RJ and Tope rap about fun things about 4/20, not fun things about 4/20, real racism, different types of weed, afro, Terry Crews, a complete and utter disrespect an entire gender and man
RJ and Tope rap about Tope’s doctors, Tope’s hate for RJ, sequels, things that happened in September, all the best parts of Los Angeles and cognaaaacccccccc
RJ and Tope about their favorite times in history, the meaning of funk, Breaking Bad, technology in the 90s, the great state of California and accidentally messing with Texas
RJ and Tope about 4 years of hate, Tope’s #1 rival, a lot of yelling, Trump vs Bill Gates, things to get on the blacklist, award winning white people and music videos in the 90s. Thank you so much for all your support, Friends From The Neighborhood!
RJ and Tope rap about white rap history month, being wider than long, hating your partner’s best friend, Space Jam, Disney, Trump and why voting is important
RJ and Tope about white rap history month, the incorrect name of IPA, Eminem doing stuff, WWE, Fast and the Furious, multiple orgasms and how rap saved John Cena’s career
RJ and Tope about white rap history month, our new TV show, story time with Tope, Iverson, basketball stuff and PRACTICE?! PRACTICE?!?? PRRACTTTTIIICCCEEEE???!!!
RJ and Tope rap about white rap history month, 5 star iTunes review, disgusting things, Vermont, pop stars, PUFF DADDY, disturbing things and a huge update
RJ and Tope about simple pleasures, the most dangerous people in the world, 1989, Elvis (and other racists), fighting the power, great black voices and ….less.
RJ and Tope about children books, The Wheel of Misfortune, honeymoon locations, black actors from England, 12-step programs, the saaauucccceeeeee and being too damn hot!
RJ and Tope rap New Year/Same RJ, the highest charting song of all time, black actors looking the same, Nigerian Dads, Old Town Road: The Movie and gay musicians
RJ and Tope rap about Christmas, Mariah Carey, Ludacris’ career, Fred Claus, a playist race, being poor on Christmas, Santa being fake. RJ Loves Christmas!
RJ and Tope rap about the conclusion of the Drake feud, pooping, NOT BEING A DEAD-BEAT DAD, Tom Hanks, BEING A PRESENT FATHER, ghostwriting, TAKING CARE OF YOUR BABIES and Kanye West.
RJ and Tope rap about Queer Abby, the spirit of Christmas, new arcs, the worst thing you can do in rap, the worst thing you can do to a turkey, awful dads and why Canadians are weird.
RJ and Tope rap about 5 star review, China, jive, Thanksgiving, fake singers, sexy sexy beats, Bed Bath and Beyond, words of the week and did we mention sexy beats?
RJ and Tope rap about trains, RJ advice, RJHatesRap@Gmail.com, the greatness of men, genetic testing, the Adult Video News Report and the Minnesota Vikings
RJ and Tope rap about gay nicknames, white people, remixes, our newest fan Alice, Katy Perry, fake friends, big booties and the bridge between pop music and rap