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In this episode, the Mullets revisit the 80s and it’s a lot of fun. There’s smoking in schools, there’s the Dice Man, there’s problematic friendships and there’s revelations of lame ass reunions. Thanks, John Hughes.
In this episode, the votes have been tallied and the Mullets unveil the winners and losers thanks to YOU, the wonderful audience. Who wins, who loses, who impresses and who is funnier? Listen and found out!
In this episode, the Mullets are trying to set a record for tightest podcast because they are very tired, so a conversation about a mid-comedy that BOTH OF THEM have definitely seen before should do the trick!
In this episode, the Mullets celebrate 18 years together before ranting and raving over inappropriate jokes for puppets to tell, Ashanti’s delivery, QT’s presence and CGI so bad you’ll think it’s another Birdemic.
In this episode, the Mullets revisit the mind of Riley with last year’s blockbuster Pixar sequel. One of them laughs while the other has multiple breakdowns and snowballs into thinking about a toe catastrophe.
In this episode, the Mullets return to the 30 for 30 world to tackle the USFL and Donald Trump’s awful ass before switching gears to the ABA and a fun tale of cool voices, drugs and the most baller deals.
In this episode, the Mullets push on and try to remember everything is awesome by discussing Batman preferences, what constitutes too much Chris Pratt, IP worlds colliding and real world children.
In this episode, the Mullets battle illness and the cold to return to the silent but deadly world they visited last year. They discuss chocolate oranges, unrealistic cats, big eyes and doomsday plans.
In this episode, the Mullets start the new year with some Oscar season reviews and then they get inside baseball (too much?) with a modern sports classic…some say. Also discussed: stepdads and floaters.
In this episode, it’s that time once again for The Mullets (both feeling REAL good after a crazy holiday break) to nominate the best and worst of the movies they watched on the show in 2024. Now it’s YOUR turn to vote!
In this episode, the Mullets celebrate the end of the year with Sam’s birthday choice: a late 90s teen classic that features possibly too much Shakespeare, the controversial face of Julia Stiles and awful teachers.
In this episode, the Mullets have another entry in their annual bad Christmas movie collection! Hear all about recognizable column writers, skating stances and awful charades as they ring in the season. Happy Holidays!
In this episode, the Mullets recap Oscars and Netflix trash before getting into the warm Christmas spirit with a classic featuring earnestness, crazy gift requests and unfortunate references to tragedy and current affairs.
In this episode, the Mullets are still stressed, but persevere through a conversation in the style of Robert Altman himself about his mystery classic. They also discuss too many utensils and all-time bad accents
In this episode, the Mullets are wiped from birthdays and holidays and trips to the cinema, but still have to charge on and recap a wretched movie with bad CGI sharks, Quint impersonators and Brooke Hogan puns
In this episode, the Mullets welcome their daughter before her 8th birthday and try not to destroy her opinions on a bad 2000s animated movie. This is cute, smelly, profane, insightful and funny all at once.
In this episode, the Mullet quickly praise an awful B-movie on the beach before gushing over last year’s turtle powered instant classic. Get ready for hypothetical mutations, teenage lingo and 4 Non Blondes hate.
In this episode, the Mullets have a message of hope after a difficult 48 hours before getting a running start on a comedy classic by discussing pieces of shit, sponsorships, the charm of Sandler and quotes for days.
In this episode, the Mullets dive into two incredible journeys from peak 90s Disney by discussing the types of cats and dogs they are, stellar voice acting, sequels trying too much new shit, stepdads and a LOT of dog sex.
In this episode, the Mullets end spooky season with a whimper via another cheap bad movie from the bargain bin. They thankfully save the day by discussing alligators, unboxing cults and Strangers Things on their butts.
In this episode, the Mullets finally get into the Halloween spirit with a modern horror hit with a sequel currently in theaters. They discuss bad cat names, the weak link of The Boys, manifested trauma and all of the teeth.
In this episode, the Mullets celebrate a crazy milestone and getting through Milton and Joker 2 before diving into Christopher Nolan’s magic movie that isn’t The Illusionist. Here’s to another 500 more!
In this episode, the Mullets continue the road to 500 (believe it or not) with a cult musical favorite that someone has performed in/has strong opinions about. Plus, talks of gardening, laughs and puppets.
All kinds of awesome, bonus content is available on our Patreon!
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In this episode, the Mullets face another storm before tackling a new instant classic horror franchise. They discuss kernels of corn, the power of silence, giving birth, wimpy teenage boys and what not to drown in.
In this episode, the Mullets are both relieved to be moving on from Middle Earth for various reasons. They discuss rotoscoping, a wacky Gollum and probably drug use before the random draw remains a total pain.
In this episode, the Mullets recap 4DX Beetlejuice Beetlejuice before finally concluding Peter Jackson’s second epic saga. They discuss more giant creatures, more annoying characters and more Legolas hate.
In this episode, the Mullets continue to follow Bilbo and the other dozens of characters on this never-ending journey. They discuss CGI regressing, argue over Lee Pace’s acting ability and can’t remember a weird guy.
In this episode, the Mullets return to Middle Earth for the start of another trilogy…for better or worse. Uncanny CGI, interchangeable dwarves and leaders with no charisma all come up as we figure out keeping it short.
In this episode, the Mullets introduce their new, but similar, structure. It’s a struggle when you have to discuss wild covers, bad facial expressions, giant mouths, lightning shooting out of your fingers and hot air balloons.
RJ and Tope rap about THE SECOND BIGGEST EPISODE OF ALL TIME…VOLUME 200!!!! Thank you for being with us for 9 years.
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History Month, the state of white people, a delicious break from potatoes, things RJ refuses to eat, grooming your personal parts, having sex with Kid Rock and the last episode before THE SECOND BIGGEST EPISODE OF ALL TIME
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History Month, Anna Hathaway, the difference between rap and hip hop, Hasidic Jews, maa·tuhs·yaa·hoo, BBQ shops and a message from a friend
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History month, white people foods, worst three things in the world, Jewish rappers, references RJ get, Boy Meets World and our very very very rich fans.
RJ and Tope rap about White Rap History Month, 2000s film directors, little Big brothers, having black friends, Hip-Hop, Boston and another member of Eminem’s feud list
RJ and Tope rap about meeting in college, best friend quizzes, misspelling Doja Cat’s name, female friendships, reasons for being a best friend, key-less cars and blow-outs
RJ and Tope rap about New Years Resolutions, other demos, one hit wonders, side pieces, famous Brad Pitt performances and the weirdest turf war of all time.
RJ and Tope rap about RJ Hates Spotify Wrapped, not the biggest rap song of 2024, the Tom Brady of BJs, understanding Future’s English, chopped up samples and the first big shot of the Kendrick/Drake feud…if you like that
RJ and Tope rap about weddings, documentaries about our childhood, spending all your money, a very weird F/F/Goose, popular Tik Tok sounds and a music video made for RJ
RJ and Tope rap about holidays, being inclusive, learning Jewish words, the nights of Christmas vs the nights of Hanukkah, Jewish booty and a Christmas surprise
RJ and Tope rap about 5 Star reviews, the state of white people, Beyonce, metaphors that don’t hit, things black people love, things black people hate, Skype and GEAH!
RJ and Tope rap about RapGPT, happy stuff, white people music, a career in mediocrity, Bill Cosby, Bob Baker and social media that no one uses
RJ and Tope rap about pre-elections, Disney characters running for office, respecting women, terrible movies, terrible actors, butt stuff and did I mention respecting women?
RJ and Tope rap about Halloween after Halloween, costumes, lady parts, having a sweet tooth, reasons to live, the gayest age and the secret life of Lil Wayne?
RJ and Tope rap about being sick, Maine, lack of Bow Wow, Halloween, the creation of a monster, Napoleon Dynamite, Nicki being Nicki and puns.
RJ and Tope rap about the end of 50Centember, [redacted baby oil rapper], sampling songs from the 80s, feuds within a feud, remorse vs regret, Eminem saying really bad things and rap pettiness
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, mixology, country music, Miss Queens 2024, going after family, a coming-out party and a very confusing request by RJ
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, RJ’s nicknames, WORDS YOU SHOULDNT SAY, good wholesome gay jokes, the origin of super villains and 8 mile.
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, flirting with couches, Ja Rule’s rebuttal, black pain, future vice presidents, failing spelling bees and the ONE thing you never say to Eminem
RJ and Tope rap about 50Centember, fun facts about Argentina, a primer to 50 Cent vs Ja Rule, Shaq, being a professional hype man, tasty food vs bigotry and a different kind of martial arts
RJ and Tope rap about Andy Samberg, drunk white women, rap for tweens, Selena Gomez, Ludacris’ career, Hailey Bieber and black voice actor
RJ and Tope rap about the LA Olympics, break dancing, America in the 90s, a fake real person, bad cities in Oklahoma and the inner city.
RJ and Tope rap about high school, Drake vs Kendrick (again), a special September treat, having problems, weird things about male body parts, joining a monasteries and confusing Halle Berry with Halle Bailey
RJ and Tope rap cucks, diss tracks, Olympics rings, NWA, disses that do not hold up in 2024, Roots, dinner with Presidents and living with white people.
RJ and Tope rap drag queens, Queer Abby, four very weird people. being white, The Masked Singer, shooting your friends and things you probably shouldn’t say
RJ and Tope rap about the state of white people, elections, old dudes, LGBTQ, gangs and a full lesson in handkerchiefs
RJ and Tope rap about St Louis, Buzzfeed quizzes, Europe, the growth of women’s rap, weird looking butts, redheads and a normal RJ night.
RJ and Tope rap about remixes, a new ban, Atlanta, the Mountain time zone, the worst city in America, the best city in America, Whiplash and duck sounds
RJ and Tope rap about reality TV, remixes, the dangers of Atlanta, the dangers of making movies with Tyrese, RJ’s weekly schedule and strip clubs that may or may not exist
RJ and Tope rap about artificial intelligence, creating new songs, a new segment, being a Pimp, dating in the 1950s and most importantly…white being a state.
It’s the same night we recorded our 2025 Rumble picks and Mullet has a traditional Rumble game for Whidden, Rip and his conniving and competitive wife. Who will throw the other two over the top rope and win?
2025 may suck so far, but hopefully Royal Rumble pick ems will put a smile on your face! Mullet, Rip and Whidden unveil their annual exhaustive picks for the big event and try not to get put on a list while doing so.
In this episode, Mullet and Augie welcome Sam for part two of the holiday Rumble tradition while still missing Tope, thinking about all the male wrestlers they can sleep with and being sad about Phil again.
The holiday season means one thing: our annual Rumble Drinking Game podcasts! This year, Mullet is joined by Augie and you can imagine how spicy (and informative) this gets. Apologies to the ladies in advance!
Professional wrestling is apparently back, so that means the Squad follows suit for some quarterly games! Zodiac and Blindfold Games return, Mullet channels Trebek and Mania XL is briefly discussed.
Over the course of two days, Mullet is joined by the rest of the Squad to yell, predict and bemoan their picks for the 2024 Royal Rumble. Tope quits, Whidden is cooking, Augie is on fire, Rip is lit and Mullet isn’t ready.
It’s the second recording of the night, it’s for the ladies and that means Mullet and Tope get really messy. Add in the fact that it’s the 2023 Rumble and you have to know this is going to get bad. Apologies to everyone.
The annual tradition is back! Tope and Samantha join Mullet to revisit the most recent Rumbles via the best drinking game in the world. This edition includes actual liquor, Collision attendance, Cody takes and racism.
The holidays can be pretty stressful, so what better to get through the end of 2023 than a mega game episode featuring the return of the Zodiac, movies, bad promos, a new classic in the Blindfold Tag and more!
The annual tradition is here! The Squad picks their rosters for their fantasy wrestling leagues and it’s an all-time doozy! How does Whidden make history? Who will make Rip and Mullet blow gaskets? Will Tope have anybody healthy? Does Augie remember wrestling? All this, plus a new Easter Egg!
It’s a new quarterly tradition (hopefully)! The Squad scratches the game itch and it’s a bonafide classic. Can everyone win a game? Will Tope’s Zodiac Game succeed? What’s a walkoff win? Why did Mullet spend $20? All of that and more are revealed from your boys that haven’t lost a step.
There’s no better time of year than RUMBLE THEORY TIME! The Squad unveil their picks and it’s an all-timer. Mullet is shirtless, Whidden has whiskey, Rip lights up and Augie is lost and outside.
Mullet and Tope are still making their way to this year’s Rumbles by suffering through last year’s and have arrived at the men’s bout. At least there’s the greatest spit take in podcast history and jokes to enjoy!
It is Rumble season and you know what that means! Tope and Mullet get in the mood by tackling last year’s matches. Sadly, last year was 2022. They discuss failing to learn, Trump support and missing Samantha.
It’s that time once again! Most of the Squad converges to select their roster for our annual draft. Whidden is prepared, Rip is not, Mullet is still coping and Tope is trying to avoid some people. Enjoy!
There are certain stories we have to come together and discuss. Vince McMahon is gone from WWE and Mullet, Whidden and Rip break down all of the happiness, questions and jokes. Then, there’s toy talk!
The news in the world of wrestling has been too crazy not to record, but we aren’t covering any of that stuff. Mullet, Rip and Samantha settle in late at night to fantasy book an all-wrestling season of Survivor.
It’s our 12th anniversary, but we’re gonna pass on Mania picks this year. Instead, here’s the dumbest idea Tope and Mullet ever had: a two man, round rule Rumble in Saudi Arabia. Enjoy?
To close out this limited run, the Squad unveils their annual Royal Rumble picks in typical lunacy. Mullet has a game, Tope has Mullet’s picks with half the effort, Whidden has whiskey and Rich has Summer Rae in house.
The votes are in and the Squad is ready to announce the best and worst of wrestling in 2021! Whidden and Vince Russo are back, Mullet and Tope are slandering, jokes are told and butts are rhymed. Classic stuff.
Mullet and Tope are feeling it, but press on to discuss the Rumble match that felt like it was 15 years ago. They discuss tropes they hate, peeing sitting down, Trump support, defections and BOB BACKLUND. Enjoy!
It’s an annual tradition! Tope and Mullet sit down around the holidays and rewatch the last Royal Rumbles while playing the traditional drinking game. This week: Samantha joins them and talk about the ladies.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Mullet and Rip wrap up their picks for the wild world of wrestling in 2021. This was recorded weeks ago, so there are things in here that are totally wrong now. Classic Podswoggle.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! The annual tradition is back and Mullet is joined by Rip to tackle the best, the worst, the weird and the hilarious of the crazy year of wrestling that was 2021. Voting will open next week after part 2!
Mullet and Rich did a Rumble and started talking about the endless possibilities of Paul Levesque exploring his options. That led to the first (and definitely not last) drunk fantasy booking session. Enjoy!
We took 2020 off, but you know we had to come back in the middle of the amazing year of 2021 to form our own wrestling companies once again! Who goes first, who gets autodrafted and whose computer crashes?
Just like the good ole days! It’s Mullet and Rip recapping the biggest show of the year and all of its rain, surprises, blown calls, boxes, whips, drums and bunnies. Stick around after the closing song…
Podswoggle turns 11 and this podcast is dialed up to 11 with super sized picks recorded across 3 days for the two days of WrestleMania! Settle in and enjoy all of the numbers and a new epic character.
It’s the final show of the limited run and we go out with a bang! On top of our usual insane picks, there’s more jokes, a historic first you don’t want to miss, Mullet’s usual meltdown and Augie Sr.’s appendix drama.
Did you think we were going to wrap up this limited run without an episode featuring a point based game, all of the jokes our wonderful fans have sent us and a LOT of disgusting bodily fluids talk? CUM ON!
Throw on your li’l cowboy boots, pick up your banjo, and hop on the Mayhem bus with Nick, Rip, and Pey as they talk The Muppets!
Nick, Rip, and Peyton turn back time to discuss Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny! They also talk about the state of animation, poorly aged CGI, and introduce a new segment called Film Talk!
Nick, Rip, and Peyton spend way too much time in America (both North and South!) talking about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!
Nick, Rip, and Peyton break out their Fast Passes (Yes, we still have ours!) to discuss Indiana Jones at the Disney parks! Rip also shares some personal, life-changing news!
Nick, Rip, and Peyton talk the ultimate "guys being dudes" movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!
Welcome back! We kick off season three of the show with deep diving on Paris' Opening Ceremony and then we have our first guest ever. Legend and gold medalist Kurt Angle swings by the podcast void.
Hosts are Elizabel Riggs and Bernadette Sefic
Kurt Angle is Jesse Lee Pacheco
Cover Art by Phelix Venters-Sefic
Music by Aaron Dupuis
Welcome to the first episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the olympics! We re-edited it to make it better, faster, stronger, sexier. We talk the creator of the modern Olympics, the niche genre of sports poetry, and the one! The only! Bob Costa’s Pink Eye!
Hosts are Elizabel Riggs and Bernadette Sefic
Cover Art by Phelix Sefic
Music by Aaron Dupuis
Welcome to the third and final installment of the Winter Olympics special episode of What A Relief: The Untold Story Of The Arts’ Tenure In The Olympics
Welcome to part 2 of the special Winter Olympics Episode of What A Relief: The Untold Story Of The Arts’ Tenure In The Olympics!
Welcome to the first part of our special winter episodes for What a Relief: the untold story of the arts' tenure in the Olympics!
The final episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the olympics!
Here it is! The seventh episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the Olympics!
Welcome to the sixth episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts' tenure in the Olympics!
Welcome to the fifth episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the olympics!
Here we have the fourth episode of What A Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the olympics!
Welcome to the third episode of What A Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the Olympics!
Welcome back to the second episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the olympics!
Welcome to the first episode of What a Relief: the untold story of the arts’ tenure in the olympics!
Deb and Peyton wrap up the 5th season of Queer Movie Night by discussing nostalgic television commercials, Megan Hilty and NBC’s SMASH, and upcoming Hallmark and Lifetime Queer Holiday movies!
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Deb and Peyton welcome Evan Mills and Isaac Snyder to talk about Luca (2021)! They also discuss being movie junkies, Mary Kate and Ashley’s tv shows and Peyton not “cutting this out”.
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Deb and Peyton talk about The Birdcage (1996)! They also discuss dearly departed actors, the genius of Nathan Lane, and the difficulty of revisiting this queer comedy with new eyes.
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton talk about Weekend (2011)! They also discuss Andrew Haigh’s upcoming film All of Us Strangers, queer “step on me mommy” mentality, and the progress queer representation has made since the film’s release.
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton talk about Notes of Autumn (2023)! They also discuss Hallmark’s potential queer audience, Faith Hill’s Where are You Christmas?, and Ashley Williams’ closed mouth kisses.
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton talk about Grandma (2015)! They also discuss Grace and Frankie, Lily Tomlin’s acting chops and the polarizing June Diane Raphael.
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton talk about Red, White & Royal Blue (2023)! They also discuss Rom-Coms from the 90’s and early 00’s, Uma Thurman’s Texas accent, and Olivia Rodrigo.
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton welcome back Brian Pember to talk about Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)! They also discuss Garth Brooks, Gaylor Swift, and gays being normalized in film. MAJOR SPOILERS INCLUDED watch the movie before listening if you don’t want to know the twist!
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton talk about Nimona (2023)! They also discuss Barbenheimer, the cowards at the Disney Company and Peyton’s irrational feelings on Chloë Grace Moretz.
Queer Movie Night stands in solidarity with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA. If you’d like to support the cause and help performers and their families who are in need of financial help during this urgent time, you can donate to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program at sagaftra.foundation/donate and the Entertainment Community Fund at entertainmentcommunity.org
Deb and Peyton talk about A Simple Favor (2018)! They also discuss the All-Female Ghostbusters, Blake Lively in suits and “Bechloe” queer baiting!"
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Debra and Peyton welcome Paula Harrington to talk about The Crying Game (1992)! They also discuss trans representation in films, controversial elements of the film and its legacy, and the amazing performance from Academy Award Nominee Jaye Davidson.
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Debra and Peyton welcome their dear friend Anna to talk about The Kids Are All Right (2010)! They also discuss the Netflix red rental envelopes, queer parenthood in film, and crying live on the podcast.
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Debra and Peyton welcome Trish Pomar to talk about Jennifer’s Body (2009)! They also discuss problematic language in the early 2000s, essays on lesbian vampires and falling asleep holding hands!
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Deb and Peyton talk about The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (1995)! They also discuss the upcoming The Color Purple musical film, the upcoming Wicked musical film, and Sara Ramirez. WARNING: Deb and Peyton sing a lot in this one!
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Deb and Peyton talk about God’s Own Country (2017)! They also discuss “Michy loves sausage”, dirty realistic grittiness and QMN’s connection to the Fast and the Furious franchise.
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Deb and Peyton talk about Hearts Beat Loud (2018)! They also discuss being annoyed by Chloë Grace Moretz, crushing on Sasha Lane, and being afraid of change.
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Deb and Peyton talk about Knock at the Cabin (2023)! They also discuss M. Night Shyamalan, growing up in a faith-based environment, and the incredible talent of Dave Bautista. SPOILER ALERT for Knock at the Cabin and Paul Tremblay’s The Cabin at the End of the World.
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Debra and Peyton announce season 5 of Queer Movie Night and discuss the 95th Academy Awards!
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Debra and Peyton talk about The Holiday Sitter (2022)! They also discuss Candace Cameron, Mean Girls references in Christmas films, and the Sister Swap conundrum.
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In this crossover episode, Deb and Peyton are joined by Zoey Danielson & Heather Elaine Abbott (of the Last to Leave podcast) to talk about Princess Cyd (2017)! They also discuss filming in Chicago, spirituality in queer films, and trying to make “Doop!Doop!” happen!
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Debra and Peyton welcome Damon Royster to talk about Fire Island (2022)! They also discuss Marisa Tomei, Shondaland series, and Pitch Perfect fanfiction!
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Debra and Peyton welcome Kennedy Baldwin to talk about Crush (2022)! They also discuss high school mascots, eating bread bowls at the Ren Faire and doing poppers!
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Debra and Peyton talk about Blockers (2018)! They also discuss nepotism babies, sexually empowered women, and watching movies from the perspective of a parent.
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Debra and Peyton welcome back Corie Anderson to talk about Thelma (2017)! They discuss queer roots in the horror genre, evil children, and Debra gets herself cancelled!
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Debra and Peyton welcome Petey Gibson to talk about The Sympathy Card (2019)! They discuss the creative process of making a queer film, Petey’s experience acting and producing the lesbian rom-com, and joining the gay indie canon!
Debra and Peyton talk about In & Out (1997)! They also discuss classic 90’s actors, Disney’s Hercules collectable plates, and craving a feel good movie in these dark, dark times.
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Debra and Peyton wish you a very merry Christmas in July with a special lost episode covering Single All the Way (2021)! They also discuss improv “groups”, Kathy Najimy and Hallmark movie tropes!
Debra and Peyton welcome Jehanne Junguenet to talk about Love, Classified (2022)! They also discuss Muppets Christmas Carol, the Lifetime Movie Channel, and lesbian jokes.
Debra and Peyton talk about The Favourite (2018)! They also discuss the proper way to raise your children, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend having a baby face, and how nasty everyone is in a period piece.
What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Teen movies, Gundams, Three Kings, Christian comedians, Dr. Who,
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Eggnog, FF7, everything becomes a crab
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Audio issues, lovely gifts, Space Aliens Bar and Grill, candy corn, Saint Bones, most bones, T3, Cats
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Vacation, fan gifts, Riot Fest, summer sucks, Seal, Turkey, Cirque du Soleil, Karate Kid, N64 RAM expansion
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Bread, Monster Cereal, theater behavior, Star Power, Double Jeopardy, speeding tickets, Star Wars elevators
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! House of the Dragon, Morbius, MoviePass, crab rangoons, Sean Connery, extreme bungie, Grape Escape, subscription board games
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! The Rehearsal, Majora’s Mask, Vivarium, French words, learning languages, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, V for Vendetta, bible verses, anime
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Air and Water Show, dictator children, Planet of the Apes, Prey, Industrial Light and Magic, My Favorite Thing is Monsters, horror magazines
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Cat cameras, covid, Irish accent, college math, Lollapalooza, bands with no original members
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Group X, TV Land, Zorba Paster, planet colors, racism vs prejudice
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Bitterman, streaming movies, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, shitty comedians, An Evening with Tim Heidecker, Emo Phillips, Weird Al, Jimmy Buffett
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Crypto scams, bad public schooling, fahrenheit vs celsius, tvtropes, Happy Death Day, Venom, Mars Attacks
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Video games, synecdoche, Boomerang Fu, Mac and Me, Jeremy Renner App, first podcasts, smoking
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Riding horses, baby animals, soda pop, apes and monkeys
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Svalbard, skips, new singles, Joker 2, fun movies, Sonic
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Star Wars radio drama, Weird Al, great floods, Homer gets canceled, most famous celebrities, Charles Lindbergh
If you’d like to play along at home click here.
What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Houdini, Rise of Skywalker, Sobe, smoking
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! The Pentaverate, Joseph Decreaux, Tim Tebow, movie snacks, Warriors of Virtue, Vigilante 8, stick and poke tattoos, Triple Six Turtle Christmas
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Longest movies, cat technology, Bollywood, Rick Bayless, I Love the 80s, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Present tense books, lightsaber crystals, seas and oceans, state shapes, Bahá’i Temples, boiled peanuts
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Caveman standup, Jackass Forever, movie posters and DVD cases, Yuri on Ice, Gumball
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Snow, Metaverse, finders keepers ships, recursive islands, tardigrades, sourdough starter, mnemonic devices
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon! Persepolis, script analysis, musicals, hurricanes, water beds
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What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon (Now with Discord)! X-Files, The Hobbit, Rings of Power, British television, Minecraft, everything is IP, Avatar, Jackass Forever
If you’d like to play along at home click here.
What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon (Now with Discord)! Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Boo Berry, Uncrustables, Grandma’s Cookies, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Arnold Palmer, Nudetendo
If you’d like to play along at home click here.
What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon (Now with Discord)! Peacemaker, feet, Truck Birthday, Heartland Cafe, tunnels
If you’d like to play along at home click here.
What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon (Now with Discord)! COVID boosters, Thor Ragnarok, The Fly, MCU movies, boring religions, making history interesting, Pompey’s Pillar, Friends, McDLT
If you’d like to play along at home click here.
What’s crappening in this episode: Support us on Patreon (Now with Discord)! HIPAA violations, Cobra Kai, The Matrix, Home Alone, Pangea, Power Rangers,
If you’d like to play along at home click here.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Rick is straight up in the hospital, so Nef, Sassy, and Vince make their way to a secret research facility to find the missing yeti child, and the occultist who has kidnapped her.
Nef joins Sassy and Vince for the rest of this investigation because Rick has rolled too poorly for words. But it’s not going to stop them from finding that missing yeti- the villain might. But not that.
The investigators are looking for a kidnapped yeti... and Rick quadruples down on his awful rolls.
It’s a new year and two classic Blank Slate concepts are fused together once again: drafting and exhaustive entertainment awards talk! Rip and Mullet are joined by their buddy, Ozzy, to draft the 2023 Emmy nominees!
Two regular Blank Slate ideas fused into one! Rip, Mullet and Tony are joined by Tope Adebanjo for a new fantasy league around picking the teams that will exceed their expectations. This is the draft of the inaugural season!
Rip and Mullet welcome Connor Doyle to the show to mash up our annual awards season deep dive with the new norm here on the Blank Slate- drafting! Enjoy the hot takes, random ass stories and overall love of film!
Mullet and Rip are once again joined by Sam and Tope joins them for a fantasy draft around trios they want to blaze with. Children, fictional characters and legends all make the cut. Toke up and enjoy!
Tis the season for another draft! Mullet and Rip are joined by Johnny O’Mara and Charly Williams to take all of the movies, specials, songs and experiences that make the holidays the most wonderful time of the year.
It feels like it’s all been building to this: a full blown SEVEN ROUND extravaganza featuring Mullet, Rip, Samantha and Maddie meticulously selecting the best in the world of chicken. You’re gonna get hungry.
The unofficial first draft of the Blank Slate happened on the streets of Key West on the way to a dope ass wedding. Mullet, Rip, Sam, Charly, Tope and Whidden make their picks for the evening. What hooligans.
The new era of the Blank Slate is here! Travel back to the summer when Mullet, Rich and Sam were up late and hungry. The inaugural draft features a debate on location, plenty of naps and crushed balls. THE NEW ERA!
The world of TV the past year was pretty wild and the Emmys are this coming up. That means Mullet & Rip have to talk an incredibly long time about their predictions and hot takes!
The world of movies in 2021 was pretty wild and the Oscars are this weekend. That means Mullet, Rip and Tony have to talk an incredibly long time about their predictions and hot takes (with offensive accents, too!)
It’s a Blank Slate tradition: Mullet prompts Rich with the nominees and the TV expert breaks down what’s BS, what should win and what is missing. This year, the nominees are so popular that Mullet can try and speak!
The past year in movies was just as crazy as everything else, so the usual Blank Slate gang breaks down all of the categories. Can Mullet defend his pick? Will Tony successfully tear down the fave? What did Rip watch?
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Tony Kolt allows Rich Camillucci and Ozzy Canizales to speak at length about the current Miami Heat playoff run.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Mullet and Rich have a thorough conversation about the 2020 Emmy Awards.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Mullet and Rich rank their top 10 TV shows of the decade.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Mullet and Rich rank their top 10 TV shows of the decade.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Mullet and Rich rank their top 10 unscripted TV shows of the decade.
Happy New Year! In this episode of The Blank Slate, Rich and Mullet watched CATS and then this happened.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Hollywood Hardwood finally makes its way to your feed! Recorded live at PodSlam 2019 and hosted by Connor Doyle & Chris Mullet, this most necessary podcast blends hoops and the silver screen together for action packed trivia.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Rich, Mullet, and Samantha have a brief chat about Survivor: Edge of Extinction just HOURS before the finale which has concluded by the time you’re listening to this.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Mullet, Rich, and Osman break down every, single Emmy category. SO YES, this release date was sorely miscalculated as half of these have already been awarded…
In this episode of The Blank Slate, now that there's some distance between them and the heat of NBA Free Agency, Rich, Mullet, and Osman can finally look back at of all the 2018 moves with no emotion whatsoever.
In this episode of The Blank Slate's Bank Shot, Rich and Osman finally welcome The Kid from Akron, Mullet, to give one last look at the NBA Finals, what's going to happen in free agency, and more!
In this episode of The Blank Slate's Bank Shot, Rich and Osman pick up right where they left off! They then briefly run down the lies the rest of the playoffs have told us before a heated conversation…
In this episode of The Blank Slate's Bank Shot, Rich and Osman both recap the ups and downs in both of their eventful weekends, give credit where credit is due and lament the Eastern Conference Playoff seedings.
In this episode of The Blank Slate's Bank Shot, Osman recaps Game 3 to a clueless, but hustling, Rich. Later, they dissect the impact of Miami vs Philadelphia in a pop-culture showdown for other consolation supremacy.
In this episode of The Blank Slate's Bank Shot, Rich and Osman crow about the Miami Heat's Game 2 victory, predict SoFla celebrity sightings, and learn what will finally kill them.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Rich transforms it into The Bank Shot with Osman Canizales in which these two fired up Miami Heat fans talk about the Heat playoff run as long as they're in the postseason. At this rate, that won't be long.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Rich and Mullet run down both of their Super Bowl experiences, the season that was, commercials, This Is Us, Netflix disruption, and the NBA Trade Deadline.
In this episode of The Blank Slate, Rich and Mullet recap the sorrowful and predictable results of the NFL Conference Championship games, kinda talk about the Super Bowl matchup, and round things out with...
Carolyn and Karma chat about the Thunderdome, Renee Young’s next gig, Big Brother, the Jonas brothers and what was a stressful week for Sonya Deville. Also: Throwing shade at Julie Chen-Moonves.
Carolyn and Karma establish a new era in podcasting, also, it’s hot. Plus, Seth versus Dominic(?!), The Rock buys the XFL (?!), and your weekly Big Brother All-Stars Recap.
Carolyn and Karma are BACK because Julie Chen is BACK trying to corral 20 (or whatever) house-guests for BIG BROTHER!! Also: Predictions on Bella Baby Names, Our Lives in Quarantine and other bits of news from the last few weeks.
Carolyn and Karma keep on quarantining with Tiger King, the closing of the worlds greatest salad bar, more weird Wrestling and Nick Jonas being a creep about Ted Williams. Also: Animal Crossing, obviously.
Carolyn and Karma bring you another special quarantine episode of the worlds #1 Animal Crossing/Jonas Brothers/CBS Produced Reality Shows/Wrestling/Food Eating podcast! This time: how the last month of Lockdown has been treating us, our thoughts on a WEIRD Wrestlemania, all the layoffs, no more LA Wildcats, our favorite Animal Crossing Villagers and more!
Carolyn and Karma report from their respective bunkers over Google Hangout to bring you a BRAND NEW episode! What have we been doing during quarantine? What fruits did we start with in Animal Crossing? What’s Survivor up to these days? Also, wrestling is weird and empty and maybe that’s good?
Carolyn and Karma save the planet from babies, wonder what exactly that smell is, and FMB a new group of Masked Singers. Also: Obsessions, Hot Dogs, Kumquat Korner, Animal Crossing Direct, AEW Dynamite and Jonas on The Voice.
Carolyn, Karma and The Producer make their way through the February 2020 Tokyo Treat box, trying to also rate each treat on sexiness.
Carolyn forgets to watch the Survivor Premiere, Karma needs an Animal Crossing Direct to be happy and they both try maybe the most disgusting drink in New Flavors history. Also: Jonas baby?!, Bella Twins to the HOF!? Jeff Cobb?!, Obsessions, Eggplants, Hot Dogs and what Charlotte probably says.
Carolyn is back from her cruise and fills in Karma on cruise life in 2020. Also, maybe a couple of someones got pregnant at roughly the same time, Also: Animal Crossing hype, plenty of new flavors hecho en mexico, hot dogs and tons more!
Carolyn is busy looking out Portholes and getting arrested on a ship this week, so we bring you a special FREEBIE of the newest episode of the AWARD WINNING* Patreon Exclusive podcast “The Holes in Holes”. Carolyn and Karma discuss a few more of their favorite holes, a maritime hole, a home and depression.
Carolyn and Karma engage in very interesting discourse surrounding prayer habits, as well as the tidbits of news that they picked up while not watching much wrestling this week. Also: Plenty of New Flavors of Old Favorites, Obsessions, the Jonas Brothers’ new single, Sammy Sosa kisses, the many gimmicks of Jesus, and the Pizza Hut Reading Challenge.
Carolyn and Karma try to piece together the mysteries of the universe and our place in it. Also: New-ish flavors, Taco Bell problems, AEW getting a new TNT deal, Mercedes Martniez signing with WWE and looking ahead to new Jonas.
Carolyn and Karma run down another week of their lives. More Disney Collect, a quick AEW recap, what the heck happened to the Royal Family, Nikki and Ardem’s engagement, and tons more! Plus: New flavors, plenty of FMB’s, hot dog cannons and what Sammy Sosa is up to these days.
Carolyn and Karma don't have a lot of wrestling to talk about, so things get off the rails FAST. We do manage to get through Wrestle Kingdom 14 picks, New Flavors, Hot Dogs and break news on WW3!
Carolyn and Karma run down their resolutions, pop culture and wrestling predictions, and a full review of Cats.
Carolyn, Karma and The Producer hand out the SIXTH set of their annual awards for the best in Wrestling, Reality TV, The Jonas Brother and more!
Carolyn and Karma are back for another week of (almost no) Wrestling talk, Survivor recaps, Jonas news and how people are the worst. Plus: Obsessions, Eggplants, who’s Seth Rollins with this week?, Kumquat Korner and Hot Dog Cannons.
Carolyn and Karma are BACK with thoughts on Pokemon, Disney+, Black Friday, and the benefits of mental health checks! Plus: New Flavors, Kumquat Korner, Hot Dog Cannons and putting twizzlers in the same bag as actual good candy.
Happy Thanksgiving to our wonderful kumquats! As our special Thanksgiving treat to you, we present our unboxing (and eating) of the November 2019 Tokyo Treat Subscription Box! We go on an eating tour of Japan as we actually learn a little about the different sights and tastes of the land of the rising sun!
Carolyn and Karma are taking a brief Thanksgiving break, and as an early way to give our thanks to all kumquats, we are presenting a sneak preview of our critically acclaimed* Patreon exclusive Series: “The Holes in Holes Podcast”. To subscribe to our Patreon and unlock all other (and future!) episodes, visit www.patreon.com/arcadeaudio now!
*-we are our own harshest critics, and we LOVE The Holes in Holes!
Carolyn and Karma gush over Disney+, Full Gear, and a weird week in wrestling news. Plus: Eggplants, Survivor, CM Punk, more late-night Instagram purchases and some choice words for Dexiters.
Carolyn and Karma talk about who knows what! I just got back from a late shift at work. God help us all. They probably talked about AEW, Survivor, the nightmarish Saudi Arabia trip for WWE and other junk. Holes? The Jonas Brothers? Probably.
Carolyn and Karma present another VERY special episode where we review the October 2019 Tokyo Treat box! Apple Pie KitKats and way too many gumballs highlight a weird box.
Carolyn and Karma rejoice about holes. Also, Dynamite, Survivor, WNBA logos, Champagne and a new flavor of Eva Marie’s favorite energy drink.
Carolyn and Karma continue to fall back in love with wrestling, recap Total Divas, Survivor and the week in Jonas. Also: A complex NBA Season Preview, Eggplants, Hot Dog Cannons and more!
Carolyn and Karma recap a HUGE week of Jonas Brother Concerts, the 2nd episode of AEW Dynamite, Carmella’s juicy week on Total Divas and more! Plus: Obsessions, Eggplants, Hot Dogs, New Flavors, Kumquat Korner and the complex political climate of China.
Carolyn and Karma talk about wrestling for the first time in a while because it’s good again! AEW Dynamite, NXT on USA, Total Divas and bits of Raw, as well as the aftermath of the first ever head-to-head Wednesday night war! Also: Survivor, Obsessions, Hot Dog Cannons, Jonas Brothers Concert Hype and Judge Hatchet.
Carolyn and Karma are LIVE from Chicago with a very special episode from Podslam 2019 to help raise money for Connor's Cure! Donations are still open at www.arcadeaudio.net/podslam!
Carolyn and Karma are busy putting together their amazing Podslam 2019 plans, so through Podcast magic, we bring you a previously recorded episode where we try everything from the August 2019 TokyoTreat Subscription Box in a super-sized edition of New Flavors of Old Favorites!
The boys dine at their favorite restaurant.
Gator Day 2019 shirts are still available at GatorDay2019.com!
The deputies talk school misunderstandings, Big Dog shirts, and bowling with guest Derek Jeter (Laurel Posakony).
The deputies talk celebrities, art, and pranks.
The deputies are back for season two! They talk housing, side hustles, and vacation.
The deputies attempt to save Christmas in the season one finale of Riverside Law.
The deputies have a Christmas party at the station.
The deputies share election news and interview local businessman Sherman Wynot.
The staff at Guinness Memorial Hospital come together once again to talk medical procedures and diagnose some illnesses.
The sheriff and deputies are visited by their number one fan, France Reginald (Kirk Ellis.)
The deputies investigate a case with the help of Special Agent Diane Keaton (Sarah Jean Peters).
In this episode, we visit Riverside Methodist Church, Food Giant, Copper Hills Subdivision, and the Weatherby Household.
Kyle Montana (Rich Camillucci) joins the sheriff and deputies to discuss volunteering, the sheriff election, and high-speed internet.
Ben Smith (Peyton Lynch) sits in for a missing Irish O’Leary. Do they look for him? Short answer: No.
Kate Mass (Rachel Smith) comes on to celebrate Gator Day!
The sheriff and deputies get new assignments and talk with local celebrity chef Ronnie Beans
The sheriff and deputies head to Horace's bunker to talk movies, the apocalypse, and more life hacks.
The sheriff and deputies talk jobs, life hacks, and health.
The sheriff and deputies get nasty.
The sheriff and deputies talk cover bands, pirates, and petty thievery.
The sheriff and deputies talk party boats, promotions, and the secrets to living a long life.
The sheriff and deputies talk body paint, vacation spots, and the theatre.
The sheriff and deputies talk drugs, dogs, and local events.
The pilot episode of Riverside Fall Sheriff's Department community outreach podcast. Hosted by Sheriff Rachel Smith, Detective "Irish" O'Leary, Corporal James J. Hicks, and Deputy Horace Pepperweather.
"If we're gonna rob this bank, we gotta think hard because... we're dealin' with idiots here."
Recorded on February 5, 2020, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re going to Flavortown!
Recorded on January 29, 2020, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’ve got Beatlemania!
Recorded on January 22, 2020, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re talking about the king of the blockbuster!
Recorded on January 15, 2020, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re staying up past our bedtime!
Recorded on January 8, 2020, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re running down the last decade!
Recorded on December 18, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re visiting Halloween Town!
Recorded on December 11, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we need to talk about Kevin!
Recorded on December 4, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, it’s Christmas time, Charlie Brown!
Recorded on September 30, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we're going Old School!
Recorded on September 16, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we're doing it our way!
Recorded on September 9, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we're headed to the spookiest place on Earth: Maine!
Recorded on August 26, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re making some French connections!
Recorded on September 21, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’ve got some never before heard questions from past shows!
Recorded on August 19, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re ba-da-ba-ba-ba lovin' it!
Recorded on August 12, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re going on an Odyssey to Mount Olympus!
Recorded on August 5, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re Tokyo Drifting all the way to the finish line!
Recorded on July 29, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we celebrate the birthday of the Boy Who Lived!
Recorded on July 22, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, our 100% real Florida cast revisits their home state!
Recorded on July 8, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re celebrating 25 years of Dookie!
Recorded on June 24, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re taking a trip to the great outdoors!
Recorded on June 17, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, it’s the third and final episode in a trilogy!
Recorded on June 10, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, it’s part two of a trilogy!
Recorded on June 3, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, it’s part one of a trilogy!
Recorded on May 13, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re headed to that place from Ferris Bueller!
Recorded on May 6, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights, it's time to meet the Muppets on Sleeping Dogs tonight!
Recorded on July 1, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we’re headed to the Upside Down!
Recorded on April 29, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we want to thank you for being a friend!
Recorded on April 22, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, our planeteers take on the Eco-Villains!
Recorded on April 15, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, you won’t need a password or a secret knock to get into this speakeasy!
Recorded on April 8, 2019, it's Let Sleeping Dogs Lie! On today's episode, we're headed to the city that never sleeps!
This visitor to the confessional looks to complete the seven…
Confessor: Sammy Tamimi
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional weathers the weather…
Confessor: Kat Gotsick
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional bruises a few bananas…
Confessor: Ashley Victoria
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional returns for their annual session…
Confessor: Simon Collier
Priest: Padraic Connelly
In this, the first ever episode of the Our Father Church Bulletin, Father Connelly is taking a sabbatical, returning for a LIVE confession at PodSlam on September 21st, and more!
This visitor to the confessional is on a runaway train…
Confessor: Allie Murphy
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional scouted incorrectly…
Confessor: Chris Jowett
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional has a lot on their mind…
Confessor: Eddie Pina
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional has taken hospitality to new levels…
Confessor: Elizabel Riggs
Priest: Padraic Connelly
In this special episode of Our Father, the visitors may be familiar, but the sauce certainly isn't.
In this special episode of Our Father, the visitors may be familiar, but the sauce certainly isn't.
This visitor to the confessional is overflowing with spirit…
Confessor: Kennedy Baldwin
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional has developed a new vice…
Confessor: John Schnorrenberg
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional has so many fun facts…
Confessor: Glo Chitwood
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional had themselves a prank gone wrong…
Confessor: Deputy Horace Pepperweather (Nick Wilson)
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional wants to connect with their family…
Confessor: Roneesh Vashisht
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional wants to learn more about you…
Confessor: Joelle Mendoza
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional is managing nuisances…
Confessor: Tobias Childs
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional has an opportunity for you…
Confessor: Resham Sarkar
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional is coming off the top rope.
Confessor: Trent Dozier
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional will take care of that for you once you’re gone.
Confessor: True Walters
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional only wants you to have a good trip.
Confessor: Kevin Fergus
Priest: Padraic Connelly
This visitor to the confessional is consumed with envy.
Confessor: Natalie Mueller Younger
Priest: Padraic Connelly
In this episode, the Mullets tackle the movie YOU voted for at the Mullet Awards and it’s a nostalgic trip for them to the titular field so they can discuss boys’ interests versus girls’ interests, growing pains and stepdads.