RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History Month, the state of white people, a delicious break from potatoes, things RJ refuses to eat, grooming your personal parts, having sex with Kid Rock and the last episode before THE SECOND BIGGEST EPISODE OF ALL TIME
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History Month, Anna Hathaway, the difference between rap and hip hop, Hasidic Jews, maa·tuhs·yaa·hoo, BBQ shops and a message from a friend
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History month, white people foods, worst three things in the world, Jewish rappers, references RJ get, Boy Meets World and our very very very rich fans.
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History Month, 2000s film directors, little Big brothers, having black friends, Hip-Hop, Boston and another member of Eminem’s feud list
RJ and Tope rap about meeting in college, best friend quizzes, misspelling Doja Cat’s name, female friendships, reasons for being a best friend, key-less cars and blow-outs
RJ and Tope rap about New Years Resolutions, other demos, one hit wonders, side pieces, famous Brad Pitt performances and the weirdest turf war of all time.
RJ and Tope rap about RJ Hates Spotify Wrapped, not the biggest rap song of 2024, the Tom Brady of BJs, understanding Future’s English, chopped up samples and the first big shot of the Kendrick/Drake feud…if you like that
RJ and Tope rap about weddings, documentaries about our childhood, spending all your money, a very weird F/F/Goose, popular Tik Tok sounds and a music video made for RJ
RJ and Tope rap about holidays, being inclusive, learning Jewish words, the nights of Christmas vs the nights of Hanukkah, Jewish booty and a Christmas surprise
RJ and Tope rap about 5 Star reviews, the state of white people, Beyonce, metaphors that don’t hit, things black people love, things black people hate, Skype and GEAH!
RJ and Tope rap about pre-elections, Disney characters running for office, respecting women, terrible movies, terrible actors, butt stuff and did I mention respecting women?
RJ and Tope rap about Halloween after Halloween, costumes, lady parts, having a sweet tooth, reasons to live, the gayest age and the secret life of Lil Wayne?
RJ and Tope rap about the end of 50Centember, [redacted baby oil rapper], sampling songs from the 80s, feuds within a feud, remorse vs regret, Eminem saying really bad things and rap pettiness
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, mixology, country music, Miss Queens 2024, going after family, a coming-out party and a very confusing request by RJ
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, flirting with couches, Ja Rule’s rebuttal, black pain, future vice presidents, failing spelling bees and the ONE thing you never say to Eminem
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, fun facts about Argentina, a primer to 50 Cent vs Ja Rule, Shaq, being a professional hype man, tasty food vs bigotry and a different kind of martial arts