Mullet's PPV Diary 135: In Your House-Canadian Stampede
I teased a shocking confession at the end of last week’s show. I’ve already mentioned the precedent of having to pick which show I was allowed to purchase as a child once the schedule became a PPV a month per company. Coming back from the Florida trip, the decision wasn’t an easy one for July. Ultimately, I was enamored with the celebrity aspect of WCW’s outing and chose next week’s show.
That fact aside, I still have not ever seen In Your House: Canadian Stampede. EVER.
It’s commonly discussed as one of the greatest shows ever and it was just a blind spot. And I don’t mean like Barely Legal was one that I caught good pieces of. I’ve literally only ever watched the clips that were shown at the time recapping the event.
I think the stigma of In Your House as a secondary tier of PPVs didn’t help, but that’s the only excuse I could even muster. Historically speaking, people talk about this show like it’s something on a wrestling fans bucket list/repeated watching queue and here my dumbass is almost avoiding it.
That has now changed and I’m so mad at myself.
Written on 12/1/22
HOW WE START: There’s a new opening stinger before another video about shades of grey and violence. Mankind is shown taking a sick UNPROTECTED chair to the head and Bret Hart’s turn in the USA due to Stone Cold is the focus. We are in Calgary and “the noble heroes” are the villains tonight. There’s a cow branding animation followed by big pyro to kick the show off in the LOUD Saddledome. Vince McMahon growls his intro alongside Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. Vince and King are wearing some obnoxious ass hats and outfits. Lawler’s hat is so big that you cannot see his face, so that’s pretty funny. The whole show is quickly previewed and that’s not difficult because it’s only a four-match event.
MATCH NUMBER ONE: Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna vs Mankind
BEFORE THE BELL: The heels get big heat for their entrance. A sign in the crowd tells Chyna that they are in room 209. A recap video with Dok Hendrix doing the voiceover instead of Todd Pettengill plays and I miss him in this case. The dichotomy between the two men’s background and their battle at the King of the Ring dominate the narrative before Chyna’s first words are shown from Raw. She told Mankind to kiss her ass and he says he’s a good kisser. Even the Fink is rocking a ridiculous hat. Mankind gets big cheers and he bum rushes the ring.
-It’s all the unlikely face early and he’s great at mocking the patented curtsey. He hits the apron elbow right in front of the Hart family front row. I spotted Teddy Hart and I wish I didn’t unless he’s in an exploding barbed wire or piranha tank match like his WSX days (and there’s our reference challenge).
-Hunter tries to leave, but gets caught on the ramp and suplexed. He can barely get back to the apron and gets punched down anyway. He finally sunset flips in and eats the Claw. Chyna punches Foley to break it up.
-On the floor, Chyna powerslams Mankind into the steel steps and takes it all on the legs. Gross. Chair shots to the leg follow and HHH takes over. He seems like the other guy in the story and Mankind gets all the shine. At least I’ve never seen him do that elbow off the bottom rope onto Mankind’s leg.
-Trips cheats in a Figure Four and the ref messes up catching it. That’s like the third fuck up for Jimmy Korderas, so he’s going to be the first LVP. Things lead to an inadvertent headbutt to heel balls. Mankind hits the knee in the corner, tree of woe elbow and piledriver for a two count.
-After a clothesline over the top, Mankind is stopped by Chyna with a chair and Helmsley hits him in the leg instead. Then, Chyna adds a clothesline.
The Claw is reapplied again after a crotching, but it’s thwarted and a brawl on the floor resumes into the crowd. The bell randomly rings.
Double Countout in 13:12
FINAL WORD: That was a good brawl that continued the story we definitely aren’t done.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The brawl makes it into the penalty box at the venue and they are temporarily separated. Triple H breaks free and keeps it going instead of being a coward. The crowd is super into this. After a match replay, some highlights from the Calgary parade are shown. Of course, Diana Smith is Mrs. Calgary 1997. I hate LVP Dok narrating these clips. One mile of fans waited for Bret’s autograph. Tons of other events like a tug-o-war took place. Back live, Dok (also in a shitty cowboy hat) interviews the Hart Foundation in their locker room. Stone Cold interrupts immediately and gets held back by officials. Bret is the first MVP just from his energy and seeming JACKED to be there.
MATCH NUMBER TWO: Taka Michinoku vs The Great Sasuke
BEFORE THE BELL: Taka gets a decent reaction and I love his singles theme. He’s called “Michinoko” by JR a bunch. What appears to be Sasuke’s actual theme in Japan plays and everyone is naturally saying his name wrong, too. Vince talks about him like everyone has been telling him he’s great and he has no idea. In the crowd, Mankind and Triple H come back out and fight to a great pop before the match starts. Hunter is bleeding and they can’t be separated. The bell finally rings as a fan walks by with a sign that says “this is workrate.” Edgy.
-Even Lawler treats this with some respect early while JR talks about their background. Vince just lets it all go. It’s a slow, feeling out pace to start.
-I have to point out how old this looks. It’s abnormally different and worse for this show. A BIG kick wakes the crowd up. Taka gives a stiff slap back. The crowd reacts to every little thing.
-Huge, flying superhero kick to the floor from the top by Sasuke. Taka responds with an amazing springboard Plancha from the top to the floor and the crowd eats it up. A double feature shows how stiff a Sasuke kick was that I missed earlier.
-The crowd is fully behind Taka as opposed to Sasuke, but a handspring elbow and Asai moonsault don’t offend them either. Taka is still the MVP of the pair with his snap and precision. A Michinoku Driver only gets a two count and then he’s caught mid-air with a dropkick.
-Another Asai moonsault, powerbomb and finish means we go home on a tight ten minutes.
Great Sasuke wins in 9:59 with a bridging Tiger Suplex
FINAL WORD: Start of the art and simple at the same time. This is something to build off of. Sadly, they really won’t.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: The announcers give kudos before a cut to Mankind and Triple H still brawling in the parking lot. Trips is really bleeding now. Foley is sent into a ton of kegs and hits with a shovel to the back. An official is punched and a Pedigree on a crate is countered with a back drop. It’s finally broken up and settles before the title match.
MATCH NUMBER THREE: WWF TITLE MATCH- Vader w/Paul Bearer vs The Undertaker (Champ)
BEFORE THE BELL: This was supposed to be Taker vs Ahmed Johnson, but of course he was injured in a brawl with the DOA because he’s in the Nation now. Insanity. Dok interviews Vader and Bearer backstage and the secret is out: Taker murdered his family! Paul cuts a good, heel manager promo and the Rumble victory for Vader is reviewed. They enter and Vader’s entrance video is him just beating the Kuwaiti reporter. There are a ton of Vader signs in the crowd, but GONG and lights out still rules all. This audience is the real MVP. There’s a big bang when the lights come back up and Bearer hilariously cowers at ringside under the apron and yells at the cameraman.
-It’s all Taker early and Vader seems slow to do much. All of his kick outs and sells lack an oomph. He’s sadly an LVP.
-Vader is better on his attacks and tries hitting the ropes, but the champ is still dominant. This crowd would even be going nuts over That 70’s Team vs D.I.F.H right now (one more to go). Paul sneak attacks, but not enough to prevent a top rope clothesline.
-Easy on the Baby Bull and NFL stuff, Ross! Paul is backed down and it leads to Vader hitting Undertaker from behind and Paul attacking with his shoe.
-Pummeling, clotheslines, splashes and rest holds from the heel. That said, it’s still not my Vader. The crowd is so loud that you can see the camera SHAKING.
-Taker fires up and goes for the chokeslam, but it’s blocked. A Tombstone counter spot is botched because of a Vader fall. The Vader Bomb is counters with a second rope chokeslam for a good false finish. A second, regular chokeslam still can’t get the job done and JR puts it over well.
-Undertaker knows what he has to do and gets him up, holds him there and it doesn’t look like death because of the sheer size, but it’s still an accomplishment.
The Undertaker retains in 13:09 with the Tombstone
FINAL WORD: A good match with an MVP performance from the champ, but it would have been so much better five years ago with that Vader.
THE STUFF IN-BETWEEN: Bearer leaves in a huff and Taker celebrates during the replay. The festivities from the weekend are shown again. A video on the gang warfare with DOA, the Nation and the Boricuas transitions into the Austin/Bret feud. Pettengill thankfully handles instead of Hendrix and it’s much better. This is called the Countdown to Chaos?
MATCH NUMBER FOUR: Stone Cold Steve Austin, Goldust, The Legion of Doom and Ken Shamrock vs The Hart Foundation w/Diana Smith
BEFORE THE BELL: Dok interviews Austin’s team. Goldust has been the peacemaker, Ken almost stumbles over every word, Animal shouts, Hawk just hits his catchphrase and Austin leaves without talking. Some group called Farmer’s Daughter sings the Canadian anthem and it’s received warmly as expected. Fink calls out the premier of Alberta to a mixed response, then points out Stu and Helen Hart in the front row. Bruce is fucking right there getting camera time with his sunglasses, but the announcement receives a roar. This is treated like a big, special deal. Goldust comes out first without Marlena who is home taking care of their sick daughter. Shamrock has his good theme and has a much more adversarial reaction than Goldust’s indifference. Three hot girls with a Shamrock sign totally distract Vince and King. LOD still get somewhat of a positive response. Stone Cold LOVES the atmosphere and has such attitude walking out, making him an MVP with that alone. Brian Pillman is first for the Harts and he gets the loudest pop of the night despite his weird music. It’s deafening. Jim Neidhart has Alundra Blayze’s music. It’s so smart to have each guy come out separately. It’s a risk, but pays off tenfold. Owen’s music gives me goosebumps and he’s got the crew cut. There’s a solid beat before Bret’s music hits and you can barely hear it because people are so loud and chanting. When he comes through the curtain, it somehow gets LOUDER. This is an amazing all-time moment. Bret gives his mom sunglasses and King can’t help but make a bifocal joke. The ten men face off and JR points out documentary camera ringside. WOW, that’s interesting. Bret and Steve are eventually left alone in the ring.
-Bret beats Austin into the corner and the camera is bouncing up and down from the noise. Steve briefly takes over and gets booed unmercifully, but Bret is back on top soon. Every move he makes is pitch perfect. After a low blow, the Survivor Series 1996 finish with the Million Dollar Dream counter is teased.
-Anvil tags in and takes a Thesz Press really sloppy. Shamrock comes in and watching Neidhart try to square up to him is a LOL moment.
-Pillman is next and he’s finally working a WWF PPV. He bites and scratches and resorts to whatever because he has to. He mockingly “taps” Shamrock out. Now, it’s Owen vs Goldust and the crowd reacts to each pairing like a new match. An “Owen” chant makes me tear up a little. There’s also an “Austin sucks” chant.
-Hawk loves beating Owen up. Bulldog enters and hits a delayed suplex and running powerslam with the pin broken up. Bret vs Animal isn’t much because Goldust tags in and gets attacked five-on-one in the tree of woe. Things mildly dissolve and he takes the heat shortly until Owen makes a mistake and the tide turns. There’s just too much action to keep up with. A powerbomb and powerslam set up the Doomsday Device. Anvil breaks up the pin and all ten guys fight again.
-Austin batters Owen’s leg against the post and hits him with a chair. Bruce grabs and tries to stop it (probably unplanned because he’s a fucking idiot) and drinks get thrown. Owen is dragged to the corner for a tag, then helped to the back. Austin is ganged up on in the corner.
-Pillman’s ass is out and he takes a Stunner, but rolls to the corner and Bret goes for his own post attack to the legs with a random equipment shot and the Figure Four to Steve. I’m not even in the building and I’m getting a headache from the noise. Stone Cold is helped by refs to the back and it’s four-on-four now.
-Vince calls out some classic, original Hart Foundation double team. Bret begs off a Shamrock attempt and he bites to allow a square off and of course it’s a dumb decision. Pillman is whipped hard over the French announce table and a full brawl breaks out on the floor.
-Bulldog has some unparalleled fire in the corner on Shamrock. A low blow gets Ken out and he tags Goldust in. Brian is a great constant spoiler on finisher attempts.
-Stone Cold limps back out and gets tagged at the same time as Bret. More classic toe-to-toe and Bret takes his second chest bump in the corner. He answers with his patented sequence and tries a Sharpshooter, but Animal makes the save. Austin tries his own and Owen limps out to make the save and tag in.
-A brawl in front of the family breaks out and Bruce throws something. Austin is fighting the whole clan. Stu even grabs him at one point. It allows time for a distraction and the finish is eerily like next month, but the other way around.
The Hart Foundation win in 24:31 when Owen Hart pins Steve Austin with a roll up holding the tights
FINAL WORD: That’s one of the greatest combinations of matches and crowd response ever. Believe the hype on this one. What you’ve heard actually doesn’t do it justice.
BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE: The brawl continues. Cops and the Hart family get into the ring. Bruce is irritatingly all over the place. The losing team finally leaves to a rapturous negative response. The official winners are finally announced. The celebration begins, but Austin interrupts with a chair to Anvil. He’s overwhelmed by the group, officials and cops. Bret’s fiery punches end the attack and Stone Cold is ultimately handcuffed. He keeps cursing, spitting and kicking. God, I almost think he’s still the MVP. The double birds from behind the back is legendary. Stu and Helen and finally brought into the ring once Stone Cold is gone and Pillman is so sweet with them. There’s Teddy Hart, David Hart Smith, little Oje, Natalya and her weird mom and even Bret’s son, Blade, looking like Youth Suicide (and the reference challenge is done). Martha is prominent, too, in a YIKES moment. God, this family needs to STOP HAVING SEX! People keep filing into the ring as JR puts over the moment and Vince finally signs off.
THE LAST IMAGE: A wide shot of the ring with the entire Hart Family
FINAL MVP of PPV: The only guy who could receive this kind of response and lead to what we got is Bret Hart. He knew the moment and owned every second of it. God damn if Stone Cold still wasn’t close, though.
FINAL LVP of PPV: There’s no true loser on a show of this level, but Vader is a shell of his former self. He was a replacement, he had to be carried and he was slow.
MY FAVORITE MATCH: The Hart Foundation vs Stone Cold’s Team
MY LEAST FAVORITE MATCH: The Undertaker vs Vader
FINAL THOUGHTS: This is the best In Your House ever and one of the greatest wrestling shows ever just on atmosphere alone. The booking is smart and the matches are all very good. The performers fed off of the energy and the product felt blisteringly fresh because of it. This goes near the very top of the list. Why can’t we replicate anything like this anymore? MULLET RECOMMENDS
NEXT TIME: Wrestling in July 1997 is on fire to the point where Dennis Rodman main events Bash at the Beach 1997. What a time to be alive.