
4. The Blue World Order vs Great Sasuke, Gran Hamada and Masato Yakushiji at ECW Barely Legal
5. Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin at King of the Ring 1997
Here are my Top 5 Least Favorite Matches during the Ninth Flairiod
1. Roddy Piper vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan at Halloween Havoc 1997
2. Jesse James vs Rockabilly at In Your House: Revenge of the Taker
3. Shane Douglas vs Pitbull #2 at ECW Barely Legal
4. Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Lex Luger at Road Wild
5. Konnan vs Hugh Morrus at Great American Bash 1997
Here are the Top 5 Win Totals in Retro Diary History
1. Sting- 40 (still despite not wrestling in this Flairiod)
2. Hollwyood Hulk Hogan- 37
3. Bret Hart- 35
4. Randy Savage- 33
5. Ric Flair- 30
Here are the Top 5 Loss Totals in Retro Diary History
1. Arn Anderson- 31 (still despite not wrestling in this Flairiod)
2. Ric Flair- 27
3. Lex Luger, Bret Hart and Meng- 25
4. Michael Wallstreet, Barbarian and Goldust- 24
5. Vader and Randy Savage- 23
Here are the Top 5 for All-Time Favorite Matches
1. Bret Hart- 23
2. Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair- 22
3. British Bulldog- 15
4. Randy Savage- 14
5. Vader and Steve Austin- 13
Here are the Top 5 for All-Time Least Favorite Matches
1. Hollywood Hulk Hogan- 14
2. The Undertaker- 11
3. Lex Luger- 9
4. Goldust and Jim Duggan- 8
5. Kevin Sullivan and Sid- 7
Here is the All-Time MVP Leaderboard
1. Shawn Michaels and Bobby Heenan- 9
2. Steve Austin- 8
3. Ric Flair- 7
4. Bret Hart- 6
5. Vader, Randy Savage, Sting and Mankind- 5
Here is the All-Time LVP Leaderboard
1. Vince McMahon and Lex Luger- 5
2. Roddy Piper, Brutus Beefcake, Nikolai Volkoff, Bob Caudle and Nailz- 3
Here are the Top 5 UNPROTECTED HEAD SHOT Recipients
1. Mick Foley- 45
2. Terry Funk- 33
3. Johnny Grunge- 29
4. Vader- 23
5. Jerry Sags and Rocco Rock- 21
Here are some of the other things I’m tracking
Billy Gunn is still batting a perfect 100% on appearing like Bill Bitchcakes. This record may be in jeopardy considering he will be a part of the New Age Outlaws the next time we see him.
Ric Flair’s top rope success rate barely moved and sits at 46%
Triple H has appeared to be THE guy 41% of the time and done something to surprise me 67% of the time. This is another one to watch as he takes over DX in the next Flairiod.
The Undertaker added five Tombstones and it’s looked like death 50% of the time. Kane added his first two Tombstones and it’s also running at 50%.
DDP and Stone Cold are tied with 16 Cutters/Stunners each. The trend of copying has already started with Buh Buh Ray Dudley and Perry Saturn hitting their own as well.
You can predict what happens with Chris Benoit 85% of the time (including two back-to-back can’t tells.)
The Rock has smelled like his drought before getting into the Fast franchise, then his heel turn has aligned him with his early post-WWE run.
Vader, Roddy Piper and Road Warrior Hawk joined the ‘MVP and LVP” list.
Now that Wrath has tasted victory, Al Snow and Hugh Morrus hold the unfortunate distinction of worst records by sitting at 0-6. Disco Inferno, Psychosis and Kane (not for long) are right behind them at 0-5.
Eight of the shows were recommended, so this one was split right down the middle. On a positive note, two shows shot into the all-time top 10 and four landed in the top 25. Plus, no show landed in the bottom 15 from this period. It just goes to show how focused and hot the business is and it’s only going to get better.
How will it get better? Well, the tenth Flairiod will include the most anticipated and disappointing main event in WCW history, Taz and Bam Bam going through the ring, the official start of the Austin era coupled with the debut of Mr. McMahon, a couple of shocking tag team turns, the rise of Sable and the continued emergence of a guy soon to be known as The Rock.
But next week? Oh, just a little thing called the Montreal Screwjob. You’ve probably heard of it. Plus, another change in formatting for the diary. Get excited (unless you are Bret Hart)!
PPV Rankings (bold means recommended)
1. WrestleMania 3
2. Royal Rumble 1992
3. Canadian Stampede*
4. Spring Stampede 1994
5. Great American Bash 1996
6. Survivor Series 1987
7. Great American Bash 1989
8. WrestleMania X
9. ECW Barely Legal*
10. SuperBrawl 2
11. Bash at the Beach 1996
12. SuperBrawl VII
13. Royal Rumble 1993
14. Bash at the Beach 1997*
15. Survivor Series 1988
16. Starrcade 1986
17. Royal Rumble 1990
18. SuperBrawl 3
19. Chi-Town Rumble
20. WrestleMania VI
21. WrestleWar 91
22. Starrcade 1983
23. Halloween Havoc 1996
24. Starrcade 1992
25. Slamboree 1997*
26. WrestleWar 90
27. SummerSlam 91
28. Royal Rumble 1997
29. Starrcade 1988
30. Royal Rumble 1995
31. Halloween Havoc 1990
32. King of the Ring 1993
33. King of the Ring 1996
34. Royal Rumble 1996
35. WrestleMania VII
36. Survivor Series 1995
37. Fall Brawl 1996
38. Buried Alive
39. Great American Bash 1990
40. Survivor Series 1991
41. Great American Bash 95
42. World War 3 95
43. Uncensored 1997
44. WrestleMania 2
45. Great American Bash 88
46. WrestleWar 89
47. SuperBrawl I
48. Survivor Series 1996
49. SummerSlam 95
50. Survivor Series 1992
51. This Tuesday in Texas
52. WrestleWar 92
53. Fall Brawl 97*
54. A Cold Day in Hell*
55. Starrcade 1996
56. King of the Ring 94
57. Slamboree 95
58. Halloween Havoc 93
59. Starrcade 95
60. In Your House 2
61. Starrcade 93
62. Mind Games
63. In Your House 1
64. Survivor Series 1994
65. WrestleMania XII
66. Hardcore Heaven 97*
67. Great American Bash 1997*
68. The Wrestling Classic
69. Starrcade 1987
70. Beach Blast 1992
71. SummerSlam 1993
72. WrestleMania VIII
73. In Your House 5
74. Royal Rumble 1991
75. Halloween Havoc 1997*
76. Good Friends, Better Enemies
77. WrestleMania 13
78. Slamboree 1994
79. One Night Only*
80. SummerSlam 1988
81. SummerSlam 1989
82. Starrcade 1989
83. Survivor Series 1989
84. SummerSlam 1992
85. Slamboree 1993
86. SuperBrawl IV
87. SummerSlam 1994
88. Final Four
89. Survivor Series 1990
90. Ground Zero*
91. Bash at the Beach 1994
92. King of the Ring 1997*
93. In Your House 3
94. Halloween Havoc 1989
95. Great American Bash 1992
96. Beach Blast 1993
97. Royal Rumble 1994
98. SummerSlam 1997*
99. Spring Stampede 1997
100. Starrcade 1985
101. Beware of Dog
102. Bunkhouse Stampede
103. The Big Event
104. Royal Rumble 1989
105. Survivor Series 1993
106. SummerSlam 1990
107. WrestleMania V
108. Badd Blood 1997*
109. World War 3 96
110. Fall Brawl 1994
111. Hog Wild 96
112. In Your House 6
113. Slamboree 96
114. SuperBrawl V
115. Uncensored 96
116. Fall Brawl 1995
117. International Incident
118. Battlebowl
119. Revenge of the Taker*
120. It’s Time
121. Halloween Havoc 1992
122. Royal Rumble 1988
123. SummerSlam 1996
124. Halloween Havoc 1991
125. WrestleMania 1
126. Halloween Havoc 1994
127. SuperBrawl VI
128. Road Wild 1997*
129. Bash at the Beach 1995
130. WrestleMania XI
131. WrestleMania IX
132. Halloween Havoc 1995
133. Starrcade 1991
134. Starrcade 1990
135. WrestleMania IV
136. In Your House 4
137. Starrcade 1994
138. Capitol Combat
139. Starrcade 1984
140. Souled Out 1997
141. Fall Brawl 1993
142. King of the Ring 1995
143. Great American Bash 1991
144. Uncensored 1995