Season 2 Episode 3: The Pleading

Captain Drew Butt and his Backup Evil Council review the submitted tapes of the less centrally geographically located denizens of the ship to determine whether they should, you know, live, and stuff. Special thanks to The Whethermen.

Captain Drew Butt- James Harvey Freetly

Arielana Medusa the Mermaid- Jess Landis

Rip Dirtsack- Rich Camillucci

Big Boo Baby the Ghost/Greg- Spencer Hamilton

Cassandra Blanc- Emily Jeffries

Cromulon, No Last Name Like Madonna- Matthew Sipe

Gato- Zach Gelfand

Rade- Brennan Lee

Szczyrba- Josh Bressler

Franklot Pinskalot- Carolyn Murdock

Ricky Pantelli- Art Kulatti

Akon- Stephen Flowers

Usetless- Patrick Gantz

S2E3- The Pleading
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